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Fairy Tail:Celestial Tempest


A million years had passed since Rimuru Tempest's reincarnation, during which he had achieved unprecedented power and knowledge. Yet, with his greatness came an unending monotony. Bored and seeking new purpose, Rimuru cast his gaze upon various worlds until one caught his interest: Earthland, home to the Fairy Tail guild. It was a realm filled with magic, adventure, and, intriguingly, sorrow. One young girl's sorrow drew him in, promising a break from the tedium of his existence.

The Heartfilia estate stood grand and imposing, a testament to the wealth and status of its inhabitants. Inside, five-year-old Lucy Heartfilia played in the garden, her laughter echoing through the halls. Her parents, Layla and Jude Heartfilia, watched from a distance, their smiles filled with love and pride.

As the sun began to set, a foreboding shadow fell over the estate. Unseen by the Heartfilia family, sinister figures crept closer, their intentions hidden beneath dark cloaks. Lucy's laughter was abruptly silenced by a chilling scream from inside the house.

"Stay here, Lucy," Layla instructed, her voice trembling as she handed her daughter a cherished locket. "Whatever happens, stay hidden."

Lucy clutched the locket tightly, her small frame shaking with fear as her parents rushed inside. Peering through the window, she saw her parents confronting the intruders. Their faces, twisted in anger and fear, would be forever etched in her memory.

"You will pay for this intrusion!" Jude shouted, brandishing a sword.

"Foolish," one of the attackers sneered, revealing a cruel, scarred face. "Your wealth means nothing here."

Before Lucy's terrified eyes, the battle erupted. Her father fought bravely, but he was outnumbered and overpowered. With a sickening thud, he fell, blood pooling around him. Lucy's heart pounded in her chest, tears streaming down her face.

"Jude!" Layla screamed, rushing to her husband's side. But her grief was short-lived. The leader of the assailants raised his hand, and a dark energy enveloped Layla, snuffing out her life like a candle.

Lucy stifled a sob, her tiny hands clamped over her mouth. The intruders searched the house, but in their haste, they overlooked the trembling child hidden in the garden. As the last of their footsteps faded away, Lucy crept out, her heart heavy with sorrow and rage.

She knelt beside her parents' lifeless bodies, her small hand reaching out to touch her mother's cold cheek. "Mama... Papa..." she whispered, her voice breaking. "I promise... I'll find them. I'll make them pay for what they did to you."

In his timeless domain, Rimuru sensed the girl's anguish and her fierce resolve. It was a feeling that pierced through his boredom, stirring a long-dormant sense of purpose. This was no ordinary child; her pain and determination set her apart.

"Interesting," Rimuru mused, his curiosity piqued. "This isn't part of the usual timeline. I think it's time for a visit."

Rimuru arrived in the world of Earthland, his form materializing near the Heartfilia estate. He found Lucy sitting alone, clutching the locket, her eyes red and swollen from crying. Despite her grief, there was a fire in her gaze that Rimuru hadn't seen in millennia.

"You seem troubled, young one," Rimuru said gently.

Startled, Lucy looked up to see the blue-haired figure standing before her. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice small and fearful.

"My name is Rimuru Tempest," he replied, his voice soothing. "I couldn't help but notice the pain in your eyes. What happened to you?"

"My... my parents," Lucy stammered, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. "They were murdered. I don't know who did it, but I remember their faces. I promised myself I would find them and make them pay."

Rimuru knelt beside her, his expression compassionate. "Revenge is a powerful motivator, but it can also consume you. What if I offered to train you? To give you the power you need to achieve your goal, and perhaps even more?"

Lucy blinked, surprise mingling with her grief. "Train me? But... why would you do that?"

"Because I see potential in you," Rimuru said. "And because I believe you can achieve great things, not just for revenge, but for a better future."

After a moment of contemplation, Lucy nodded determinedly. "I'll do it. I'll train with you."

support me at my Patreon I'll upload more chapters there and alot of sfw and NSFW things

Chapter 1:Training Part 1

A million years had passed since Rimuru Tempest's reincarnation, during which he had achieved unprecedented power and knowledge. Yet, with his greatness came an unending monotony. Bored and seeking new purpose, Rimuru cast his gaze upon various worlds until one caught his interest: Earthland, home to the Fairy Tail guild. It was a realm filled with magic, adventure, and, intriguingly, sorrow. One young girl's sorrow drew him in, promising a break from the tedium of his existence.

