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Maksimilian Andronikashvili

Try hitting it once, you won't get a chance to fall.

Dangerous than Danger


AGE 29




(Andronikashvili  hold the most power in various sector ......)


●Also know as NIGHT in military

●In BUSINESS he is know to everyone but military on the few)

● Has long dark hair but hide from world


Maksimilian Andronikashvili

Age: 29

Profession: Businessman


Maksimilian is a 29-year-old influential businessman, helming his ancestral business with strategic acumen. He is also the enigmatic leader of a powerful military base, known as the "Dark Knight." His vast influence spans multiple sectors, earning him the reputation as the most powerful man in the country.


- "NIGHT" in military circles (known only to a select few)

- "Maksimilian" in business (publicly recognized)

Physical Appearance:

- Hair: Long, dark hair (hidden from the world)

- red eye ( Because of family genetics) he were lens


- Family Legacy: Inherited ancestral business and military influence

- Military Power: Commands the "Dark Knight" military base, wielding significant authority

- Business Acumen: Shrewd entrepreneur with diversified interests

- Secretive Nature: Keeps his personal life and military involvement hidden from the public eye

Here's a possible profile description for Maksimilian Andronikashvili:

_The Dark Knight_

I am Maksimilian Andronikashvili, the 29-year-old businessman with a reputation for being untouchable. My family's ancestral business is just the beginning - I also command the powerful military base known as the Dark Knight, where I hold the most power in various sectors.

_Dangerous than Danger_

My long dark hair and red eye may be hidden from the world, but my presence is felt everywhere. They call me NIGHT in military circles, where only a select few know the truth about my operations.

_Follow me for:_

Insights into the world of high-stakes business and military strategy

Glimpses of my secret life as the Dark Knight

A dose of raw power and unapologetic ambition

Remember, try hitting me once, and you won't get a chance to fall. I am the one they fear, the one they respect, and the one who always comes out on top.

Nastasiya Abashidze

I am not a princess, I am a queen.

wolf in sheep's clothing


AGE 26



we can say that she rule

●In industry she know as STAR

only know to few people)

● dye her hair into red


Nastasiya Abashidze

Age: 26

Profession: CEO, Family Business


Nastasiya is a 26-year-old visionary leader, helming her family's business with poise and precision. Unbeknownst to the public, she wields significant influence in the news and entertainment industries, earning her the moniker "STAR" among a select few.

Physical Appearance:

- Hair: Vibrant red (dyed)( Originally it was black)


- Confident and assertive leadership style

- Strategic thinking and innovative approach

- Private and discreet nature

- Loyal and protective instincts towards her family and loved ones

- Ambitious and driven, with a passion for excellence


- Family legacy: Born into a wealthy and influential family with a long history of business success

- Groomed for leadership: Prepared from a young age to take over the family business

- Hidden influence: Wields significant power in the news and entertainment industries, known only to a select few

- Personal life: Closely guarded, with few knowing much about her relationships, interests, or hobbies outside of business


Here's a possible profile description for Nastasiya Abashidze:

*Queen of Industries*

I am Nastasiya Abashidze, the 26-year-old CEO of my family's business empire. But don't let my age fool you - I am a force to be reckoned with. By day, I rule the boardroom with precision and strategic thinking. By night, I hold court as STAR, the mysterious and powerful influencer in the news and entertainment industries.

*The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing*

My red hair and dark eyes may seem intimidating, but it's my sharp mind and quick wit that will leave you breathless. I wear lenses to hide my true self, but those who know me understand that I am always in control.

*Follow me for:*

Insights into the business world

Glimpses of my secret life as STAR

A dose of fierce female empowerment

Remember, I am not a princess - I am a queen. And I will stop at nothing to protect my throne.


A dark forest with thick layer of trees, often with intertwined branches, blocking most moonlight from reaching the forest floor.

The forest floor is shrouded in darkness, with only faint, filtered light penetrating the canopy above. Thick, impenetrable underbrush, making it difficult to navigate. Ancient, gnarled trees with twisted, grotesque trunks and branches.

An unsettling quietness, punctuated only by the occasional snapping of twigs or distant, unidentifiable sounds. A damp, earthy smell, heavy with the aroma of decaying leaves and moss.The dense foliage and darkness make it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead.

An eerie, ominous feeling, as if the forest is watching and waiting.

A stunning young woman with a radiant glow. Her long, luscious hair cascades down her back like a rich, dark waterfall. Her bright, expressive eyes sparkle like diamonds, shining with warmth and kindness. Her skin is smooth and luminous, with a subtle golden glow from spending time outdoors. Her full lips curve into a gentle, captivating smile, revealing a hint of mischief and playfulness. She exudes confidence and grace, moving with a effortless elegance that commands attention. Her style is effortlessly chic, blending comfort and sophistication with a dash of personal flair. She's a true beauty, inside and out - a shining star in a world full of ordinary moments.

