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My name is Zurah, Queen of the dragon world. I am nineteen year old dragon, you all must think I am pretty young to be a Queen, but it isn’t my fault. My father and mother, who were the ruler of this world, died a long time ago in a battle against wolf, but I have this strong feeling that they are still alive, I have these dreams every night, were my mom and dad would beg me find them and save them out of torture which was really bothering me.

I also had two older siblings, who fought at the war and yep, I still have terrible dreams about them. I had to ask the kingdom's priest to look into the matter and she tells me that she has no idea. I just hope I find them one day.

It was a sight I never which to see again. I became a queen when I was just eight years old. Believe me when I say life was hard for me, like crazy hard, before I became the ruler, I had to fight with strong men who wanted to take my father’s position and I fought with all my strength which led me to six months in coma. I began my training when I was just one year old. If not for my dad's brutal training I would have lost the throne, and I really missed him.

I was know to be a fighting machine at the age of six. I was able to beat them all in the battle and then I used another six months to learn all about being a ruler.

I have been poisoned so many times, till the extent I got immune to any type of poison. I was treated too much; my dragon couldn’t take it anymore and had to take control of every poison and her name is Lira. She said I should say hi to you all.

My best friend is Jian whose mom is my dad’s sister who became my PA at the same age. Yeah, you can say we are cousins. The best of the best.

I never knew what it was like to have fun, because I was always hooked up with meetings, royal boring parties, decisions, and many other royal duties. My life would have been so boring if not for her.

Ten years passed while growing up with my best friend, AKA my personal assistant. The best friend anyone could ever have.

We`ve been friends since we were born and I ani’t kidding cause her mom and my mom had labor at the same time gave birth to us at the same time and when we both saw each other we instantly clicked and her mom and dad took me as their child ever since my parent passed away. our father died in the war.

Now I am in the garden with her having wine. ‘so, I have decided?’ I spoke. Jian looked at me with a confused look on her face. ‘what do you mean?’ she asked.

She frowned at me and I chuckled ‘clear your frown my good friend or you would have ugly wrinkles, well, I have decided and I don’t think you would accept my decision, even the elders would disagree.' she looked at me, confused 'what do you mean?’

I looked at my best friend in the eye and gathered all my courage ‘I have decided to hand over the throne to you for some time in search of a mate and come back with him to become the next king.’

Jian looked at me with a shocked expression and then she roared ‘have you gone mad Zuhra, how can you hand over the throne to me just because you want to find your mate’ I looked at her blankly and then she got down on one knee ‘forgive me your highness for such behavior.’

I sighed and spoke ‘rise, you are forgiven. I know it’s hard but you have to do this for me Jian. I need a little time for myself, I have been ruling for ten years now, don’t you think I deserve a break and also find love, let me know what it really feels like to be loved.’

‘so, the love me and my mom have for you isn’t enough.’ She said with a disappointing look.’ of course the love you and aunty have for me is enough, but the love I need now is………………..’ I signed. ‘ I don’t know how I’ll explain it to you.’

Jian looked at me. She couldn’t utter a word. ‘so, the throne would belong to me, just like that’ I stood up and said ‘yes, just like that. And I also want you to prove to your mom that you’re responsible. I said and she chuckled.

‘Your decision doesn’t sound right but the elders would decide’ she said and stood up ‘thanks, send for the elders, they should all report to the Green room.’ She bowed ‘yes your highness, as you wish’ we chuckled and she left. I also left the garden to get changed.

The Green room is mostly were decisions are made, meeting is done and punishment are given. It has been in the dragon world for centuries. I went out of the garden and into the palace. ‘tell Sorbet to get my car ready, the destination is the Green room’ I said to a palace guard and he nodded. Sorbet has been my personal guard since when I was born and he is a very loyal ice dragon.

I went into my room and my personal maid was already in my room with my clothes. I guess Jian must have informed her. I changed into a dark purple long gown and my shiny silver long hair was let loose. The crown was placed on my head and some diamond jewelries. I looked stunning. There was a knock ‘knock, knock’ ‘who may it be’ I spoke with coldness in my tongue. ‘Sorbet, your royal highness, your car is ready’

I stood up and the maid opened the door for me. I got out and he bowed down. ‘let’s go’ I said. I Jian met on the way, she was wearing a blue long sleeve shirt and a white pant with a black boot. ‘love the boot; I said ‘thanks’ she said and smiled.

I entered the car and Jian followed. The car began to move ‘the elders are already on their way, in the next twenty mins they should be there, while us, it might take an hour.’ she said and I nodded. ‘but Zurah, don’t you think this decision is a little bit too much, I mean, no one has ever given the throne to a commoner before’ I looked at her ‘don’t you ever call yourself a commoner, you are my personal assistant, my best friend and most imporntantly……….my sister. I’ll be the first, when we get to our destination, we would do more than deciding, we would crown you as queen till I get back.’

