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Back to Academy


There's a tense atmosphere in the room it was dark in there with a disgusting smell and everyone inside has the same question.

And then someone spit out that question.

"Where the f*ck is he"

She was a girl with light red hair blue eyes and with a beautiful face.

What she just said doesn't fit her appearance but no one bet an eye on this because that was not important right now, and then she added.

"Did he run away. That coward"

She was angry but couldn't do anything but curse him. Then someone tried to calm her down.

"Hay relax don't say it like that. In this situation anyone would flee."

"That's right but..."

She couldn't give an answer to this because he is right, the current situation is unpredictable no one knows what would happen next. Then another person spoke.

"I think we should think about getting out of here first."

That's right if he managed to run away then there must be a way out of here or else how did he get out.

Everyone's face lit up for a moment but it was not long lived. Someone opened the gate from outside.

It was a man with full armor whose face was hidden with a helmet, and he took everyone somewhere.


A girl was standing in the center of a completely dark room, her long black hair was now messy, and her face looked like she had cried a lot. She was thinking about someone.

"I'm sorry... Please forgive me..."

She was repeating that sentence frequently.

"I'm sorry... if I had just believed you"


Two guys are standing, but they didn't face each other. One of them spoke.

"I already know the answer, but I'll ask you anyway..."

A question with two different answers, but both might lead to a disaster.The other guy smiled and said.

"hehehehe... My answer is..."


"You think he can do it?"

Said by a guy he was wearing a butler fit. And it suits his appearance. There was a man sitting in the chair looking out the window he answered.

"We don't have any other choice, if this fails its consequences will be a disaster."


The sky is now covered with dark outside. Everywhere you look there is the same question in people's lips. What is going on? What is happening?

Everyone is unaware of what is going on, but they all know something is not right. Fear creeped in everyone's face.

"Mama I'm scared..."

"don't cry baby it's going to be alright"

There are sounds of children crying. Her mother is trying to comfort her baby, but it's only a false hope.


"cough... Cough..."

A man sitting on the floor is coughing blood from his mouth his throat was cut with a knife. In front of him a man had his face hidden with a mask and a knife in his left hand.

The man who was coughing blood, his vision became blurry and his eyes slowly closed. Then the man with a mask said.

"This might be enough"

And now...


It's been two years since I've been locked into prison. Actually I'm not a criminal.

It's not like I tried to kill someone I'm not a thief either. Well rape are different, but I failed anyway.

Right now I'm not in prison, but I'm in a carriage, and I'm being taken somewhere. My hands are tied with mana cuffs

It is pretty strong if you ask me. But that is not important, the important thing is where I am being taken.

I have no clue why. Who might it be to take a dangerous criminal out.but whoever it is. Must have a pretty high background.

Let's see who it might be.

It took thirty minutes to arrive let's just say it's not what I expected. The building in front of me is an abandoned one.

Looks very shabby. Is he hiding his identity? Soon a guard came out from another carriage. He asked me to follow him so I did.

Inside was not pretty either there are cracks on the wall it looked like they will not be able to hold for long.

Soon we arrive at the front of the door.

"Go in." said the guard.

When I opened the door there was none other than the sword master herself who ranked 3rd strongest in the empire.

"Greeting, please have a seat."

Quite direct with me huh. Well as I'm a criminal she won't show any respect to me. After I sat on the chair she continued.

"My name is Amy Han, it's our first meeting."

"Come to the point."

I don't like to beat around the bush it's better to finish quickly. What type of business she had with me, I don't understand.

"As you might have guessed..."

"I refuse."

By listening to her words. I refuse without even listening to the whole story. I now guessed whatever it is if I had been called for, then it must be pretty dangerous work and I don't want to get in trouble.

Amy Han didn't show any reaction like she already knew what my answer was going to be. Then Amy started to speak again.

"You are quite rude as the rumors say."

"What can I do, it's just the way I am."

"If you do I give you to do it then I'll give you anything you want."

Anything I say huh. What made her say that. I better not get into this sh*t. It's definitely the worst division if I accept that. Let's just refuse.

"I'll send you to the academy."



I came to my cell again. I have to leave this prison soon, and I'm very happy about that.

Looking around the cell it is quite luxurious I mean like there's a bed, by the bed I meant floor I'm just making it up. Well it's not like I'm sleeping in this type of for the first time.

That aside it's been 2 days since the agreement between me and Amy.

We both set three conditions in that agreement.

I'm not allowed to fight with the academy students.

I have to control my lust.

Must protect the second princess under the academy as well as outside of the academy.

It is clear that the second princess is being protected by the emperor, it might not be because she is his daughter but something else.

Well it has nothing to do with me, I just have to protect her.

There's a week left until the entrance ceremony for 1st year students. And I'll also be a 1st year student, the academy is quite strict in their education.