The stunning young woman sprinted through the dense forest, her long legs carrying her effortlessly across the rugged terrain. Her black hair flowed behind her like a waterfall, and her bright black eyes sparkled with a mix of anger and determination. Her slender figure was clad in a fitted white tank top and dark leggings, accentuating her athletic physique as she ran for her life.

Close behind, some men gave chase, their heavy footsteps pounding the earth as they gained ground. Their faces were twisted with a mixture of anger and lust, their eyes fixed greedily on the fleeing girl. The air was electric with tension as the distance between hunter and prey narrowed, the men's labored breathing and the girl's panicked gasps filling the air.

The forest seemed to close in around them, the trees growing taller and darker, casting long, ominous shadows on the ground. The girl's breath came in ragged gasps, her heart racing with fear, as she darted between the trees, desperate to escape her pursuers. The men's shouts and curses echoed through the forest, adding to the sense of danger and urgency."

The girl is running, but there is no trace of fear on her face. She is running laughing. She went from the road to inside the forest.

The men, fueled by a sinister intent, closed in on their target with ruthless determination. Their leader, a burly figure with a scar above his left eyebrow, snarled with excitement, his eyes fixed on the girl's fleeing form. ''Don't let her get away!' 'he bellowed to his companions, a pair of lean, menacing figures who flanked him like dark shadows.

Their instructions were clear: capture the girl by any means necessary, and silence her permanently if she resisted. The men's faces twisted with cruel anticipation, their footsteps quickening as they gained ground.

But the girl, despite the danger closing in around her, didn't flinch. Her eyes blazed with a fierce inner light, her jaw set in a determined line. She ran with a fluid grace, her long legs devouring the distance, her feet barely touching the ground.

Fear didn't touch her; instead, a cold, calculated focus drove her forward. She knew her pursuers, knew their cruel intentions, and she was determined to outsmart them. Her mind raced with strategies, her senses heightened as she navigated the treacherous terrain.

The men, taken aback by her bravery, hesitated for a moment, their footsteps faltering. But their leader, the scar-faced man, snarled a curse, urging them on. 'Don't let her get away!' he bellowed, his voice echoing through the forest.

The girl, sensing their uncertainty, seized the moment. She veered sharply to the left, dodging a low-hanging branch, and sprinted up a steep incline. The men followed, their heavier footsteps struggling to keep pace with her lithe, agile form

She ran and went into the middle of the forest, not in the middle but a little ahead of it.She turned around and looked at all those people who could speak there. She stood up. All those people came running in front of her .

"As the men closed in, the girl spun around, her eyes flashing with defiance. 'Why are you doing this?' she demanded, her voice steady and strong. 'Who sent you?'

The scar-faced man sneered, his lips curling up in a cruel smile. 'You know why,' he growled. 'You've been poking your nose into things you don't understand.'

The girl stood her ground, her feet shoulder-width apart, her fists clenched. 'I won't back down,' she said, her voice firm. 'I'll fight you with every breath in my body.'

The men snickered, their eyes gleaming with excitement. 'Oh, we're shaking in our boots,' one of them jeered.

But the girl just smiled, a fierce, feral smile. 'You should be,' she said, her eyes glinting with a hint of steel. 'You have no idea what I'm capable of.'

With that, she launched herself at the men, her fists flying, her feet kicking. The men were taken aback by her ferocity, stumbling backward as she attacked.

With a fierce determination, the girl demanded, 'Who sent you?' as she took down two men with swift kicks.

One of the men stumbled back, terrified, and tried to run. But the girl was too fast. She caught him and slammed him against a tree. 'Who?' she snarled, her eyes blazing.

The man trembled, unable to speak. But then, a faint whisper escaped his lips. W...Wolff.'

The girl's eyes narrowed. 'Wolff,' she repeated, her voice dripping with venom.

Suddenly, a sleek white figure emerged from the shadows. A wolf, its eyes glowing yellow in the dark. The girl smiled, a fierce smile. 'My card,' she said, her voice low and deadly.

The white wolf stands majestically, its thick, snow-white coat glistening in the light. Its eyes burn with an piercing yellow intensity, shining like bright stars in the darkness. Its muscular physique ripples beneath its fur, exuding strength and power. Its sharp, hooked claws gleam like polished ivory, ready to strike with deadly precision. Its ears, triangular and alert, perk up with every sound, attuned to the subtlest rustle. Its tail, bushy and strong, streams behind it like a banner, signaling its dominance. As it moves, its fur seems to shimmer and glow, as if infused with an inner light. Its very presence commands respect, inspiring awe and reverence. This is a creature of wild beauty, a symbol of resilience and survival in the harshest of environments."