Immediately I said that she hugged me and I hugged her back ‘thank you for trusting in me, I love you.’ She said ‘I love you too.’ We didn’t bother to speak again and the ride was silent till we got to the green room. We arrived at our destination and the door was opened ‘your highness, the elders are settled and are ready for your arrival’ Sorbet said.

He helped me down and I thanked him. He helped Jian down and we both went into the Green room. The door was opened and my eyes met the elders. Ten elders. They all stood up. I walked towards my sit and sat down. ‘you may all sit.’ I spoke with authority and they obeyed. ‘refreshment should be served’ I spoke and from my right-hand side there was a door flew open and five maids came in with biscuit and wines. They served everyone except me cause am on a diet. I was brought a fruit juice. They left and we began our meeting. ‘you all must be wondering the summoned you all hear.’ I said in an authoritative voice. ‘yes, your Grace, we wondered why you called us.’

I begin again ‘as you all know, this kingdom as only a Queen, but needs a King. I haven’t found my mate and I need to find him as soon as possible. I, that means I didn’t want to scare you all but I have been becoming week lately and would have to search immediately. You all know my birth prophesy, right?’.

They all nodded ‘yes your Grace, you are to be mated with a wolf, not a dragon, because your child be the most powerful, even a tribrid can’t defeat him or her. They even have the power to change the world, into good or bad.’ I nodded in agreement. ‘yes, so I have made my decision’ I saw a frown on some of the elders faces, while the others were confused. ‘what are you saying your Grace’ I took a deep breath ‘I have decided to give the throne to Jian till I get back. She would be in charge of everything till have returned, with or without a mate’



you all must be wondering the summoned you all hear.’ I said in an authoritative voice. ‘yes, your Grace, we wondered why you called us.’

I begin again ‘as you all know, this kingdom as only a Queen, but needs a King. I haven’t found my mate and I need to find him as soon as possible. I, that means I didn’t want to scare you all but I have been becoming week lately and would have to search immediately. You all know my birth prophesy, right?’.

They all nodded ‘yes your Grace, you are to be mated with a wolf, not a dragon, because your child be the most powerful, even a tribrid can’t defeat him or her. They even have the power to change the world, into good or bad.’ I nodded in agreement. ‘yes, so I have made my decision’ I saw a frown on some of the elders faces, while the others were confused. ‘what are you saying your Grace’ I took a deep breath ‘I have decided to give the throne to Jian till I get back. She would be in charge of everything till have returned, with or without a mate.’

A long silence elopes the room.

‘your Grace, that’s prosperous and impossible! How can you give your assistant the throne? You know that if she wears the crown, she would die, only the heir to the throne could were the crown, and that’s you and besides, you don’t need a mate, you’ve been handling this throne greatly, more than any other dragon ruler.’ Elder Mildred spoke

I gave her a stern look and she quickly bowed her head. ‘apologies your grace’ she said with a pleading voice and I nodded. ‘I know it would be a hard risk, but every queen or king needs a mate to rule in the dragon world, its tradition, she won’t be wearing the crown, cause a special crown would be made for her.’

They all looked at me like they’ve seen a ghost, unable to speak. ‘your Grace, have you thought of this well’ Elder Michel spoke again and I nodded my head. ‘I have said my decision and anyone who tries to go against it will face my worth’ I spoke coldly.

They all shivered and looked terrified. ‘but your Grace, I feel a negative vibe coming from her. She would betray us’ Elder Elon said with disgust. ‘how dare you say such a thing to me you felty peasant! I have been with her Grace since the day we were born, I would do no such thing, on no account!’

I saw Jian looking at Elder Elon and they were both glaring at each other.’ ‘enough of these mad stares, it getting me annoyed.’ I said coldly but calmly. ‘Your Grace, Elder Elon is right, she has a negative vibe if she takes over the throne now, why don’t you hand it over to another person, like one of the elders.’ Elder Shira spoke and I looked at her with disgust ‘and why should I give one of you elders, when I know one day you would betray me’ I spoke and they looked shocked.

‘I have made my decision, the crown would be given to her tomorrow and she would be crowned Queen till I get back, inform everyone in the kingdom, I live tonight.’ I stood up and begin to walk towards the door and Jian followed me. ‘are you sure about this’ Jian said as we entered the car. ‘Jian, you’ve been my best friend since we were born, and I trust you very much, more than anyone else, I have said my decision and you have to follow’ I said to her calmly. We got home and I went straight to my room to pack my things, I really didn’t want to waste any time at all, and it was going to be hard to learn the things they do in their world. I changed my cloths into a black slim fitted shot gown reaching me knee and a matching jacket.