The Heartfilia estate stood grand and imposing, a testament to the wealth and status of its inhabitants. Inside, five-year-old Lucy Heartfilia played in the garden, her laughter echoing through the halls. Her parents, Layla and Jude Heartfilia, watched from a distance, their smiles filled with love and pride.

As the sun began to set, a foreboding shadow fell over the estate. Unseen by the Heartfilia family, sinister figures crept closer, their intentions hidden beneath dark cloaks. Lucy's laughter was abruptly silenced by a chilling scream from inside the house.

"Stay here, Lucy," Layla instructed, her voice trembling as she handed her daughter a cherished locket. "Whatever happens, stay hidden."

Lucy clutched the locket tightly, her small frame shaking with fear as her parents rushed inside. Peering through the window, she saw her parents confronting the intruders. Their faces, twisted in anger and fear, would be forever etched in her memory.

"You will pay for this intrusion!" Jude shouted, brandishing a sword.

"Foolish," one of the attackers sneered, revealing a cruel, scarred face. "Your wealth means nothing here."

Before Lucy's terrified eyes, the battle erupted. Her father fought bravely, but he was outnumbered and overpowered. With a sickening thud, he fell, blood pooling around him. Lucy's heart pounded in her chest, tears streaming down her face.

"Jude!" Layla screamed, rushing to her husband's side. But her grief was short-lived. The leader of the assailants raised his hand, and a dark energy enveloped Layla, snuffing out her life like a candle.

Lucy stifled a sob, her tiny hands clamped over her mouth. The intruders searched the house, but in their haste, they overlooked the trembling child hidden in the garden. As the last of their footsteps faded away, Lucy crept out, her heart heavy with sorrow and rage.

She knelt beside her parents' lifeless bodies, her small hand reaching out to touch her mother's cold cheek. "Mama... Papa..." she whispered, her voice breaking. "I promise... I'll find them. I'll make them pay for what they did to you."

In his timeless domain, Rimuru sensed the girl's anguish and her fierce resolve. It was a feeling that pierced through his boredom, stirring a long-dormant sense of purpose. This was no ordinary child; her pain and determination set her apart.

"Interesting," Rimuru mused, his curiosity piqued. "This isn't part of the usual timeline. I think it's time for a visit."

Rimuru arrived in the world of Earthland, his form materializing near the Heartfilia estate. He found Lucy sitting alone, clutching the locket, her eyes red and swollen from crying. Despite her grief, there was a fire in her gaze that Rimuru hadn't seen in millennia.

"You seem troubled, young one," Rimuru said gently.

Startled, Lucy looked up to see the blue-haired figure standing before her. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice small and fearful.

"My name is Rimuru Tempest," he replied, his voice soothing. "I couldn't help but notice the pain in your eyes. What happened to you?"

"My... my parents," Lucy stammered, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. "They were murdered. I don't know who did it, but I remember their faces. I promised myself I would find them and make them pay."

Rimuru knelt beside her, his expression compassionate. "Revenge is a powerful motivator, but it can also consume you. What if I offered to train you? To give you the power you need to achieve your goal, and perhaps even more?"

Lucy blinked, surprise mingling with her grief. "Train me? But... why would you do that?"

"Because I see potential in you," Rimuru said. "And because I believe you can achieve great things, not just for revenge, but for a better future."

After a moment of contemplation, Lucy nodded determinedly. "I'll do it. I'll train with you."

The moon cast a silvery glow over the Heartfilia estate, its light reflecting off the tears on Lucy's cheeks. Rimuru stood beside her, his presence both comforting and enigmatic. He extended a hand to the young girl, his eyes filled with a promise of strength and guidance.

"Come with me, Lucy," Rimuru said softly. "We have much to do."

Lucy hesitated for a moment, glancing back at her parents' lifeless bodies. With a deep breath, she took Rimuru's hand, feeling a strange sense of hope amidst her sorrow. Together, they vanished from the estate, reappearing in a secluded forest far from prying eyes.

"This will be our training ground," Rimuru explained, gesturing to the dense trees and open clearing. "Here, you will learn to harness your physical strength and prepare for the challenges ahead."

Lucy nodded, determination replacing her earlier fear. "I'm ready," she said, her voice steady.

The first year of training was grueling. Rimuru focused on building Lucy's physical endurance and strength. Each day began with a rigorous routine of running, climbing, and lifting. Lucy's small frame grew stronger, her muscles more defined. Despite the pain and exhaustion, she never complained, driven by the memory of her parents and her promise to avenge them.

"Again," Rimuru commanded, watching as Lucy struggled to lift a heavy log. "You must push beyond your limits."

