NovelToon NovelToon

It's Not Over(The Novel)

Chapter I - Chasing The Beat

...𝐀𝐧𝐚 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠....

I was late!.

I knew it as I bolted down the hallway, clutching onto a pile of files against my chest. The papers fluttered dangerously, threatening to spill as I dodged a group of freshmen who were loitering near the vending machines. They scattered like startled pigeons at my approach, their surprised faces soon blurred as I hurtled past them.

''Sorry! Excuse me!" I threw the words over my shoulder, but I was already too far gone to see their reactions.

The door to the student council room loomed ahead, slightly ajar. With a final burst of speed, I stormed inside, nearly crashing into the long meeting table..but thanks to my quick reflexes I didn't. My breath came in sharp, ragged gasps, but I managed a weak smile almost like an idiot... as I steadied myself and looked around the room.

“Ana! Finally, the wind has blown you in!”Tiana, one of the secretaries, greeted me with an exaggerated sigh, throwing her hands up in mock exasperation. “We were beginning to think you’d taken off to the Himalayas for a spiritual retreat, abandoning us poor souls to sort out this event all on our own!”

I chuckled, despite my flushed face and ragged gasps “Oh, you know me. Always chasing inner peace… by running laps around campus.”

The room filled with laughter, easing the tension that had built up in my chest. I plopped into a chair, my files now a mess on the table, I could see the expectant looks directed at me. The joke had bought me a few seconds of reprieve, but the main topic was looming like a dark cloud.“So…” Tiana leaned forward, her smile fading into curiosity as she raises one of her eyebrows. “Did you manage to get a suitable artist yet?”

''Um....." Her words triggered a wave of thoughts that crashed over me like a tidal wave. Two days ago, I was the one to step up and take charge of the event management for the upcoming university arts festival. It was supposed to be an exciting opportunity, a chance to do something meaningful for the college as a senior, but if I was honest, there was more to it. And one of my wonderful boyfriend, Derek, in his ''words'' wisdom, had mocked me for spending so much time on “pointless” academic and extracurricular activities. According to him, I was wasting my life away on things that didn’t matter. We had argued—again—about how I wasn’t giving him enough time, how my dedication to my work was “stupid” and “pathetic.” His words had stung, but what really pushed me over the edge was his snide, misogynistic comment about how I’d “never make it” because I wasn’t focused on “real life.

That’s why I needed this event to be a success. I needed to prove him wrong. I needed to show him—and myself—that my hard work wasn’t in vain. That I could find the perfect artist, someone with true passion and talent, who would make this event unforgettable

.But so far, my search had been… less than successful.

I was still lost in thought when Tiana’s voice brought me back to the present. "Ana?..Earth to Ana!." I blinked and shook my head, forcing a smile. “Sorry, I was just thinking… No, I haven’t found anyone yet. But I’m on it.”

"Better be quick, girl,” Tiana said, leaning back in her chair. “The clock’s ticking.”



Later At The Cafeteria.

The cafeteria was buzzing with life when I finally made it there, my head still swirling with worries. I spotted the hot, charming and chill as always...Olivia sitting at our usual table, cool as a cucumber, sipping on her iced coffee like she had all the time in the world. Not surprising cause the Olivia Okafor that I've known for ten years now is the most coolest human I've ever known. I dropped into the seat across from her and took a long sip of my own drink, trying to let the caffeine work its magic on my frazzled nerves.“Rough day, huh?” Olivia’s voice was smooth, with just the right amount of sarcasm.

“You have no idea,” I sighed, resting my head on the cool surface of the table. “I’ve been trying to find the perfect artist for the event, but it’s like searching for a needle in a haystack. I’ve gone through so many profiles, but none of them feel right. I’m not even a huge music fan, so it’s not like I have a natural talent for spotting the next big thing. But I have to do this. I can’t let him be right.”

“Him,” Olivia repeated, her eyebrow quirking up knowingly. "You mean....Derek?"

I nodded without lifting my head. “Yeah. He thinks all of this is a waste of time. And I’m starting to think maybe he’s right…”

"Please,” Olivia scoffed, her voice cutting through my self-doubt. “Derek wouldn’t know talent if it bit him in the ass. You’ll find someone great, Ana. Just don’t overthink it.”She paused, then leaned forward, her eyes lighting up with excitement. “Actually...." She paused and continued, "I have a suggestion. There’s this new artist I came across at a bar downtown last year. The one I've been ranting to you about and been obsessed with ever since. He’s got this unique style, you know? Raw, powerful, real. He’d be perfect."

