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Wild (Taekook)

Chapter 1

Jungkook huffed as he trekked through the forest. He had no idea where he was headed to. Nor did he know where he came from. Panting, he stopped and looked around. Everything seemed the same in his eyes. Just trees everywhere. Rocks. Vines. And wilderness. He took in a deep breath, jerking his bag on his back and started walked. The canopy made it hard to see the sun. So, he didn't even know which direction he was headed. There was just enough light to walk without tripping.
Jungkook yelped and stopped immediately when he heard some sound. He looked around with wide eyes. After looking around for a while he guessed it was a small animal and shrugged it off. He wasn't scared that were any big animals here. He had already made sure that this place was safe for trekking.
Jungkook stopped walking again after a while and pulled out his water bottle from his bag. He took in three big gulps and put it away. He wiped off the sweat from his forehead before starting to walk again.
Go trekking I said.
Jungkook chastised himself,
It'll be fun, I said.
Jungkook again stopped to look around. But found nothing that helped him at all. If anything, he felt like he was walking in circles. Jungkook let out a loud whine, stomping the ground. He felt frustrated. Annoyed. Unknowingly, he rubbed the stone he wore around his neck and thought about what to do. It was a habit he had. Rubbing it somehow made him feel calmer.
Now, his only goal was to get out of this forest. And possibly before sun-down. But just as he was about to start walking he heard more sounds. It was like the breaking of twig. Rustling of leaves. Jungkook inhaled sharply and became quiet. He tried listening for more such noises. And upon hearing none, he decided it would be better if he just started walking again.
He didn't know how long he had been walking. But he was starting to get tired. He didn't really want to use his phone in this little adventure of his. Wanting it to be done completely by his own ability. He was regretting that decision now.
He knelt down on the ground and pulled his bag forward. He dug his hand inside his bag and started searching for his phone. He grumbled under his breath as he struggled to find it. Thankfully, before he would combust, he found the phone. He cheered quietly under his breath and stood up.
He waited for his phone to switch on as he started walking. However, he frowned when he saw that his phone was glitching. It was rather unusual. Like his entire screen started to glitch before turning completely black.
What?! NO! NO! No, No, No, please work"
Jungkook shrieked. But no matter how hard he tried. Or whatever he tried. The phone wouldn't turn on. Jungkook groaned in frustration and stuffed his phone in his pocket. He couldn't even use his phone to known where he was. Neither could he see the time. He couldn't even call anyone!
He ran his hand down his face in an annoyed manner and continued walking. After a while, he got thirsty again. Only to realize that he ran out of water.
Next time Jungkook, don't ever listen to yourself. Even if you're dying. Don't
Jungkook mumbled to himself and climbed up the biggest rock he could find.
Please, let me find water
Jungkook whispered to no one in specific. He gasped when he was able to hear the sound of running water. He quickly jumped off the rock and started running towards the direction of the sound. He realized few seconds later it was bad idea to run when dehydrated. Nevertheless, he was able to find the source of the sound. It was stream.
The river passed through the jungle wide and clear. Jungkook could see its bed. Rocks. And even some small fishes swimming across. He cupped his hand into the water and tasted it. He sighed in relief. The water so clear and cold. Jungkook could even say that the water was delicious.
He quickly brought out his bottle and filled with just as much water as he could drink before refilling it to the brim. Then he cleaned up his hand and splashed some water on his face to cool himself down.
The river flowed to Jungkook's right. Seeing that he decided to walk in the same direction as the river. Knowing that would at least lead him somewhere. He had taken one step when he heard movement in the bushes just opposite to him, on the other side of the river.
This time, the sound was too loud. Too clear to ignore it. Jungkook gulped, taking a step back. He let out a shaky breath when he saw a shadow move among the bushes. He wanted to run. But his legs betrayed him.
He gulped when heard low growls coming from the bushes. He felt like his blood turned solid in his veins when he realized that the shadow a bit too large to be of something harmless. This was wrong. All wrong. He had made sure to check the forest for multiple times. No article. Tourist's review said anything about any large animals. His legs started to shake. Knees buckling in when the animal finally decided it had enough of hiding. Jungkook almost passed out on spot seeing what it was.
A Tiger.
It growled. Its golden eyes glowed it a burning anger. The orange-gold of the tiger, with its black velvet artist stripes, was a proud sight amid the bushes. It muscles tensed and relaxed as it took a step forward. Just from its stance Jungkook knew it would pounce on him at moment. Running was a stupid decision that Jungkook didn't want to take no matter how much his body begged for it. The tiger would catch him before he could even run a few feet away from the river.
But what happened next was nothing he had expected. The tiger slowly turned in to a human. Jungkook's head started to spin and darkness soon fell over him.
Hello guys!!!
