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Reborn: To Love You


This is not the world we know nor the earth where humans live
This is a world where only beastman live, a world where all kind of beastman live together in harmony for millennia, a world where science and magic both co-exist and believe by everyone
This is beast-world where Dragons, Werewolves, Mermaids, and many other hybrids live.
The only danger and the only enemy of this beast man are the demons that has been trying for millennia to take over the whole beast-world and to rule. But time to time there were born strong warriors who were always there to protect the lives of the beast man and defeating the demon king
But was it enough to stop the demons..... No it wasn't, instead they become stronger with time passing by and continue to attack everyone. They started to play mind games making beast man to hate each other and in between this demon king kill those with strong ability and absorbed its power making him stronger than before
And now his target is a family who is known to be strong from the past two centuries and even now as well.
Let's see how they will fight back to this danger and how they will save their loved ones from dying
. . . .
A story where an innocent live was being torture, hated, abused, ignored, left alone his whole life and at the end got killed by its own loved ones.
He hated him to the core, wanted him death, wanted him to suffer, wanted him to live a miserable life the end the person he hated was the only one that save him and his whole family and loved ones
Regret, sorrow, this words enough to describe how he was feeling....then it's a big "NO". He did love him, but hatred make him blind and make him denied his own feelings, but now it's all gone with that person's death everything left now is only ashes and nothing else
He wanted him back, back to his life so that he make up for everything mistake he had done, to treat him better, to give him a happy and joyous life, to cherish him, and to protect him.
He wished for a chance, a chance to change everything and to go back in past so that he can fix everything and loves him once again.
. . . .
A battle ground where dead bodies is the only thing you can see from every direction no matter where you look at. There were some people still alive but not in the state to fight back, looking so sorrowful and regrettable.
There eyes were red from non-stop crying, pain regret, guilty, this words aren't enough to describe how they are feeling right now.
They were looking with hatred and disgust filled eyes to a person whom they have trusted the most, which has betrayed them....a person speak up in an angry and furious tone
Why?? (Angry)
Why did you do this?? (angry)
All this years...ugh...(cough)
He wasn't able to speak well due to injuries, but it wasn't enough to make him feel pain...he cough, cough out blood but still speak up again
All these years you were the reason of our mesury (anger)
Well isn't it normal
Another person speak up in a proud and confident tone
I belong to demon clan, and it's normal to serve my master
And help him in every possible way
Isn't this your fault for not trusting him
Don't blame us
If you want you could've chosen to trust him but none of you did
And that was your own choices
A man with sorrow and regret in his voice spoke
What do you exactly want??
When he asked, a person with a cold and dominating voice spoke
His death ❄️
His mother is to blame for this ❄️
For betraying us, his son has to pay that price in his stead
Now enough of this baseless talk ❄️
Time for you all to die ❄️😏
Saying that he released a strong fire power making fire balls fall from the sky and killing everyone in its range except for his subordinates
The only thing that came in the minds of those who regretted were same. "If there is next life then we will cherish you and love you and will always trust you no matter what the consequences are"
. . .
To be continued


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Past story
A kid standing beside two death bodies, while holding a weapon in his hand, blood stains all over his clothes and hands. Few places of his cover cover in blood, looking emotionlessly to those death bodies
Suddenly he heard a cry from someone, came running crying
Nathan (10 yrs old)
Nathan (10 yrs old)
Dad (crying)
Noah (10 yrs old)
Noah (10 yrs old)
Dad (crying)
Two kids crying over one of the death bodies which is their father.... shaking their father to wake up but to no use. One of the kid got up and went towards the other kid who was holding a weapon and grab his collar
Nathan (10 yrs old)
Nathan (10 yrs old)
Why did you kill my dad (angry)
Nathan (10 yrs old)
Nathan (10 yrs old)
Why?? (furious)
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
I.... I...I didn't (shaky voice)
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
I really didn't (horror in his eyes)
Nathan (10 yrs old)
Nathan (10 yrs old)
Don't lei 😡
Nathan (10 yrs old)
Nathan (10 yrs old)
You are holding the weapon that kill my dad 😡😭
Noah (10 yrs old)
Noah (10 yrs old)
Brother 😭
Noah (10 yrs old)
Noah (10 yrs old)
Dad....he....he 😭😭
Nathan (10 yrs old)
Nathan (10 yrs old) kill my dad and....and even mom also 😡
Nathan (10 yrs old)
Nathan (10 yrs old)
I'll kill you 😡
Nathan tool the weapon from Kai's hand and try to stab him but to his surprise Kai stop the attack by creating a force field around himself
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
It's not easy to kill me (cold and dominating voice)
The two kids got shock at the sudden coldness in Kai's voice....not only them the other persons that came running there also got stun and froze at their places after hearing that cold voice
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kill me... ❄️
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
Are you strong enough to do that ❄️😏
Nathan (10 yrs old)
Nathan (10 yrs old)
Nathan (10 yrs old)
Nathan (10 yrs old) (stammer)
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
Word got stuck in your throat ❄️😏
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
KAI (shout)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
they are your brothers
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
Really ❄️😒
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
Then why is he trying to kill me ❄️
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
(point at the weapon Nathan was holding)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
You killed your own parents,
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
And asking me why Nathan want to kill you 😡
Grace Willson (MC Aunt) (B)
Grace Willson (MC Aunt) (B)
You deserve death 😡
Grace Willson (MC Aunt) (B)
Grace Willson (MC Aunt) (B)
Worse and painful death 😡
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
Tch....ohh please 😒
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
If they (his parents) can't even protect himself from me ❄️
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
Then do you think he (Nathan) or you can kill me ❄️
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
What a joke 🤣
Noah (10 yrs old)
Noah (10 yrs old)
Noah (10 yrs old)
Noah (10 yrs old)
He was our dad, then why 😭😭
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
Tch....stop with your crying 😒
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
it's hella annoying 😒
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
I'll kill you Kai
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
(attack Kai with his weapon)
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
(defend it and attach back)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
Ugh ... *he is just a kid by age, but his strength is comparable to mine*
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
*damn it... If this goes on I'll be wounded badly*
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
What happened dear uncle can't keep up ❄️😏
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
*ugh.... The injury from earlier is getting worst.*
Kai (5 yrs old)
Kai (5 yrs old)
*I better make this quick*
Kai attack back with a full force so does John. The clash of their powers was so strong that after its collision there only dust and mist and nothing can't be seen for a moment
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
The surrounding started to get clear and when John look around Kai was gone
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
Damn it
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
He ran away
. . .
To be continued


