NovelToon NovelToon

Destined For You! [Taekook]


It's a Beautiful weather Today, A man stood By the riverbank Side, Looking At the Pleasant Sunset, while cold Breeze of wind kissed his honey like Skin, his Beautiful brown skin, shined under the yellowish red hues of sunset making him Look so ethereal.
Pov :
I am Kim Taehyung, An ENIGMA, currently 30 y/o, and this is the Present me, Today I have gathered in front of everyone to share my past with you all, My Past which had been full of grief, unpleasantness and pain, the things which led me almost to the edge of the Cliff, making me want to jump off from the Cliff.
The Today's me, is not the same like I Used to be in past, the Past has totally changed me, Sometimes i wish if i could go back in Past through time Machine, I would like to erase those bad memories, those people..Who brought me unbearable Pain.
I have changed drastically Now, the past experiences did taught me major lessons, but I have been traumatized to that level that I DON'T BELIEVE IN LOVE ANYMORE.
I used to be quite a lively personality before, just a normal boy with his little bucket of happiness. But Now I have Become very Cold-hearted over Time, Unsocial & serious
I lost all faiths in Love, I developed Major trust issues, from Past 2 years there had been about many boys & Girls who had confessed their love for me, asked me to become their boyfriend, some where whòres looking around for my còck, but some were also genuine.
And it certainly hurted at the initial stage of rejecting people, but now I'm used to it, because the past has left such huge impact on me, I can't be in Relationship with anyone, Also I resist myself to not fall in Love with anyone. I cold heartedly reject everyone, I know it hurts them, but I am selfish you know, by doing this I'm actually saving myself.
Because, I don't want history to repeat AGAIN. I can't afford to face those painful shîts again, it's fine for me Being single right now
I go hit clubs, drinking & smoking, this has now become like a part of my daily Life, yeah Like eat, sleep, study, Drink, smoke, that's it.
I must Enjoy my life to the fullest now, Because in my fate, becoming the future CEO of my father's Company is written..
Let's Dive into my Past now, shall we?
Start of Taehyung's Past
Author's Pov :
It's raining Heavily, & Taehyung Was Completely drenched, he stood outside a building on the middle of road looking up to a balcony, Where sweet memories of him and His girlfriend ran in his mind..those nights were Taehyung used to sneak in from his house and stood here where he is standing now just to have a glance of this beautiful girl, who's his first Love Ever.
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
(Crying heavily while his eyes became red due to the rain water pouring on his eyes and heavy crying)
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
(Pulls Out his phone and dialled a number for the 22 nd time)
Taehyung who had Literally lost all Hopes, still he stood on the road looking at the balcony of his beautiful love, hoping if his love would come out now and take him her house.
And to Taehyung's Luck, the phone was picked Up, as soon as the phone was picked up, Taehyung's heart jolted up..he became alert and in a hoarse voice said out
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
H..Hello? I-Isa!
Isa [Taehyung
Isa [Taehyung's Ex]
Taehyung, how many Times do I have to say you that DON'T CALL ME ANYMORE! (fuming up as she shouted on phone)
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
But What have I done My Sweet heart? (trying to be extra gentle and ensuring to make his voice soft)
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Why are you not talking to me properly? yesterday you told me that your health is not good so you can't talk to me..but I saw you with Ken[Isa's Best Friend] yesterday!
Isa [Taehyung
Isa [Taehyung's Ex]
Now I can't even roam around with my best friend huh?
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Oh really? don't you fcking Understand the way he sees you!? since the past 1½ years we had been together, he had always tried to manipulate you!
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
By Acting pitiful, by talking shît about me, so that you leave me! he's such a snake! tell me why the heck you're doing this with me?
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Hadn't I always Loved you enough? Gave you whatever you wanted! even ready to die for you! then why why why? (hot tears keep streaming down from his eyes while he grabbed his own hair with frustration)
Isa [Taehyung
Isa [Taehyung's Ex]
KIM TAEHYUNG! shut UP! you DON'T dare to talk bad about my Best Friend.
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
What do you mean? so now you mean your Best Friend holds the first priority in your Life? you'll do everything blindly whatever he says to you?
Isa [Taehyung
Isa [Taehyung's Ex]
YEAH! that's right, I'll do whatever he says me, Because Ken is someone who's there in my life for longer than you do! he cares for me, he has always wanted my good since start. if he says you're a bad person that means YOU ARE!