As for my conditions...

"I can't wait... hahaha."


Supreme academy.

"No, we can't agree with this"

Instructors and professors are sitting on their respective seats and the principal is at the supreme chair looking at everyone.

""If he comes back to school it will be a disaster." "We should not agree to this...""

Said a male professor.

"You also know what he has done in just one year is it still okay to let him...."

"I know, but it's the order by the royal authority."

He was interrupted by the principal. The atmosphere there is not good at all. He was unable to stand the principal's gaze.

The principal looked at everyone in the room and said.

"I know it's hard to accept this, but we don't have any choice, because the empire's future depends on it"

All of them showed disapproval,but no one could raise a question, they can't do anything other than just watch.


Entrance ceremony.

"Hehe... I'm very excited."

Said the girl with brown hair sparkling green eyes her small height makes her look cute.

"Me too Alisa"

The girl who walked side by side to Alisa said. Her gray hair shines in the moonlight and her blue water like eyes are making her look gorgeous. Her name is Aria Lee.

They both entered the ceremony together. Inside was full of new students some were commoner and others were noble.

Both were focused on introducing themselves because the Supreme academy doesn't discriminate against anyone, only talent matters here. Those who can prove themselves will stay till the end and those who cannot will leave.


Alisa was surprised to see inside, because she is a commoner, and she never saw this type of welcome.

"It looks so amazing right Aria"


On the other hand Aria didn't show any reaction because like Alisa she is not a commoner, and she is used to it.

"Ahh sorry, excuse me."

Alisa bumped into someone when she looked behind there was a boy looking at her. His silver hair and sharp jawline made him look very cool. The opened his mouth and said.

"It's okay I'm also at fault. Are you also a first year. Of course you are what I'm asking haha..."

He scratched the back of his head with a little blush. Alisa's lips curved upward a little.

"Yes I'm a first year. I think you are also in your first year as well."

The boy smiled and said.

"Yes, I am."

"My name is Alisa, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Alisa introduced herself.

"Yes... And my name is..."

Just then all the lights went off. The hall is filled with dark. Students were confused about what was happening.


"Step... Step..."

Sounds of steps filled the entire hall. A strange threatening aura filled inside. The lights were on again. There was a man standing at the center of the hall. He was looking at the students. His face was covered with a mask.

"Hello everyone. Pleasure to meet you I'm Nyx."

He introduced himself as Nyx. He spread his hands wide and said.

"as you can see you are all surrounded by my men and if you want to live just stay still and watch"


At the flick of his finger all his men showed up one by one. Some were guarding at the door, some were at the window, some were looking down at everyone.

"Is this some kind of joke..."

A boy tried to speak up, but he didn't finish his sentence his head fell at the ground and blood flowed like a fountain from is neck. The floor which was pure as white was now red.

Everyone stopped breathing for a second. They were unable to come to their senses. What just happened in front of their eyes made them unable to think anything

Everyone swallowed anything coming out of their mouth. They were scared to even say anything.

The masked man in the center looked at the dead body.

"Hahaha... When I said just watch then just watch. Was it that hard."

He laughed for a while and then he looked at the students. Some students took a few steps backwards in fear.

"As long as you do what I told you to then you'll be safe okay."

There was no reply. Not because they cannot answer but because they were so scared to say anything.

He slowly started to walk towards the students. The student's eyes filled with more fear, but he didn't touch anyone. Every student he passed by took a long breath of relief.

The masked man stopped in front of a student. She is the second princess of the empire. They came for her.

His hand moved towards the princess but the light went off again. The hall is now filled with dark again. Everyone was confused.

"Who turned off the lights."


A scream was heard from the door. A wizard lit a fire and used it like a touch. When they looked at the place where the scream came from their eyes opened wide.

One of their men was struggling to breathe because someone cut his throat.


After that one more scream was heard. This time it was the wizard who used fire magic. His hand fell down. The light went off again.

The scream started to increase so quickly no one could react. After some time the scream started to decrease.

Now only a few men were left. The leader opened is mouth.

"Who… Who is it. Who dares..."

"Hay now don't be mad."

A voice came out of nowhere. Because there was no light they were unable to see who said it.

Suddenly the lights were on, and the sight was not pleasing at all. Some of his men had their legs separated, wizards hands were separated and all of them had their throat cut.

And a boy was standing in front of the door. His body is covered with blood. He had a plier and an axe on his hands coated with blood.

"Who are you I'll let you live if you back off right now kid"

Hearing this the boy said while laughing.

"Hahaha... Do you think you are in the position to say this."

"You're quite an arrogant kid."

"What can I say, that's just the way I'm."

The leader ordered his men.

"Hay what are you looking at go and kill him."

All his men rush at the boy. As he already killed the wizard there's no long range attack possible.

The boy tightens his grip on his axe and rushes forward. Of

What are you?

