NovelToon NovelToon

Heart Over Matter

CHAPTER 1 Dead Man Walking

A LOVE is something worth living for. Ironically, it's also something worth dying for

A very nightmare happened to me. I have to fight like hell just to live literally. But in that nightmare I met lance. And because of him, the nightmare didn't seem so bad anymore. It's a very beautiful and magical nightmare indeed.

I hugged him tightly. Both of us closed our eyes while we couldn't stop the flow of our tears. Lance and I know that we can't do anything about what is set. But in my heart, I don't want to give up the hope that we can cross together and live happily

This is the last time Lance and I will be together, the last time I will touch and see him.....the last time I can say I love him. I prayed that you would be allowed to be together. But our prayers can't reach the heave. We have to part ways and never see each other again.

I hugged him even tighter, but at the same time I felt him gradually disappear from my hugs. And at the back of my head, I heard his last goodbye.

I don't think there is a love story like ours. We met on a very unexpected time, unexpected place, and unexpected event. And sure enough, we felt in love unexpectedly.

I love him. I will always love him. But it's all over before life let us begin to live our love story.....

LANCE'S eyes hurt when he woke up. He was dazzled by the light that appeared in his eyes. He rubbed his eyes to adjust to the light.

“Sun? Why is there a sun” he asked himself. He got up from lying down, but he groaned with pain all over his body.

“Where am I? ” he could see nothing else around except for grass, plants, trees, and a wide field. The surroundings he lived in were very beautiful. He did not know where he was. And why he was there. He couldn't remember what happened before he landed in that place. All he remembers in Mara- ISA hanging out with her classmate at nursing school. But he couldn't remember where they left.

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He walked around, looking for people who could ask for help or ask where he was. His cellphone was not in his pants pocket

so he couldn't call his parents. But even though I have a cellphone, they are busy with their own families. He felt bitterness at the thought.

Lance was young when his parents separated. They have their own wives and children. Since his parents remarried, he and his twin Dean have been living with his grandparents.

Dean and him weren't just twins, he was also his best friend. They always go on walks together, they have the same friends, and she is his partner in pranks. So he wondered why he wasn't with Dean these days. He was worried because he knew that his partner would never leave him alone.

Lance was cleansed because all he could see were weeds and plants. No matter what kind of animal he sees around. The only noise he could hear was the sound of the breeze.

"Is there someone here!" Lance shouted. The buzz his voice created was loud. He repeated the shout several times but no one answered.

"Is there someone there!" he shouted again.

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"I'm not a bad person! I just want to know where I am!"

He heard a rustling from behind him so he immediately faced the direction it came from. A small white bird appeared before him. He was disappointed because he thought he was going to see a person. He turned his back on the bird and started walking again. He shouted again and again but still no one answered. "Robi! Nel!" He shouted his friends' names. "Are you kidding me? It's not funny anymore."

Once again Lance heard a rustling sound from behind him. He immediately turned to the source of the rustling and was shocked to see that he was being followed by a white bird perched on the ground.

"Shoo!" He pimped the bird, but instead of leaving it just stared at him. "Shoo! Get out!" "He just wants to help you," he heard a voice say from behind him.

Lance faced the source of the voice. A man in white exposed himself. It was tall, he estimated slightly older than him, and had a very calm face.

"Don't be afraid. Maya just wants to help you."

"M-Maya?" He was confused by what the man in front of him said. "Who's that?... And who are you?"

He smiled and approached her. "A friend," it said. "We're your friends."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Peter by the way. And the bird behind you is Maya, my pet sparrow bird."

"Sparrow? Is there a white sparrow bird?"

"In this place, yes," said Peter. "He was alone."

"Can you tell me where I am?" He just smiled and walked away. That only added to his annoyance.

"Wait! Tell me where I am. Are you with Nel and Robi? Tell me where they are?" he asked one after the other.

"You are in the place where heaven and earth meet, where everything is between life and death," he replied continuing to walk. "And I'm the keeper of the tunnel. And I'm not with your friends."

"What are you talking about? Could you please explain what you mean?" He was really tired.

