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Falling in Love with My Friend's Werewolf Brother

Episode 1


I can't believe it's today! I've been waiting for this day for so long, finally, it's my 18th birthday, I'm dying to see my wolf for the first time and maybe find my mate.

Forgive my lack of manners, I'm so excited that I forgot to introduce myself. Hello, everyone, my name is Melinda Hunter. I live in the Northern Pack with my father, Afonso Hunter, who is the Beta, with my mother, Katarine Hunter, and with my brother, Lucca Hunter, who will be the future Beta of the pack when Alpha Heitor Blade takes over.

Our Alpha, Carlo Blade, has not yet retired because the future Alpha has not yet found his mate, and this is a problem considering he is already 26 years old. Alphas need their Lunas to be stronger, no one can ascend to the throne without a Luna, and if they reach 30 years old and still haven't found her, the council arranges a marriage and if the Alpha refuses, he loses the right to the throne.

The future Alpha is dating Sophia Guild, daughter of the Alphas of the Eastern Pack, who rejected her mate because he was not an Alpha. I sincerely don't understand how anyone can reject their mate, the pain is absurd and we can't love anyone else, of course we feel desire and passion, but love, true love, is only with our mate and even with the rejection we still share some things, the bond does not actually break, unless the goddess decides to give a second chance to the one who was rejected, but this is something rare, but anyway, whoever rejected lives a life of loneliness.

Complicated, I know, but those are the rules and as my mother says, "He who can, commands, he who has judgment, obeys" lol. I confess that many times I am tempted to break the rules, I don't know why, but I want to know what is beyond the borders of the pack. My pack is great and I truly love everything and everyone, but something is calling me from the other side, I can't explain it.

I dream of studying medicine, but my Alpha would never allow anyone from the pack to attend a place full of humans, and unfortunately, if I disobey, I become a rogue. Rogues are wolves that are expelled from their pack for some reason - bandits, traitors, rebels, rejected ones, among other adjectives. Even so, I will try to get authorization to attend college, after all, I already have the "no," I'm going to chase the "yes." I can't just give up on my dream. I already have everything planned out and I'm going to show the Alpha how good it will be for the Pack to have a doctor and maybe a hospital and not just rely on the pack shamans, but that's something I'm going to do tomorrow because today I want to really enjoy my birthday....

I interrupt my daydreams and get out of bed and run to the bathroom, do my morning hygiene, change clothes and go downstairs to have breakfast with my family, it's our tradition every birthday we have breakfast together.

I arrive in the kitchen, Mom is finishing setting the table with Dad, I smile when I see the table full of things I love, including my carrot cake with crispy chocolate icing that can't be missed. I approach my mother and hug her from behind.

"Good morning, Mom."

"Good morning, my princess," she says as she turns to give me a tight hug. "Happy birthday, my daughter, I wish the Moon Goddess blesses you and helps you achieve all your dreams," she says, kissing my forehead.

"Thank you, Mom, and I hope she blesses me, even when I go to face the Alpha tomorrow."

"She will, my daughter, and you'll see that everything will be alright."

"I can't believe my little girl is already 18 years old," my dad says, hugging me. "Daddy is going to hide you so your mate won't find you, so you'll never leave."

"Stop it, Afonso, lol," Katarine says, and pats my father's shoulder.

"Are you already jealous, Mr. Afonso?" I ask.

"Of course not, it's just fatherly possessiveness, lol," he replies.

"Good morning, family, my little squirt is turning 18," my brother, Lucca, says with a smile as he hugs me. "Happy birthday, little sis, I wish you all the happiness in the world. I love you, you know."

"Thanks, bro, I love you too," I reply.

He kisses the top of my head and we sit down to have breakfast, we eat, laugh and joke like every year, I am very blessed to have them as my family. When I finish, I get up and help my mother to clear everything up because soon my best friend Lara will be here so we can start getting everything ready. We have our birthday on the same day and we always have our birthday parties together, our families are friends and that makes everything easier, and having my best friend going through this special moment with me is incredible. Lara is dying to find her mate and I hope she finds him and he's a really nice guy. When I think about it, I feel a tightness in my chest as if something is going to happen and I confess that I'm not as anxious as Lara ........

Episode 2


I'm in the garden with my family. The decoration and catering staff have already arrived, and everything's a bit chaotic right now, lol. I see my crazy friend running towards me, and I open my arms to receive her with a big hug.

