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°•Revenge Can Be Sweet•°


In the bridal chamber,

The personal maid of daiyu helps her to sit on the large extinguish red bed which is filled with nuts and rose petals .

~shen daiyu

It's soft as fur , as expected for the famous Playboy of the dynasty... It's a pity it's covered in red which makes it complimentary to a blood pool. Wahh! There's nuts seems like I won't starve tonight.~

A thunder strikes which gave her nerves a shivering sensation and a playback to her past

~shen daiyu

It feels like the same day which changed our life..Mom and dad today your daughter is officially going to enter The war. ~

Shen daiyu's personal maid, Xiao an

"Princess consort, The prince his highness will be here in no time, Xiao an should wait outside"

" You can go then"

" As you say... Your ladyship, hope you won't forget the honorable prime minister's word... If you satisfy his highness tonight, it will be easier to gain his highness trust. Hope your ladyship will do your best for the sake of your "

Before letting her finish her words Shen daiyu strike with a pretentious smile

" don't worry, i will never put my mother in danger. You should go now."

" As you wish."

Xiao an walked towards the door and close it slowly by glancing Shen daiyu as her auspicious veil was waving by the cool breeze which makes a small part her of eye being seen by the red roses and big wide red candles on the table at the center of that spacious room

Shen daiyu

" 'The honorable prime minister' what a joke! It's funny to think 'that honorable person' is trying to control me by a mere handmaid of him. How foolish of him to think that my mother's life is in his hands. The audacity of him to think of us as his slaves... Shen yuze i will make you pay for everything you have done to us ONE BY ONE."

Her minded suddenly drifted through the last night together with her family* mom and dad,...the day of her father's departure by the order of the emperor

~The Shen mansion

The study of Shen mingze

Holding her tears not to fall down as she don't want to say bye to her father with crying face

" Dad when will you come back this time?"

" Not sure Ayu, but i will make it hurry and come see my beautiful Ayu as soon as possible."

" pinky promise dad"

" Yep my gem"

As their fingers interlocked her mother,Tong yao comes with bag of his necessities showing a sweet smile by seeing her husband and daughter's adorable moment.

"Be safe My lord". She told by passing the bag to him

" I WILL BE for my women and for my girl."

By hardly taking his gaze from his beautiful wife's worried face he take a book from his sleeves and hand it to Shen daiyu.

"What is it dad?" She asked while trying to read its label which turnout to be completely new to her.

"It's the book containing my martial arts techniques Ayu. My father gave it to me when i was five. And now It's your birthday gift. "

" Oh right! It is my birthday day after tomorrow.

(Her once excited face changed )

You are going to miss my birthday dad, not cool",she said with a little anger.

"Don't be angry at your dad Ayu. Your dad is busy. You know he is--"

Shen daiyu completed her mother's word

" the trusted person of His majesty and has to help the people from bad guys. I know mom"

she took her father's right hand which feels so hard and heavy yet comfortable and said

" I can forgive you dad if only you could come as fastly as you can and teach me how to fight"

" Ofcourse as my Ayu says. How about now keep your book safely in your treasure box."

" Yay! I got an another treasure. I am going to put it in my treasure box. Mom and dad i will be back in one minute."

As she runs with the book her mother warned her

"Slowly my dear, Don't trip"

Just as tong yao look back at her husband he sneaked a kiss at her cheek.

" Are you also angry at me my dear?"

Trying to hide her blushed cheeks she responded quickly

" I..I am not my lord. I know you are in a tuff spot. But... i can't help it , i am feeling distressed and very anxious about this trip. "

By placing his rough hand on his wife's soft cheeks he tries to soothe her " Don't worry Yaoer, i will be safe and sound. It's just that this mission is very confidential so i can't say anything more about it.

But i am worried about you. I allowed Shen yuze and his family in so ..."

" You don't have to worry about it, my lord. Even though you might not be here in these days they still be afraid to do anything against us. After all they were once exiled from this household. "

" Yep. If they do something to you then i will make him perish. This is his last chance to turn to a new leaf.