"Don't you remember what happened to you?" Peter asked turning to her.

"No," he replied. "The last thing I remember is that I was taking a breather and I was with my classmate Mara."

"I can't help you with that," he said. "Follow the chain that connects you and the flesh you left behind. Through it, the questions that trouble you will be answered."

"I don't understand what you're saying!"

Lance shouted angrily.

Peter smiled and approached her. It pointed to his chest. "Can't you see the chain on your chest?"

He bent down and was shocked to see the chain attached to his chest. The chain attached to it was big and thick.

He sat down on the grass, trying to get away from the chain that couldn't be removed from his chest. He pulled it away from his chest but felt a lot of pain.

Peter stopped him.

"Your demise will be accelerated because of what you are doing," it said.

"What are you talking about? Get this thing off my chest!"

"If you want to die I will let you. But I believe that is not what you want and it is not yet time to open the tunnel for you."

"Are you crazy? What are you talking about?"

"Follow the chain attached to your chest. It's the only thing that will show you where to start. Hurry because your enemy is time."

Lance's gaze followed the chain from his chest, reaching as far as his eyes could see. He stood up and grabbed the chain. It's not as heavy as I thought. The truth is that I don't feel anything,

he whispered to himself. "Isn't there a taxi here?" he asked Peter, but when he turned around he was gone. "Peter?" he called the only person he knew could answer his questions. But no one answered, even his pet bird Maya was gone. Again he was left alone and didn't know where to go.

"PESTE, I've been walking for a while now but this chain seems to have no end," Lance muttered annoyed to himself as he followed the source of the chain. "There's no one to ride with. If I find out that Nel is the one who started this nonsense, they'll really hate me. Even Dean won't be here."

The trees around him were growing noticeably. What used to be a vast grassland gradually turned into a dense jungle. He was surprised because he didn't feel tired, all he felt was pain in his whole body, especially in his head. My head is about to cry, he groaned in his mind.

He continued to follow the chain attached to his chest. It shortened with each step he took toward the end, and lengthened each time he retreated. He had a hunch that what he had entered was no ordinary thing. He was already thinking about the possibility of fairies or alien abduction. He didn't know what to think.


Lance was surprised to hear a noise from behind him. When he turned around he saw a crow perched on the branch of a tree near him. The crow didn't move, it just stared at him.

"Run now." He heard a familiar voice.

"Peter?" He was surprised to see the man again. "W-how... you weren't there earlier..."

"You shouldn't be here," Peter said to the crow in the tree. "People like you have no right to come to this place. Leave."

But the crow did not move. It just stared at Peter.

"Why are you talking to the crow?" Lance asked the man. His confusion deepened.

"He's not what you think," he replied. "He is no ordinary crow. A vulture is in front of you. He eats wild souls like you."

Lance Kaluluangu's eyebrows meet... wild? "Whoa! What are you talking about? Are you kidding me? Well, I don't have time to talk-"

"Run," he interrupted what he was saying. "You're near the end. Follow the chain because that'll bring you back to where you belong."

He didn't know why he followed what Peter said, but this was the only person

present He is slowly realizing what is happening and what should be done.

Eating a wild soul... Am I dead?

He ran and ran. He doesn't feel tired. He was confused and didn't know what was happening, until he got out of the dense forest and the city where he lived was revealed in front of him. The forest he came from disappeared. He was in the middle of the road and

too many people crossing. "Am I back?" he asked himself. Maybe I'm haunted, he concluded.

He went along with the people walking. He grew up in that city so he knows where he's going even with his eyes closed. He tried to hail a taxi to go home to them, but they just passed him.

What is...? Why don't they seem to see me?

"For!" He raised two hands and was about to jump when the last taxi he saw stopped to pick him up. He was very happy when it stopped in front of him. But a man opened the taxi door first and

get on there immediately. "What the... Hey! Earlier

I'm better than you, ah."

But neither the man nor the driver seemed to hear him. The taxi drove away and he was left feeling annoyed. That's when he noticed the chain on it

his chest. What the... Is this really true?

"Follow the chain," again he heard Peter's voice in his mind. He immediately did what he ordered. He walked again to adjust the end of the chain.

