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My Cold Boyfriend Love You

Episode 1 Intro and...

Hello everyone I am Max

Height :- 6'7

Weight :- 78

Work :- cold businessman CEO

Hey, guys I'm Ella or you can call me the prettiest girl if u want it would be easy to introduce myself

Height:- 5'5

Weight :- 60

Work :- Secretary or businesswoman who works under Max

Max And Ella have Two cute pets One is dog and another is cat oh come on! who wouldn't love dog or cat must be in prison with all the animals in the world!!

I'm sure you're going to Love them!

Hey, and here is another photo of Max and Ella first kiss just so wonderful let me show you

The photo isn't that nice but trust me the moment was amazing MAX and ELLA were just teenagers.

They went out to a night out together they did so many things together but sometimes he was too cold to me because of his work and stuff but i never let that into our relationship.


Under the canopy of a starlit sky, Max and Ella found themselves at the edge of a serene, moonlit lake. The gentle hum of crickets and the occasional ripple of the water were the only sounds breaking the tranquil silence. They had arrived at this secluded spot after a day of exploring and laughter, and now, with the night wrapping around them like a soft blanket, the world seemed to pause.

Max spread out a cozy blanket on the grass and they both sat down, their shoulders brushing. Ella leaned her head against Max’s, feeling the warmth of his presence.

"Do you remember when we first met?" Max asked, his voice tender.

Ella smiled softly. "How could I forget? It was like meeting a piece of myself I didn’t know was missing."

Max took her hand in his, the touch sending a gentle shiver down her spine. "I felt the same way. Every moment with you has felt like discovering something new and wonderful."

Ella turned to face him, her eyes reflecting the starlight. "It’s like we have our own little world when we’re together."

Max nodded, his gaze locked with hers. "And I wouldn’t trade it for anything."

The air between them seemed to shimmer with unspoken feelings. Max leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a slow, tender kiss. It was a kiss full of promises and memories, a silent vow to cherish every moment they had together.

As they pulled away, Ella nestled closer, her heart swelling with affection. "I love you," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

"And I love you," Max replied, his words a soothing caress.

The night wrapped around them, a quiet witness to their love, and they sat together, hand in hand, savoring the peaceful intimacy of the moment.

And they both moved to another camp they have built together

The stars glittered above, their light mirrored in Ella's eyes. Max gently traced her cheek with his fingertips, and laid her on the bed and towering over her savoring the quiet. "Every moment with you feels like a dream," he murmured. Ella’s heart fluttered as she snuggled closer, the world outside their embrace fading into a comforting blur of tranquility.

Episode - 2 Office

THE Office Conference Room

Max is at the head of the table, papers spread out in front of him. His demeanor is unusually icy, his focus sharp and unyielding. Ella enters the room, carrying a stack of documents, her usual warm demeanor slightly dimmed by the cold air emanating from Max. She places the documents on the table, her eyes meeting his with a hint of concern.

Ella :-(tentatively) "Hey, Max. I’ve got the quarterly reports you asked for. Anything else you need help with?"

Max :- (without looking up) "No, that’s all. You can go."

Ella’s eyes narrow slightly, sensing something is off. She knows Max’s coldness isn’t typical; he’s usually more engaging, even if he’s direct. There’s a reason behind his demeanor, she can tell.

Ella :- (trying to keep her tone light) "You seem a bit out of sorts today. Everything alright?"

Max :- (with a sharp edge) "Everything’s fine. Just focusing on some important issues."

Ella’s curiosity piqued, she takes a seat, deciding to press gently.

Ella :-"I understand you’re busy, but if you want to talk about anything, I’m here."

Max glances at her, his expression softening just a fraction before hardening again.

Max :- "Thanks, but I don’t need any distractions. We have a new business venture that’s crucial for the company’s growth, and it’s consuming all my attention."

Ella nods, sensing that his coldness is linked to something big, but also knowing it’s not her place to pry further. She stands up to leave but pauses, giving him a sympathetic look.

Ella :-"I hope it all works out. If you change your mind about talking, you know where to find me."

As Ella exits, she wonders about the nature of this new venture Max is so absorbed in. Is it a breakthrough or a challenge? The uncertainty hangs in the air, but she knows Max will deal with it in his own way, even if it means pushing people away.

Ella left the conference room, her mind racing with questions about Max’s unusual behavior. As she walked down the hallway, she glanced back at the conference room door, feeling a pang of worry for her colleague and friend.

Max, alone now, sat at the head of the table with the quarterly reports spread out in front of him. His usual confidence was replaced by a sharp, almost desperate focus. The new business venture was a significant gamble, and its success or failure could define the future of the company.

A knock on the door jolted him from his thoughts. He looked up to see the door open and his top executive, Linda, step in.

Linda: "Max, I need a quick update on the venture. Have we finalized the pitch for the board?"

Max: "Yes, we’re ready. I’ve reviewed everything and made the necessary adjustments. The presentation is set for tomorrow."