But you still have to hide your medical skills infront of them. "

" I know my lord. After all my identity is not simple"

" I____ "

when his daughter returned Shen mingze hold back his words

" Dad, mom my treasure box is filled with treasures now"

Suddenly they heard a knock on their door

"Brother the horse has been prepared. "

Shen yuze ,the younger brother of Shen mingze and second young master of Shen family said with a pleasing tone.

But that sentence went through the three heart with a pulling pain.

" I will be back soon." He said by kissing both of his lifelines.

"No need to Send me off, it's raining. " He ordered.

Rain began to pour heavily out of nowhere with tremendous thunderbolt. His majestic figure with long black hair nicely tied up slowly moved away from them.............. ~

~Dad i miss you~

Suddenly she was pulled back from her memories by a faint voice of a woman.

" Master must we have to see her , how about we go to your room instead" in a seductive voice

" That can't be. How can i let my dear princess consort's veil be unmoved in 'Our first night'." A harsh voice of male in sarcastic tone.

The third prince and a beautiful young lady enter the bride chamber as the prince holding the lady within his arms

~Shen daiyu

It's the third prince. Seems like.. he is planning to give me a great show. I can use this as an opportunity to avoid spending this night with him, worth my wait 'hubby'. Wahh! THANKYOU GOD.~

The footsteps become nearer and nearer.

~Shen daiyu

His footsteps is really heavy, it's like he's carring something. Is he carrying that lady? ..My vision is not clear because of this head veil. ~

The third prince puts the lady down, and swiftly grab Shen daiyu's arms and pulled her closer to him.

" WHO ARE YOU? LET GO OFF ME" Daiyu shouted while trying to release her arms from those strong hands which is stronger than she expected.

~Shen daiyu

This WOMENIZER is grabbing me without saying a word? And.. he is strong... He is a playboy but it seems like he never skipped his training section. ~

~The third prince, Jiang yichen

She really asked me who i am, Is she a fool or pretend to be one. Seems Shen yuze still has terrible taste in choosing his pawns... ~

" I am your husband honey. " Jiang yichen replied her by turning his voice into somewhat sweet.

Then he slowly approached her ears and said in a low voice which is chillier than the cold breeze.

"And i am not planning to LET YOU GO that easily"



~Shen daiyu

'Not letting me go that easily' huh! FINE WITH ME. Actually that's what i want.~

Daiyu said with a weak voice

"So it was you your highness. What a relief! I was so STARTLED when your lordship suddenly grabbed me which made me ACCIDENTALLY mistook you as a intruder. Shen daiyu sincerely apologize for her impoliteness infront of Your highness."

Jiang yichen slowly released his grip on her and stand back fixing his posture. Then he slightly raised his eyebrows and muttered.

"Intruders huh!"

~The lady who came with Jiang yichen

 Its seems his highness doesn't like her much. If i can help his highness to settle this woman and thereby gaining his favor, i may have the chance to become the concubine of the third prince. I should grab this opportunity RIGHT NOW!!!~

" This is unacceptable your highness. Not only princess consort raised her voice at you but also made fun of the security system of this mansion which was implemented by yourself. Your highness should punish her severely as to prevent her doing such things again in the future."

  The lady exclaimed to Jiang yichen with a furious voice showing utmost 'sincerity'.

Hearing this Jiang yichen looked at Daiyu whose face was completely covered with veil, but still he sensed her calm face. He moved towards the vast extinguish bed and seated himself facing both ladies. Then took a nut from the bed and cracked between his long fingers tossed it into his mouth.

He made his chewing sound as loud as possible which made Daiyu realize that he is carving for a show.

~Shen daiyu

Since you like to enjoy the drama i won't disappoint you then JIANG YICHEN~

" Oh my god! Watch your mouth lady, words can be really really harmful sometimes . You are accusing me of disrespecting His lordship when i don't even dare to say anything Even though a lady like you came along with His lordship at OUR WEDDING NIGHT. Then where do i get the nerve to disrespect him without any reasons.."

