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The Doomsday Diaries

when it all begin...


As Harley sat in his office, he was busy working on his latest project for the company. With laser-like focus, he diligently went through the company's finances, making sure that everything was in order. It was a tedious job, but Harley had a knack for numbers and details, making him the ideal candidate for the position of team lead in Group 3. Harley's team, which consisted of around 5 members, had a strong bond of camaraderie. They always worked together as a coherent unit, trusting their leader's decisions and supporting each other with their individual skills. Together, they formed a well-oiled machine that efficiently handled the task of processing the company's finances.

The start of the plot-

As one normal day when Harley was in the parking area and was getting out of his car the ground shook, the lights inside the parking lot flickered, casting unpredictable shadows on the walls. The ceiling above Harley groaned, and a cloud of dust floated down, mixing with the fluorescent glow of the now trembling bulbs.

In response to the sudden shaking and the sound of the crashing plane, Harley tensed up, his eyes widening in shock and confusion. He quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket, thinking of calling someone for information or help.

As Harley reached for his phone, he realized that the signal was disrupted, likely due to the plane crash outside affecting the communications system. He gritted his teeth in frustration, realizing that he couldn't connect with anyone at the moment.

Harley wasted no time in taking action. He quickly got out of his car and headed towards the stairs leading up to the ground level. Once he reached there, he stopped for a moment to survey the situation. As the rumbling of the ground subsided, he took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he might find outside.

As Harley emerged from the stairs onto the ground level, the sounds of panicked shouts and the roar of fire filled his ears. He looked onto the street, and his eyes widened in shock as he saw the wreckage of the plane, engulfed in flames. The scene was a chaotic tableau of destruction, with others rushing to the area, their faces contorted with concern and fear.

The scene was further exacerbated by the presence of fire trucks attempting to quell the flames, their sirens blaring in the background. Police vehicles also arrived, parking haphazardly along the street, their flashing lights painting the scene with alternating hues of blue and red.

The plane lay in the middle of the street, its shattered body burning ferociously. The wings were broken and torn, and pieces of the fuselage were scattered across the road. The intense heat from the fire casted an eerie glow over the surrounding area, emphasizing the magnitude of the disaster.

The police officers hurried to the scene, their expressions tense as they conducted a hasty search for any survivors. Ambulances soon followed, their sirens cutting through the clamor of voices and the roar of the flames. Paramedics jumped out, their eyes scanning the area for victims in need of medical assistance.

Just as the first plane had crashed and created chaos, another plane collided with a nearby tall building. The impact was massive, causing the building to fracture, its structure collapsing in a thunderous crumble. The second crash sent shockwaves through the air, momentarily stunning the people who were already grappling with the aftermath of the first disaster.

Chunks of concrete and glass rained down from the shattered building, some plummeting to the ground like monstrous hailstones. The cars parked on the street below were not spared, their windshields shattering as debris collided with them. People below let out screams of terror, scurrying in all directions to escape the falling wreckage.

As Harley watched the second plane crash unfold, he felt a deepening sense of dread wash over him. This was no coincidence - it seemed like a deliberate attack, targeting the very foundation of society itself. What could be the motive behind such chaos and destruction?

His thoughts were interrupted as the lifeless bodies strewn around the street began to stir. Movement returned to their once-still forms, but it was a strange, unnatural motion. They resembled something out of a zombie movie - the walking dead.

Their initial response was natural - the police and medics assumed that the stirring bodies were survivors in need of help. They approached the figures cautiously, their expressions a mix of concern and confusion.

The street was bathed in an eerie twilight, the flames from the crashed planes casting leaping shadows upon the pavement. The first responders - police officers and medical personnel - moved with a newfound caution as they approached the revived bodies, their flashlights casting pools of light amidst the smoky haze. The scene was reminiscent of a dystopian movie, with the undead creatures rising like specters from the chaos and destruction.

The city, no stranger to the chaos of modern society, had transformed into a stage for a horror-filled play. The once-familiar landmarks were marred by the devastation of the airplane crash, and the surreal sight of the undead rising from the debris added a macabre sense of the uncanny to the already chaotic scene. It seemed as if a dark and twisted version of reality had seeped into the very fabric of the city, turning it into a stage for a nightmarish drama.