. .
Past story
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
It's been 15 years, and we can't even kill him
Noah Willson (A) (MC Brother)
Noah Willson (A) (MC Brother)
Kill....huh! We can't even injure him
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
He is strong and with each time passing by he is becoming stronger
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
If this continues then don't know what he will do
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
But uncle we are not the only one that is after his life
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
Then how can he still survive
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
His strength is not something we can match
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
We are still far away from defeating him with all our strength combined
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
Ugh... I hate this
Grace Willson (MC Aunt) (B)
Grace Willson (MC Aunt) (B)
I heard that fire dragon clan have a big enmity with him
Grace Willson (MC Aunt) (B)
Grace Willson (MC Aunt) (B)
And they are trying their best to kill him
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
I know
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
One of Aiden's family was got killed by him
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
that's why
. . .
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
I will kill (furious)
Kai Froster (DA)
Kai Froster (DA)
Give it try ❄️
Kai Froster (DA)
Kai Froster (DA)
let's see if you can ❄️
They were fighting with full power. Aiden was so furious that he keep on charging on Kai
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
You shouldn't have hurt my family 😡
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
You will pay for it today 😡
Kai Froster (DA)
Kai Froster (DA)
We will see ❄️
No matter how much Aiden try and no matter how furious his tone was, Kai was unmoved. Kai keeps a cold expression and reply every word in a cold tone that doesn't show any kind of emotions
Kai Froster (DA)
Kai Froster (DA)
No matter what you do is useless ❄️
Kai Froster (DA)
Kai Froster (DA)
Just give up❄️
Kai Froster (DA)
Kai Froster (DA)
And those people I have killed up until now ❄️
Kai Froster (DA)
Kai Froster (DA)
They all deserve it ❄️
Kai Froster (DA)
Kai Froster (DA)
I say they deserve even worse than death ❄️
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
. . .
Kai Froster (DA)
Kai Froster (DA)
Ugh....sto...stop (suffocate)
Kai Froster (DA)
Kai Froster (DA)
Huff....huff (breathing heavily)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
If I knew earlier that my pheromones can suppress you❄️
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Things would be pretty easy ❄️
Noah Willson (A) (MC Brother)
Noah Willson (A) (MC Brother)
Yeah right
Noah Willson (A) (MC Brother)
Noah Willson (A) (MC Brother)
We won't need to fight him
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
it's a pity only Aiden's pheromones can suppress him
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
Others doesn't work against him
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Doesn't matter..
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
As long as he is weak and vulnerable
. . .
In a basement a person was tied up in a chain, his body have a many wounds some are new, some are old. Blood continuously flowing down from his wounded body
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
After all these years you are finally defeated
Kai Froster (DA)
Kai Froster (DA)
Ugh.... No matter what you say ❄️
Kai Froster (DA)
Kai Froster (DA)
I am not defeated yet, not until I die ❄️
His voice was calm and cold without any emotions, it doesn't have any fear in it, which makes others rage in anger
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
Already cage by us
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
But still have the guts to say such words
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
John Willson (MC Uncle) (A)
Kai it's time for you to pay for killing my brother
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
For killing my Uncle and the one I love
Kai Froster (DA)
Kai Froster (DA)
(chuckle) Go on then❄️
Kai Froster (DA)
Kai Froster (DA)
I'm at your disposal ❄️
. . .
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
Aiden Lewis (E) (ML)
How are you still alive? (shock)
Don't be so shock
I wasn't death at all to begin with
And now it's your turn to die
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
Nathan Willson (DA) (MC Brother)
You.... Hateful
Noah Willson (A) (MC Brother)
Noah Willson (A) (MC Brother)
We treated you well like a family and this is how you repay us 😡
Got a problem 😂
After this all the events in the EP:1 occur
. . .
So this is past story
But I didn't reveal the whole truth
I just described some events and so that you guys can know a little bit
In the further story
You will understand more about the character
to be continued

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