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Truth In a Lie


Everything is so strange. the school is so quiet, but the students talk so much. everyone is talking inside, but for someone who's outside, there is nothing to hear. some of the students are talking, some are playing, some of them are studying, but most of them are living in their own world, they don't want anyone to be against them. if not, that person is dead!

There's a girl in this school who is different from others. She is a person who is always on her thoughts. Everything around her is sources for her thoughts. Thinking about something every time is like her world. Today, she is thinking about her friends' attitude. she can't believe why She is in a school like this. Some of them are bullies, and they even have a group that is known all over that school. What makes her feel stranger is that all the students support what the bullies do to the innocent students, and the other thing is that the school director can't even control those bullies, so she is always cautious.

Her name is Maya, she is sixteen, she doesn't talk much she only talks when her teacher asks her to answer a question or when she is at her home. she is a clever student, she ranks first in her section.she is a tomboy, which means she looks and acts like a boys but the most interesting part is she doesn't like boys, she is not into girls too. of course, she will choose boys over girls. but she really hates boys more than anything else because she thinks that they all are rude, cheaters, and something like that. Maya is a person who wants to be alone all the time. She doesn't have any best friends except for her mother.


while she was thinking about those bullies, she didn't notice that Ava and her friends Olivia and Jasmine were behind her. they are the pretty girls in that school, not only pretty but also mean! they hate Maya because she is very beautiful and also good in her studies, but they don't want to admit that they all are jealous of her.

"well..well..well" Ava says.

Maya doesn't say a word. Instead, she stands up and starts walking away.

"Are you running away from us? I thought you were brave enough to do anything." Ava says, and they start laughing. As for Maya, she doesn't even turn to them once.

The situation of Maya makes Ava very angry. It is her first time seeing someone who doesn't even want to talk to her in her entire life. she is surprised because everyone around her sees her like an angel, but Maya makes her angry!

Ava says," Just wait and see, you little witch!"

This time, Ava is so angry. she swears to herself that she will make Maya suffer and make Maya wish her death.

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Maya wasn't in her home last night, but her mother didn't know that until she went to Maya's room. Her mother, Linda, is waiting for Maya to come back. Linda was anxious about her daughter since she and her father had a divorce when Maya was seven. Starting from that time, Maya was always alone. Since that day, Maya's behavior started to be changed. She started to be alone, silent, boy hater and other things. When she was fifteen, she started sleeping outside. She came to her house to change her clothes. She only sleeps in her house once or twice a week, but Linda doesn't have any idea where Maya goes. Linda tries to spy Maya herself to know where she goes, but unfortunately, Maya knows about this affair and starts to escape from her mother's plan. Linda always feels sorry for herself because she is a mother who doesn't know anything about her daughter.


hile Linda is thinking about those things, she hears something which sounds come from Maya's room. Linda goes to Maya's room, and when she opens the door, Maya is in front of her.

"Good morning, mom."

"Where were you?"

"Mom, please, don't start this again."

"You are only sixteen. Why are you like this?" Linda asks. Her eyes are fighting with the tears. She looks like she is going to cry.

"Mom, please, I know what I am doing, and I will be seventeen next week, but please don't cry. You know I don't want to see you crying, and don't worry about me, I will be fine." Maya hugs her mother.

"How could I not worry? You are my only child. You know that I can't live, not even a second without you." This time, Linda is crying.

"Mom, I really know what I am doing. Please don't cry, I promise you that I will protect myself for you, okay?"

"Do you love me?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"I said, 'Do you love me?'"

" Of course, I do."

" Then please, do as I say."

"Alright... but I need some time to settle things."

"What things?" Linda is confused when she asks this.

"Just personal things, anyways, I need to go somewhere."

"Where are you going? There is no school today."

"Yeah, there's not, but I have some things to do. Bye, mom." Maya kisses her mother on the cheeks, and then she leaves.

starts thinking about the movement when she and her husband meet.


It was a rainy day when she and her ex-husband William met. He was all wet, he was running into a mini market where Linda was to wait there until the rain stop. Both of them were looking at each other. when she saw him, she know nothing, but he was handsome. his hair was so adorable, his eyes were blue like the sea, when he laughs , his tooth was like ice. Both of them couldn't stop looking at each other, it looks like he adore her too. when the rain stopped, they left that market in opposite direction, but their destiny wasn't

blackout like this, they got themselves in a same university,and same department with each other. That was how their little thing called LOVE started.

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Linda was shocked when she saw William in her class and sat next to her. She couldn't believe that her crush and her were desk mates. They started communicating and knowing quite a lot about each other. They fell for each other. One day, when they were studying in the library, he whispered something....

" Will you go on a date with me?"

" What!" she screamed. Her heart was racing, and she didn't know what to say.

" I said,'Will you go on a date with me?'"

"Yes, I would love to." she was very excited. She didn't know how to react, too.

That night, she didn't fall asleep. Instead, she was wondering what to wear for the date and started to try clothes on in the middle of the night. She didn't even know how the time flies. She only knew that she didn't sleep till it was dawn.

When he came to pick her up, he was shocked when he saw her house. It was like a mansion. It was very big and beautiful, she didn't tell him about her parents, their wealth and so on. He was very amused, and he said to himself that all of these things would be owned by him one day.

"You didn't tell me that you live in a big house." He said it to her when she came and met him after saying 'hi'.

"Well, you didn't ask."

"I feel like I don't know something about you."

" By the way, did you know how I was so excited when you asked me out?"

'It looks like she wants to change the subject.' he said to himself.

"Yeah, I didn't believe I asked you out, too. I was so nervous back then."

" Yeah, me too."


They started dating. They were the best couple, and their bond looked strong, but her parents didn't like him, so they forced her to end their relationship, but she didn't agree with them.

"You can not marry him. He is just a son of a poor man!" Her father screamed at Linda angrily.

"Yeah, your father is right. Your boyfriend will only cause a disgrace to our family, He is not at our level, he is not a good match for you, Linda." Her mother told her this by holding Linda's hands.

"But I love him." Linda said this, seeing at her mom. her eyes were begging her mother saying,'Please,be by my side!'

"You love him? Love without money can't give you anything you want, don't be stupid, Linda. You can have the world only by money, not by love!" Her father told her that, but she was going to cry.

"Money is nothing, dad. What matters the most is love! You know that, too. Anyone can't survive without love."

"Oh, darling, please! You can't even buy cheap things by love. Let me tell you one thing, you can't live without money. Let me ask you something, after you go shopping and buy some clothes, can you pay them love instead of money? No, you can't because money is a key for everything, but you can't even touch and see love."

"But dad..."

"Enough, Linda! You can choose either your family or your boyfriend, the choice is yours. But if you choose him, don't return to us thinking that we are your parents."

"Dad, please!"

"The choice is yours." They left her behind their back.


She texted William that she needed to see him and to meet her at their place at that movement.

When she saw him, she didn't know what to say.

"What happened?"

"I need to tell you something, but first I need to ask you something that really matters to me?"

"What is it? I am really worried."

"Do you love me?"

"What type of question is that? tsk."

"Just answer me!"

"Of course I do! I really love you with all of my heart."

"Then take me with you, let's leave this country and go far away, please."

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