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Her Soul, His Obsession.

Chapter 1 : Rescue team



I swung down into the ravine, my ropes and harness digging into my skin. My team counted on me to get this right. Below, a car lay crushed, its passengers trapped.

"Okay, Ava, you're clear to descend," my teammate's voice crackled over the radio.

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. My focus was on the wreckage. I'd done this countless times, but every rescue was different. Every life mattered.

As I reached the car, I assessed the situation quickly. Two people, both conscious but pinned. I got to work, my training taking over.

"Hello! We're here to help. Can you hear me?" I called out, trying to reassure them.

A faint "yes" came from inside. I smiled, trying to sound calm. "Great, we're going to get you out of there. Just hang on."

My team joined me, and together we worked to free the passengers. It was a delicate dance, but we'd done it before. Finally, we lifted the last person to safety.

As we ascended, the sun beating down on us, I felt a sense of pride and purpose. This was what I did. This was who I was.

As we hiked back to the base, the rescued passengers safe and sound, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. It was days like these that reminded me why I became a search and rescue team leader in the first place.

My name is Ava Morales, and I've been doing this job for over five years now. I've seen it all - from natural disasters to accidents, and even the occasional hoax. But it's the people, the survivors, who make it all worth it.

I'm 28 years old, born and raised in this beautiful, rugged state. Growing up, I was always drawn to the outdoors, and I knew I wanted a career that would let me make a difference. After training as an EMT and a rock climber, search and rescue felt like the perfect fit.

My team, Sierra Rescue, is one of the best in the state. We're a tight-knit group, and we rely on each other to get the job done. It's a high-stress job, but we all share the same goal - to save lives.

As we returned to base, exhausted but exhilarated, I couldn't help but think about how much I loved my job. It's not just about the thrill of the rescue; it's about the people you meet, the stories you hear, and the lives you touch.

And, of course, there are the moments like these, when everything comes together and you know you've made a difference.

I smiled to myself, already looking forward to the next call, the next chance to make a difference.

As I walked into the base, my teammate, Jake, nodded at me from the kitchenette. "Hey, Ava, nice work out there today."

I smiled, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. "Thanks, man. Team effort, as always."

We chatted about the rescue, reliving the highlights and discussing what we could've done differently. It was a routine we followed after every mission, always looking for ways to improve.

After a quick lunch, I headed to the conference room for a debriefing with our team leader, Mark. We reviewed the rescue, going over the timeline, the challenges we faced, and what we learned.

As the meeting wrapped up, Mark turned to me. "Ava, you're up for a training exercise next week. We're simulating a multi-vehicle accident on the highway."

I nodded, making a mental note. "Got it. I'll make sure to review the scenario and come prepared."

Mark smiled. "I know I can count on you, Ava. You're one of our best team leaders."

I left the meeting feeling proud and fulfilled. This was what I was meant to do – lead, rescue, and make a difference.

Little did I know, my next mission would test me like never before...

The next few days flew by in a blur of training exercises and routine calls. We responded to a minor car accident, a lost hiker, and a medical emergency at a local school. All routine, all successful.

But I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. Maybe it was the eerie calm before the storm, or maybe I was just getting too comfortable in my routine.

On Friday evening, as I was packing up my gear, Mark approached me with a serious expression. "Ava, we've got a situation developing. A severe storm is heading our way, and we're expecting flash flooding in the low-lying areas."

My instincts kicked in. "What's the plan?"

"We're mobilizing the team to prepare for evacuations and rescues. I want you to lead the effort in Sector 4."

I nodded, my mind already racing with scenarios and strategies.

As I left the base, the sky was darkening, the wind picking up. I could feel the electricity in the air, the sense of anticipation.


chapter end

Chapter 2: The Watchful Eyes

Ava Pov

I completed my next mission proudly, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over me like a warm wave. As I walked into my apartment, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief, like I'd finally shed the weight of responsibility. I kicked off my shoes and let out a deep sigh, feeling the tension melt away.

To celebrate, I decided to let loose and have some fun. I put on some upbeat music and started dancing, twirling around my living room with abandon. My feet moved instinctively, my hips swaying to the beat. I felt carefree, like I was floating on air.

As I danced, I couldn't help but think about how much I loved my job. The rush of adrenaline, the sense of purpose, the feeling of making a difference. It was exhilarating, and I felt alive.

But as I spun around, my eyes caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I was wearing a tank top and shorts, my hair tied up in a messy bun. I looked...vulnerable. Exposed.

A shiver ran down my spine, and I felt a sudden jolt of unease. It was as if I'd forgotten that I was alone, that anyone could be watching.

I pushed the thought aside and continued dancing, trying to shake off the feeling. But it lingered, like a shadow in the corner of my mind.

As I sang along to the music, I felt it again - that creeping sense of being watched. It was like a whisper in my ear, a soft caress on the back of my neck.

I stopped dancing, my heart beating just a little bit faster. I scanned my surroundings, my eyes darting from one corner of the room to the other. But I saw nothing out of the ordinary. No one was there.

I tried to shake off the feeling, telling myself I was just being paranoid. But the sensation lingered, making me feel like I was being stalked.

What if someone was watching me? What if they'd been watching me all along?

I pushed the thoughts aside and decided to take a break. I grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen and stepped out onto my balcony, looking out over the city.

The cool breeze hit me like a slap in the face, clearing my head. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down, telling myself I was just being ridiculous.

But as I stood there, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was out there, watching me. Waiting for me.

And then, just as suddenly as it had started, the feeling was gone.

I was left standing there, feeling foolish and alone.

But the question lingered in my mind - was I really alone?

I tried to shake off the feeling, telling myself I was just being paranoid. But the sensation lingered, making me feel like I was being stalked.

Every creak of the floor, every groan of the wind, made me jump. I was on edge, my nerves frayed.

I tried to distract myself by watching TV, but my eyes kept darting towards the windows. I felt like I was being watched, like unblinking eyes were trained on me.

I got up and checked the locks again, my hands shaking slightly. I knew I had locked them, but I had to check.

As the night wore on, the feeling only intensified. I started to feel like I was trapped in my own home, like I was a prisoner.

I tried to call my friends, but no one answered. I was alone, and I felt it.

I paced back and forth in my living room, my heart racing. I didn't know what to do.

And then, I saw it. A shadowy figure, lurking just beyond the edge of the light.

My heart stopped. I froze, my eyes fixed on the figure.

But as I looked closer, it vanished.

I was left standing there, my heart pounding in my chest. Was I seeing things?

I didn't know, but I knew one thing - I was terrified.


Chapter ENDS

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