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Monster Inside


World of Vire is mysterious. There is not even a single country. It’s just land.

People living here are not really living. You can’t call it life. They trying. Trying to live. But all they can do is trying to survive. People like also monsters just appearing here. We don’t have any memories. We just wake up here sometimes in the middle of the battlefield.

We have to fight. If you don’t fight you die. We made few little towns so we can peacefully sleep and eat. Fighters defend and others provide food for us.

Like I said no one knows who we are or were.

But that story is not really about me or other people. For now I will be narrator but let’s meet our protagonist…

Chapter one

...Monster side...

The place is dark, cold and moist. It’s probably some basement. In one moment whole room started glowing… new life appeared. But it’s not human this time. It’s monster. Mindless creature whose whole existence is about killing us. Or at least it’s what I thought… but later. Let’s focus now on our little friend here…

It doesn’t see anything. It’s blind. All it can see is life essence of other creatures.


It’s rat.


It feel the animal.


There was rat.

It, the monster gained some strength after consuming life force for the first time.

For the first few hours it just eat. Eat rats in that basement. Eat everything.

After some time nothing alive was left inside the place. Only monster is left. It consumed so many animals it started to have see more. It can see now barely where it is. But it can see nothing else is left here. It have to hunt.

But how to get out.

The vision of it is still not perfect. It can slightly see surroundings. Whole place is dark so it’s not helping either. It try to get out but all it can do is wreaking havoc and try to demolish walls.

Hours passing

It is exhausted. Nothing left to do. in its fury it groans. Groans so loud everyone in that world heard that. Atleast that is what they say. We don’t know how big that world is. Atleast three towns I have been to heard it.

Not much time passed and it started to smell something. It feels something. It sense life force of 4 creatures. But it can recognise they are different than before. It can feel stronger life force. It can feel bigger hunger for it. But where this is come from.

Time for hunt.

It trying to track the creatures.


The smell intensifies.

The doors opened.

Behind the corner it can see four creatures standing on two legs with weapons in hands. It can resist the hunger. It intensifies with each sniff of air and scent of them. It can’t think rationally so all it want to do is devour them.

It was about to run into them but it felt the warm. It concentrates its eyes on small light. The torch is glooming lightly making air in the room more warm.

They aproaching.



Too warm.

It is its weakness.


But we didn’t knew about it.

...Human side...




Everyone gets up and go outside of camp.

- What was that?

- Monsters?

- Another horde?

- But it was different sound.

- From where was it?

- It was so loud it could be everywhere.

- We have to check it.

- Let’s split up to teams and scout the land.

- Mark leading to the west, Me to the east, Sfan north and Julia south.

- Let get going everyone, start preparing.

Me and my team of three people going west. All of them are good fighters. From the four of us I am here longest but it is still not that much. Just few months… two or three… hard to say. Every day looks the same. Fight, sleep, eat. We don’t know nothing about each other and we don’t really need to either. We just trying survive together. But for what. No one knows that.

Groans stopped before we dispatched. It will be hard to track the source now.

Eli found tunnel in the mountain. It is weird because I was in this area before and there was nothing in here. Maybe not only human and monsters appears then. We going inside.

It was not too long and all we can see with our torches are stairs going down.

- I do not like it.

- Yea I think we should go back for more people.

- Let’s just take look inside and see what’s there.

I do not like to be leader. But being older in that world make me one apparently. We reaching end of the stairs.


It’s just wall at the end.

- Wall?

- What now?

- Maybe there is something to push.

- Look everyone.

- There is something.


Wall opened.

Chapter two

...Monster side...

It hide in the depths of corridors frightened with that warm making tickling the skin. It’s waiting. Trying to hear every movement of its prey. But is it really prey? That warm was scary. Maybe the monster is a prey.

- I swear I felt something.

- But nothing is there Mark.

- I think we should go deeper.

- What captain thinks?

- We can take a closer look. Maybe I had bad feeling.



It can hear the movements of the group. With every louder step the small point of light is getting bigger and bigger. But it’s not warm yet.

- Let’s stick together.

- Yea, it’s creepy in here.

But one person didn’t listened. He saw something and went to the side corridor alone.

The same corridor where the monster is hiding in the shadows. What he saw was top of its finger outside the shadow.

Smell intensifies.

No light.

No warm.

Smell going through the monster activating the hunger to the state it can’t hold on anymore.

The human approach the beast.



- What was that sound? Stan?

- Stan where did you go?

But stan is no longer here.

- Stan.

- Stan where are you?

- Mark I think something happened to him.

- Let’s look for him and go back to town for more fighters.

That’s perfect opportunity for the monster. Panic. The group of three started walking through corridors alone.

Smell intensifies.

No warm.


- What was that? Mark? Ben?

- I’m here Eli.

- Ben?

- Fuck.

- Let’s go back Eli.

- But we can’t leave them here.

- But they not responding.

- But they can be alive.

- Ok we will look for them.

Bad decision.

It gained power from eating two humans. It feels lighter. The brain is more sharp. It still can’t think rationally but can analyse surroundings hunt more efficient. The movement is quicker. Smell is so good it can’t stop here. It wants more. The taste is better than the smell.

It’s moving smoothly in the shadows going after the sweet scent. Found it.

- Aaaaa Mark.

- Fuck, wait, I’m going.


It happened before his eyes. The monstrosity. abomination. Human shape but bigger and none of its features was human. Except silhouette there was nothing human about it. It just swallowed her whole. Like the rest of the group. I’m the only one left.


It started to feel pain on the whole body. Skin tickles. Too hot. It ran away in the shadows.

Before I started to react it was gone. But why. Why it left me alone instead of eating me like the rest? Let’s move out from here.

It hide in the basement again. The same place it came to life. It ate three humans. It feels great. Something happening.

The light came out from the monster body.

It gain consciousness.

I am not needed anymore as a narrator in this part.

...Human side...

- They are gone. All of them. Whole group.

- I told you not to make leader from him.

- But what happened.

- Stan and Ben just vanished, Eli insisted on looking for them and in one moment i heard her scream and when I came to her I saw monster swallowing her.

- But where? On the fields? How is that possible?

- In the basements.

- What basements?

- There was tunnel in the mountain.

- No there is nothing in the mountains. We were there many times.

- I swear there is tunnel now. It was weird for us too but curiosity took the lead.

- You should be the one taking the lead.

- Okay let’s just for now try to sleep everyone. Tomorrow we will think what next.

How the fuck I can sleep

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