I am again here with my new story!! Hope you all will like this story!!

Chapter 2

Jungkook could barely open his eyes. His vision was blurry. Head spinning like a top. He groaned, trying to understand what was happening and where was he. He looked down to see a orange surface. And was it moving?
He let out a puff of breath as his body jolted upwards a bit. The surface he was on felt soft, and strong at the same time. Before he couldn't make out what it was. Darkness fell over him once again and he lost complete consciousness.
The next time he opened his eyes, it seemed like he was in a wide open field. His vision was still blurry. He could hear a lot of different sounds mixing together. Some were calls of animals. Some seemed like whispers of humans.
His brows creased together in confusion. He still felt a little to weak to move his body. His eyes fell downwards. Again the orange surface. He knew what it was. But in his fuzzed mental state, he could find it. His throat felt dry. Eyes heavy.
Jungkook tried to speak only to fall unconsciousness once again.
When Jungkook opened his eyes this time, he didn't feel like he was going to pass out any time. His throat felt painfully dry. His lips were chapped as he licked them. He creased his brows when he saw the outline of three people or something hovering over his head. As his vision focused he realized that it were three kids staring at him.
Jungkook shot up straight out of impulse, scaring the three kids. One of them was a girl with white, braided hair. Her eyes were baby blue. Contrasting against her tanned skin. Her eyes were wide in fear as she tried to hid behind on of the taller boys.
Jungkook guessed it was her brother, seeing their facial features were common. Except the boy had hazel hair. The other boy was a bit smaller than the two. But unlike them, he was looking at Jungkook with amusement. Jungkook almost felt like he was some kind of exhibit that people were looking at.
He took the second boy's appearance. What confused Jungkook was that the boy's iris were brown with bright red rings. They glowed like ruby against his dark skin. The boy tilted his head, studying Jungkook.
Jungkook then looked around to see where he was. It was wood cabin. Completely unfamiliar. There was a fire place opposite to the bed Jungkook was in. Two more similar beds on his either side. Beside his bed was a wooden table with multiple vails. Some were filled with colored liquid, some were empty, and some had clear liquid.
What are you kids doing here?
Jungkook's head turned towards the door. At the entrance stood a man. He had jet black hair and olive green shirt. Even though, Jungkook didn't want to admit, the man was strikingly handsome.
All three of you, scram!
The man said. Immediately those three kids rushed out of the room, giggling to themselves. The man then walked towards Jungkook. However, Jungkook still panicked due to the unfamiliar settings and situations.
I know you're scared. It's okay. I won't hurt you.
The man said, holding his hand up. His voice was calm and collected. Heavy and soothing. Jungkook didn't want to trust him. His urge was to run, but the more the man tried to coax him, the calmer he felt.
There, see? I don't mean you any harm. I just need to ask you some questions.
The man said. But just as the man got a bit too close to the bed Jungkook was on, he felt the urge to get away. His body moved in impulse as he rolled off the bed.
What's happening here?
Jungkook attention was drawn to this new deep voice. At the gate stood another man, leaning on the wooden door. His arms were crossed over his chest. The man was wearing a camouflage print hoodie and black ripped jeans. There was a black bandana around his head. In contrast to his white hair… Jungkook recognized the man. The one from river.
You-you're the one who-who change from a ti-tiger. How-how is that even possible!
Jungkook croaked out. His voice breaking multiple times. The man was stared at him with an unamused expression. Slightest amount of indifference and annoyance.
Taehyung, would you like talk to him?
The man asked,
Since you were the one who brought him here.
The white haired main, or Taehyung, roughed as he stood up straight,
Tag along kid.
Jungkook looked at him confused. Turning towards the other man. The black hair man simply nodded, jerking his face towards going. Jungkook panted heavily, unsure of what to do. After several deep breaths, he warily started walking towards Taehyung. Outside, Jungkook felt much better breathing in the fresh air. He also noted how the air here felt much better. It was much more clearer.
I'll answer three questions for now. Ask wisely
Taehyung said, walking in front of him. Jungkook nodded though Taehyung wasn't looking at him,
Where am I?
My home.
Taehyung answered, without missing a beat. Jungkook narrowed his eyes at the answer,
You couldn't possibly have answered anymore vaguely.
In a forest.
Jungkook bit the inside of his cheeks, knowing he walked right into that one,
Uh... Taehyung? That's your name right. Please be a little more specific...
Jungkook heard the man sigh before answering,
Right now, we're at the Grove
I still don't know what this place is called.
Taehyung sighed once again, giving Jungkook an annoyed glance,
This place has a lot of names in different languages. All of them basically translate of the Forest of the Animals. Now, next question.
Um... what the hèll are you?
Taehyung looked back, raising his eyebrow,
What do I look like?