Lucy gritted her teeth, her arms trembling with effort. "I… can… do this," she panted, finally hoisting the log above her head. She dropped it with a thud, collapsing to the ground, but a smile of triumph played on her lips.

"Good," Rimuru said, a hint of pride in his voice. "Rest now. Tomorrow, we begin combat training."

The second year brought new challenges. Rimuru introduced Lucy to various weapons, teaching her the basics of swordsmanship, archery, and hand-to-hand combat. Her movements were clumsy at first, but with each passing day, she grew more skilled and confident.

"Focus, Lucy," Rimuru instructed during a sparring session. "Your enemy will not wait for you to find your balance."

Lucy nodded, her eyes narrowing as she faced Rimuru. She lunged forward, her wooden sword clashing against his. The sound echoed through the forest, a testament to her growing strength.

"Better," Rimuru said, parrying her strike with ease. "But you must be faster."

Lucy adjusted her stance, her movements becoming more fluid. She attacked again, this time managing to land a blow on Rimuru's arm. He smiled, nodding in approval.

"Excellent. You're improving."

By the third year, Lucy had become a formidable fighter. Her body was lean and strong, her reflexes sharp. Rimuru pushed her harder, testing her limits and honing her skills. They sparred daily, each session more intense than the last.

"Remember, Lucy," Rimuru said during one particularly fierce bout. "Strength alone is not enough. You must also be smart and strategic."

Lucy dodged his attack, her mind racing. She feigned a stumble, drawing Rimuru in before striking with a swift, calculated blow. He staggered back, surprised by her tactic.

"Very clever," Rimuru said, a proud smile spreading across his face. "You've learned well."

Lucy lowered her sword, breathing heavily. "Thank you, Rimuru. I couldn't have done it without you."

Rimuru placed a hand on her shoulder. "You've come a long way, Lucy. But remember, this is just the beginning. Your training is far from over."

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Chapter 2:Training Part 2

After Lucy finish her physical training she rest for a bit and one night

Rimuru led Lucy to a tranquil clearing in the forest, the sky above clear and star-studded. "Tonight, we begin your training in celestial magic," he said, his voice calm yet authoritative. "To command the stars, you must first understand their nature."

Lucy nodded, her eyes reflecting the celestial lights above. "I'm ready," she said, determination evident in her voice.

They started with the basics—learning to sense and channel the magical energy of the stars. Rimuru guided her through intricate spells and rituals, teaching her to draw power from the constellations. The nights were long and demanding, but Lucy's resolve never wavered.

One particular evening, Rimuru handed Lucy a gleaming key inscribed with star patterns. "This is the key to summon Astralis, the Celestial Spirit of Stars," he explained.

Lucy held the key tightly, her heart pounding with anticipation. "What do I need to do?" she asked.

"You must enchant the key with your own magic, connecting it to your very soul," Rimuru instructed. "Recite the incantation I've taught you, and call forth Astralis."

Lucy took a deep breath and closed her eyes, focusing on the key in her hand. She began to chant, her voice steady and clear. "By the power of the constellations, I summon thee. Starry skies, lend me your strength. Open the gate of the stars! Astralis, I summon you!"

A burst of light illuminated the clearing, and a figure emerged a majestic being cloaked in shimmering stardust. "I am Astralis," the spirit announced, his voice resonating like the night sky. "How may I serve you, my summoner?"

Lucy stared in awe at the celestial spirit before her. "I want to learn to manipulate the stars," she said, determination evident in her voice. "Will you teach me?"

Astralis nodded, his starry form shimmering. "Of course, young summoner. Together, we will harness the power of the constellations."

Over the next few months, Lucy learned to manipulate constellations with Astralis's help. She practiced creating starry barriers and summoning shooting stars as projectiles. Astralis also enhanced her vision, allowing her to predict enemy movements with uncanny accuracy.

another year had passed

As Lucy's command over celestial magic grew, Rimuru introduced her to the process of creating celestial spirits. This art required not only immense magical power but also a deep connection with the essence of the universe.

One evening, Rimuru guided Lucy to a secluded grove where the air was thick with mystical energy. "Tonight, we will create Nebulon, the Celestial Spirit of Nebulas," he announced.

With Rimuru's assistance, Lucy gathered the magical energy into a dense, swirling cloud. Concentrating intensely, she shaped the energy, imbuing it with her intent and will. The cloud solidified, forming into Nebulon, a spirit surrounded by a glowing, nebulous aura.

