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Taekook Stories

To us 1

**Tae:** "Jungkook, are you seriously mad because I smiled at the barista?"

**Jungkook:** "Of course I'm mad, Tae! He was practically undressing you with his eyes!"

**Tae:** "Oh, come on, Kook. He was just being friendly."

**Jungkook:** "Friendly? He was flirting! And you were encouraging him with that smile of yours."

**Tae:** "I smile at everyone, you know that."

**Jungkook:** "Yeah, but you should save those special smiles for me."

**Tae:** "Special smiles? Now you're just being ridiculous."

**Jungkook:** "Ridiculous? I think I'm being perfectly reasonable. You're my boyfriend, and I don't like other guys hitting on you."

**Tae:** "Well, what do you want me to do? Scowl at every guy who talks to me?"

**Jungkook:** "Yes, exactly. Or, better yet, just keep your eyes on me."

**Tae:** "Fine, fine. From now on, I will only have eyes for you, Mr. Jeon Jealous."

**Jungkook:** "Good. Because you're mine, and I'm not sharing."

**Tae:** "Alright, possessive much? But it's kinda cute."

**Jungkook:** "Cute, huh? You think my jealousy is cute?"

**Tae:** "A little bit. It's nice to know you care so much."

**Jungkook:** "Well, I do. And I don't want anyone else getting the wrong idea."

**Tae:** "Don't worry, Kook. No one else stands a chance. You have my heart."

**Jungkook:** "And you have mine. Forever."

**Tae:** "Forever and always. Now, can we please stop arguing and enjoy our date?"

**Jungkook:** "Fine. But just remember, I'm always watching."

**Tae:** "I wouldn't have it any other way."

**Tae:** "So, where are we heading next?"

**Jungkook:** "I was thinking we could go to that new ice cream place you wanted to try."

**Tae:** "Really? I thought you didn't like ice cream."

**Jungkook:** "I don't, but I like seeing you happy."

**Tae:** "You’re really sweet when you’re not being all possessive, you know that?"

**Jungkook:** "Hey, I’m always sweet! It’s just that sometimes I need to remind people that you’re off-limits."

**Tae:** "Like the barista?"

**Jungkook:** "Exactly. Now let’s go get you some ice cream."

As they walked down the street, Jungkook wrapped his arm around Tae's shoulder, pulling him close. Tae smiled, enjoying the warmth and protection of Jungkook's embrace.

**Tae:** "What flavor should I get?"

**Jungkook:** "Get whatever you want. It's your treat."

**Tae:** "You're spoiling me today."

**Jungkook:** "Only because you deserve it."

They arrived at the ice cream shop, and Tae's eyes lit up at the sight of all the different flavors. He immediately started looking at all the options, while Jungkook stood behind him, looking around the shop.

**Ice Cream Shop Worker:** "Hi there! What can I get for you today?"

**Tae:** "Hi! Can I have a scoop of the mint chocolate chip and a scoop of the strawberry, please?"

**Ice Cream Shop Worker:** "Coming right up."

Jungkook eyed the worker cautiously but relaxed when he noticed the worker wasn’t paying too much attention to Tae.

**Tae:** "You sure you don’t want anything, Kook?"

**Jungkook:** "Nah, I’m good. Just watching you enjoy yours is enough for me."

**Tae:** "Okay, but you’re missing out!"

They found a cozy corner in the shop and sat down, Tae happily digging into his ice cream. Jungkook watched him with a content smile, feeling at ease now that they were alone.

**Tae:** "This is really good! Want a taste?"

**Jungkook:** "Sure, just a little bit."

Tae offered a spoonful to Jungkook, who took a small bite, making a face.

**Jungkook:** "Still not a fan of ice cream."

**Tae:** "More for me then!"

As Tae continued eating, a couple of guys entered the shop and glanced their way. Jungkook immediately noticed and shifted closer to Tae, his protective side kicking in.

**Tae:** "Kook, relax. They’re not looking at us."

**Jungkook:** "Just making sure. You know how I get."

**Tae:** "Yeah, I do. And I love you for it."

**Jungkook:** "Love you too, Tae. Always will."

**Tae:** "Now stop worrying and let’s just enjoy our time together."

**Jungkook:** "Alright, alright. But if anyone tries anything, they’ll have to deal with me."

**Tae:** "Deal. But I think we're safe for now."

**Jungkook:** "Good. Because I just want to focus on you."

Tae leaned over and gave Jungkook a quick kiss on the cheek, making Jungkook's possessive frown turn into a happy smile.

**Tae:** "There. Now you know you're the only one for me."

**Jungkook:** "Yeah, I know. And you're the only one for me, too."

They spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying their ice cream and each other’s company, Jungkook’s jealousy fading away in the warmth of Tae’s love.

To us 2

**Tae:** "You know, Kook, it’s been a while since we had a proper date like this. We should do it more often."

**Jungkook:** "Agreed. Life gets so busy, but we should always make time for each other."

**Tae:** "So, what's next on our date agenda?"

**Jungkook:** "How about a walk in the park? The weather is perfect today."

**Tae:** "Sounds great! Let's go."

They finished their ice cream and left the shop, hand in hand. The park was just a short walk away, and as they strolled along the path, Tae couldn’t help but admire the scenery.