Soon he arrived at a hospital. Inside that building in front of him was whatever was at the end of the chain. He went inside, and like the people outside, no one noticed him. No one seemed to see him.

That hospital was familiar to him. There she was on duty as a student nurse because it was the base hospital of their university. He was often at that hospital to sign case slips and templates with the staff nurses in the operating room and delivery room. He needs them so he can graduate and get his license.

"Cheska!" Lance was very happy to see a familiar face. She was younger than Cheska. It was sitting next to a vendo machine and was just stunned on the floor. "Hey, what are you doing here?" he called her attention when she got close to him.

It didn't move. He didn't seem to hear or see her at all.

"Are you okay?" he asked. He waved in front of Cheska's face but she still didn't react.

He remembered again what Peter had told him. Wild soul... place between life and

death... Couldn't it? He seemed to be forming in his mind what was happening. He ran after the chain attached to his chest. As he got closer and closer to the end, the pain he felt in his whole body got worse.

Lance reached the third floor of the hospital. There were a lot of people there.

This is a surgical ward, he thought. He passed in front of the nurses' station. His batchmates were there and on duty. Most of them have been his classmates since he was a freshman. Also there was the clinical instructor he hated-Mrs. Floresco. Like the people outside, none of his friends at the station could see him. He looked carefully at Mrs. Floresco is angry

to a female student nurse-Mara! "Where is your brain, Miss Ramos? Could you bring it tomorrow when you go on duty? Is that what I told you to do?"

Mara and Mrs. Floresco of the people. Lance felt furious. He already knows that no one will see what he does. Because if there is, he will be in big trouble. He raised his hand in front of Mrs. Floresco and dirty fingers. "Eat this!" he shouted.

He breathed a sigh of relief when no one saw him. He knew what he had done was wrong.

Lance continued following the

chain Not far from the nurses' station is the end of a room. SICU?

His body trembled when he saw the door of the room where the end of the chain was.

He approached the door and read the writing next to it. Surgery Intensive Care Unit. And below that is written the name Vallejo, Lance Robert A.

His hands were cold. It was shaking when he tried to open the door. He didn't expect his hand to slip through the door!

He sat on the floor in shock. He was confused by what was happening.

Little by little, he remembered what happened before he woke up and found himself on the grass. I'm with Mara... I'm dizzy... wind... alcohol, cigarettes... bonfires... pipes...

He stood up and entered the room. He just entered the door. The chain immediately disappeared as if it was an indication that he had reached the end.

He fell to his knees at what he saw inside the room.

An unconscious man was lying on the bed. There is a tube in its mouth that is connected to a mechanical ventilator. Only the noise of the cardiac monitor could be heard in that room. The whole body of the man was full of bruises but...


Is this really my body? he asked himself still in disbelief.

Lance approached her body. He couldn't say anything. He was depressed by what he saw. His head was wrapped in a bandage. Did they do brain surgery on me? he asked. He walked towards the nurse who was at the small nurses' station inside the ICU. He was talking to someone on the phone while the chart was open next to him.

This is my chart, he thought. He read the open page. Hemicraniectomy, burst lobe temporal area, left. Looks like I've had surgery.

"No, Doc. Our patient doesn't have a poor prognosis, but he doesn't have a good prognosis either," the nurse said to her on the phone. "It's surprising, Doc. The patient was one week post op."

"One week?" Lance was very surprised at what he heard. He weakened. That's how long he was unconscious and in the hospital.

He remembered the last events. It was Nel's birthday the night they went to the bar. They were accompanied by his twin Dean, their cousin Robi, and friends Cheska, Nova, and Mara. It started with simply letting them finish their class. He shouldn't come because he doesn't like to drink but he knows Dean wants to come, and their grandparents won't let him if he doesn't.

He doesn't want to remember what happened at the bar.

He seemed to relive every blow and blow he received that night. I was drunk only once, it was my first time and this is what I reached right away? he thought dejectedly. "Comatose immediately? If you're lucky."