Together, the girl and the wolf fought the men, their movements swift and lethal. The wolf took down two men with swift bites, while the girl dispatched the others with her fists and feet.

The men were no match for the girl and her wolf. They fell, one by one, until only one remained. The girl turned to face him, her eyes blazing with fury.

'You should not have come here,' she said, her voice cold and deadly.

"With a swift kick, the girl sent the last man crashing to the ground. She stood over him, her eyes blazing with fury. 'Who sent you?' she demanded, her voice cold and deadly.

The man cowered, his eyes wide with fear. '.....#########********,' he stammered.

The girl's smile crept up her face, a slow, creepy smile. '#######*******,' she repeated, her voice dripping with malice.

She turned to the wolf, which was watching with an unblinking gaze. 'It seems we have a name,' she said, her voice low and deadly.

The wolf nodded, as if it understood, and the girl's smile grew wider. She reached down and pulled the man to his feet, her grip like a vice.

'You're going to tell me everything,' she said, her voice cold and menacing. 'Everything about "######*****" plans.'

The man trembled, his eyes wide with fear, as the girl's smile grew even wider. She leaned in close, her breath cold against his ear.

'And then,' she whispered, 'you're going to die.'"

With a swift kick, she took down the last man, and then turned to the wolf. 'Good girl ,' she said, her voice softening. 'Let's go.'

The wolf nodded, as if it understood, and followed the girl into the darkness."

The girl walked alongside her wolf, the trees of the forest looming above them like sentinels. They moved swiftly, the girl's long legs carrying her effortlessly through the underbrush. The wolf paced beside her, its eyes fixed on her face.

As they walked, the trees grew closer together, the path narrowing until they were pushing through a thicket of brambles. The girl didn't hesitate, her hands pushing aside the thorns with a practiced ease.

Finally, they emerged into a clearing, and in the center of it stood a house unlike any other. The walls were made of gleaming glass, the roof a dome of crystal that refracted the moonlight into a thousand colors.

The girl smiled, a small, enigmatic smile. 'Home,' she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

The wolf nodded, as if it understood, and padded silently beside her as she approached the house. The girl opened the door, and a warm golden light spilled out, bathing them in its radiance.

Inside, the house was a marvel of modern technology, the walls lined with screens and devices that hummed softly. The girl moved through it all with a practiced ease, the wolf following close behind.

Together, they reached the heart of the house, a room filled with a dazzling array of gadgets and tools. The girl turned to the wolf, her eyes shining with a fierce light.

'Now,' she said, her voice low and deadly. 'We plan our next move.'


"As soon as the girl walked in the door with her wolf, her phone rang. She smiled, knowing it was her mom.

'Hey, sweetie, how was your day?' her mom asked, her voice warm and loving.

The girl chuckled, scratching the wolf behind the ears. 'It was eventful, Mom. But I'm good. '

Her mom said 'and yeah you should spary the kill in the forest house there will be some mosquitoes because of the moisturize area'.

The girl smile 'mom there will be nobody come in my area without my permission also if some are they will be killed by electronic waves'

And added 'Yeah some mosquitoes are come today but don't worry I killed them with my own hand so '

Her mom laughed. 'I'm glad to hear that. Be careful, okay?'

The girl nodded, even though her mom couldn't see her. 'I will, Mom. Don't worry.'

After the call, the girl turned to the wolf. 'Time to plan our next move,' she said, her eyes gleaming with determination.

The wolf wagged its tail, as if it understood.

Together, they pored over maps and strategized, their minds racing with possibilities.

Finally, exhausted, the girl stood up. 'Time for a bath,' she said, the wolf following close behind.

She soaked in the warm water, feeling the tension melt away, and then climbed out, wrapping herself in a towel.

The wolf watched her, its eyes never leaving her face, as if guarding her from any harm.

As she dried off, the girl smiled, feeling a sense of calm wash over her. She knew what she had to do next. And she knew the wolf would be by her side every step of the way."

"Mani" she call her wolf and talk about the ######***** And details about mission.

The man she killed was a member of the notorious mafia gang, led by the ruthless and cunning . He had been trying to expand their criminal empire into the legitimate business world, but the girl's actions had thwarted their plans.

She had discovered their scheme and used her powerful connections to shut them down, refusing to let them gain a foothold in the corporate world. #####*** was furious, and he vowed to eliminate her.

But what he didn't know was that the girl had a powerful background, with connections that went all the way to the top. Her family had been influential for generations, and they would stop at nothing to protect her.