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Isa, don't forget those 1½ years, you were with me! you know how I know me so Well, is our Love this weak? that it'll break so easily just because of some 3rd person?
Isa [Taehyung
Isa [Taehyung's Ex]
I don't know Taehyung.. forget everything Maybe and Move on, or go die, I don't Care, but stop Pestering me I request you.
Isa [Taehyung
Isa [Taehyung's Ex]
I Don't Love you anymore, I lost love for you.
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
W..What? ISA!!!! Do you know what even YOU'RE saying?? please you're my first ever Love... didn't you promised me that you'd stay with me forever? didn't you said that I'll be your first & last Love?
Isa [Taehyung
Isa [Taehyung's Ex]
Well. Forget Everything I guess.. I said those things?
Isa [Taehyung
Isa [Taehyung's Ex]
Goodbye. (Cuts the call and hits the block option on her phone blocking Taehyung's number permanently)
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
H..hello? Hello? ISA??? (pulls out his phone and again dialled on the number)
But poor Taehyung, the call couldn't connect anymore, and Also Taehyung realised that he had been blocked by Isa.
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
NOOO... DAMN IT!!! (started Crying loudly while his knees gave up crying while covering his face as his body soon started feeling feverish and dizzy)
End Of Prologue
Author Taewan°~🌙
Author Taewan°~🌙
First Of all Today,it's my Birthday & this story is a gift from me to y'all on the special occasion of my bday!😌✨
Author Taewan°~🌙
Author Taewan°~🌙
so anyways Hey Guys, I hope You loved This Prologue! so let me give you a little context about this story, so this Is an Autobiography of me & My girlfriend's real & True Love story..
Author Taewan°~🌙
Author Taewan°~🌙
Where Taehyung character represents me, and Jungkook character Represents her.
Author Taewan°~🌙
Author Taewan°~🌙
We have poured our every emotions in writing of this Story..I hope you'll like Our Love Story! the Story obviously has some imagination and fictional touch..& some events not related to real Life, But yeah majority of the story consists of real Life of Your Both Authors writing this story!❣️
Author Taewan°~🌙
Author Taewan°~🌙
You might know my girlfriend, she too Is quite a popular Author of Mt, her Name is " Lovely Hana "
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
Hey Guys! Hi, I'm Your 2nd Author for this Story, I'M lovely Hana!😌
Author Taewan°~🌙
Author Taewan°~🌙
* chuckles * you came? that's nice my Baby Bear.
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
ummmhmm yes my Bunny! btw Guys dont Worry, we won't flirt much..and make you feel single ✨
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
So that was It for the context, I hope you'll love and support this story like You always did for our other stories!🤗


Isa [Taehyung
Isa [Taehyung's Ex]
(looking at Taehyung's condition hiding herself from the balcony and tears started streaming from her eyes)
Isa [Taehyung
Isa [Taehyung's Ex]
I..I'm s..sorry my Tae..I loved you so Much, and i still do, You're so precious to me.
Isa [Taehyung
Isa [Taehyung's Ex]
Isa [Taehyung
Isa [Taehyung's Ex]
My heart wrecks seeing you like that, I know I wouldn't be able to forgive myself ever in this life, given that the pain I gave you..lord will punish me, but I hope like a selfish person that may you forgive me one day.. so that I can die peacefully..
Isa [Taehyung
Isa [Taehyung's Ex]
I chose my Best Friend over my Love, Let's see if my this decision makes my life better or worse. But, Ken I hate you..for making me do This..if you didn't treat me better, then I will not spare you..
6 Months Later-
Taehyung's Pov :
After Isa left me, it hadn't been easy for me, afterall she was my First love ever, she showed me the meaning of what Love is? not a single day had been passed since that day, that I wanted to end my Life, you know first heartbreak hurts a lot like a BÍtch, and I was quite Young as well when I went through it, I didn't felt like eating, didn't felt like doing anything..but somehow with help of my friends I was able to come back on track still living in agony.
But Then someone showed up in my life like a shooting Star, Which is like a Once in a lifetime view, And she was none other than my second Girlfriend " Lia ".
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
You know what, I Like you!
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
(heartbeats suddenly went fast & looks at Lia) you What? you like who?
