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Vampire's Possession

Meeting her

I woke up at 8'o clock in the morning. I've been spending last 3 days in bar trying to overcome all those shitty memories with my ex. My roommate who's also my best friend Olivia, accompanied me all along. Finally today I am going to look for some job so that I can feed myself in this huge city.

Olivia helped me in applying for the post of personal assistant in Ritter Enterprises. I just hope to clear the interview.

I reached there before time. The receptionist asked me to wait till Mr. Ritter calls out for me. Waiting room was quiet classy. There were a lot of antique and expensive showpieces kept there. The walls were painted with off-white color. After waiting for one hour finally, Mr Ritter called me.

I entered his cabin. A man in black coat was sitting on the chair. He turned his chair towards me when I knocked the door. He was around 6 ft tall guy with fair skin. Furthermore, he had attractive blue eyes. His long spikes just added some more beauty to his face. The way he looked at me made me have butterflies in my stomach. But It was not the right time to think about these things. I have to get this job or else I'll have to move back to my town where I'll once again be surrounded by all those memories of my ex lover. I will have to face him on and often. So, moving back was just not an option for me.

After going through my resume for fifth time finally, Mr Ritter looked at me. So, you completed your study from mystic university. Will you be able to regulate my hectic schedule Miss Aliana? Yes sir I'll try my best,'I replied'.

Damon handed me a bag, ''you will get all the necessary things in this bag keep it safe with you. Here's your phone, you will have to answer it wheather it's day or night. Is there any thing else you want to ask?'' I looked at him blankly and said no. Then you can use the computer and chair kept in next room. you will get the computer password in Bag itself. I excused myself and left his cabin

Damon sat in his office thinking about his newly appointed assistant. She was 5'4 feet and had visible curves. She was pretty enough to attract anyone if dressed properly.The thing that Damon actually liked in her was that he could actually smell fear from her. The moment she stepped in his office, her adrenaline level started to rise.. unlike his last two assistants who were dismissed just after 2 weeks of joining, she was not clingy. His last two assistant always tried to spend most of their time with him, invading his privacy. But There was something about Aliana that attracted him towards her. when he saw her for the first time he felt as if she was the only girl worthy of being claimed by Him, Damon Ritter, The strongest and the most ancient vampire of the city....

Stupid Client

Aliana was sitting on her chair, busy in compiling all the bills left by the previous assistant. It took her 3 hours to arrange all the files systematically according to her. It was already 12'o'clock she went to Damon's office to remind him about his meeting with Mrs Bennet. Damon loved to support small business of his interest. He had promised Mrs Bennet to help her out from her financial crises.

"Carry on and do all the necessary arrangement for the meeting. I'll be there in 20 mins." Aliana followed his instructions and left his office. After ten minutes Mrs Bennet was standing in meeting room. Her expressions showed that she didn't like Aliana much, or maybe it was her habit to treat the employs like this.

Whatever the case is, I have to assist her because it's my duty. I went to get some water for her as she asked me to. when I returned she was sitting on the chair going through her file repeatedly as if she was preparing herself to meet my Boss, Mr.Damon. While observing her, I didn't realise how the glass slipped from my hands and ruined her shoes.

"You just spoiled my shoes!! Stupid girl. Who the fuck appointed you here. Look at yourself you are not even worthy of standing in Ritter Enterprises. But here you are working here as Mr. Damon's Personal assistant. You girls from low society knows very well, how to get your things done anyhow!!! "

I tried to apologize for my mistake but wait... Did she just call me a slut? I really wished I could just slap her hard on her face, but she was Mr. Ritter's client I could not disappoint her. I swallowed my anger and tried to talk to her, but she was in no mood to listen. After few minutes I decided to leave the room because it was the only way to avoid crying on my very first day of job. I turned to take leave but a large 6 feet tall guy collided with me. As expected it was none other than my handsome boss. Who was definitely going to fire me in next five minutes.

When I saw him he was already staring me with his attractive eyes. I didn't want him to fire me in front of her. She had already insulted me to the epitome of my tolerance capacity.