"Really?” I asked, not fully convinced. Olivia had always been the music junkie between us, the one who lived and breathed every note, every lyric. Me? I was more of a casual listener. Still, I couldn’t ignore the twinkle in her eye.

“Yeah, really,” she insisted, grinning. “And guess what? He’s coming to our city to perform at a local venue. You should totally check him out.”

I raised an eyebrow. “How do you even know that?” Olivia chuckled, leaning back in her chair with that signature, sassy smirk of hers. “I have my sources. And trust me, this guy’s got an army of fans already, even though he probably has no idea how famous he’s getting.” Curiosity sparked in me. Just who was this mysterious artist Olivia had been raving about for almost a year now? It wasn’t just her, either. A bunch of my juniors on campus had mentioned him too, with a kind of reverence that made me feel like I was missing out on something big. But the funny thing was, no one ever seemed to mention his real name.

“What’s his name?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

“LJ,” Olivia said, her eyes gleaming with excitement. “That’s all anyone knows. But trust me, Ana, you need to see this guy for yourself.”

LJ. The name rolled around in my mind, planting a seed of curiosity that I knew would only grow until I saw him perform. Maybe,.... just maybe, he was the artist I had been looking for. And if he was… well, Derek could take his opinions and shove them up his-...!. Anyways...this was my chance to prove that I could do this, that I could bring something extraordinary to campus. The fire inside me burned brighter as I made up my mind.“Okay,” I said, meeting Olivia’s gaze with determination.

“Let’s see what this LJ is all about.”

Chapter II - Discordant Thoughts.

...𝐀𝐧𝐚 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠...


The rest of the day dragged on, but my mind was already miles away, lost in thoughts about this mysterious LJ. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something big was about to happen. Maybe it was the way Olivia spoke about him, or perhaps it was the buzz I’d heard from others on campus. Whoever LJ was, he had a way of capturing people’s attention without even trying.

And now..., he had mine.

By the time I got home, my brain was buzzing like an overcharged battery. I dropped my bag on the table, and flopped onto the couch, staring at the ceiling.

Tomorrow, I’d be checking out LJ’s performance. I was half-excited and.....half-nervous.

What if he wasn’t as good as Olivia made him out to be? Or worse, what if he was too good, and I wouldn’t even know how to approach him for the event?

Stop overthinking, Ana.

I closed my eyes, forcing myself to take a deep breath. I had a habit of getting lost in my head, and right now, what I needed was a clear plan. But what kind of plan did one make when meeting a musical prodigy?

I reached for my phone, intending to look up whatever information I could find about LJ. But the more I scrolled, the more I realized just how elusive he was. There were no pictures, no interviews, just a few videos of performances recorded by fans. But even through this blurry video and shaky audio...his voice, though—it was something else.

Haunting, raw, and so full of emotion that it sent shivers down my spine.

For a moment, I was lost in one of those videos, the screen reflecting in my eyes. The quality was grainy, the camera shaky, but none of that mattered. The music was all-consuming, pulling me in, making me forget everything else. And now....I could understand why Olivia was so obsessed.

Just as I was getting deeper into the music, my phone buzzed, dragging me back to reality. Without even looking, I knew who it was and what it was about.

Derek. "You are avoiding me!"

I sighed, the excitement and curiosity I felt moments ago already starting to fade. I quickly typed back,

"I’m not… you were the one who left in the middle of the argument that day" .

His reply to my text was almost instant. "Yeah, I wouldn’t have if it weren’t to deal with you and your stupid so-called work. Who knows what you’re doing in the name of work? And now you’!!"

I felt a familiar sting in my chest as his words sunk in. His mocking tone was so clear in the text that it might as well have been spoken. My fingers hovered over the screen, considering how to respond. But what was the point? No matter what I said, it would just escalate into another pointless argument.

I shot back a short reply and then turned off my phone, tossing it to the side. The thrill I had felt just minutes ago was now replaced with frustration and hurt. Derek’s words echoed in my mind, making it hard to focus on anything else. The excitement I had about LJ’s performance tomorrow had dimmed, replaced by the familiar weight of Derek’s criticisms.

Why did he always have this effect on me? Why do I let him?

I closed my eyes and leaned back into the couch, trying to shake off the negativity. Tomorrow was important, and I couldn’t let Derek’s words get to me. Not this time. I forced myself to take another deep breath, trying to reignite the curiosity I had felt earlier. LJ was an enigma, someone whose music spoke to people in a way that was rare. I needed to see this through…see him, for myself and for the event.

