NovelToon NovelToon

Love In an Arraigned Marriage


Hi guys
This is a new chat story
It's really interesting to read,so grab ur popcorn and have a sit and enjoy the drama
wrote dis out of boredom actually
In a mansion
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
papa I'm here (walking down the stairs)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Where's your brother
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
(sits at the dining) probably still asleep
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(sighs)that boy
in a room
(sleeping soundly)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
no response
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
still no response
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
*opens the door and barges in*
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
zachary*taps him*
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
mhm......(sleepy voice)f-few mi-ns
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
*pulls him by the ear* wake up brat you've slept enough
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
oww papa(opens his eyes)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
I'm up
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
*let's go of his ears*freshen up and come down to have ur breakfast
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(pouts)can't I sleep some more
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(walks towards the door and glares a him)don't be down In 10mins and know what's going to happen*slams the door*
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
*sighs*(stands and walk towards the bathroom)
After a few mins
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(walking downstairs)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(sits down at the dining)
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
Our sleeping beauty finally woke up
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Good morning to u too eira
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(serves the food)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(mouth watering)papa this look so good
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
stop talking and start eating
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(sits down)
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
Where's dad
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
he went early today
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
huh... he never misses breakfast with us the it had to be important
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
After eating
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(in his room)where the fuck is that phone(searching for it)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(looks under the bed)*sees his phone*(grabs it)what the heck where u doing under the I really expecting an answer(sighs)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(turns it on)20 missed calls from Hael
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Hael jordan(SO)
Hael jordan(SO)
(picks up) ZACHARY YOU IDIOT*shouts over the phone*
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(laughs nervously)
Hael jordan(SO)
Hael jordan(SO)
do u know how many times I called u
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Hael jordan(SO)
Hael jordan(SO)
why weren't u picking
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
actually..I couldn't find my phone
Hael jordan(SO)
Hael jordan(SO)
you can't be serious
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
I am😃
Hael jordan(SO)
Hael jordan(SO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
so why'd you call
Hael jordan(SO)
Hael jordan(SO)
just to check up on you
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
check up on me🤨
Hael jordan(SO)
Hael jordan(SO)
yeah...thought u were dead or something
Hael jordan(SO)
Hael jordan(SO)
but turns out your okay
Hael jordan(SO)
Hael jordan(SO)
(cuts the call)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(stares at his phone) Wtf


in the evening
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
a.are u sure Zach would agree to dis
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
I don't know,but I hope he does
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
(walks up to him and caress his face)I know ur worried right now but it's for the best,this was meant to happen
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
I.. I know,but I don't want my baby to suffer
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
he wouldn't..that I assure u
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
so when are we telling him(still worried)
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(shocked)isn't it too early
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
the faster the better
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(calls out to a maid)
(comes there)sir
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
call Zachary
(bows and leave)
After few min
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(comes there)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
papa you called for me
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
yes..yes I did
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(sees his dad)dad ur back,why didn't u call for me...u just left early(pouts)
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
I'm sorry about that, I had some important work to deal with
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
OK I forgive you(smiles brightly)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
so papa what happened
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
take a sit
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(sit down)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
your getting married
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(starts laughing)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Nice one papa
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
(serious)Zachary he isn't joking around....your getting married
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
W..what do u mean
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
I..I just finished uni
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
and I'm getting married
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
I'm aware of that....but your still getting married
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(stares at ansel with teary eyes)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
papa....please tell me your joking
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
( 💔)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
I..(gets interrupted)
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
I'm sorry Zach...but nobody's joking here,your getting married and there isn't a no in this situation
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(clenches his fist and stand up)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(leaves from there)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(stands up to follow him but get held back)
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(pulls his hand away)we were meant to talk to him calmly and make him understand
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
even if you did that he wouldn't accept that fact
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
but still...(walks away)
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
(sighs and looks at the way his wife went)
in Zachary's room
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
I.. I don't want to get married
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(rapsy voice)w..who is it?
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
baby it's me
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(wipe his tears and opens the door)yes papa(tries to smile)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(sees his swollen puffed up eyes)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(makes him sit on the bed and hugs him)let It all out
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(tears starts dropping)papa I.. I't want to get
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
it's going to be ok
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(breaks the hug and clean his tears)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(nods his head)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
nothings gonna happen to u
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
but I don't know who I'm getting married to
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
your getting married to the zaitsev first son
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
you mean the owner of the first leading company
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
I'm getting married to his son....that stone
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(laughs)what do u mean stone
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(pouts)I heard he's cold and doesn't talk to anyone and his strict
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
where'd u hear that from
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
the Internet of course
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
why don't u get to know him
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
U mean when we're already married
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
can't I say no
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
I'm sorry...u cant
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(looks down)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(raises his chin)but look on the bright side,a new spark in your life
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)


last episode 👆
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
you said u were getting bored
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
yeah...I did
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
so take dis as an adventure
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
what type of adventure involves me getting married
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
#This kid 😮‍💨#I said look on the bright side
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
I'll get married
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
but you have to cook me my favourite meal and dad has to apologise
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
now close your eyes and sleep
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(lays on the bed)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(tucks him in and kisses his forehead)good night
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(smiles)good night papa
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(stands up and turns off the light and leaves the room)
with varian
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
How's he doing
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
...........(doesn't answer and walks past him)
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
(follows him)
in their room
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
don't talk to me
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
(walks towards him and wraps his hand around his waist)
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
I'm sorry
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
you made him cry
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
I know..I'm sorry
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
U meant to be apologising to him not me
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
I will....
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
I'm sorry
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(turns around and pecks his lips)apologie accepted(smiles)
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
(hugs him tight)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
u want to kill me
next morning
at the dinning,everyone was present
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(staring at him)
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
#😅 I guess this the time to apologise#
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
(clears his throat)zach I'm sorry with the way I acted yesterday
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(looks at varian and smiles)
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
(staring at them)umm am I missing something here
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
I'm getting married(casually says it)
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
oh OK your getting mar.......(processes it)WHAT!!!!
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
your getting married
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
to who?
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
when did this happen and how am I clueless about it
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Eira calm down
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
(breathes in and out)ok explain
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
to answer your questions
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
I don't know
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
don't know
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
1st son of the zaitsev's
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
it happened yesterday,you were probably in your room
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B) agreed to this
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
to marry someone you don't know
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(looks at her)yea
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
why tho
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
new adventure 😁
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ your really stupid
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
don't say that eira
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
sorry papa
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
anyways I've got go
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
duty calls
Eira diaz(B)
Eira diaz(B)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
so dad when am I getting married
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
next week
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
next week
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
*scarstically*why don't we get married tomorrow if u guys really want to rush this wedding
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
if its your wish why not
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
😃😃 I was being sacarstic
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
but if you really want us to have the wedding tom.....(gets interrupted)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO) dad I don't my wedding to be Tomorrow
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
are u sure....
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
(hits his head)he said no and yes his sure
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Ansel diaz(SO)
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
yes sir
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
(starts laughing)
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
anyways.....the zaitsev are coming tomorrow
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
with the person I'm getting married to
Varian diaz(DA)
Varian diaz(DA)
no...only his parents
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)
Zachary daiz(DO)

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