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
Listen Tae, I had been meaning to say you this since a long time.. but you were in a relationship with Isa that Time, so I had to hide my one sided Love for you
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
As I thought it would be inappropriate of me to confess about my feelings for you when you're already someone else's man.. (holds Taehyung's hand in her hand and stares at him with love-filled eyes)
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
I Don't Like you Tae..but I Love you..w.. Would you like to go on a date with me? (looks at Tae with hopeful eyes)
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
You won't turn me down right? I assure you that I will Love you so much, so Much that I will make all your pain go away which Isa gave you..
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
(cups Taehyung's cheeks and said softly) I love you so much much that you can't even imagine..I had been hiding this love for you for an year..
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
I... (feeling a wave of emotions hit inside Him like confusion, doubts, heart beating fast as he couldn't believe Lia loves him so much)
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
* I think it's better to move on, Eventually I would be able to forget Isa as well..I can see and feel the genuineness of Lia..I hope and pray for Lia to not turn out like Isa *
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
You will Never leave me right? (looks At Lia with expectancy and says With seriousness)
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
Nope Never! Never in this life ever! (Leans closer to Taehyung's face)
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Hmmm... Well let's date I Guess! (smiled a little)
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
Did you just said Yes!?? AHHHH I'm going nuts!!! yayyy my crush from 1 year said YES to me!!!!
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
(chuckles softly looking at Lia) Cute.
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
(wraps Her hands around Taehyung's neck) So.. you're my boyfriend Now! Mr. Kim.
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
(slowly wrapped his arms around Lia's waist) Yup I am!
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
Can I kiss You? please your lips look so tempting and kissable (said with puppy Eyes and licking her own lips)
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Woah woah woah, Cool! is Babygirl being impatient to kiss her new boyfriend!? (smirks)
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
(nods vigorously) Yes My Handsome Boyfriend~
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Alright you can do it! * Isa.. it's the Time that I'm moving on from You, hope you have a good life ahead *
And as Taehyung was lost in his thoughts, he feel a pair of lips on his lips, which immediately made Taehyung shut close his eyes, he pulled Lia closer to him by her waist, deepening the he kissed Lia, flashbacks of Isa and him popped up in his Mind..those times where he was kissing Isa..and holding her in his arms like the way he's holding Lia right now..
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
* this feels illegal, no Taehyung no! You're someone else's man can't think about some other girl right now * (shut opened his eyes and looked at Lia who was lost in kissing him and was whimpering in his strong hold)
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
* Don't worry, I will eventually try to Forget Isa and Love you back one day like you do to me Lia * (caressed Lia's back)
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
(breaks the kiss while she hugged Taehyung Tightly taking heavy breaths and blushing hard) You're mine.. You're just mine Tae..(hugs Taehyung tighter)
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
(smiles seeing Lia's possessiveness) * Hope you will be like this always *
End of Prologue
Author Taewan°~🌙
Author Taewan°~🌙
Someone asked how we Met?
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
Well we met in Mangatoon app itself..and had our first interaction..where Bunny officially Gave me the plot for my solo story - " Feelings (Taekook) "
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
she spammed me like the whole plot & Idea.. about the story..
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
and From that's where..we became close..
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
And we met in Real life as well..I mean physically..that is not mentioned in story..but we will say you about that too some other we met
Author Taewan°~🌙
Author Taewan°~🌙
ooof- that was such a thrilling and adventurous experience.. As you know we both are Girls, it wasn't quite really that easy to..Have our meeting..
Author Taewan°~🌙
Author Taewan°~🌙
you'll Eventually get to know in details about us already through this story..


Author Taewan°~🌙
Author Taewan°~🌙
This is Mah Birthday special Third & last update for Today! And with this Chapter Taehyung's Prologue would be completed.
Author Taewan°~🌙
Author Taewan°~🌙
And a good News, if my triplet readers are reading this rn.. I'm gonna update the unique Jeon triplets story as well today, and my bday special it will be a huge keep your eyes there as well💜✨
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
And in next chapter Jungkook's prologue will start.
After 8 Months.
Taehyung had been living in distress since last 2 months.. because Lia has started ignoring him and his texts, Lia would view Taehyung's text like after 3-4 days and reply him with like One sentence that she was busy with some of the other work
And when Taehyung would burst out his frustration that how can a person be this busy to not reply someone's text between 24 hours of a day, it seemed really ridiculous, Taehyung was dieing to recieve replies from Lia..and he would spam messages in her inbox by asking where she was? and Sometimes Taehyung lost his Calm as well and bursted Lia on the texts
And when Lia saw those texts of Taehyung, she got offended and she would slam taehyung by saying that he doesn't Understands her situation anymore.. And that Taehyung is very insensitive..he gets insecurities for no reason..she even called Taehyung rude and egoistic..and hearing these things always disheartened Tae.. & made him terribly upset
Days passed, and soon this was getting unbearable for Taehyung..he couldn't just tolerate Lia's ignorance he started stalking Lia's Instagram and other social media have a watch on her wether she was really busy or not?