Lara - Happy birthday, Mel!

Melinda - To you too, my friend.

Lara - I can't believe we're turning 18! (We started jumping like crazy, lol)

Melinda - Are you nervous about the transformation, friend?

Lara - I'm more anxious to find out who my kitty will be, lol.

Melinda - I'm focused on the pain, lol.

Lara - The pain will pass, friend. It's only the first time, but our kitties will be forever, lol.

Melinda - That's just like you, friend.

Aunt Bella and Uncle Otavio, Lara's parents, came to greet me. And let's get to work, people, because we have a lot to do and certainly, the hours will fly by, lol.

We're getting things ready, but I can't help but notice that my dear brother won't stop staring at Lara. Lately, he's been looking at her a lot, but today is especially excessive. He won't take his eyes off her, as if he's going to attack her at any moment. Could they be mates? That would be wonderful. My brother and my best friend together! They're incredible and would certainly be great for each other.

My brother is 26 years old and has been searching for his mate since he transformed. He's already searched in all possible packs and nothing. Until one fine day, he decided to stop looking and immersed himself in his work as future Beta. He's been living a solitary life ever since. He has his flings during the full moon when we go through heat and our sexual instincts and needs are heightened, but nothing more. Many she-wolves have already thrown themselves at him for the title of Beta's Mate, but he pushes them all away, saying that this title will only belong to his true mate. I love my brother very much, and seeing him alone makes me sad, but if my intuition is correct, this loneliness ends today. I decided to go up to my brother, who's practically drooling, lol.

Melinda - Hey bro, everything okay?

(He straightens up, trying to disguise it, lol)

Lucca - Yes, I'm fine.

Melinda - Are you sure?

Lucca - What are you trying to say, Mel?

Melinda - Bro, you haven't stopped staring at my friend, and I just want to know why. (He takes a deep breath)

Lucca - I think Lara might be my mate.

Melinda - I KNEW IT!!!

Lucca - Quiet down, you crazy woman! I don't want her to hear.

Melinda - Why not? You're not going to reject her, are you?

Lucca - Of course, I won't reject her. I've waited years for my mate. It's just that even I'm not sure yet. We'll only know for sure when she transforms.

Melinda - I understand, but then stop undressing her with your eyes because you'll give yourself away before it's time, lol.

Lucca - Is it that obvious?

Melinda - You look like you're going to pounce and devour her, lol.

Lucca - I can't help it. Felon is restless, and she looks incredibly beautiful today.

He looks at her with bright, loving eyes. Lara realizes we're looking at her, smiles back, and walks towards us.

Melinda - I truly hope it's her, brother, and I wish from the bottom of my heart that you two will be happy.

Lucca - I hope so too, sis. (He kisses the top of my head)

Lara - Aww, how cute are you two! Too bad I don't have siblings. (She pouts)

Melinda - That's why you want to have a whole soccer team of pups.

Lara - Of course, friend! That way my pups won't feel alone.

Lucca - I like that idea, lol.

Lara - And you, Mr. Lucca, am I boring you?

Lucca - Me? Why? (His face falls instantly, the poor thing)

Lara - You didn't wish me a happy birthday. (And she pouted again. I have a feeling that this pout will have my brother wrapped around her little finger, lol).

Lucca - Don't say that, kitten.

My brother opens his arms. Lara smiles and hugs him. Awww, they look so good together!

Lucca - Happy birthday. May the Moon Goddess bring you much happiness.

Lara - Thank you, Lucca.

And they simply don't break the embrace. Oh my, oh my, this hug is lasting longer than necessary. Lara snuggles closer into the hug, and Lucca is smelling her hair and neck. I need to interrupt this! I grab her arm.

Melinda - Come on, friend, let's go. We still have a lot to do.

I gently pull her away. Lara seems to snap out of it and her eyes widen. Lucca, on the other hand, is shaking his eyes and grabs Lara's other arm, growling at me. I approach him and almost whisper in his ear.

Melinda - Don't you dare growl at me, Felon. And Lucca, control yourself and remember what you told me.

He seems to regain control and lets her go. I drag my friend away from my brother. We can't get our hopes up before the transformation.

Lara - Friend, what was that? What happened? Could it be...?

Melinda - I don't know, friend, but don't worry about it now. Come on, we have a lot to do.