The scene devolved into chaos, with bystanders recoiling in horror as the undead creatures advanced. Panic ensued as people frantically fled, their screams piercing the air. The police officers, caught off guard, struggled to react in the face of this sudden and gruesome assault. In a moment of collective frenzy, they opened fire on the creatures, their bullets ripping through the air only to have little effect on the relentless onslaught.

In the midst of the escalating chaos, Harley's instincts took over. He hastily made a decision, quickly navigating his way towards the general store on the street. He pushed past the disoriented crowd, seeking a semblance of shelter and formulating a plan in the face of the unsettling events unfolding.

End of the first chapter......

something isn't right.....

The scene outside the general store was chaotic and filled with danger. People were in a state of frenzy, rushing in all directions in a desperate attempt to escape the undead creatures that were attacking them. The streets were a whirlwind of panic and movement, with the echoing sounds of terrified shouts and the guttural groans of the zombies filling the air.

The zombies, drawn to the movements within the store, staggered towards the glass pane, their attention focused on Harley. Their lifeless eyes fixated on him, and they began to claw at the glass, attempting to break their way in.

Glass cracked under their relentless assault, shattering into smaller and smaller pieces, their jagged edges glistening in the dim light. A few more blows and the pane risked shattering completely, leaving little barrier between Harley and the ravenous creatures.

With each step back, Harley's gaze darted around the store, searching for something, anything that could serve as a means of defense against the zombies. His mind raced, assessing the available options while maintaining a cautious distance from the encroaching undead.

In the midst of his search, Harley's eyes fell upon a baseball bat resting on the countertop near the store's cash register. While it wasn't the most high-tech defense, it could prove useful in keeping the zombies at bay.

He quickly retrieved the baseball bat, gripping it firmly in his hands. The wooden handle felt reassuring in his grasp, a stark contrast to the eerie uncertainty of the situation outside. It wasn't an ideal weapon, but it would have to do for the time being.

The store was abruptly invaded as the shattered glass signaled the entry of the zombies. A small group of undead, numbering around three to four, barged in, their shuffling steps filling the air with an unnerving sound. Simultaneously, those who had fallen outside rose again, dragging themselves towards Harley's location, their movements slow but relentless.

The space in the store suddenly shrank, feeling claustrophobic as the presence of the zombies grew more oppressive. Harley tightened his grip on the baseball bat, ready to fend off the encroaching danger as they staggered towards him.

'Fuck!' Harley shouted as he charged with a determined grit, Harley lunged forward, swinging the baseball bat with all his might. The wooden bat connected with the skull of the first zombie with a sickening thwack. The impact sent a jolt through the creature, momentarily halting its advance as it stumbled backward.

The zombies, undeterred by the damage inflicted upon their comrade, continued their advance toward Harley. He quickly pulled back, repositioning himself for another strike. The baseball bat became an extension of his arm, a means to keep the undead at bay with each precise yet desperate swing.

With a mix of frustration and fear, Harley wielded the baseball bat against the approaching zombies. Each hit felt like a blow against a wall of unyielding flesh. The creatures, impervious to the strikes he delivered, simply stumbled backwards before regaining their footing and moving forward with relentless determination. The weight of the situation bore down on him, and the realization that the usual means of self-defense were ineffective sent a chill down his spine. Every swing was now tinged with desperation as he struggled to find a way to overcome these seemingly unstoppable adversaries.

In his frantic search for a more effective weapon, Harley's gaze fell on a set of knives on display near the counter. They weren't exactly meant for combat, but they were better than nothing. The metal blades gleamed dully under the store's fluorescent lights, beckoning him with the promise of newfound defense.

Harley's heart pounded in his chest as he drove the knife mercilessly into the zombie's skull. A mix of revulsion and determination surged through him at the sickening crunch of metal meeting bone. The impact sent a jolt up his arm, and he pulled back quickly, watching as the once-threatening figure collapsed with an unsettling stillness. He felt a grim satisfaction as the zombie lay motionless on the floor, but the lingering awareness of the escalating danger kept him on high alert.

