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Mine to Love, Mine to Ruin


name- Daniel ronali (ml)

age- 31

height- 6'6

work- underworld mafia king

personality- the worst personality you can think


name- heena amble (fl)

age- 25

height- 5'3

work- therapist

personality- very kind, sweet, loving, caring


heena was in garage when she heard some noises coming from a corner, she walked towards the corner and said "is someone there?" she said slowly, and a man came out there was blood on his shirt "are you alright? Are You injured?' heena asked ,that man didn't reply anything, but was taking slow steps towards her. Heena stayed silent for a moment, and observed the guy , she noticed that he had gun in his pocket. She realized that the blood wasn't his "stay where you are, don't come any near" heena say as she started taking back steps, but that man didn't stop instead he chuckled darkly, that chuckle sends chills down of heena spine. "s.. s... s... stay w.. w.. Where. y.. You.. a.. Are.. o.. o.. otherwise.. I.. I.. I.. I.. I'll c.. c.. c.. c.. c.. call.. t.. t... t... the cops." heena shuttered on her words and that man smirked "go ahead, call whoever you want, darling~" he said in calm yet dangerous tone, heena turned Back and started running on upstairs because she didn't want to take any risk by going in elevator. The whole hospital was in dead silence only the sound of heavy breathing and running was echoing the floor. That man was way more fast than heena, he easily caught her and pinned her against the wall. heena back and that man front was collapse, that man wrapped his strong arms around heena waist and whispered in ear. "Darling, now that I found you, I'll cage you".he said and chuckled darkly, heena opened her mouth to scream, but that man covered her mouth and licked her neck before injecting something in her neck, heena and that man stayed in the same position for few minutes before heena fainted, and that man carried her in bridal style and with a devil smirk he went in garage. He sat in back seat of car with heena on his laps, he gestured the driver to drive. The driver started the car, but he was taking glances at that man and heena, clearly driver was shocked as hell he wanted to ask but didn't dare. As time passed, the car stopped in front of a big mansion and that man got out of the car with heena (he picked her in bridal style). all the servants and guards eyes were on him and unconscious heena. That man took heena in basement and tied her on chair with a devil smirk he got of basement and locked the door from outside.









author's word

I'll only update this novel twice or thrice a week because I'm also a student and I've to focus on studies too.

thank you for reading\*\*


Sometime later heena woke up and found herself tied, her mind went back to the memories of hospital,, and she realised that she is kidnapped.

"where am I?" heena said to herself. the door opened and that man came in "how was your sleep, darling?" he said Mockingly "w.. w.. w... w.. who a.. a... a... a.. a.. are y.. y.. you, why.. a.. am.. I.. I.. h.. h.. hear?" heena asked while crying. "who am I? well I'm damien ronali as for why you are here is because I want you here." he said in effortless voice "damien ronali? the business tycoon?" heena asked to confirm and the man nodded with a smirk "right, you guessed right, I'm the tycoon and your nightmare" damien said and heena started to cry loudly. "why me? what have I done?* damien placed his feet on chair between heena legs and bended to her level, he tilted heena chin and made her look at him " what have you done? nothing. you just hot my intrest, darling" he whispered in heena ear and rubbed her core with his toe, the rub sent a pressure of disgust to heena spine. "s.. s.. s.. stop I.. I.. I.. I.. it please... I.. I.. I.. I.. I.. I'm b.. b.. b.. b.. begging y.. y.. y.. y... you. " heena words shattered because of fear and crying. damien licked her cheeks "muhh even the pain I gave you taste good". he taunted and chuckled darkly and rubbed heena's core again. " please, let me go, please". Heena begged and damien eyes darken with anger "let you go? huh. You want me to fucking let you go when I got you where I wanted?" he said in dark effortless tone and rubbed heena core harshly making her hissed in pain. Heena looked at him in eyes "just one question, why?" heena said in broken tone but damien expression didn't soften, but he gave a sinister smirk, "why?, hmm it's because you are helpless and nothing in front of me, I'll can do as I please and no one will dare to question". Heena broke down even more knowing that he was right, and she just laughed evilly. " Looks like you understand, huh" he taunted. Heena lowered her head, she was feeling like she was broken from inside, she felt a pin injecting inside her and heena looked at Damien, and he smirked, "time to sleep again, darling" he said and heena vision got blurry, she tried to stay awake, but her body was giving in. even after her vision was getting blurry she was still able to identify that Damien was smirking Sinisterly. "p.. p.. Please.. l.. l.. let.. m.. m.. m..." heena fainted even before completing her word and damien laughed evilly, he started to untie heena hands and legs slowly







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He picked her up in bridal style and took her in a room. Damien laid heena on bed as he looked at her sleeping frame, his eyes dark with obsession. Damien stared at unconscious heena for a moment before leaving the room. Few hours later heena gained conscious, her eyes jolt opened, and she looked here and there to see where is she and it took heena a moment to realized she is in a room and on a bed. heena got up from bed and walked straight towards door only to find out that it was locked from outside. She panicked and started to bang her fist on the door crying. *door opens and Damien walked in locking the door behind* "so my darling woke up from her sleep" he taunted with a smirk on his face. "Let me go, please" heena said crying, Damien chuckled "you just woke up you might still be feeling dizzy" Damien said in sweetly, but his sweet tone didn't comfort heena but made her freak out even more because she knew that he have something in his sleeves. "No, in not dizzy. Let me go, please" Damien eyes darken on heena words, probably he ain't going to Let her go since he had the power. "Sit" Damien said in his calm tone, but his eyes showed his real feeling, heena shook her head as no. "I said SIT" Damien ordered and heena flinched. "Don't flinch and Do as you're told" Damien said in cold tone and hennaa sat at the edge of bed, Damien sat right beside her. So close that even their thighs were touching, heena moved a bit far from him. "Don't you dare to move if you don't want to face the worst Consequence" Damien said in stern voice making heena clench bedsheet , Damien smirked because he got heena right where is want. Damien placed his hand on heena thigh and started caressing her thigh making her quiver. "s.. s.. Stop it" heena said while trying hard not to cry. "And what will you do if I don't stop? I mean what can you even do.?" Damien mocked and heena stayed silent. The maid entered room with plate of food in her hands and she gave the plate to Damien and left. "Open your mouth" Damien said in stern voice and heena looked at him in shock, *is he going to feed me? And why?* heena mind float with questions, but she didn't ask anything nor she opened her mouth to eat. "I'm not hungry" heena replied and Damien narrowed his eyes. "Not hungry? You haven't eaten anything since last night and don't make me repeat myself, open your mouth before I made you eat something else" Damien was right heena hadn't eaten anything since last night, but that doesn't mean she wants to eat, she wasn't even feeling like eating but Damien words scared the hell out of her...

.. continue...

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