A human... but you-you turned into a tiger
Jungkook stuttered.
Tiger is my spirit animal... and yes, people here can turn into their spirit animals. In most cases willing. In some cases, unwillingly.
How is that even possible?
Is that the third question?
Jungkook pressed his lips together, shaking his head,
Nope...uh... Are you going to kill me?
His cheeks turned warmer when Taehyung started to chuckle. He wasn't sure if what he asked was a stupid question. But he just wanted to make sure he wasn't dying.
Just because I'm a tiger doesn't mean I eat people. I'm more human than animal. So yeah, I eat human foods.
Taehyung answered,
But... I might steer from my usual diet at times
Jungkook's face turned ghostly pale. His legs freezing at one point when he heard. His eyes looked around, wondering if he could run away. But then Taehyung started laughing again. It made Jungkook more confused than he already was.
Geez, kid. I won't eat you. Even if my animal side takes over a bit too much. I stick to wild animals. Actual animals. The one you see in the forest. Though, I try to stick to human foods.
That piece of information didn't make Jungkook feel any more comfortable. But he knew he couldn't do anything unless he finds a way to get out of here.
Are my eyes betraying me? The Kim Taehyung is actually out of his den
Jungkook stopped walking when he heard another deep, manly voice. A short, handsome guy was walking towards them. Or towards Taehyung to be specific. As the man came closer, Jungkook observed his appearance. He had black, slightly curly hair that fell right over his stormy gray eyes. There was something dangerous in those eyes that Jungkook couldn't quiet figure out. The way he walked. The lethal smirk on his face. Everything about him, made Jungkook become more alert.
What is it Jimin?
Taehyung asked, rolling his eyes. The black-haired guy, Taehyung, grinned. But Jungkook didn't fail to see the poison beneath the innocence on his face. It wasn't intentional. Every single one of his behaviorism told Jungkook that Taehyung wasn't someone you want to mess with.
While Taehyung had a straight forward strong, aggressive aura around him. Like a burning fire. Jimin on the other hand the ambience that was more devious.
Oh, what do we have here?
Jimin asked, in an amused tone. It reminded Jungkook of a scientist looking at its next live experiment. Or in this case, a wild animal looking at its prey. The man tiled his head slightly, as he took slow steps towards Jungkook. The pupils turning into slits. He smirked, baring his fangs. And that moment, Jungkook knew what animal he was. His stormy greys eyes had a deadly gleam in them. Pulling Jungkook into almost a trance like state.
You're... a snake...
Jungkook stated, eyes widening a little. The man smirked even more. Jungkook froze in place when Jimin ran his finger up Jungkook's arm and leaned in. His mouth was right next to Jimin's ears. He could feel the hot breaths Jimin exhaled. Jungkook gulped. He wanted to run. Wanted to move. But Jimin's presence stopped him.
Not just any snake, darling
Jimin whispered, placing his pointer finger under Jungkook's chin and tilting his head up a little.
I'm a bloody black mamba...
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Chapter 3

Jungkook gulped. Blanck Mambas. One of the deadliest of all the snakes. Their venom can kill a adult human in as short as 20 minutes. That's the last thing he needed as of now. So, he stayed as still as possible could
That is enough, Jimin!
He heard Taehyung growl lowly.
The white-haired's eyes were dimly glowing green. Jimin raised his eyebrow, looking at Taehyung from the side of his eyes. His smirk turned into a taunting one. He stayed like he was for a fraction of a second before holding his hand up. He turned to Taehyung, tilting his head. The taunting smirk on Jimin's face growing wider.
Even Jungkook could feel his eyes twitch seeing the smirk on Jimin's face. And it wasn't even directed towards him. But Taehyung remained unaffected. His expression devoid of any emotions. He almost looked bored.
Jimin slowly walked away from Jungkook, but continued to eye him. It wasn't lustful. More like he was studying Jungkook. Trying to predict his next moves. And Jungkook felt uncomfortable under his gaze.
So, what animal are you, darling?
Jimin asked.
I...uh... don't have any spirit animal.
Jungkook answered.
Both Taehyung and Jimin frowned hearing that. They looked at each other and turned back to Jungkook.
That's not possible
Jimin muttered,
Maybe you've never used your animal before.
I'm pretty sure I don't have a spirit animals like you.
Jungkook shook his head,
If you're not like us, you wouldn't have been able to cross the Circle.
Jimin! What the hell are you doing here?
Jungkook turned around when he heard another voice.
The man, the voice belonged to, was even taller than Taehyung. Jungkook suddenly started to feel insecure about his body. His body has always been on more of the feminine side. He never truly had a problem with it. But right now, around them. All of them having his strong, manly aura, he felt a little intimidated.
I'm not dealing with those people, Namjoon.