The momentary triumph over the fallen zombie was short-lived as Harley's attention snapped back to the still-threatening situation. The remaining three undead, including the crawling one, advanced undeterred, their cold, blank gazes fixated on him.

Harley had to make do with the remaining kitchen knives. With practiced ease, he wielded one knife in each hand, slashing at the two zombies closing in on him. The kitchen knives weren't designed for combat, but Harley's adrenaline-fueled strength propelled his strikes with surprising force. In a matter of seconds, the two zombies crumpled to the ground, their movements halted by the swift and decisive slashes.

One Zombie remained, having evaded Harley's earlier attacks. Its pale, lifeless eyes regarded him with a chilling emptiness as it staggered closer, its gait awkward and unnatural. The quiet tension in the store was shattered by the echoing sounds of its raspy groans, setting Harley's nerves on edge even more.

The clamor of distress persisted outside, the anguished screams of terrified people mixing with the guttural groans of the undead. The sounds seeped through the shattered glass of the store's door, a harrowing reminder of the anarchy ruling the streets outside. It was a macabre melody that underscored the gravity of the situation, setting Harley's teeth on edge.

In a quick decision, Harley chose to seize the opportunity and acted decisively. He darted towards the far side of the store, where the sledgehammer was conveniently located near the construction kit shelves. Time was of the essence, and the weighty tool represented a potent weapon against the remaining zombie.

As he seized the sledgehammer, its solid handle felt reassuring against his grip. Swinging the hefty tool, he knew it would provide formidable striking power against the zombie. With the hammer held firmly in hand, he squared his shoulders, his focus solely on the last undead creature in the store.

With a forceful swing, Harley lashed out at the crawling zombie with the sledgehammer. Metal met bone in a violent clash, and the impact sent a shockwave through the store. The zombie's head, already weakened from the earlier encounter, gave way beneath the crushing blow. It collapsed to the ground with an unsettling thud, the once-hostile presence now motionless and inert.

As Harley surveyed the chaos unfolding outside the store, his initial sense of relief quickly dissipated. The once-bustling city streets were now a tableau of horror, their life drained away by the ravages of destruction. The fiery glow of the raging fires bathed everything in an eerie light, casting long, menacing shadows across the ravaged terrain. Amidst the carnage, the stillness of death was pervasive, the silent echo of lives cut short hanging heavily in the air. The scene was a haunting testament to the devastation wrought upon the city.

conclusion of second chapter-

That's how it is?

The city, once teeming with the vibrant energy of life, now lay in ruins. The once-familiar streets were now unrecognizable, their familiar landscapes shrouded in smoke and ashes. The fires that blazed wildly added a surreal, nightmarish atmosphere to the already tragic tableau. The once-busy streets now echoed with the eerie silence of death, a stark contrast to the vibrant life that had once flourished there, leaving Harley to grapple with the overwhelming sense of loss and despair that engulfed the crumbling city.

The streets were bathed in an unsettling chiaroscuro, the orange glow of the fire contrasting sharply with the surrounding darkness. The air was thick with smoke and the acrid scent of burning debris, creating an oppressive atmosphere that weighed heavily on Harley's senses, serving as a stark reminder of the devastating events that had transpired. He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness and anger at the loss that had struck his beloved city.

Harley took a few deep breaths, attempting to calm himself and clear his racing thoughts. He knew that panicking would only hinder his ability to make rational decisions in this critical situation. Composing himself, he allowed a moment of clarity to settle in. He reminded himself of the priorities at hand – survival and escaping the city.

Harley's gaze swept across the store shelves. Amidst the chaos and ruin, his attention was drawn to an abundance of supplies lining the shelves. Canned goods and bottles of water were neatly stocked, offering a glimmer of hope in the midst of the turmoil. The sight of these essential items hinted at potential sustenance and hydration, which could be crucial for both survival and the journey ahead.