To win over this in one go she shot again

" Your highness i am but a weak girl who has been separated from her mother for the first time, has been to a completely unfamiliar place was longing for nothing else but her husband's presence all this time which felt like forever in this cold night.

I don't know why this lady is blaming me for something i have never thought of.. Or.. Unless..."

" UNLESS WHAT " The lady exclaimed by starring at Daiyu as she might be going to devour her the next minute.

"Unless you may want to CLIMB THE LADDER by stepping on me." Daiyu finished this line very smoothly, but it struck on her like a hard rock.

~Jiang yichen

Mmhm! She's not that bad. She saw through her and cleared her path with one stroke. INTERESTING~

"WHATTT!!! Crap your nonsense, you fox. Why do i need to step on you when i am gorgeous myself. I will let His highness see your ugly face then we will know who has to step on whom. "

After uttering these words that woman aimed Daiyu's veil and tried to tear those apart. But Daiyu saw that coming, with a slight smirk she dodged which led that lady to be fall onto Jiang yichen. He caught her but then she suddenly put all her body on him and pushed him into the bed with her.

Daiyu slightly peeked through her veil and saw that satisfactory seen herself which made her feel as a proud matchmaker.

~Shen daiyu

She suits you right Jiang yichen and my mission accomplished. Now let me end this show for you. ~

"Seems like i am the third person here. Shen daiyu wishes Your highness's happiness, so let me excuse myself."

The night was still cloudy with thunderstorms, Daiyu walked towards the door with a relief of escaping from the wedding night.



" My lord, She is gone now. I have completed my task. Now how about i keep you company tonight."

" You are right. She is really a fox. A playful little cunning fox who tries to run away."

He said with a devious smile on his face.


Jiang yichen pushed her aside and rose from the bed then set his eagle gaze on daiyu. He reached in front of Daiyu within three steps which caught her off-guard.

"Your highness tthhiss.."

He scooped her with one hand and placed her on the table were the red roses and candles have taken half of its space. He tossed the roses and candles to the floor and pushed her further into the table with his left veiny hand to ensure she sit with comfort. Then he knelt on the ground and aimed his hands to her auspicious red head veil.

~Shen daiyu


I thought he must be varied of me since i was sent here by Shen yuze and keep his shoes away from me.. What on the earth does he want by completing ceremony of this veil now. ~

~Jiang yichen

I thought you will do your best to please me tonight as you are sent by him. But in contrast, you are running AWAY from me...Oh girl you are first one who did that. Since you don't want to complete the ceremony i will definitely 'help you'~

Jiang yichen removed daiyu's veil as it fell onto the red rose petals on the ground. Completely forgetting the existence of a third person on their bed they fixed their glance on each other. Both of them were hardly trying to find ugliness in other but failed miserably.

~Jiang yichen

Well you are not that pretty. But your black hair resembling silky thread compliments your jade white skin perfectly. Your lips seem soft as cotton but still may not be my favorite. Then your eyebrows...wait how could this be..her eyes are sooo damn GORGEOUS...No no no What are you thinking guy! it's just a pair of normal green eyes which captures the entire forest in it and BRIGHT AS A TINY FIREFLY IN THE DARK right!~

~Shen daiyu

Mmm.. He is not that bad looking by the way. No wonder girls are drooling all over him. Surprisingly the red colour which always remind me of blood looks oddly good on him... What's with this weird expression of his. Is he grading me ? I am not that bad looking okeyyy. Oh! His jawline is so perfect. And his eyelashes is so longgg. Wait! his eyes seems so special and mysterious like my father's and~

" Those eyes are black as coal like my father"

" Like your father? So your father's eyes were black. Look like you got your green eyes from your mother. "

~Shen daiyu

Did i say that out loud? Oh my brain why did you do that. He must be thinking i am obsessed with him now. ~

" Thank you for moving my veil Your highness. I think it's time for me leave. I will get out of your sight immediately."