‘knock, knock, knock’ I looked at the door ‘who is it?” I asked in a calm voice. ‘it’s me, aunt Akira’ I went toward the door an opened it and my eyes were greeted by an elegant woman with a long green dress and dark brow hair decently packed.

Aunt Akira is Jian’s mom, she had been taking good care of me ever since the death of my parent. ‘Aunt Akira’ I said and gave her a warm hug and she did the same, pulls away, ‘I heard you’ve decided to give the throne to Jian temporally till you find your mate, is it true?” she asked like a bubbling kid who wants a candy. I chuckled

‘yes aunt, I had made my decision of a long time and besides, you two are the only one who I trusted and to care of me since that day and am so grateful, so to repay you back, I decided to give Jian the throne temporally’ I said with a slight smile. ‘Zurah, I know your very eager to meet your mate, but don’t you think Akira is too young for this’ I laughed at her words, she really do thinks Akira is still and irresponsible lady that damages things at a blink of an eye.

I put my both my hands on her shoulders and said ‘there nothing to worry about, Akira can take care of the kingdom, she isn’t the Akira you knew before’ she tried to protest, but I stopped ‘aunty, trust me on this one, she would do wonderfully and so will aunt’ I gave her a tight big hug, ‘would like to see me off, I’ll be off in three minutes’ I said with a huge smile on her face. She smiled back ‘alright, are you done packing or do you need help’ she said looking at my bags ‘oh, am true the maids would take it downstairs.’ ‘alright then, let go’ she said and we both went downstairs.

The elders were already downstairs with my personal maid, guard and Akira. ‘your royal Highness, we are your bags’ Elder Mildred asked. I looked back and I the maids are already bringing in my luggage. We went out side and the car were right outside.

The maids kept my luggage in the boot. ‘This is it everyone, my mate awaits me in the werewolf realm and I must find him before its too late and also I have to hid my identity. Akira, please rule my people right and follow the constitution given to you.’ ‘don’t worry Saphira, I’ll do my best’ Akira said and we both hugged. ‘please be safe, and if you need any help, feel free to call, don’t hesitate’ aunt Alison said. I smiled and we hugged. ‘please be safe your highness, the people wouldn’t like your decision if they find out, but it yours not theirs’ Elder Elon, spoke who was the closets to my dad and he was like a grandfather.

I gave him a hug and got into the car and the driver drove out of the palace and we were at the main road. I was so excited and happy to meet my mate, but I know it would take a lot of time but I need to be ready for all circumstances.



In the car, pressing my phone and searching online about the wolf pack I am about to enter. ‘Red Moon Pack.’ The third powerful wolf pack in the wolf realm. Well, that’s exactly what I need, at least I am in a powerful pack. Even though it’s the third powerful pack, I wonder who’s the first, maybe when I get back, we can have a connection but that’s impossible because wolves and dragons have despised each other for centuries, but I don’t know, up till now ‘your royal highness, we have arrived at our destination.’

I looked outside and the car was parked outside a hotel. I looked at the time and it was 6:45 pm. I got down, as was the driver. He opened the boot and brought out my luggage. ‘good luck your royal highness’ and I smiled ‘thank you’ he said and left. I looked around and everywhere was shining so bright. Everyone was minding their own business, but I guess I was attracted to many attentions, cause a lot of guys were looking at me and girls were too shocked at my beauty.

I carried my luggage and entered the hotel and just as I expected, people stopped to admire me, but I just ignored it. I got to the receptionist ‘good evening’ I said and she looked up; good even……. oh wow, your gorgeous madam’ she said and I imagined my self-rolling my eyes. ‘thank you, please can you book me a room for six days’ I said and she nodded; u know, I wouldn’t mind if you become my girlfriend cause am a lez looking for love’ I looked at the receptionist and she winked at me. ‘tenth floor, by your right, after six rooms by the left’ she said and blower me a kiss. I looked at her in disgust, wanting to breathe out fire and burn her stupid face off.

I took my luggage and went into the elevator and thank God I was the only one. I got to the tenth floor and followed her exact direction. I entered my room and it was lovely and really large. A huge bed at the middle, on the right-hand side, there’s a stool and on top it was a telephone and a lap. On the same right-hand side, there’s a bathroom and a cupboard. On the left-hand side there’s a large glass door which leads to a balcony with a swing, a stool and a chair. In front of the bed was a mini sitting room and it was so lovely.

I began to offload my luggage into the cupboard. In the cupboard, there’s a white towel and a white robe. I took both out and offered my clothes, I wrapped the towel on my body and went into the bathroom. I had a quick bath and came out. I wore the robe and used the towel to dry my long silky silver hair. I took the telephone and saw a paper on the stool. The paper had a content. ‘if you need help with food, the number to dial is 99428, If you need help in your room, the number to dial is 92428.’

