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Legacy of Seiko

Seiko Mizuki

Mizuki clan.This is one of the strongest clan in this world . They look like humans but they are not humans . They have magic lower , healing power and more type of powers .

Today is a wonderfull day for mizuki clan . Today the leader of this mizuki clan's Akimoto mizuki has a became a father . His wife Asuna Mizuki give birth a child .A baby was born .

A maid come to akimoto and said "Sir you have became a father . Lady asuna give birth a girl " .

Akimoto go at that room .She saw a very little cute girl was crying . Akimoto said " she is very cute and she has a unique blue colour hair " . I am sure in future she will become a good leader and lead this clan.

Asuna said " you should give a name her " .

Akimoto thought sometimes and he said " yes, from today her name will be seiko . Sekio mizuki " . Asuna Said " its a good .

They are very happy with their baby .

About six month has been pass since seiko has born .

As the leader of the clan leader she has everything a child need. She can not walk but crawl . She was very active. She was a mere child but she always try to walk and explore the house.

Akimoto notice seiko has a strong magical aura around him . She is not even 1 year but still she has a powerfull magic aura.

Today a meeting will happen between mizuki clan's leader Akimoto and yung clan's leader Valgor . Actually , some member of mizuki clan has reported that member from yung has entered in the territory of mizuki clan illegaly. They stole mizuki clan's important and secret military information. Akimito said " listen Valgor I have report that some of your clan is illegally entered in our area and stole our secrer information " . Valgor said " But do you have any proof or something like that " Akimoto said " Its true that we have not any strong proof but its true " . Valgor said " huh, You do not have a strong proof So wghy you are saying this".

After an 1 hour meeting no conclusion has created but the two clan's relationship has became More worst.

Actually , yung and mizukai clan has always war with each other they two are very strong and powerfull clan. Because of many reason they war with each other.

5 years has pass since then.

Seiko can talk and walk now. Today seiko has come market with her mom Asuna. This is the first time seiko has come outside of her house. She is looking around her with very curosity.

She siad " mom i saw you,father and many other uncle use magic. When i will start using magic ".

Asuna said " seiko you are still a cute child. Now is your time to play with your friends . Kids around 10 years can Learn and start using their magic. I am sure you will be a powerfull girl who will protect his clan ".

Seiko said " yes, Whe I will grow up I will become powerfull and protect everyone ".


Some year has pass

Today seiko is playing with his friends she has 2 friends. Their name is uki and Haruki. They are playing in the garden of their house. Seiko saw a cute magical beast is roaming around the garden. She wanted to become friend with that magical beast. The magical beast is something like rabbit but not that. It is very fast than rabbit and it release a magic that makes the area foggy.

Seiko tell this others to catch that.

Uki said " lets catch him "

Haruki said " won't your mom will angry if we catch that "

Seiko said " nothing will happen believe me "

Haruki said " so, what are we waiting for. Lets go and make friendship with him "

They started to try and catch it. But it was very fast to catch . It leave the garden and went into the side of jungle. By chasing that seiko and his friend went into that jungle. Finally, they catch it. Then they listen something terrible sound.

Uki get afraid and said " We should back our home.Jungle is full of many dangerous animal and magical beast even more dangerous than this.

Haruki said " don't scare us by teeling this" .

Seiko said " I think she is right. We should leave this place as fast as possible ".

When they are about leave......

A dangerous giant beast came in front of them (the beast name k karjon which is very strong and bloodthirsty) .By seeing that thing they are sure its not passive. It attack them.

Uki is almost getting a hit from the beast but in right time seiko take her so she wad unharmed.

But you know its a magical beast. Its not easy to

Escape fom him. the beast attack them continuously. They start running to their home but with a high jump the beast came in front of them. It attacked haruki dodge it somehow but uki got injured. Her leg has been injured by the beast.

She is no longer can run or walk. Seiko Get very afraid. She is thinking that its her fault. She is one who led them in this way. The beast going attack at uki. Haruki is that much afraid he even can not run so he can not save uki. Using his hand the beast attacked uki but...........

At the right time seiko used magic and create a defense shield and save uki. But the pushed him away with his brute strenth.

Seiko fell too far. Now the beast is coming at seiko. Seiko used fire magic and attack with that the beast fell but he got no damage Because seiko's magic is not that much powerfull to harm a monster like that.

Seiko is thinking " what should I do??? That monster is so powerfull. There is no way i can beat a monster like that. U's leg is injured she can not move and haruki has afraid so much that he can not even move. It would should be better if I did not tell them to come here.

The beast came to attack seiko again. Seiko get afraid too and she close her eyes. But what happen?? The monster did not attack her.

With tears she slowly open her eyes.She was shocked. She saw her dad has come and he beat that monster with his magic in just a single attack.


Seiko's father and some people have came.

Seiko said "How did you know we are here. "

Akimoto said "When you and your friends went in to the forest a villager saw you

He follow you in case if you fell in danger. Then,He saw that monster is attacking you. He can not save you from that monster. So,He ran and come at me.I came here as fast as possible. "

Only uki got little injured. Seiko and haruki was unharmed. Uki's injury was not that fatal so a person came heal her leg.

Then they went in to their house.

Akimoto said seiko to go home and wait for him. He has something to talk about with her.

Then seiko went home. She change her dress and eat some food.

Now, She is waiting for her father.

She is thinking " Father will surely scold me.

Because I took them to the forest and because of me they were in danger.

Seiko's father arrived shortly after that. He said "seiko you must think I will scold you because you took them to the forest. But I didn't call you here to scold you. I saw when the monster attacked you you used your magic power to save your friends. How did you do that because Normally everyone can awaken magic and use their magic power at the age of 12-14 but your age is only seven. At this age using magic and made protective shield is not easy. "

Seiko said "Actually, I can not explain it. I saw some people to use it and also I read a book about making this type of shield. I always want to use magic but I did not try it anytime.

Akimoto said " I think you have a strong magical power . If you work hard and try to improve your magical power "

Seiko said " Ok "

At the night when seiko was sleeping Akimoto said to her mother " We should get a teacher to teach seiko about using basic magic and other thing. "

Her mother said " But isn't it a little early to get a teacher for seiko. She is only seven years now."

Akimoto said " I know, but today i saw her using magic. "

mother said " But I didn't teach her anything. And how she do that in this age. "

Akimoto said " I was shocked too but I see it with my own house."

Mother said "Ok, if you are saying this so think we should get a teacher for seiko. "

The next day akimoto appointed a teacher for seiko.

He called seiko and tell ther name is alisa.From today she is your teacher She will taught you about

Magic and many other things.

Seiko siad " okay. "

Aftet that akimoto went for his work.

Alisa said " okay. whats you name?

Seiko said " My name is Seiko mizuki and i am sven years old. "

Alisa said " First I will taught you about how you can use your magic. So do step by step as I say "

Seiko said " Okay I will do as you say. "

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