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Marriage for Vengeance

Ch 1.

I find myself running from a church in a wedding gown
But my feet felt so...heavy
It felt like I was running in slow motion
I could hear the muffling sounds of crowds behind me
They were all yelling...
I don't know what they were screaming about, and my eyesight was blurry
I don't know why
I just knew that tears streamed down my cheeks, ruining my bridal makeup
Maybe tears were the reason I couldn't see
but tears, or the bridal gown, or the crowds noise...
They were all so unimportant
Because I just felt this heaviness in my heart
My heart felt like heavy lead placed in the middle of my lungs,
Making it hard to breathe...and maybe live
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*struggling to open her eyes
I see a car...
and I was lying in the pool of my own blood
Did I just get into a car accident?
If yes...then why am I still able to see, hear, or feel?
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*noticed a crowd forming around her
Derek Volter (FL
Derek Volter (FL's fiancé)
Catherine! *rushed to her
Yura Willows (FL
Yura Willows (FL's step-sis)
*stopped him while holding his hand, fingers intertwined
Derek Volter (FL
Derek Volter (FL's fiancé)
Yura, why did you stop me?
Yura Willows (FL
Yura Willows (FL's step-sis)
*holding his hand more tightly
Yura Willows (FL
Yura Willows (FL's step-sis)
Don't you understand, dear...?
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(so that's why my heart felt broken into so many pieces...)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(so many years of trust, love and unachievable dreams...)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(all for nothing...)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(all for this...pitiful woman)
Yura Willows (FL
Yura Willows (FL's step-sis)
We can now live happily together
Yura Willows (FL
Yura Willows (FL's step-sis)
This other woman solved our problem on her own
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*opened her mouth to yell but no sound came
Derek Volter (FL
Derek Volter (FL's fiancé)
can a heart still break...once it's stopped beating?
The fact that he didn't even bother to argue...
The fact that he dismissed 3 years of our relationship and smiled without any sign of shame to her...
Made her soul cry a river
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(I am not crying for a man)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(my tears don't deserve to be shed by a man)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(don't I deserve love?)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(all this life, I have been chasing after it like in a rat race...)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(won't love give me a discount or pity me and give me even an ounce of what it be loved?)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(loving is easy...)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(but being loved...this concept is so alien to me)
Jeanine Willows (FL
Jeanine Willows (FL's step mom)
*approached the scene with a disgusted frown
Jeanine Willows (FL
Jeanine Willows (FL's step mom)
So much money wasted on the gown...
Jeanine Willows (FL
Jeanine Willows (FL's step mom)
Only for it to be stained by her blood
Jeanine Willows (FL
Jeanine Willows (FL's step mom)
am I really dead?
because I want to die.
I need to die
Jeanine Willows (FL
Jeanine Willows (FL's step mom)
Leave her already
Jeanine Willows (FL
Jeanine Willows (FL's step mom)
She is dead
Jeanine Willows (FL
Jeanine Willows (FL's step mom)
*walked back into the church
Jeanine Willows (FL
Jeanine Willows (FL's step mom)
We can continue the wedding ceremony with Yura as the bride
Jeanine Willows (FL
Jeanine Willows (FL's step mom)
she is still the Willows
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
I am tired of this.
I am tired
I want to make them regret
I want them to pay for my moral damage and household chores
I want them to pay for everything with their own blood
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*sat up in her bed, breathless and dried tears on her cheeks
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*looked around in her bed
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Derek Volter (FL
Derek Volter (FL's fiancé)
*nowhere to be seen
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*laughing to herself
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(and here I expected him to embrace me, soothe me and pull me back to sleep)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(...another nightmare)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(and Derek hasn't been sleeping in the same room with me for a month)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*looked at the time and saw that it was early morning
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Well... *got up from her bed
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
New day, new life
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*drew out the curtains
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
And Catherine Willows will start her villain arc
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
let's go!