As seeing her leaving Jiang yichen rose from his knees and took a glance at the veil which was lying down. Daiyu rushed out of the door and find Xiao an, her personal maid given by Shen yuze looking at her aggressively which was not unexpected by her. She moved towards her as she was ready to confront that petty chess piece of him.

Meanwhile, the lady who was on the bed slowly approached Jiang yichen with a disturbing mind of thinking if he might be attracted by Daiyu.

" Your highness, that bitch doesn't deserve your attention. You should look at me"

Suddenly Jiang yichen called his subordinate Wuyan Who was one of his most trusted person from his childhood.

A man dressed in black rushed in through the window and knelt before him.

" At your command young master"

" She is noisy."

SWOOSH.. The sharp sword of Wuyan cut through her neck in the next moment even without giving her the right to scream.

"Give the palivion next to my study to Shen daiyu now. Tell her to live there from now on."

" Next to your study? "

"Is there a problem "

" Well....."

"Shoot it"

" then forgive me for being outspoken master. Even though Shen daiyu is just a lady she is still sent by Shen yuze. what if she "

" If she found out my secret ? "

" Yes master. You have been pretending as a playboy for so long. As the culprit behind Royal consort Ning's death is still in dark, isn't it like playing with fire "

" I didn't know she scared you this much or are you scared of him? "

" Shen yuze is an old fox master , we should be cautious. He not only has support from royal court but also from the crown prince as his daughter is engaged to him now. He sent Shen daiyu here only to find your flaws. And that girl doesn't seem to be simple."

" You also noticed it. You have improved but still over nagging. I am worried about your future wife. "

" You are still in the mood of joking master. We have always silenced Shen yuze's men and replaced them with ours, can't we do the same here? "

" I take back saying you have made improvement. You are still stupid as always. Can you just stop using your mouth and use your head instead! "

" Subordinate apologize for being an idiot. Could you please enlight me master. "

" Shen daiyu's arrival is not a secret. If anything happen to her, it may arise suspicion instead. Shen yuze is surely related my mother's death we can use her to get the evidence against him. "

" But Shen daiyu is his spy right? How can we make her work against him? "

" She doesn't seem to be under him. Instead i think she came for me here. "

" Aah! I agree that you are handsome master but still... Ohh do you..................? "

" Yes"

" Whatttt!! Did you really fall in love with herrr?? "

" NO YOU AIRHEAD. Its shameful already you haven't made any improvement, but you are degrading yourself. Open your ears and listen, I WILL NOT fall for anyone from Shen family even if she is a beauty. "

" So you do think she is pretty! Oh my goodness this is the first time you are complimenting a woman. What a relief! Before I accidentally thought you are gay."

" WHAT!.. You!!! No there is no point in arguing with a fool. Leave from my sight right now. "

" Sorry master, Iet me think. You meant by Shen daiyu here for you is she will seek your help.. right. "

"Hhhh!! One's weakness should be well hidden, especially from their enemies. She is a wise girl, yet she showed her weakness just because of the same eye color. That means she really has a soft spot for her father. "

" But according to our investigation when Shen mingze disappeared, his wife and daughter didn't ask for any explanation or pushed it further instead they asked for money as compensation for their daughter's future and requested to make Shen yuze as prime minister as to continue the pride of Shen family through him. "

"There's something off... It seems i am in the right track before, Shen yuze has an unexceptionable part in Shen mingze's disappearance as well. "

~But why did they obey Shen yuze and help him for becoming prime minister. Why is she reluctant to act against him. Girl, are you useful to me or not~


Wah! master only seen Shen daiyu for a quarter of time, but he really found so much about of her. ~

"Wu yan , Find out about the 'mission' of Shen mingze. Tell Hewan to sneak into Shen mansion find out about Shen daiyu's mother and how they were treated in there before. "

" Yes master. "

" Now clean the mess on the floor and Do as i said. I am going to take a nap now. "


Well...Still why he would want to give Shen daiyu the palivion next to his study~


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