Jimin grumbled,
I'll kill them before they can learn to control themselves. Let me deal with the kids. They are pure and not toxic unlike them.
The tallest guy, Namjoon, sighed. He seemed stressed until his attention fell on Jungkook. His eyes widen a little as he looked at Jungkook with a confused expression. He looked Jungkook, top to toe, before turning to the others.
Namjoon asked.
Jimin and Taehyung nodded in answer.
He looks... eighteen or something. How come we didn't find him before?
Namjoon frowned.
I'm not eighteen. I'm twenty-five
Jungkook mumbled, though his voice was unheard by the others.
We didn't find him. He found this place by himself.
Taehyung answered.
Namjoon nodded in understatement. Then, he smiled at Jungkook. His dimple catching Jungkook's attention,
What's your name?
Jeon Jungkook.
Namjoon hummed. Jungkook clearly understood, Namjoon had mininum to no interest in his name.
And your spirit animal? You seem to have a peacock. But then again, I can be wrong.
He says he doesn't have a spirit animal.
Taehyung replied.
That gained the same expression from Namjoon, as Jimin and Taehyung before.
If he doesn't have a spirit animal he cannot cross the Circle.
Namjoon muttered.
Jungkook let out a exasperated sigh,
What-What's this Circle you keep talking about?
Namjoon looked at Taehyung with the judgemental look. The shorter rolling his eyes in response.
The Circle is a protective circle around this forest. It prevents the entrance of anything inside. Normal humans are strictly forbidden from his place.
If they come near the Circle, they are automatically transported to the other side of the Circle. They never realize this place is present. And as for normal wild animals.
Nothing. Not even a insect can enter the Circle without our knowledge.
Namjoon answered,
So, if you aren't one of us. You wouldn't have been able to enter this Circle.
Namjoon furrowed his brow when he noticed something on Jungkook. And the shorter saw that. He immediately grew defensive. Feeling smaller under Namjoon's gaze.
What's that around your neck?
Namjoon asked.
Jungkook pressed his lips together. He clutched his shirt right above where his pendant was.
None of your business.
Jungkook mumbled.
Namjoon sighed, looking at Jimin. The black-haired hissed. His pupils again turned to slits as he bared his fangs. Jungkook could see the venom dripping down them. He took in a sharp breathe, and agreed to show his necklace. As soon he pulled the pendant out, the other three gasped collectively.
The next he knew, Taehyung grabbed on his collar. He pulled him up, till Jungkook had to stand on his toes to prevent getting chocked.
Who the hell did you get it from?
He growled, eyes glowing.
Jungkook tried to push him away but to no avail,
I-I didn't take it from anyone. It's mine!
Touch it then! Touch the stone now!
Taehyung demanded.
Jungkook struggled against Taehyung's tight grip around his collar. The cloth was digging into his skin. The material burning creating a burning sensation. He hesitantly reached for the pendant and touched it. Jungkook was just as shocked at Taehyung, when the pendant glowed dimly at his touch.
Immediately Taehyung let go of him. Jungkook falling to the ground. He groaned at the harsh contact, glaring at the white-haired male. He stood up, dusting off the dirt from his jeans and continued glaring.
We should take him to the Elders.
Jimin stated. Namjoon nodded in agreement,
Yes, but they haven't returned yet. We have to wait till their arrival. Until then, Jungkook, stays under your watch, Taehyung.
Taehyung scowled hearing that. And Jungkook felt no less worried. He didn't want to stay here. Much less have someone as scary as Taehyung watch over him. Though, he admitted it was better than having Jimin.
If he runs away. Not my concern.
Taehyung mumbled, turning away.
Namjoon chuckled,
That would be entertaining. Call for me if he does. I would love to watch it.
That crashed Jungkook's idea of running away. Obviously there was something around the Circle, as they say, that would prevent him from doing so. The last thing he needed was to make a complete fool himself. Or worse. Die.
Um... I still don't know anything about you
Jungkook mumbled, not looking at Namjoon.
Namjoon smiled again. This time genuinely. Without any underlying emotions.
Kim Namjoon, pride Lion of this pack
Namjoon said, holding his hand out.
Jungkook pressed his lips together and obliged with the handshake.
By this pack, he means us. There are more in our pack. You'll meet them eventually.
Jimin added. Jungkook was confused. Lion and pack didn't go in the same sentence. But he shrugged it off. More like he didn't have any other choice since both Jimin and Namjoon left.
Jungkook sighed, and looked around for Taehyung. He spotted him, leaning on a tree trunk. Jungkook didn't really expect Taehyung to wait for him, but he didn't question it. He quickly jogged up to him. The other started walking again as Jungkook reached him. Without much choice left, Jungkook quietly tagged after the other.
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