Ch 2

Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*dressed up and ready to go
Madame! Where are you going?
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
To see my lovely ADOPTIVE family
won't you see off Young Master?
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*didn't notice
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(I would make him breakfast...)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(sometimes bring him a lunchbox to his work)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*smiled brightly
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Nah, I am in a hurry
But it's 7 in the morni-
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
pack up all of my stuff before I come back, okay?
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Without further ado, she stepped out of the mansion that she considered as her second home
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(I didn't like the furniture anyway)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine got in her car and drove towards her "welcoming home"
In the mansion, everyone was still sleeping
Except the maids
and she tried her hardest to hide herself from their view
And instead of going to her bedroom, she turned left and slowly opened the door to her sister's room
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(it is even more luxurious than I remember)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
even a balcony was installed to her room and she wanted Yura to die when she stepped onto the balcony
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*smiled to herself
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(but, of course, nothing like this will happen...)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(until I make it happen)
She shrugged dismissively, and looked around Yura's room
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*noticed a necklace on the table and tensed
Little flashback:
Derek Volter (FL
Derek Volter (FL's fiancé)
Can you get my laptop from my room, Catherine?
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Oh, okay
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*went to his room and started searching for his laptop
she looked around his things on the table, inside the drawers and inside his closet
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*eyes fell on the shining necklace with rubies
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(is he going to give it to me?)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*smiling hopefully
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(a ruby red necklace that matches my eyes...)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(definitely, he will gift it to me)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(but why?)
At that time, Catherine just shrugged.
How could she have known that this necklace wasn't actually for her?
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(it must be a gift for no reason...)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(that's so thoughtful and considerate of him!)
At that time, Catherine put the necklace back in its place...
Took his laptop and headed to Derek's office room
She was feeling giddy after knowing just how much Derek loved her
That he would give her such an expensive necklace for no reason
God...she even kissed him on his cheek and snuggled up to his arms happily
completely unaware of whom the future owner will be
Flashback ends:
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*noticed the exact same necklace on Yura's table
For a moment, she was speechless and she could feel tears threatening to come out
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*blinked the tears away
her hands reached up to her collarbone.
She imagined Derek putting on the necklace for her...
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*clenched her fist and began to smile
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(🎵cause you were a traitor...🎵)

Ch 3

Catherine took the necklace in her hands and clenched her fist
The little rubies poked at her skin and pierced through it
The physical pain was bearable...
Compared to the raging thunderstorm she was having in her head
She hated how she was SO easily fooled by him
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*closed her eyes in deep thought
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(you are so greedy...)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(wanting two men at the same time...)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(how about...)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(I give you a dose of the same medicine?)
Catherine put down the necklace, her bloodstains still ingrained in the expensive jewellery
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*quietly left Yura's room and descended the stairs
Downstairs, she found her adoptive father reading the newspaper
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Hi, dad
At the sound of her voice, his eyes widened in surprise
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
*put down the newspaper
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
Catherine! *smiled happily
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
long time no see
Catherine sat down next to her father and leaned her head on the arm
In her nightmares, she never saw her dad
Maybe because her kind father wasn't scary enough to be in the nightmare
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
How are your in-laws treating you?
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
How is that...
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
What was that boy's name?
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
*sighed heavily
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
*senses her tiredness
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
Is something wrong?
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
Did they treat you wrong?
Ronald looked at Catherine, his eyes cold and deathly enough for murder
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
...I don't think our marriage is going to work out
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Dad, is something wrong?
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
*shaking his head while covering his mouth
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
Must be getting old😅
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
You are 48
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
Damn...that is so old
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
Anyway, enough about me
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
tell me what happened
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
Why is your marriage not working out?
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
I can't tell you that I am actually happy
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
I didn't think that boy was good enough for you
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Yeah, you are spitting facts
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
*eyes widened even more
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
What do YOU mean?
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
Did he cheat on you?
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
... *shrugged
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
he is just a bit distant
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
maybe it is work...he must be busy with things like meetings, deadlines...
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
look, Catherine... *held her by the shoulders
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
If a man loves you, he will give no damn about his work
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
He will put YOU as his priority
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
And if he can't do that...
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
Then, break off your engagement with him
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
I don't want to see you crying over spilt milk
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
But it is so rash...
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
what if he will pester me...nag me...for no reason after we break off the engagement?
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
What if he will play the victim?
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
Just tell him that I changed my mind about your engagement
Ronald Willows (FL
Ronald Willows (FL's step dad)
he won't do anything when I am here
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine smiled at him
But her smile wasn't the genuinely happy type...
It was the smile that predicted revenge, disaster...and lots of wicked things
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(I will take revenge on you in a way...)
Catherine Willows (FL)
Catherine Willows (FL)
(that you won't notice I am the guilty one)

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