Lucy took a deep breath and began to chant. "By the power of the nebulas, I summon thee. Mysterious clouds, lend me your strength. Open the gate of the nebula! Nebulon, I summon you!"

Nebulon emerged from the swirling energy, his form ethereal and ever-shifting. "I am Nebulon," he said, his voice like a whispering breeze. "How may I assist you, my summoner?"

"I need your help to create dense clouds of magical energy," Lucy replied, her eyes bright with determination. "And to heal my allies when needed."

Nebulon nodded. "As you wish, summoner. I will teach you to wield the power of the nebula."

Nebulon proved invaluable in battle, creating clouds of magical energy that obscured vision and exploded on command. He also had the ability to heal Lucy and her allies within the nebula's range.

Next, Rimuru helped Lucy summon Lunara, the Celestial Spirit of the Moon. Under a full moon, they performed an intricate ritual, drawing lunar energy into a silver key.

Lucy focused on the key, feeling the lunar energy flow through her. "By the power of the moon, I summon thee. Silver light, lend me your strength. Open the gate of the moon! Lunara, I summon you!"

Lunara emerged, her presence radiant and serene. "I am Lunara," she said, her voice gentle and soothing. "How may I assist you, my summoner?"

"I need your help to enhance my magic and create illusions," Lucy explained. "And to shield my allies with your lunar light."

Lunara smiled. "Of course, summoner. Let us harness the power of the moon together."

Lunara wielded lunar energy to enhance Lucy's magic, creating illusions using moonlight to confuse enemies and shielding allies with reflective barriers that redirected attacks.

Creating Solarius, the Celestial Spirit of the Sun, was a test of Lucy's endurance and willpower. Under the blazing sun, she channeled its intense energy into a golden key.

Lucy felt the heat of the sun enveloping her as she chanted. "By the power of the sun, I summon thee. Golden light, lend me your strength. Open the gate of the sun! Solarius, I summon you!"

Solarius's arrival was marked by a burst of radiant light. "I am Solarius," he declared, his voice warm and commanding. "How may I assist you, my summoner?"

"I need your help to burn my opponents and energize my allies," Lucy said. "And to create solar flares to blind my enemies."

Solarius nodded, his golden form glowing brighter. "I will lend you the power of the sun, summoner."

Solarius radiated intense sunlight, capable of burning opponents and energizing allies. He could also create solar flares to blind enemies and unleash powerful solar beams.

Summoning Aetherion, the Celestial Spirit of the Aether, required Lucy to harness the ethereal winds. Rimuru guided her to a mountain peak where the winds were strongest.

Lucy felt the winds swirling around her as she chanted. "By the power of the aether, I summon thee. Ethereal winds, lend me your strength. Open the gate of the aether! Aetherion, I summon you!"

Aetherion emerged, a spirit of swirling winds and ethereal grace. "I am Aetherion," he said, his voice like the whisper of the wind. "How may I assist you, my summoner?"

"I need your help to control the winds and manipulate the battlefield," Lucy explained. "And to enhance mobility and trap enemies."

Aetherion nodded, his form shifting like the wind. "Together, we will command the aether, summoner."

Aetherion controlled gusts to enhance mobility, deflect projectiles, and trap enemies in powerful whirlwinds.

Finally, Rimuru took Lucy to a stormy cliffside to summon Tempestara, the Celestial Spirit of Storms. Amidst thunder and lightning, Lucy channeled the storm's energy into a storm-grey key.

Lucy felt the raw power of the storm as she chanted. "By the power of the storms, I summon thee. Thunder and lightning, lend me your strength. Open the gate of the storm! Tempestara, I summon you!"

Tempestara's arrival brought with it the power of the storm. "I am Tempestara," she declared, her voice like a clap of thunder. "How may I assist you, my summoner?"

"I need your help to summon thunderclouds and create lightning strikes," Lucy said. "And to generate powerful gusts to disrupt enemy formations."

Tempestara nodded, her stormy form crackling with energy. "We shall harness the storm together, summoner."

Tempestara could summon thunderclouds to create lightning strikes that targeted multiple foes and generate powerful gusts to disrupt enemy formations.

By the end of the fifth year, Lucy had transformed into a formidable mage, her power and confidence greatly enhanced. Rimuru watched with pride as she stood amidst her celestial spirits, each one a testament to her growth and determination.

"You've come a long way, Lucy," Rimuru said, his voice filled with respect. "You are ready to face the challenges ahead!

Lucy nodded, her eyes shining with gratitude and resolve. "Thank you, sensei . I won't let you down."

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