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Love And Elements


Hi everyone, its cassy
This is my first chat story and i hope you all enjoy it
20 yrs ago by the river bank in the seasanami clan. It was a stormy day when maria was undergoing childbirth.
Maria {FL
Maria {FL' s Mother}
[In pain] AAAAA aaah
Anna { Maria
Anna { Maria's Bestfriend}
I am really sorry maria, but you need to keep it down. Nobody must know that we are here
Maria {FL
Maria {FL' s Mother}
But it hurts AAH aaaaaah
Anna { Maria
Anna { Maria's Bestfriend}
Calm down maria. Breath in and out okay the baby is almost here.
The storm increased, and the river began to rise
Anna { Maria
Anna { Maria's Bestfriend}
You can do it maria just one more push
Maria pushed with all her might then the baby finally came out
Waaaah waah wah
Anna { Maria
Anna { Maria's Bestfriend}
Congratulations maria it's a girl
Maria {FL
Maria {FL' s Mother}
[Sobbing] Ooh my dear daughter. It's okay mommy is here
Waah waa.......(stops)
When young Mila stopped crying the storm subsided
It was then that maria knew that her daughter possessed great power
Anna { Maria
Anna { Maria's Bestfriend}
Woah maria do you know what this means ? She might be the next goddess
Maria {FL
Maria {FL' s Mother}
This is bad anna
Anna { Maria
Anna { Maria's Bestfriend}
Why, what is wrong?
Maria {FL
Maria {FL' s Mother}
You know the reason why I married into the somorin family, i cant let them get their hands on this power. I have to seal it away.
Anna { Maria
Anna { Maria's Bestfriend}
But that means
Maria {FL
Maria {FL' s Mother}
Yes I know what it means. I am really sorry mila.
Maria {FL
Maria {FL' s Mother}
Prepare for the sealing anna
Anna { Maria
Anna { Maria's Bestfriend}
Okay right away
The sealing began and mila's powers were sealed inside the river


The present day at the somorin household
Preparations were being made to see if any of the daughters possessed the gift of elemental magic
Mila was deep in thoughts inside her room
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
[ It's been 10yrs since mom left.I miss her so much]
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
[Mom today Is the big day, do you think i possess elemental magic]
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
[Maybe If i do dad would pay more attention to me and stop treating me like a maid]
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
(Sobbing)[mom....i don't know what I did wrong why does dad treat me this way. He loves June more than he loves me]
Sully {Headmaid}
Sully {Headmaid}
Miss Mila your father has sent for you
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
(Wipes tears from her eyes) please inform him that i am on my way
Sully {Headmaid}
Sully {Headmaid}
Miss Mila please dont cry today is your big day and I am sure you will be fine
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Thank you sully
Mila left her room and made her way to the main hall, on her way she bumped into June
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
I am sorry
June {FL
June {FL's Stepsister}
You should be, you almost ruined my dress
June {FL
June {FL's Stepsister}
You shouldn't border to go to the main hall, we all know you have no magic, you will remain useless for the rest of your life
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
We shall see about that [what am I saying i am not sure if I have magic and father said my spirit point is low]
Note: Spirit points are points that shows the tendency of having magic. The amount of points you have determines the elemental power you will have. 100-400: Earth 500-900: Wind 1000-1400: Fire 1500-1900: Water Water and fire are rare elemental powers It is possible for a person to possess two or three elemental power but it has never been possible for a person to possess four. People that possess three elemental power all come from the seasanami clan, the most powerful clan in the world.
June {FL
June {FL's Stepsister}
Goodluck you will need it
Thanks for reading tune in again next time

The True Meaning Behind The Test

Mila made her way to the busy main hall It was full of people from distinguished families .Mila began to feel nervous at the sight of all the people then her stepmother walked up to her.
Karin {FL
Karin {FL's Stepmother}
Today is for june to shine dont stand in my daughters way got it
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
I wasn't planning to
Karin {FL
Karin {FL's Stepmother}
It's not like you have elemental magic your spirit point is too low. You are just going humiliate yourself in front of so many people. Hahaha
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Karin {FL
Karin {FL's Stepmother}
Stop stuttering like a fool
Karin {FL
Karin {FL's Stepmother}
Do you know the true purpose of this test The reason for this test is to know if you are qualified to get married
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Karin {FL
Karin {FL's Stepmother}
The stronger your magic the greater the riches and rank of the family you will get married into
Karin {FL
Karin {FL's Stepmother}
But by the looks of it you will not be able to get married to anyone.No one will want you hahahaha
With that she left mila
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
Mila {FL 20yrs old}
[ I cant believe it, what will i do i will bring shame to the family.Dad will hate me forever ]
After a while mila summoned the strenght to go to the main hall and took her sit beside june.The event began and Mr fraland made a speech

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