When I arrive at the welcome ceremony. I felt something unusual, light went off for some time and back again, but it doesn't feel right.

Electricity outages in the welcome ceremony of the Supreme academy are not possible. Sometimes later I saw some people with masks going inside the ceremony.

I sneaked into the window to see inside, there was a dead body without his head, and a man was walking towards a student and stopped in front of a student, I think it's the second princess.

When he stopped in front of a student, just then the light went off again, I heard a lot of screams and when the lights were on most of the masked men were struggling to breathe, it was more terrifying than before.

And a boy standing there had a plier and an axe in both hands and blood was dripping from his arms and weapons.

"What are you looking at, kill him"

At his command the remaining man with masks rushed at the boy. The boy smiled, showing his teeth and rushed forward, he was looking terrifying.


The boy kicked the first man in the abdomen and jabbed him with his axe on his head. Then he slowly moved forward and punched one of the men's ribs he used plier to cut his throat.

The boy quickly killed the remaining ones, then he looked at the last person which was the leader of all masked men. He slowly moved towards him, the boy's body was covered with blood.

But the masked man showed no sign of discomfort and the masked man spoke first.

"Who are you?"


The boy didn't reply.

"How about you join us, we can give you anything you want."


The boy didn't reply again. The masked man started to get angry.

"Hay kid you don't know who we are, we can kill you anytime we want."

The boy didn't reply once again, he raised his hand and showed him his middle finger with a smirk.

"You arrogant kid."

The masked man rushed at the boy and took out his knife and tried to stab him, the boy took a step back and stopped the knife with his plier. The masked man was surprised, at the boy's strength. He tried to make some distance, but someone stopped him.

It was a student with silver hair. He dropped his knife when the student stopped him. the student was gonna swing his sword at him, but he was stopped by the boy.

"Oi!!! What are you doing back off"

"But I'm trying to help you."

At his wards the boy made a serious face and said.

"B*tch I said back off."

His serious expression gave not only him but everyone on the hall shivers.

"O... Okey."

The boy grabbed the masked man's leg and threw him at the ground, the masked man coughed some blood. He then kicked him in the face.


He then twisted the masked man's legs.


The masked man groaned in pain.

Then he picked up the knife which the masked man had dropped earlier. He slowly moved towards him. The masked man started to crawl backwards.

"Please... Please... Spare me. Please don't kill me. Please don't, spare me ."

"why should I."

The boy stabbed his knife on masked mans legs and kept stabbing his legs multiple times. The man kept crying in pain. He was so traumatized it made him unable to speak.


The boy showed a wicked smile. Now students started to pity the masked man. The boy in front of their eyes looked like a monster to them.The boy stood up and said.

"You wanted to know who I am right. Hahaha... Then listen."

The boy spread his arm wide and shouted.

"my name is Arthur..."

His name echoed in everyone's mind. Arthur held his hand up with a knife. Everyone guessed what was going to happen next so, they closed their eyes.

"AAAAA..." the scream stopped, everyone opened their eyes they were shocked because the masked man was alive, and the knife was just an inch away from his neck.

Arthur dropped his knife, he was looking at something. He slowly moved forward. The place he stopped at was...

The table was filled with food and dessert which was prepared for first year students. He started eating them with his bare hands. At the same time I heard someone calling me.

"Hay what are you doing there. Are you okay."

When I looked back I saw that he was wearing an instructor uniform. It means help has arrived.

"I... I am fine nothing happened to me."

I was only looking from outside the window so nothing happened to me. The instructor ordered me to follow him so, I followed suit.

I saw more instructors who were at the entrance door. Their expression was complicated which was reasonable. How cold someone will be calm after this horrible scene. The hall which was pure white now filled with red blood.

A dead body without a head. A masked man who suffered trauma and can't even breathe properly. And a boy whose body was covered with blood, eating food using his bloody hand.

All new students were shocked after witnessing this horrible scene. I saw some instructors talking to the students but no one approached Arthur.

I and other students had the same question what is he no dignity, but with brutal strength and no fear. Killed more than thirty people alone.

Arthur, ate all the food prepared for 500 students. After he finished eating he started walking towards the students.

What is his background, why all instructors showed dissatisfied expression but no one said anything, why didn't they approach him?

There were many questions but no, answer. What are you Arthur?


It's been so long since I ate this delicious food. I ate everything I'm full of now.

Ah I forgot, I slowly walked towards the students and looked for him where he was. Ah! There we go. My smile came in, all the students flinched. Why though? It's not like I'm going to kill them.

Anyway, I saw what I wanted to see, so I'm done here. Let's stop at the bar later and have some drinks. Tomorrow Will be the first day of the academy.


"F*ck, I overslept."

Now I'm running towards the academy. Can't believe I'm late on the first day of the academy.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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