And maybe,.... just maybe, proving Derek wrong would be the sweetest victory of all.


The following day went by in a blur of activity. The constant auditions for the freshmen’s various talents, the endless stream of students popping in and out of the council room, and the mounting pressure from my team—all of it left me barely a moment to breathe. The secretary was waiting on updates about the artist I promised to secure for the event, and with each passing hour, the weight on my shoulders grew heavier.

Finally, by 3 PM, I managed to break free from the council room. I quickly made my way to the fashion team’s room on the second floor, where Olivia was supposed to be. I needed those tickets. Without thinking, I stormed inside, blurting out, “The tickets!! Olivia!”

All heads turned to look at me—girls dressed in beautiful white dresses with floral decorations, practicing their walks in tall heels, their eyes wide with surprise. I froze for a second, realizing how abrupt I must have seemed. Offering an awkward smile, I greeted them with a small wave, trying to play off my entrance as casually as possible.

Olivia, who was standing at the front, holding onto one of the girls’ hands and guiding her to balance, glanced up at me and chuckled. “Earth to Ana… you didn’t have to storm in like that, girl."

I took a deep breath, composing myself as I walked over to her. “Tickets, Ms. Okafor,” I said, holding out my hand with a mock seriousness that made Olivia snicker.

With a playful grin, she reached into her handbag and pulled out a sleek black card. The venue name, timing, and other details were all printed in elegant gold lettering. I couldn’t help but smile as I took it from her.

"Thanks, beautiful. What a lifesaver,” I said, the relief evident in my voice.

To which Olivia winked, her signature smirk firmly in place. “Anything for you, gorgeous.”

I chuckled at her words, feeling a bit more relaxed now that I had the tickets in hand. With a final nod to her and the girls, who were still adjusting to their heels, I turned and left the room, ready to finally meet the person I’d been hearing so much about.

Clutching the ticket in my hand, I made my way out of the building, the afternoon sun casting long shadows as I walked. The air was warm, filled with the sounds of students laughing and talking, but my mind was laser-focused in the evening ahead. I was ready to see for myself what all the fuss was about, to finally put a face to the name that had been on everyone’s lips.

Tonight, I would meet LJ, and maybe,..., just maybe, I’d find the person I was looking for—the one who would make the university’s event unforgettable.


Chapter III - Unexpected Encounter.


...𝐀𝐧𝐚 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠...

With the ticket securely tucked into my bag, I made my way to the metro station, my heart thudding in anticipation. The warm afternoon sun was giving way to the cooler shades of evening, casting long, golden rays that made the city seem almost magical.

Tonight was the night I would finally meet LJ.

The metro was bustling as always, a sea of people coming and going, each with their. I squeezed into a spot near the door, my thoughts racing.

What would he be like?

Would he live up to the hype?

Or would he be just another performer with a pretty face and a decent voice?

As the train pulled away from the station, I caught my reflection in the window, a mix of determination and anxiety stared back at me. I took a deep breath, trying to calm the nervous flutter in my stomach.

The ride was relatively uneventful until the train jolted to a sudden stop at the next station. The doors slid open, and a rush of new passengers pushed their way inside the already crowded space. Soon, I was caught off guard when someone bumped into me hard, causing me to stumble back, lose my grip on my bag and reach out to the nearest pole.

“Hey, watch it!” I snapped, instinctively reaching for my bag.

I looked up, ready to give whoever it was a piece of my mind, only to be met with a pair of striking deep blue eyes.

They were cold, intense, and locked onto mine with a look of mild irritation. The guy was tall—taller than me by a good margin—with dark blonde, tousled hair that fell just above his eyes. He had a strong, chiseled jawline and a presence that was impossible to ignore. For a moment, we just kept staring.

“Are you going to keep staring, or going to move out of the way?” His voice was sharp, smooth, and edged with irritation..., snapping me back to reality.

I opened my mouth to apologize, but he just brushed past me, walking over to the other end of the compartment and leaned against the pole, slipping on his headphones as he settled into his space. I blinked, watching him as he seemingly disregarded the commotion as if it never happened.

Trying to refocus, I glanced down at my ticket—only to find it crumpled and barely readable. I gasped, my eyes widening in disbelief.

“What the!!! ticket!” I muttered speechless, looking around frantically. “Hey, you-”

But the metro stopped, and the doors slid open. The crowd began to pour out, and I realized I’d missed my chance to confront him. The guy was already lost in the sea of people exiting the train.