The mafia gang had tried to kill her before, but they had failed miserably. They didn't realize that she was not just any ordinary girl - she was a force to be reckoned with.

And now, with the wolf by her side, she was more dangerous than ever. She would not back down, and she would not be intimidated. She would fight to the end to protect herself and her family's legacy."


Introduction the beauty lady or girl

*Queen of Industries*

I am Nastasiya Abashidze, the 26-year-old CEO of my family's business empire. But don't let my age fool you - I am a force to be reckoned with. By day, I rule the boardroom with precision and strategic thinking. By night, I hold court as STAR, the mysterious and powerful influencer in the news and entertainment industries.

*The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing*

My red hair and dark eyes may seem intimidating, but it's my sharp mind and quick wit that will leave you breathless. I wear lenses to hide my true self, but those who know me understand that I am always in control.

*Follow me for:*

Insights into the business world

Glimpses of my secret life as STAR

A dose of fierce female empowerment

Remember, I am not a princess - I am a queen. And I will stop at nothing to protect my throne.


"The girl's name was Nastasiya Abashidze, a 26-year-old heiress to a vast fortune and legacy. Her family, the Abashidze were renowned for their business empire, philanthropy, and influence. But Nastasiya was different from her family members. She was a wild child, always rebelling against the conventions and expectations placed upon her.

Growing up, Nastasiya had been fascinated by the world of martial arts and combat. She spent years honing her skills, becoming an expert in hand-to-hand combat and marksmanship. Her parents had worried about her obsession, but they couldn't deny her talent.

As she grew older, Nastasiya became increasingly disillusioned with the family business. She saw the corruption and greed that lay beneath the surface, and she knew she wanted no part in it. So she struck out on her own, using her skills to protect those who couldn't defend themselves.

And then, she met the wolf. A majestic creature with piercing yellow eyes, it had been her constant companion ever since. SHE NAME THE WOLF AS MANI , Together, they roamed the city, fighting against injustice and taking down those who preyed on the weak.

Nastasiya reputation grew, and so did the legend of the wolf. People whispered about the mysterious duo, how they seemed to appear and disappear at will, leaving a trail of justice in their wake.

But Nastasiya knew the truth. She was just a girl, fighting for what was right. And the wolf was her loyal companion, her friend and protector."


"Nastasiya woke up to the warm rays of sunlight peeking through the windows of her bedroom. She stretched her arms and yawned, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. Beside her, her loyal wolf companion stirred, his piercing yellow eyes gazing up at her adoringly.

She spent the morning playing with the wolf, laughing as he chased after toys and snuggled up beside her. They played hide-and-seek, tag, and even had a pretend battle, Nastasiya using her imagination to create a fantastical world.

As the morning wore on, Sophia decided to spend some time reading, curled up on the couch with a good book. The wolf settled down beside her, his head resting on her lap as she stroked his fur.

At around twelve, Nastasiya knew it was time to head back home. She said goodbye to the wolf, promising to return soon, and made her way back to her family's estate.

"As Nastasiya walked away from the forest, she turned back to gaze at her loyal companion, the majestic wolf. She had raised him from a pup, and now she was leaving him behind to protect their forest home.

'Guard this land, my friend Mani ,' she said, her voice filled with emotion. 'Keep our home safe from harm.'

The wolf, sensing her distress, let out a soft howl and padded closer to her. Nastasiya knelt down, embracing him tightly.

'I'll return soon,' she whispered. 'But for now, I must go to my family's house. They need me.'

"Nastasiya slipped into her car and started the engine, feeling a mix of emotions as she pulled away from the forest. She glanced in the rearview mirror, catching a glimpse of her wolf companion watching her leave.

As she drove down the winding road, the trees gave way to rolling hills and eventually, the familiar landscape of her family's estate. She turned up the driveway, and the house came into view.

She took a deep breath, pushed open the door, and stepped inside. The familiar scent of old books and wood polish enveloped her, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her.

Nastasiya was home."

Her mother, Natalya, was waiting on the front porch, a warm smile on her face. Nastasiya younger brother, Valentin, was bouncing with excitement beside her, and her father, Stanislav, stood tall, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled.

Nastasiya pulled up to the house and turned off the engine. She took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over her as she stepped out of the car.

Her mother rushed down the steps, opening her arms for a tight hug. 'We've missed you so much, sweetie!' she exclaimed.

Nastasiya hugged her back, feeling a sense of homecoming. 'I've missed you too, Mom.'

As they pulled back, Nastasiya father and brother enveloped her in a group hug. 'Welcome home, kiddo,' her father said, his voice gruff with emotion.

Nastasiya smiled, feeling grateful for this loving family of hers. She knew she was exactly where she belonged."

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