I decided to leave the place before Mrs Bennet accuses me of offending her. The moment I started to leave Damon called me out in his deep voice

"May I know who gave you the authority to disrespect my personal assistant Mrs Bennet?"

Am I hallucinating? Did he just question her instead of me? Mr Damon she spoiled my expensive shoes said Mrs Bennet.

How dare you call her a slut? Mrs Bennet. I am sorry, but you can take your stuff and leave for now. Next time if you ever tried to talk with Aliana in this way I'll deal with you in my own way and trust me on this, you won't like it.....

Protective Boss

Damon's words were still echoing in my mind. His protective gesture just made him look more attractive. But how did he know about all this conversation. There are no cameras or speakers fitted here. It is not possible to hear anything from his cabin. I was still puzzled when he asked me to follow him to his cabin....

"I am sorry I didn't mean to offend her in any way." Damon looked at Aliana standing before him wearing her apologetic look on her face. "You don't need to be sorry Aliana it was not your fault and next time if anyone dares to talk to you like this, I want you to make them taste their own medicine. Aliana was shocked on Damon's words. She expected him to scold her for what she just did. But here he was advising her to fight back.Aliana smiled firmly." Is there anything else you want me to do sir"

Damon moved his head in denial. Aliana turned back to leave but then something just stricked her mind. Mr. Ritter how did you knew about the chaos in meeting room? you were not there at that moment and as far as I know there are none security cameras installed there.Damon looked at her calmly and replied "I have my own ways". Aliana was in her cabin busy with the compiling work. It was around 3 in afternoon. she knocked Damon's door and asked him if he need anything for lunch. Damon refused and asked her to have lunch. After completing his files finally Damon got up to grab some coffee. coffee didn't do anything to his brain like normal humans, but he still liked it's taste. He asked Aliana to accompany him to cafeteria."Damon introduced me to a lot of staff while walking to cafeteria. keeping their functions in my mind was quite easy but my head just started sppining while keeping their names in mind".

Damon asked for 2 regular coffee in cafeteria.after grabbing our coffee we started moving towards cabin.

so tell me something about you Aliana.I looked at him weirdly."You are my personal assistant. I need to know everything about you".

"I am actually from a small town near los Angeles. I was doing just fine in my life but then I caught my boyfriend cheating on me. I didn't wanted to face him anymore so I decided to shift here with my friend Olivia.

"So you are trying to say that you are not taken by anyone"? Not yet, I replied. He smirked at me and went back to his office after leaving me at my desk.

Aliana went back to her apartment. Olivia was on her night shift, So she was all alone in her room. She kicked off her heels and flopped down on couch. She was relaxed that finally she finished the hectic schedule with Damon. Furthermore, she went to the kitchen and scrounge for something to eat.

Finally she cooked ramen. After having dinner she was about to sleep when her phone started ringing."who might be calling me at this hour". She took the phone from the table. It was Chris, her ex. "what do you want from me now Chris"? I just want you to come back to me Chris replied. You belong to me Aliana and I can't just let you leave like this. You have 1 week come back to me or else I'll be there the next morning.

Aliana was confused why the hell he wants her to come back, but anyway she had no plans about returning to her village. Finally she was in LA living her life as she wants. "I am not coming anywhere do whatever you want to"

Chris shouted angrily" now don't blame me for anything that happens next Aliana, he cut the call.

She was thinking about what Chris just said her phone started ringing again. She received the phone and

Shouted "see I am not afraid of you, do whatever you want to, but I'm not coming back to you"what happened Aliana? Damon asked.Is there any problem? Aliana looked at the phone damn! it was Damon. No, Mr Ritter, nothing that I can't handle. Thanks for asking. Aliana noted down the changes in next day's schedule for which Damon called. She was already too tired to think about any of these she went to her bed and slept.

Damon was in his room thinking about the words that Aliana said. Is anyone threatening her he wondered. Damon called his werewolf friend laymen and asked him to gather some information about the person who was threatening her. He was definitely going to ruin that man for threatning Aliana....

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