NovelToon NovelToon

My Innocent Beloved VILLAIN

chapter 1

On a cold, wind-swept evening, a broken soul stood precariously on the edge of a tall building
His mind was a storm of emotions, the weight of his sorrow pressing down on him as he looked out into the abyss.
His eyes were empty, no emotion can be seen , as if the world had truly wronged him.
The bitter wind whipped around him, tugging at his clothes and hair, but the man remained unmoved, lost in his own turmoil.
Suddenly, his phone began to ring, vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out slowly, his expression become sad as he saw Jimin's name on the screen. With a bitter chuckle, he answered the call.
park jimin pure omega
park jimin pure omega
Taehyung! Where are you? *Worried*
Taehyung didn't immediately respond, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon.
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
What does it matter? ❄️
park jimin pure omega
park jimin pure omega
It matters because I care about you, Taehyung!
park jimin pure omega
park jimin pure omega
Please, don't do anything rush. I'm coming to you 😟
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
*Grip tighten on phone* (Why are you making things Difficult for me Jimin? 😢)
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
You don't have t----
park jimin pure omega
park jimin pure omega
Shut up Tae!
park jimin pure omega
park jimin pure omega
don't say Bullshit Will you? *irritated* just stay there don't do unnecessary things, Wait for me hmm okay? I'm Coming
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
I like you Jimin, I always do!
park jimin pure omega
park jimin pure omega
Taehyung Chuckle Bitterly the sound filled with pain as the line become silent
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
I know Jimin You like Yoongi 🙂
park jimin pure omega
park jimin pure omega
Taehyung, i---
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
shh, You don't need to say Something Jimin I Understand 🙂
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Is it because I don't Deserve to be happy? I don't Deserve to Have A happy Ending too Because I'm a Villain
park jimin pure omega
park jimin pure omega
Jimin's heart sank, his mind racing to find the right words "taehyung Your not a villain---"
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
It's okay,*he interrupted, his voice cracking* I've known for a long time. I just needed to tell you, even if it doesn't change anything.
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
I've always been second place, haven't I? *realize* no I'm not a Second Place cause I never been an option in the first place 💔
park jimin pure omega
park jimin pure omega
No it's not like that tae 😭😭 your very Special to me 😭😭
park jimin pure omega
park jimin pure omega
just hold a little longer I almost there
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Every time I see you smile at him, it feels like a knife in my heart. I can't keep pretending I'm okay. I thought I could handle it, but I can't. I thought I could be happy for you, but it hurts too much 🙂
park jimin pure omega
park jimin pure omega
Tae We can talk about this later okay?
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
you don't Understand Me Jimin, I don't have a time left
As Jimin Hear those word, he run faster Until he Reach the rooftop
He saw Taehyung standing on the edge, looking lost and broken. His heart ached, but he forced himself to stay calm.
park jimin pure omega
park jimin pure omega
"Taehyung, look at me. I’m here," he said, his phone still pressed to his ear.
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Taehyung turned slowly, tears streaming down his face. Seeing Jimin there, he lowered the phone from his ear and mouthed "I wish you happiness with Yoongi 😄" before stepping of the edge
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
Kim Taehyung //Pure blood alpha//
park jimin pure omega
park jimin pure omega
"No!" Jimin screamed, dropping his phone and sprinting towards Taehyung, but it was too late. Taehyung had already jumped.
Jimin collapsed at the edge, sobbing uncontrollably as the reality of what had just happened crashed over him. He reached out, his fingers gripping the cold, empty air where Taehyung had just been. His cries echoed through the night, filled with the agony of losing someone he loved so deeply
Soon the others Arrived
park Seokjin (Jimin brother)
park Seokjin (Jimin brother)
Ji-jimin Where is taehyung
park jimin pure omega
park jimin pure omega
*look at Jin and start to Cry Again* Hyung Taehyung is gone He left me My soulmate left me alone 😭😭😭
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma

chapter 2

Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Everyone was shocked and devastated at the news. Seeing Jimin crying and suffering because of Taehyung affected them deeply. They began to comfort Jimin with words, reassuring him that it wasn't his fault. After that day, they decided not to talk about Taehyung anymore, choosing to forget him and continue a new life without him. *reading the novel*
Jungkook's grip tightened on the book he was holding. His knuckles turned white as he struggled to contain his anger.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
He couldn't endure it anymore. With a frustrated shout, he threw the book across the room. It hit the wall with a thud and fell to the floor, its pages splayed open.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
What the fuck, who wrote this novel 💢💢
Jungkook began to mumble many bad words about the author for writing such a terrible and ugly plot. He even put a lot of bad reviews and comments on the page.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
“Not only is this story terrible,” he muttered as he typed furiously on his phone, “but why should an author kill an innocent person? I wasted my 100 dollars for buying this terrible, shitty book for nothing.”
He continued to rant in his review, expressing his disappointment and frustration.
The reason he bought the book was because his noona Lisa had recommended it to him, saying it was good and highly recommended. Yet, the ending left him furious and heartbroken.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Tsk, tsk. I really should never trust my noona's recommendations again," he muttered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief.
Just then, he heard the sound of a car pulling up outside his house. Curious, he left his room and went straight to the living room, where he found Lisa.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
What the heck is this ending?" Jungkook exclaimed, his frustration evident in his voice.
Lisa looked up, surprised by his outburst. "What are you talking about, Jungkook?"
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
The book you recommended!" Jungkook waved his hands in exasperation. "The ending is terrible! How could the author just kill off Taehyung like that and then have everyone decide to forget about him? It's awful!"
Lisa sighed, understanding his frustration. "I know it’s a tough ending, Jungkook. But sometimes stories don’t end the way we want them to."
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
"That doesn't make it any better!" Jungkook argued. "Taehyung didn’t deserve such an ending. He just loved Jimin like a fool. What’s wrong with loving someone? Why did he have to die for it?"
Lisa gave him a thoughtful look. "Then why don't you change his fate yourself instead of ranting here?
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook looked at Lisa, confusion written all over his face. "What do you mean?"
Lisa shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing," she said nonchalantly before she left Jungkook alone in the living room.
Jungkook rolled his eyes and lay on the sofa. He pulled out his phone and was greeted by the wallpaper of Taehyung from the novel. The image stirred something deep within him—a sense of injustice and the desire to make things right.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
As he stared at the wallpaper, an idea began to form in his mind. "What if I could change Taehyung’s fate?" he thought aloud. "What if I could give him the happy ending he deserves?"
Jungkook sat up, determination replacing his frustration. He knew it sounded crazy, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he needed to do something. Maybe he couldn’t change the story in reality, but he could certainly try to rewrite it in his own way.
Jungkook was about to Start to Write a Story only for Taehyung, Were he was love by everyone and has a happy ending that he deserved
When suddenly fell asleep
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
the innocent bunny sleep so peacefully yet doesn't know what his fate will be as soon as he open his eyes 🌚