The various canned goods ranged from vegetables to fruits and meat, providing a diverse assortment of options. Alongside them were bottles of water, the glistening liquid inside their transparent containers appearing even more inviting in the dismal circumstances. It was a small beacon of possibility amidst the overwhelming chaos, and Harley couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of hope as he acknowledged the valuable resources within his reach.

Harley's gaze drifted towards a nearby construction section, where he noticed several useful tools that could prove invaluable against the zombies. Hammers, saws, and wrenches were neatly displayed on the shelves, their metal surfaces glimmering under the store's harsh lighting. It was a small arsenal, but the potential for crafting makeshift weapons or barricades could make a significant difference in the impending confrontations with the undead.

Harley's knowledge kicked in, recalling that blunt weapons had their share of limitations when dealing with zombies. While they could inflict damage and disrupt the undead, they were often less efficient against the resilient creatures. Zombies, known for their unyielding nature, required more potent methods to ensure permanent incapacitation. This realization intensified the urgency for him to find or create more effective means of defending himself.

Memories surfaced in Harley's mind, reminding him that blunt instruments, for all their force, weren't always the most effective tools against zombies. Zombies were notorious for their relentless persistence, and direct physical impact might only temporarily subdue them without delivering lasting incapacitation. Harley knew that in this unforgiving scenario, adaptability and resourcefulness would be key to ensure his survival against such determined foes.

Harley quickly shifted into action, gathering supplies from the neighboring shelves and glass displays. He scooped up an array of canned goods, carefully placing them into the bags he found on a nearby display. The urgency of the situation kept him focused, his mind calculating the essential items he needed to ensure his survival in the desolate city.

Harley's attire consisted of the remnants of his office suit, rumpled and stained after the unexpected events of the day. As he moved around the store, the fabric clung to his form, a testament to the recent chaos that had unfolded. Despite the disheveled state of his appearance, Harley remained steadfast in his determination to navigate the predicament he found himself in. His focus was unwavering, undeterred by the sartorial disarray he found himself in.

Harley's attire consisted of the remnants of his office suit, rumpled and stained after the unexpected events of the day. As he moved around the store, the fabric clung to his form, a testament to the recent chaos that had unfolded. Despite the disheveled state of his appearance, Harley remained steadfast in his determination to navigate the predicament he found himself in. His focus was unwavering, undeterred by the sartorial disarray he found himself in.

The fire axe represented a potent symbol of security and preparedness. Its presence on the wall suggested that the store had taken certain precautions to protect its inventory and occupants in the event of emergencies. Harley's keen eye noted the sturdy handle and the sharp blade of the axe, aware that it could serve as an effective weapon against both the undead hordes and any structural challenges during his escape.

Harley cautiously ventured into the store owner's room, his steps soft and wary. Within the room, he discovered a self-defense gun tucked away in a cabinet, accompanied by a few bullets. He approached the cabinet, his eyes scanning the weapon and the ammunition with a mix of relief and trepidation. The presence of the firearm signified that the store owner had taken measures to protect themselves and their establishment, and now these resources might save Harley's life.

Harley's lack of experience with firearms became apparent as he handled the gun. His tentative grip and unsure mannerisms suggested a novice's approach to wielding the firearm. The weight and mechanics of the weapon felt alien to him, and the thought of using it against the undead filled him with a mix of apprehension and uncertainty. Harley's limited knowledge of handling and operating firearms was a hindrance in this critical situation.

As Harley ventured further into the store owner's room, a potent and disconcerting aroma assaulted his senses. The thick, metallic tang of blood pervaded the air, causing him to wrinkle his nose in involuntary repulsion. The source of the bloodstains loomed ominously, adding an even more unsettling atmosphere to the already eerie surroundings. Harley's stomach churned at the unmistakable scent of death that hung heavily throughout the room.

Out of seemingly nowhere, the store owner's reanimated form lunged at Harley, teeth bared in a ravenous attempt to sink its jaws into its prey. The abrupt attack caught Harley off guard, but his quick reflexes kicked in. He expertly blocked the bite with the blade of the axe, the metal connecting with a resounding metallic clang. The force of the impact sent him stumbling backward onto the ground, the zombie's weight pinning him down as the struggle ensued.

end of third chapter-

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