I guess this hotel is well equipped. I dialed the food number and after six seconds I heard a voice ‘good evening our wonderful customer, my name is Alexa. what food would you like to be served; there are fried plantain with egg, salad with mayonnaise, fries, ketchup with chicken……’ as she was listing the food, I was finding it had to choose ‘emmm, I’ll take the salad’ I said and she spoke up ‘no problem, it would be served in fifteen minutes.’ I ended the call and stood up. I opened the glass door and went towards the rail, resting my arm on them. It was a windy evening and I felt calm.

I looked to my left and saw a guy and he was shirtless. He was tall with a tattoo on his arm. A girl’s face was drawn on it. He had braids on. From the root of his head to mid-way was black, and from midway to the end was red. His hair length was reaching his shoulder and his hair was really silky and looked soft.

I was so eager to see his face but his hair was covering his face. ‘ding doing’ I looked as I heard the doorbell. I looked at the boy and he was staring right at me. His eyes. They are so beautiful. Silver eyes that would possibly shine in the dark and gold eye that would speak authority. Mismatched eyes. He looked so beautiful and am sure he would smell so nice. I might be a queen, but my body still acts like a bobbling teenage girl. The door bell rang again and I was brought out of my mind. I looked at him one more time and I could see pain and sadness all mixed up together.

I left the balcony and went to open the door. ‘sorry for keeping you waiting’ I said as I saw a young girl, who looked like she was a fifteen-year-old girl. ‘not a problem ma.’ She said in a cute shy voice. I let her in and she served the food and left. I went to the living room where the girl had served the food and sat down and began to eat.

My mind drifted to the guy I saw a few minutes ago. I wondered why he looked so pale. I felt like he was in pain and he needed help with a lot of things and I really felt something when I looked into his eyes. I felt a real connection, like he was my mate, but I don’t want to jump into any conclusion.

As I was eating, my phone began to ring. Standing up with my food, I walked up to my phone and saw it was Akira calling. ‘hey bestie, how are you doing?’ Akira spoke up as I picked up the call. ‘Am doing great, what about you as your mini coronation took place I said happily ‘no, till tomorrow and I am so excited, I don’t think I want to sleep tonight’ I laughed at her words. ‘I know you would be overwhelmed to sleep, and don’t worry, Devin, and Lisa would be by your side throughout. As long as you have them, there would be no problem’ I said reassuring her. ‘thanks. So, have you seen him?’ she asked and I knew exactly what she was talking about, but I decided to tease her ‘who you talking about, I only came here for fun.’ I said, almost laughing. ‘Saphira!’ she shouted at the other end and laughed ‘don’t know way to talk to your queen’ I said jokily. ‘not anymore’ she said in a devious and evil voice and it didn’t sound like she was joking ‘am just joking Saphira, relax your blood’ she said and I just made an oh sound.

‘Now tell me, have you found him?’ she asked ‘no, well……. maybe…. I don’t know, cause there’s this guy I saw some minutes ago and he looked so hot, but I saw pain and sadness all mixed up’ I said as I pictured his face in my head and saw how hot and handsome, he was. ‘Saphira, you’re to find your mate, not to look for a guy who’s hot, sad and pained at the same time, focus’ she said and I sighed ‘I guess you’re right; I should just mind by own business, I’ll call you tomorrow, bye’ I said and cut the call immediately she said bye.

I looked at my plate, and finished my food. I stood up and dropped the plate on the table in the sitting room and changed to my night ware. I climbed on the bed, and immediately my body touched the softness of the mattress, so I slept off.



Devin, the Alpha of Blood Stone Pack

The most dangerous and devilish pack in all of the wolf realm.

His ruthless, bad, intelligent, handsome, and as everyone wrapped around his finger.

No one dares to go against him.

His too ruthless, but very attractive, that makes all the women fall for him faster than a bullet.

Now in Blood Stone Pack. After what he had faced back at home, his life had never been the same at all. He was a happy man with twins [a girl and a boy] and a loving beautiful mate, Harper. He was in love with the three of them and didn’t want to lose them. He was the Alpha and she was his Luna, and they ruled with peace, but all good things end, everything changed during their twins twelfth birthday.

There was an ambush. A great one from the dragon realms. They attacked the pack, killing every living thing and destroying every nonliving thing. It was a bloody war. His mate joined in with the fight, no matter how hard he tried to convince her, but she was stubborn.

She was stabbed in the chest; the twins were killed. He managed to win the war, but he lost everything. His mate, his children, his sisters, Trisha and Misha [twins]. His life was at the point of breaking. Since that day, no one has ever seen a smile on that attractive, good looking face. He

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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