**Tae:** "Look at those flowers, Kook! They’re beautiful."

**Jungkook:** "Not as beautiful as you."

**Tae:** "Oh, stop it. You’re going to make me blush."

**Jungkook:** "Good. You look cute when you blush."

**Tae:** "You really know how to sweet-talk, don’t you?"

**Jungkook:** "Only for you."

They walked a bit further until they reached a bench under a large, shady tree. They sat down, enjoying the gentle breeze and the sound of birds chirping.

**Tae:** "You know, I love moments like this. Just you and me, relaxing and enjoying each other's company."

**Jungkook:** "Me too. It’s these simple moments that mean the most."

**Tae:** "By the way, have you noticed that couple over there? They’re so cute."

Jungkook looked over to where Tae was pointing and saw a couple having a picnic. He smiled, then turned back to Tae.

**Jungkook:** "Yeah, they are. But we’re cuter."

**Tae:** "You always have to win, don’t you?"

**Jungkook:** "Of course. Especially when it comes to you."

**Tae:** "Alright, Mr. Competitive. How about a race to that tree over there?"

**Jungkook:** "You’re on."

They both stood up and got into position.

**Tae:** "Ready, set, go!"

They took off running, laughing as they raced to the tree. Jungkook, being more athletic, reached it first, but Tae was close behind.

**Jungkook:** "I win!"

**Tae:** "Yeah, yeah. Only because you have longer legs."

**Jungkook:** "Excuses, excuses."

Tae playfully pushed Jungkook, who caught him and pulled him into a hug.

**Tae:** "Okay, you win this time. But I’ll get you next time."

**Jungkook:** "I’m looking forward to it."

They walked back to the bench, this time slower, catching their breath and enjoying the moment.

**Tae:** "You know, Kook, I think today has been one of the best days we’ve had in a long time."

**Jungkook:** "I think so too. And I promise there will be many more days like this."

**Tae:** "I’m holding you to that."

**Jungkook:** "You can count on it."

They sat back down, Tae resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder. The sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the park.

**Tae:** "Look at the sunset. It’s beautiful."

**Jungkook:** "Not as beautiful as this moment with you."

**Tae:** "You always know the right thing to say."

**Jungkook:** "Only because it’s true."

They watched the sunset together, feeling more connected and in love than ever. In that moment, all of Jungkook’s possessiveness melted away, leaving only pure, unadulterated love for Tae.

**Tae:** "I love you, Jungkook."

**Jungkook:** "I love you too, Tae. Always and forever."

As the last rays of the sun disappeared, they knew that no matter what, they would always have each other.

To us 3 end

As the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon, Tae and Jungkook continued to sit on the bench, savoring the serenity and warmth of the moment. Tae shifted slightly, looking up at Jungkook with a soft smile.

**Tae:** "You know, Kook, moments like these make me feel like we’re in our own little world."

**Jungkook:** "It’s because we are. Just you and me, no one else."

Tae blushed, his heart swelling with love for Jungkook. He intertwined his fingers with Jungkook's, feeling the familiar comfort of his touch.

**Tae:** "Do you remember the first time we met?"

**Jungkook:** "How could I forget? You were so clumsy, tripping over your own feet."

**Tae:** "Hey! That was your fault! You were the one who distracted me with that smile."

**Jungkook:** "Well, I’m glad I did. Because that smile led me to the love of my life."

Tae leaned in closer, their faces just inches apart.

**Tae:** "You really have a way with words, don’t you?"

**Jungkook:** "Only when it comes to you."

Their lips met in a tender kiss, the world around them fading away. The kiss was slow and sweet, filled with all the unspoken words and emotions they shared. When they finally pulled apart, they rested their foreheads together, eyes closed, savoring the intimacy of the moment.

**Tae:** "I don’t ever want this to end."

**Jungkook:** "It won’t. We’ll always have each other, no matter what."

Tae smiled, feeling a sense of peace and security wash over him. He knew that with Jungkook by his side, anything was possible.

**Tae:** "Promise me we’ll always make time for moments like this."

**Jungkook:** "I promise. You’re the most important person in my life, Tae. I’ll always make time for you."

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, watching the stars begin to twinkle in the night sky. Tae snuggled closer to Jungkook, feeling the warmth of his body against his.

**Tae:** "It’s getting a bit chilly. Should we head home?"

**Jungkook:** "Yeah, let’s go. But first…"

Jungkook stood up, extending his hand to Tae. Tae took it, and Jungkook pulled him up into a tight embrace.

**Jungkook:** "I love you, Tae. More than anything in this world."

**Tae:** "I love you too, Kook. With all my heart."

Hand in hand, they walked back to their apartment, their hearts full of love and their minds filled with dreams of a future together. They knew that no matter what challenges came their way, their love would always be strong enough to overcome them.

Once they arrived home, Jungkook led Tae to the living room where he had prepared a surprise. The room was filled with candles, their soft light casting a romantic glow. A blanket was spread out on the floor with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

**Tae:** "Kook, did you do all this?"

**Jungkook:** "I wanted to end our date with something special. Do you like it?"

**Tae:** "I love it. You’re amazing."

They settled down on the blanket, Jungkook pouring them each a glass of wine. They clinked their glasses together, smiling at each other.

**Jungkook:** "To us. To many more beautiful moments together."

**Tae:** "To us."

They sipped their wine, basking in the warmth and love that surrounded them. As they talked and laughed, sharing stories and dreams, they knew that their love was something truly special. It was a love that would last a lifetime, filled with countless more romantic moments and beautiful memories.

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