As the day wore on, it became increasingly clear what would happen when Lara transformed. And I couldn't be happier for my brother and my best friend. Even our parents noticed but didn't say anything openly, because we all know that nothing can be said until it's confirmed... This party promises to be interesting. And I hope that if my mate is here, he'll be an amazing guy...

Episode 3


As I said, the hours flew by and it's almost party time. Lara and I are in my room getting ready for the big moment. We've already done our makeup and hair, and now we're putting on our dresses...

My friend looks beautiful in her black dress. I found it quite subdued, but that's her style.

And I chose a green one, which is my favorite color, with a big slit, just my style, lol.

We took one last look in the mirror, left the room, and went down the stairs. When we got to the living room, everyone was ready and waiting for us. My brother stopped and his eyes widened, his jaw dropped when he saw Lara, and his breathing clearly sped up.

Melinda - Lucca, close your mouth, little bro, lol.

Everyone laughs, Lara turns red as a tomato, and Mom intervenes.

Katarine - It's because you both look beautiful, my dear. We're all speechless.

Bella - You really do. It seems like you were born yesterday, and today you're these beautiful women.

Mom and Aunt Bella have tears in their eyes.

Melinda - No crying, today is a day for celebration.

Bella - You're right, it's just that we're so proud of you, right, my friend?

Katarine - Very proud, my friend.

They hug. This friendship between our families is beautiful, and Lara and I have had the privilege of growing up together. And goddess willing, this bond will grow even stronger with Lara and Lucca.

The guests started to arrive and we went to the garden to start our party... Lara and I were on the dance floor with our friends from the pack when I got restless. Something pulled my gaze and I saw the future Alpha Heitor and his girlfriend Sophia entering the party. My heart skipped a beat and I noticed that he was sniffing the air and looking around as if he was looking for something. When our eyes met, I froze and the shock ran down my spine. But he simply turned his face as if he didn't care and walked towards my brother to greet him. It can't be! Please, my Goddess, not him!!!! Heitor and I never got along. I think he's very arrogant and self-centered, and he doesn't care about anything or anyone but himself. I respect him for being our future Alpha and my brother's best friend, but the problem is that he always said that if his mate wasn't an Alpha's daughter, he would reject her. And rejection in our pack leads to banishment. No, no, NO, NO, I CAN'T BE BANISHED AND BECOME A ROGUE!!

My breathing starts to speed up, my heart races, I'm breaking out in a cold sweat. Shit, I can't have an anxiety attack now. Lara notices my agitation and holds my hand.

Lara - Girl, girl, calm down, take a deep breath. (I do as she says). What happened?

Melinda - Please, girl, just help me get out of here. I can't breathe properly.

Lara starts pulling me into the house. We go in and she closes the door and sits me down on the living room couch. She runs and gets me a glass of water.

Lara - Here, girl, drink this. (I take it and drink the water, calming down a little). What happened to trigger your anxiety?

Melinda - Girl, I think I know who my mate is.

Lara - Really, girl? I'm so happy! (And she hugs me).

Melinda - Don't be, girl, it's horrible.

Lara - Who is he, girl?

Melinda - Heitor.

Lara - Heitor, the future Alpha?

Melinda - Do we know another Heitor, girl?

Lara - It can't be. You're the Beta's daughter. If you're really his mate, he'll reject you, girl.

Melinda - I know, girl, and that's terrifying me. I can't be banished and become a rogue.

Lara - But we can't jump to conclusions. You can't panic before your transformation. It could just be a figment of your imagination.

Lara's right. It could have been a coincidence. I could have looked at him the moment my mate passed by and imagined things...or not.

Melinda - You're right, girl. I can't suffer in advance...

Lara - Let's go to your room and touch up your makeup. You're all sweaty from your anxiety attack.

Lara took me to my room to touch up my makeup. While she was doing it, I started to think about what had just happened. I've had anxiety attacks ever since our pack was attacked by vampires who wanted to take me. I still don't know why, but Dad was almost killed that day preventing the kidnapping. And ever since then I've developed this anxiety. I fight it daily, but sometimes my human side fails miserably and the anxiety attacks. But even with all that, I have a terrible feeling that I'm not wrong. But I can't act like a weak little girl, that's not how my parents raised me. Whatever happens, I'll make them proud. I know I'm stronger than everyone thinks I am, and I'll show them. Lara finishes my makeup and we go downstairs. I want to enjoy our party to the fullest, as it may be my last one with my family and friends. And no ridiculous Alpha boy is going to ruin that for me....

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