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My Date In Paris ( Yoonmin)

Heartbroken in Paris

Jimin stood by the Seine, the gentle lapping of the water contrasting sharply with the turmoil inside him. The Eiffel Tower glittered in the distance, an indifferent witness to his heartbreak. He had come to Paris expecting romance, but his boyfriend had shattered that dream with a blunt,
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
"it's over" 💔
He replayed the breakup in his mind. The café, the crowded tables, the smell of freshly baked croissants. His boyfriend’s voice, once soothing, now cold and detached.
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
"I just don't feel the same way anymore."
Jimin leaned against the railing, tears blurring his vision. The city of love felt cruel and unforgiving. As he stared at the water, contemplating the depths of his loneliness, a voice broke through his despair.
"Are you okay?"
Jimin turned to see a man with dark hair and kind eyes. He wore a simple black jacket and a scarf, blending effortlessly into the Parisian night. Despite his calm demeanor, his concern was palpable.
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
"Do I look okay?" Jimin replied, his voice cracking.
He regretted the harshness immediately but couldn't muster an apology.
The stranger didn't flinch. Instead, he offered a small, understanding smile.
"No, you don't. But maybe talking about it would help."
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
Jimin shook his head. "I don't even know you."
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
"I'm Yoongi," the man said, extending a hand. "Now you know me."
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
Jimin hesitated before taking the offered hand. "Jimin."
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
"Nice to meet you, Jimin," Yoongi said softly. "Would you like to take a walk? Sometimes a change of scenery can help."
Jimin glanced back at the Seine, then at Yoongi. There was something reassuring about the stranger's presence, something that made him feel a bit less alone.
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
He nodded. "Okay."


They walked in silence for a while, the sounds of Parisian nightlife around them. Yoongi led them through narrow streets and hidden alleys, the city's charm slowly seeping into Jimin's wounded heart.
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
"Do you live here?" Jimin asked, breaking the silence.
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
"Yes, I've been here for many years," Yoongi replied. "Paris has a way of becoming home."
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
"I was supposed to have the perfect vacation," Jimin confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "But he... he left me."
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi's eyes softened. "I'm sorry. Breakups are never easy, especially in a place like this."
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
Jimin nodded, feeling the weight of his sorrow lift just a little. "Why are you helping me?"
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi shrugged. "Everyone needs a friend sometimes. And Paris can be a cruel place when you're alone."
They continued walking, Yoongi pointing out various landmarks and sharing little anecdotes about the city. His voice was soothing, his presence a balm to Jimin's aching heart.
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
"Thank you," Jimin said quietly as they stopped at a small bridge, the lights of Paris reflecting in the water below. "You didn't have to do this."
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi smiled. "It's nothing. Besides, showing someone the real Paris is always a pleasure."
As they stood there, Jimin felt a flicker of hope. Maybe this trip wasn't ruined. Maybe, just maybe, he could heal here, in the city of love, with the help of a kind stranger.
And as Yoongi continued to share stories, Jimin found himself smiling, the first genuine smile since his heart had been broken. Paris, with all its beauty and pain, had given him an unexpected gift – a chance to start over.
Author 👀
Author 👀
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The morning sun filtered through the lace curtains of Jimin’s hotel room, casting a warm glow on the room’s elegant decor. He stretched, feeling the dull ache of yesterday’s heartbreak, but also a strange sense of anticipation. He had agreed to meet Yoongi again, curious about what the stranger might show him.
After a quick breakfast, Jimin made his way to the café they had agreed on. It was a charming place, with outdoor seating and colorful flower boxes lining the windows. Yoongi was already there, sitting at a corner table with two cups of coffee.
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
"Good morning," Yoongi greeted him with a smile as Jimin sat down. "I hope you like coffee."
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
Jimin nodded, taking the cup. "Thank you. I didn’t get much sleep last night."
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
"Understandable," Yoongi said, his tone gentle. "How are you feeling?"
Jimin took a sip of his coffee, savoring the rich, bitter taste.
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
"Better, I think. Still hurts, but… better."
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
"That’s a start," Yoongi said. "I thought we could start the day with a visit to a less touristy part of Paris. How does that sound?"
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
"Sounds good," Jimin replied, curious about what Yoongi had in mind.
They finished their coffee and set off on foot, Yoongi leading the way. He took Jimin through winding streets, each turn revealing a new facet of the city’s charm. They passed by quaint bakeries, artisan shops, and quiet parks, Yoongi sharing stories and insights as they went.
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
"This is Montmartre," Yoongi said as they climbed a steep hill. "It used to be the haunt of artists and bohemians. Some of that spirit is still here."
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
Jimin looked around, taking in the cobblestone streets and the bohemian vibe. "It’s beautiful."
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
"It is," Yoongi agreed. "And there’s more to see. Come on."
They continued their ascent, eventually reaching the Basilica of the Sacré-Cœur. The white-domed church stood majestically, offering a breathtaking view of the city below. Jimin felt a surge of awe as he took in the panorama, the heartbreak momentarily forgotten.
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
"It’s something, isn’t it?" Yoongi said, standing beside him. "Paris has a way of surprising you."
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
Jimin nodded, feeling a connection with the city he hadn’t expected. "Thank you for bringing me here."
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi smiled. "There’s more to see. But first, how about we grab some lunch?"
They made their way to a small bistro nearby, settling at a table on the terrace. The menu was filled with traditional French dishes, and Jimin found himself relaxing as they chatted over a delicious meal.
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
"So, what do you do in Paris?" Jimin asked between bites of coq au vin.
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
"I’m a writer," Yoongi replied. "I moved here for inspiration and never left."
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
"A writer," Jimin echoed, impressed. "That sounds amazing."
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
"It has its moments," Yoongi said with a chuckle. "But enough about me. What about you? What do you do back home?"
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
"I’m a dancer," Jimin said, a shy smile playing on his lips. "I work with a contemporary dance company."
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
"That’s incredible," Yoongi said, his eyes lighting up. "Dance is such a beautiful form of expression."
Jimin felt a warmth spread through him at Yoongi’s words. There was something about the way Yoongi spoke, so genuine and encouraging, that made him feel seen in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time.
As they finished their meal, Yoongi suggested another walk.
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
"I want to show you one more place today. It’s a bit of a hidden gem."
Intrigued, Jimin agreed. They meandered through more of Montmartre’s winding streets until they reached a small, unassuming courtyard. In the center stood a wall covered in tiles, each inscribed with the phrase "I love you" in different languages.
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
"This is the 'I Love You Wall,'" Yoongi explained. "It’s a symbol of love and peace. I thought you might like it."
Jimin stared at the wall, feeling a lump in his throat. The words, repeated in so many languages, seemed to reach out to him, offering comfort and hope
Jimin 💗
Jimin 💗
"It’s beautiful," he said softly.
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi 🔥
Yoongi watched him, a gentle smile on his face. "Love is universal, Jimin. Even when it hurts, it’s still a part of us."
Jimin nodded, feeling the truth of Yoongi’s words. As they stood there, surrounded by declarations of love from around the world, he felt a flicker of hope. Maybe, with Yoongi’s help, he could find his way back to himself. Maybe Paris wasn’t just the city of heartbreak, but also a place of healing.
And as they walked back through the charming streets of Montmartre, Jimin felt a sense of peace settling over him. For the first time since his breakup, he felt like he was exactly where he was meant to be.
Author 👀
Author 👀

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