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The Gloomy Sky

"THIS is not good I can't think straight. ahhh!!" Rachel said to herself putting both of her palms in her hand on her forehead. "This is bullshit how am I supposed to complete all this assignment in just half a day wait I am not alone" she says as she picks up her cell phone and scrolls through her contacts. Suddenly she stops at a phone number her best friend she clicks it and the call rings, after a copula of rings Sam picks up the call. "What's the matter? Why the fuck would you ruin my sleep?" said Sam. "Bro in the middle of the day you're sleepingping now and, besides we have assignment pending which is due tomorrow" Rachel says with panic in her voice. Sam jolts up from her bed and starts panicking with Rachel "whatttt?!!? and you are telling me this nowww?". "well I forgot as well cuz WE were busy in a party where you draged me and I got wasted and now I have terrible hangover with a fuckin assignment to complete that too of 500 word who writes that much-" Rachel stopped as she heard a loud thunder sound coming from outside. "did you hear that sam?" Rachel said. "hear what Richie? I just hear you panicking over a 500 word essay on colonization" "NO!! didn't you hear a freaking thunder clap?" Rachel says while looking out of her window. "and why is it so cloudy today as if it's gonna rain in the middle of March. This cloudy sky almost feels like a-" "Gloomy sky" sam completes Rachel's sentence as sam start to look out from her window as well. "Well looks like we don't need to do the assignment. I think it's gonna rain heavy so no school". But for some reason Rachel start to feel something......uneasy within herself as if her guts are telling her there is something about to happen something horrible, something sinister, something crule and,..... suddenly she turns around from he window facing her room and she start look around he room as if she was searching for something like it's there but ..not there? she then focuses on her door an urge to open the door. She put her phone back to her ear "hey sam I am feeling uneasy for some reason like I should go downstairs and see sam? sam? sa-". Rachel start to hear a breath fastening as if someone was gasping for air finding it difficult to breath then suddenly a whisper was heard by Rachel. "Rachel the-there i-is some-one in my ho-house" sam whispers as Rachel hears sam locking her bedroom door. "sam? sam are you there? ".Rachel says in a worried voice. "that in my house what do I do?" sam says as her breath got shacky and her words started to shutter. "ok sam listen to me carefully call 911 and tell them there is an intruder and then-" *BANG BANG BANG* Rachel and sam gasped in fear as they heard loud bangs from outside of Sam's door and then it was silent. tears started to roll down Sam's eyes as she heard a voice from the opposite side of the door "samm~ its mom come outside lunch is ready dad grilled some meat on the BBQ for us" Rachel felt releaved as she heard Sam's mom's voice and Rachel said "Good god I thought that it was the intruder thank god you are safe sam I was about to losse my shit" sam takes a few steps back and puts her phone back on her ears and whispers "that's not my mom parents where killed and I saw that thing chew on my mom's head" Rachel's heart sank and suddenly, The door to Sam's bedroom budge opend same screamed on top of her lungs and the phone fell to the floor and a loud roar could be heard through the phone and then *beeep beeep* the call was cut "sam? sam? talk to me damit " Rachel fell on her knees and started to cry as she never thought something could have happened to sam or worst she could be dead.

Rachel sobed and sobed until tears were drained from her eyes and her eye lid felt heavy. Suddenly she heard dishes crashing in her kitchen downstairs she jolted he head from her knees and her eyes widened as she thought, The same screams and bangs are about to happen to her. she sneakily opens her bedroom door and started to walk down stairs her eyes were wide open on what she saw the hand restrained her mouth from screaming and tears started to roll down her eyes...


Do you ever wonder what's it like to have you life flash before your eyes? no? well I do for now at least as I knew whatever happen to sam is about to me.

I slowly move down my stairs as I walk towards the noise that leads me to to a horrifying scene, that will for sure hunt me to my grave I sa a disgustingly looking creature with a face of a lizard like and it had two legs a two hands which it used to rip mother's limbs from her body I was rooted to my place as if my feets were frozen and there was no heat in this world to melt the ice that my were in, I felt a void in my chest as I saw that thing eat both of parents as if it's starving since it's birth, the palm of my hand automatically find it's way toward my mouth to shut whatever scream I was about to utter my eyes were filled with tears and had I wished god that it could have killed me to they suddenly ran out the hole they created on the wall of my house as if something call it?....I ran with my trembling legs towards my dead parent and fell right on my knees. I cried and cried as there was no tomorrow as if the world just ended when sam called and there was nothing left for me to live vision start to blurry and the colors of reality fade in front of me as I faint and slump on the floor with a thud........

I can hear a faint whisper of tow men talking I can't figure out what they are saying but they are talking about something....about a creature? I slowly open my heavily eyelid and lift my gaze to the person on my right with white coat and Stethoscope his neck and a torch lit up in my eyes I can bearly make out his features as he speaks "oh she is awake Captain" Captain who's Captain? I look towards my left and see a men in his 40s with white hair and white beard muscular and blue eyes and fair but wrinkle skin and with a deep voice he say " Good morning sweetheart time to wake up" well it sounds like order to me but who cares I try to get up and the doctor helps me this time and puts a pillow to support my back. My vision becomes clear and look at the doctor his face clear he has dark brown eyes which look black with is half opened eyelids, sharp jaw, dark circles under which do not ruin his face but makes it more appealing, he is buff but not too much. he gives me a lazy smile and speaks in a very gentle tone "welcome to your new home" I look at him confused "what home? and who are you two?" the doctor then gestures towards the guy he called Captain I look towards him and with a deep voiced chuckle that can rumble the ground he says "hello sweetheart my name is Captain Mathew Johanson you, call me johan dear" I then look at the doctor as he speaks "and I am mohan Kumar the senior doctor here" he moves his hand forward for a handshake which I shake and then I look down to my clothes and see a white gown almost like and hospital gown. And in confusion my mind tells me to look around and when I do, I find 6 more beds besides me kid same age as me or below maybe or older I don't know I just know they are young. "they are survivors like you". I look towards the Captain as he speaks, "but my parents-" "they are dead we found their body right beside you when you were unconscious" the cold Captain said as if he had seen more scattered limbs in his life then humans, I might believe it. "don't worry kid you'll be perfectly fine in this camp" the doctor said "camp?" I said confused "yes a......survivor camp you can say" the doctor said as he wrapped the bp strap on my right arm.

"I am giving you an anesthesia tha will put you to sleep and you will be sent to rescue dorm" Dr. mohan said with a gentle smile. I saw the two faces fade in front of me as I fell asleep.

sorry I did not post the second chapter I was feeling really low and thought no one will like it but when I got the notification that two people liked my work with spelling mistakes (I am sorry abt that tbh 😅) but you guys still like it so I decided to post 2nd chp tell me if it good ok? 🥰


my next chp will be on Friday so I hope you enjoy that, and do Comment and tell me how you felt about my past two chapters I am not a big writer and I have not studied literature but my imagination leads me to write these

what your favorite book by the way? do tell me as mine currently is Getaway bazookah she is an amazing writer for sure I love her writing skills infact this book and one more book made me put my imagination on this platform tye second book is On of us is lying that's why I thought mystery story would be good but yeah that's all.

tell me what you think of those past chps so I can write next.

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