chapter 3

Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
As soon as Jungkook open his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar, luxurious room.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
😶 *got up and sat*
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Where am I? **Jungkook muttered, blinking in confusion. He rubbed his eyes, thinking he was hallucinating, but the lavish surroundings remained the same.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
This is not my room 😶
Knock... Knock...
Y-Young master Jungkook, may we enter?
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
💭 am I the one they talking?
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
💭 of course am I, I'm Jungkook
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
💭 but this is not my room, where exactly am I?
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
The door opened, and several maids entered the room, bowing respectfully and looking as though they were walking on eggshells. They seemed to be scared of him.
One of them gathered her courage before stepping forward and said, "Young master Jungkook, Master Jeon, your father, is calling you to his office." Despite her efforts, her trembling body couldn’t be hidden.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Frown 💭 why is she trembling?
Seeing His young master frowning while staring at her like that the maid face turn pale, she kneel down and beg
Young master Jungkook, I'm sorry. Please forgive me if I did something wrong 😰😰😭*beg*
The other maids just stood there, wanting to help her but not daring to anger the devil in front of them. The thought of Jungkook directing his wrath at them was too frightening.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
💭 What the heck is happening?
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
**Pinch himself ** ouch, damn that's hurt
all maids
all maids
💭 does young master suddenly become crazy?
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
What are you looking at? Have you never seen someone as handsome as me? **shout**
all maids
all maids
👀💦 💭 Yeah, young master Jungkook has gone crazy. as the maid though that they started to tremble even more
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
*Frowned* What did I do this time that you're all trembling?
all maids
all maids
*didn't say anything *
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Fuck, leave *Jungkook swished his hand as a sign for them to leave*
As soon as Jungkook said those words, the maids quickly left the room.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Yeah, they are really scared of me.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
But what did I do?
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Did I become ugly 😰
Thinking that he had become ugly, Jungkook was scared. He started to look around for a mirror but couldn't find one. His eyes stopped at the bathroom. He opened the door and saw a large mirror framed with sleek, black marble. The mirror was set into the wall, reflecting the entire room and casting a faint glow from the wall lights.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
I'm still as handsome as ever *Jungkook said as he looked at the mirror and touched his face*
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Wait, where did I get this bruise?
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
*He leaned closer to the mirror, examining a small bruise on his lips* this doesn't make sense *mumble*
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Did I perhaps encounter a fight without me knowing?
he let out a Laught as he thought that, that's even doesn't make sense
How the hell he will fight without him knowing?
Where are you brat!!
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
*flinch* Who could that be this time?
A beautiful woman stood before him as he opened the door, her face etched with fury.
Beside her was a maid who seemed to be advising her. The woman looked like a model with her elegant dress and commanding presence.
as soon as their eyes met the woman become more angrier
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
jeon Jungkook!!
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
*approached him and immediately pinched his ear, causing him to cry out in pain.*
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Ouch..ouch.. 😢
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
How dare you harass an omega! What were you thinking, Jungkook? 😡
Madam Jeon, please let go of young master's ear. What if it gets injured from how tightly you're pinching it? *said worriedly*
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
*pinch him even more harder* No, I'm going to teach this brat a lesson. How dare he harass an omega!
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Ouch, ouch, let me go! *Jungkook pleaded as he tried to escape her grip.* It hurts, damn!
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
*Release his ear*
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
*Step back and glare at her*
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Crazy woman *mumble*
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
*hear it*
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
Crazy woman huh 😇*she said with a sweet smile that did not reach her eyes*
She picked up a slipper from a nearby table, and Jungkook's eyes widened in horror as she approached him with it. Memories of being beaten by his mother with a slipper flashed through his mind.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Wait, no, I'm sorry! Please! *Jungkook tried to dodge, but IU was determined to teach him a lesson.*
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
*He ran around the room, dodging the slipper, but IU was relentless.*
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
How dare you call your mother crazy and get away with it?
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
What mother are you talking about? Both my parents are dead *said, trying to catch his breath.*
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
jeon ji eun (jk mother) dominant omega
**IU stopped for a moment, her anger flaring even more.** what did you say? How dare you think that your mother and father are dead! You really need to be taught a lesson, brat. 😃
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook gulped and trembled, his body shaking just like the maids earlier.
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
(but I'm just telling the truth, both our parents died in an Accident when we were young leaving me and Lisa Noona alone)
Jungkook elite Enigma
Jungkook elite Enigma
(But *look at IU* She really does look like mom)
IU advanced with the slipper, her determination unyielding. Jungkook tried to shield himself, but IU was too fast. The room echoed with the sound of the slipper swishing through the air.
And that's the power of an Asian mother slippers 🌚🌚
No one knows if Jungkook Survive 💀

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