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Stalked by a Psycho

Episode #1

Life didn't have much to offer and that's what Laura learned at the age of 22.

She was in her first year of college, and she couldn't say life was as wonderful as she

thought to be … She goes clubbing with her friends Oliver and Sara, but she didn't like it that much.

She didn't want to be left out of the college experience. She went to her dorm room and lay on her bed.

Laura had a long day of lectures and was exhausted.

She stared at her ceiling and was glad that

she chose a single room because she

couldn't stand loud noises of a roommate.

She wants to take time for herself. After taking a brief nap, she gets up and walks towards the refrigerator

But couldn't find anything..sighs...

Always forgets to buy groceries on time.

That was the saddest part of living away from your parents. You had to save up for ur own budget.

She searched through her purse and found some money..

She knows that this money won't last her for too long...She went to her bedside and pull out the sneaker from under the bed and walks them out.

It was a bit Cold outside, so she wore a sweater.

Before going out,she did a last minute checking on mirror.

She noted that her brown hair was intact and her green eyes had a little sparkle,then she put on her glasses as she couldn't see without them.

She noticed it was four in the afternoon and the sun was already setting.

Laura hurried out and went out on the street and enjoyed the fresh air for a bit.

She was going to a coffee shop to grab a sandwich and a drink.

She walked down for some minutes and finally noticed the coffee shop with a long queue.

She doesn't mind, because at times it was even worse when students received their allowances.

After ordering her meal ,she got a slip;

"you may wait at the side, we will call you when your order is ready."

Laura went and sat down.She checked her phone,as expected there was messages from her friends, wondering if they could eat dinner together.

She agreed to it and told them she was still getting her supper ,so will be reaching a bit late.

"I would like the number eight."

Laura looked when she heard the voice.She had never heard such beautiful voice and what she saw was a beautiful face.

There he was with black hair and blue eyes. He took out his phone and seemed like he was typing something.

She was so engrossed in him that they had to call her order 3 times before she realised it was her order.

Laura went up and got her food, she kept on side-eyeing.

She wanted to say something to him,but don't know what.

She realised that she was not the only person who were staring at him.

There were other girls who were gawking at him.

Episode #2

He did not even flinch once, as if he was already used to being stared by many girls.

Laura left the store, but she wanted to see him again.

Yet she didn't know how to find him again.

She got back to her dorm and went to Oliver's room.She opened the door...

"you re finally hear" sara said

"What took you so long?". Oliver added

" There was a long queue that's why" Laura replied

She couldn't tell them that she was gawking at some strangers.

She took out her sandwich and have a bite on it.

How would she see him again? Who was he? Did he go there regularly?

"Earth to Laura" sara said

She turned to them "What?"

"You are physically here but your soul is not here." Oliver added.

"Sorry guys, I'm bit a tired. Can we call this a night? I don't feel too well actually "Laura replied

"Is everything alright?" Sara asked

"Yes, there is nothing I can't handle" As she gave them a reassuring smile.

Laura hugged them both and she went back to her room.

She lay on her room ,still wondering who he was.

Why hadn't she spoke to him? She should have atleast asked his number.But would he have said yes?!

She highly doubted it, it seemed he had a lot of admirers.

She tried to sleep but she kept on tossing and turning.

Sleep finally gave in.

Laura woke up in the morning and she showered and got ready

She knew what she was going to do.

She was going to come up with a plan as to how she would see him again.

Her first stage was going back to the cafe at the same time she had gone yesterday.

She went to her lectures and quickly came back.

before a taking a nap,she had set the alarm so that she could reach at the cafe on right time like yesterday.

When she woke up ,she dressed and ran out.

She arrived at the cafe and ordered a smoothie.

When it was ready ,she sat there and drank slowly ... hoping that he would arrive any time soon.

Laura drank her drink very slowly until it finished completely but to no avail he never showed up.

After an hour of waiting she knew she had leave.

She went out hoping that she would bump into him, but she didn't.

When she got into bed ,she thought that there is always tomorrow .

She would do the same plan as she always did.

A month had passed and she had done the same trick over and over again

It was at a night time. Sara and Oliver came to her room.

"That cafe must be that good"Oliver said

" Yeah I like the food there". She lied

She didn't want them to know that she had gone there for a guy whom she hadn't seen for a month or that she would never see.

Laura went back to the cafe the next afternoon .

she felt despondent ,even the girl who served there knew who she was now. She had became a regular customer.

"The same " as she asked her, about the usual smoothie she got.

Episode #3

"Yes pls" she replied.

Today she was very tired and wasn't in the mood for waiting ,she had a lot of work to do

Maybe he was visiting and he just stopped by on his way to wherever he was going.

She walked out the door and bumped into someone and she spill the smoothie all over her.

Laura couldn't believe her luck, she felt as if heavens had heard her prayer and she was finally answered.

She couldn't believe how much better looking he looked up close .

She had never been soo happy to be bumped into and spilled smoothie by someone.

If it was someone else,she wouldn't be as pleased as she is right now.

She restrained herself from touching him.

She wanted to check if he was real, that this wasn't any hallucination.

"Are you okay" he asked , searching her face.

"Yes" she stammered

" let me get you another one "

As he motioned her back to the store.

He held the door open for her, she went and sat by the booth.

He came back after sending the order and he handed her tissues.

Laura wiped herself.

He sat across her and he took out his phone.

He started to type and Laura stared at him.

He looked way better up close. She couldn't believe that he was right there and within reach.

As if sensing her gaze, he looks up and stares right back at her.

He doesn't blink and. Laura looks away.

She looks up again and he is still staring at her.

She took a leap of faith; " What's your name?"

He tilts his head in amusement " why do you want to know my name?"

"just for interests sake" she replies

Their order number is called up, he goes and fetches it.

Laura realizes that she is the envy of many because of him.

He comes back with a smoothie and food. He also has a bag for himself.

" I only had ordered a smoothie. I didn't have any food" she says.

Confused as to why he had bought her food and not just smoothie.

"I know but it looks like you need it" he replies

Laura blushes, she knew she didn't look her greatest. When she wants to take the package and leave, he stops her.

"Sit" he says

Laura sat down and she adjusts her glasses.

"You will eat where I can see you"

As his eyes have a strong intensity in them.

She opens the food and takes a bite.

"How is it ?" he asks

"it's great." she says

"That's good" As he starts to eat his food.

"Do you come here often" Laura asks

"Once in a while when I craving for a good old sandwich" as he motions to her carry on eating.

Which she does.

" where do you go then ? If not here?" Laura asks

He raises his eyebrows in amusement

"I usually go out at night. I go to clubs."

She nods, "which clubs?"

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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