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
If she's really busy.. and if she's really studying..she won't use social media..I should ask her friend once wether she texted her or not?
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
But why do I feel that I'm doubting her? what if she's really busy..? and I'm overthinking just like she always says me that I'm an overthinker?
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Well things would get clear once I have a close look of her activities.
And Taehyung was shocked to realise soon.. that his doubts and suspensions were absolutely correct..he follows Taylor Swift on Instagram and so did Lia as well.. and he saw Lia's like and comment under Taylor's post like an hour ago..
And like this Taehyung observed Lia for 3-4 days and collected proof my taking catch Lia red handed while he interrogates her..also Taehyung texted Lia's friend and found out that lia gossips with her Almost everyday for hours..and now things started becoming clear as crystal for Him.
Taehyung realised Lia was lieing to Him from a long time, ignoring him on purpose, and this was a sign of a great Red flag, and also of a toxic Relationship.. Lia was acting toxic and BÍtchy
& when Taehyung interrogated Lia finally, Lia clearly denied everything, pretending to be innocent..and putting blame on Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
So you don't love me anymore right? you're doubting me now?
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
I have the proofs, and now everything is clear, I caught you Red handed Lia (looks at the phone screen with angry eyes mixed with sadness while he texted Lia)
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Why!? why Lia? why did you do this to me? what happiness did you get by purposely ignoring me?
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
How many times do I have to say you! that I didn't ignored you Tae!!!
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Leave it Lia.. I think we should end this here right now..
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
You have successfully showed your true face to me..I don't want to continue this anymore
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
Whatever. Tsk.
Lia [ Taehyung
Lia [ Taehyung's Ex]
And reading that text of Lia, Taehyung felt His heart breaking into million pieces, Oh how hard it had been for him to move on from isa..his first love and Love Lia..and when he was finally deep in love with Lia.. Lia crushed his heart like some playtoy.. and shattered his life through her toxicity.
Taehyung didn't text Lia after that day anymore..but he still expected Lia to text her.. hoping Lia would realise her mistake..but nope.. Lia never texted her again and Taehyung saw Lia continuing to be active on social media.. commenting on other men's posts shamelessly like a whøre..
Later after another month Taehyung was at a club half drunk..he saw Lia.. at the same club, and Taehyung's heart was shattered seeing the scene infront of him..he saw A guy fcking Lia at the corner..
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
(laughs at himself) hahaha.. BÍtch, you showed your true Colours ha?
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
You loving me... saying you been in one sided love with since one year, all those were just made up isn't it? (chuckles)
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
I am A Joke right? Yeah Kim Taehyung is nothing but a joke now.. (clénched the glass in his hand tightly, squeezing it with so Much pressure that it broke and pieces of glass pierced in his honey skin making blood drip from his hand)
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
What is the meaning of having so much Wealth, being a son of " The Kim's? ".. I had never showed off and always tried to live like a normal person.. loving people without making them feel lower than me..
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
While having so Much wealth, I still can't be happy.. (chuckles while looking at his bleeding hand)
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
They have successfully..made the inner devil inside me wake up.. they changed me..the lively, free soul, Innocent Kim Taehyung died inside me..
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
The only thing which I feel a cold heart, which feels hard as a stone.. numbness..and losing the reason of smiling Again ever..
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung, you know what, you're a BÍ don't deserve to be loved ever.. you're born to live alone..and die alone..
Kim Taehyung [Past]
Kim Taehyung [Past]
End Of Taehyung's Past.
Author Taewan°~🌙
Author Taewan°~🌙
Ahhh This chapter was so tough for me to write.. Remembering my shîtty Past.. Always brings back those bad memories..
Author Taewan°~🌙
Author Taewan°~🌙
tbh my exes were total BÍ you read must have got an idea about it
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
* Sighs * Bunny.. It's Okay..don't think about it anymore ok?
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
I'm with you right here Na..
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
Author Lovely Hana°~☀️
I've got your back..
Author Taewan°~🌙
Author Taewan°~🌙
* smiles softly * mmmh

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