Linda: "Good. I’ve been hearing mixed signals from the team. Are we fully prepared for the potential objections?"

Max: "We’ve anticipated the major concerns and have strategies in place. But it’s crucial we stay adaptable."

Linda nodded, her concern evident. "I know you’re under a lot of pressure. If you need any support or want to discuss anything, I’m here."

Max: "Thanks, Linda. I appreciate it, but right now, I need to focus. This pitch is make-or-break."

Linda gave him a sympathetic look before leaving, understanding the weight of the situation Max was shouldering.

As Max returned to his papers, the gravity of the situation felt almost overwhelming. He reviewed the data, adjusted projections, and made final tweaks to the presentation. Each detail had to be perfect.

Max hoped that his intense focus would lead to a successful outcome. The future of the company depended on it, and he knew that he couldn’t afford any mistakes. As he worked through the night, he kept Ella’s words in mind. Despite his resolve to handle this alone, he knew that support from his team could make a difference.

What will happen?...

Max's eyes were glued to the screen, the soft glow of his computer the only light in the dimly lit office. The silence of the late night was punctuated only by the occasional click of the keyboard and the hum of the air conditioning. He felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on him, each decision carrying the potential to make or break the company.

Ella’s voice echoed in his mind, her words a blend of encouragement and gentle warning. “You don’t have to do this alone, Max. We’re in this together.” She had always believed in the power of collaboration, in the strength that came from leaning on others. But Max, ever the perfectionist, had a hard time letting go of control.

As the hours ticked by, fatigue began to creep in. His vision blurred slightly, and he rubbed his eyes, trying to stay sharp. But the numbers on the screen started to dance, their clarity slipping away. Max paused, his fingers hovering over the keyboard. He knew that one wrong move could unravel everything he’d worked for.

He took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes for a moment. He could almost feel Ella’s presence beside him, the warmth of her hand on his shoulder. *Maybe she’s right*, he thought. *Maybe I don’t have to do this all by myself.*

His mind drifted to his team—each member chosen for their unique skills, each one capable of contributing something valuable. They had been with him through the highs and lows, sharing the burden of every setback and every victory. Max had always prided himself on his independence, but tonight, the weight felt too heavy to bear alone.

With a renewed sense of clarity, he reached for his phone. It was late, but he knew his team would understand. As he typed out a message, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. “Hey everyone, I need some help. Can we have a quick call?”

Within minutes, responses came flooding in—words of support, offers to jump on a call immediately. Max smiled, feeling a warmth in his chest. They were more than just colleagues; they were his friends, his allies.

The call began, and soon, the screen was filled with familiar faces, all eager to assist. Ideas flowed freely, solutions emerging as they bounced thoughts off one another. Max felt his earlier anxiety dissipate, replaced by a quiet confidence. Together, they were unstoppable.

As the night wore on, the final pieces fell into place. The project was complete, the outcome more promising than Max had dared to hope. He leaned back in his chair, exhausted but satisfied, a small smile playing on his lips.

“Thank you, everyone,” he said, his voice full of gratitude. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

After the call ended, Max sat in the quiet of his office, the weight of the night lifting. He realized that Ella’s words had been more than just advice; they were a reminder that strength doesn’t come from shouldering everything alone, but from knowing when to reach out.

Before heading home, he sent a quick text to Ella: “You were right. Thank you for always believing in me.”

Her reply came almost instantly: “Always. Get some rest, you deserve it.”

Max smiled, finally allowing himself to relax. The future of the company was secure, not just because of his efforts, but because of the people who stood by him. He had learned something important tonight—that success wasn’t just about individual brilliance, but about the power of a team working together. And with that thought, he knew they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Max sat in the silence of his office, the tension that had gripped him all night slowly ebbing away. The project was done, the company’s future secure, and all because he had finally let himself lean on the people who cared about him. He gathered his things, turning off the computer and dimming the office lights. As he stepped out into the cool night air, he looked up at the sky, feeling a deep sense of relief wash over him.

His thoughts immediately turned to Ella, his girlfriend and his rock. She had always been there for him, offering her unwavering support even when he insisted on doing everything by himself. Tonight was no different—her words had given him the push he needed to reach out to his team, and together they had accomplished what he had feared doing alone.

As he headed to his car, Max decided to go straight to Ella’s place. He knew she would still be awake, probably waiting to hear how things had gone. He didn’t want to just text her the news—he wanted to be with her, to share this moment of victory in person.

When he arrived at her apartment, he let himself in quietly, using the key she had given him months ago. The living room lights were dimmed, and the soft glow from a lamp in the corner cast a warm, inviting light over the space. As he stepped inside, Ella appeared from the hallway, dressed in cozy pajamas, her face lighting up the moment she saw him.

“Max,” she breathed, walking quickly toward him. “How did it go?”

Max didn’t say anything at first; he just wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. She fit perfectly against him, her warmth seeping into him, chasing away the last remnants of stress.

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