Frustrated and flustered, I let out a sigh, cursing under my breath as I watched him disappear into the crowd.

My ticket was in shambles, and my chances of making it to the venue on time seemed to be slipping away.

The rest of the evening was a blur as I fumbled to find a solution. When I finally arrived at the venue, the line at the ticket counter was long. I had to purchase a new ticket on the spot, which only added to my already booming stress. By the time I got inside, the music had already started...the drums hitting the beats, and the room was filled with a palpable energy.

I found a spot near the back, trying to blend in with the my surprise there were too many people here to listen to his music. Olivia was right and so were the others.

The anticipation in the room was electric, and I could feel it building as the lights dimmed further. The first notes of a guitar echoed through the room, soft and haunting. The crowd hushed, drawn in by the music. My heart skipped a beat unknowingly as the figure on stage stepped into the spotlight, his head slightly bowed as he played. I stood up straight, walking to the front space and lifted my toes a bit to get a clear picture of this guy.....LJ.

And that's when he finally looked up with the final string to his guitar, my breath caught in my I stood there blinking with widened eyes.

It was him—the guy from the metro. The one with those deep blue eyes and the intense presence.

He wasn’t just a rude guy from the metro or just any performer.

He was...LJ!!......LJ was him!! Damn!.


𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒓𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒆.

Descending the stairs of the venue, I could still feel the reverberations of the music in my chest. The realization that LJ—the artist I’d been so curious about—was the same rude guy I bumped into at the metro left me in a state of disbelief. His performance was something else entirely. The voice, the stage presence—it all felt so surreal...even to someone like me who know's anything at all about music.

As I stepped onto the ground floor, my phone buzzed in my hand. Olivia had been waiting eagerly for my take on the performance, she made sure to remind me again and again last night to tell her about how I felt. I glanced at the screen and saw her message.

Olivia: "So? How was it? Did he manage to sweep you off your feet? Were you as mesmerized as I was? or....did he suck?"

I couldn’t help but chuckle at her typical sassiness and eagerness to know what I felt. I thought about it and quickly typed back.

"You wouldn’t believe it...."

Olivia: "Try me!"

"Better. Way better. I wasn’t expecting this at all. He’s amazing, Liv."

Olivia: "Told ya! So, are you gonna ask him to perform at the event or just drool over him like everyone else? lol!"

I roll my eyes at her instant reply and chuckle typing back "You forget I'm not single~ Well to answer the question...I’ll try. But I need to catch him first. Wish me luck"

Olivia: "Luck? Honey, you don’t need luck. You’ve got this. Go get him, tiger! "

I chuckled, shaking my head as I tucked my phone back into my pocket. Olivia always knew how to lighten the mood, even when I was on the verge of a minor freak-out.

As I turned the corner, I found myself near the backstage area. From what I heard from one of the audience who seemed to invested in the concert earlier...she said I could find the artists backstage. I reached out to open the door when it suddenly swung open, and two men in black elegant coats stormed out, their voices tense and annoyed.

““Fuck… this is already the tenth time!” one of them cursed, shaking his head. “Too much arrogance at this age!”

“Who on earth can says no to such an opportunity? He’s a fool!” the other one spat, the frustration clear in his voice.

They brushed past me, not even noticing I was there. I stood frozen for a moment, trying to make sense of what they were saying. It sounded serious, and from the direction they came, it was clear they had just left what looked like a resting room where the artists were. My curiosity piqued, but before I could think further, I noticed a small group of people lingering near the resting room door. They all looked tense, as if waiting for something—or someone.

Confusion only grew. Just what is going on here?

Just as I was trying to figure out what was going on, a voice from behind whispered in my ear.

“Yo! What’s a pretty thing like you doing here?”

I jolted and quickly turned around, my heart pounding, as I found myself face to face with a tall, muscular guy. His head was shaved, studs glittered in his ears, and tattoos snaked up his neck and arms. He grinned down at me, clearly amused by my reaction.

“You... um... aren’t you the one who played the drums earlier!?” I asked, recognizing him from the band.

To which he chuckled and winked, “Yes~~~you seem rather new to this. Are you an agent from some company again? Oh! now they are sending young girls as wel—”

“No, no!!” I quickly cut him off, flustered.

“I... I'm no agent... I’m just a college student... a senior. I’m here for—”

Before I could even finish my sentence, the resting room door creaked open. Every head in the space turned toward it, including mine.


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