"Now you know why doctors say that even when a person is comatose he can still hear the people around him." Peter reappeared like a mushroom behind Lance.

"Can you not be surprised?" he said clearly while holding his chest.

"You'll be surprised," he commented with laughter.

"No. Just now because I don't know if

what's going on," he said. "Well I'll tell you what's going on..."

CHAPTER 2 Wandering Souls

Lance and Peter LEAVE the Surgery ICU, apparently trying to avoid hearing their important conversation even though no one in the hospital could see or hear them.

Lance sat down in one of the chairs

out of the ICU. Peter told him, between them was

there was Maya, its pet bird. "Didn't anyone see Maya too?" he asked. "Because pets are not allowed here."

It laughed out loud. "Maya is not a pet. She is my friend. And yes, no one can see her either."

"W-what am I?" he asked anxiously. "Am I still human? Am I dead?"

"You're still human, and you're still alive," Peter replied. "Your soul just separated from your body."

"Will I still be able to return to my body?"

"Difficult, but not impossible."

"How? I don't want to stay like this for a while

life. I'm still young, I still want to do a lot."

"I wish you'd thought of that before you went crazy," Peter said shakily. "You really are people, every time you regret it is too late. You can see the regret when you didn't get through or like the result of what you did."

"Thanks for judging," he whispered. "How can I get back into my body?"

"It depends. There are comatose patients who suddenly wake up. And when they wake up, they are suddenly pulled back into their body. There are comatose patients who never came back because their body gave out, and they were just allowed to disappear completely. ."

"Are you saying I should just wait for my body to wake up?" he asked worriedly.

"You. If that's what you want to do," Peter replied. "You're not dead yet. You're not in heaven yet and you're not even in hell. Let's say this is purgatory."


"This is where souls like you go, souls that haven't completely passed away," it explained. "There are also the stray souls, they are the souls who have passed away but cannot leave because something is holding them back- be it the will to live, unearned forgiveness, or an unfinished mission."

"And you? What kind of soul are you?"

"I'm the watchman," answered Peter. "I am the one who opens the tunnel to heaven and hell. You can also see me as a guide, I support souls like you."

Lance wanted to ask more questions but he was stopped when Mara suddenly passed in front of them. He peeked inside the ICU and entered. Lance stood up and followed his friend inside.

He put on a lab gown and approached her body lying on the bed. The girl sat next to him and held his hand. "I don't know if you can hear me, Lance," it said. "I can hardly sleep because I know it's my fault why you're like this."

"Mara... I hear you. Don't blame yourself," he told his friend.

"It's my fault why you got into a fight. It's my fault why those men chased you." Mara wails next to his unconscious body. "It's my fault why you're taking your life now, Lance... I'm sorry! I'm really sorry."

"It's your fault," he said even though he knew she wouldn't hear him. "They're insulting you, do you think I'll just let them insult you in front of me?"

"I know I can't do anything for you, eh," Mara continued. "Mrs. Floresco scolded me a while ago, I feel like you were there defending me. Maybe I just got used to it

there you are."

"You felt me!" he said very happy. "You felt me ​​there!"

"Wake up," Mara continued to talk to her body. "You've missed a lot of lessons. There's a lot waiting for you to come back."

"I'll wake up, Mara," he said. "I'll wake up, I promise."

He wiped his tears and let go of her hand. "I'm leaving. I still have many requirements," he said goodbye. "Get well, Lance. I hope you wake up tomorrow."

He left the room and Lance was left inside.

What should I do to get back and wake up in my body?

Lance opened his eyes SLOWLY. The first thing he saw was the white ceiling and flourescent light. Little by little he moved the fingers on his hands and feet.

am i back he asked himself hopefully. I'm back.

"What are you doing?" asked Peter sitting next to him.

"I'm back," he said expectantly. "Get up there on the bed. You're still a soul."

He stood up and turned to the bed where his body was left. "That's how they are

I watched, when they return to their bodies, they just lie down in their bodies and wake up."

"What do they know about taking lives?

It's nothing," he said with a confused look. "I'll leave first,

I have things to attend to."

"Is there paper work in purgatory?"

"That's how it is," he replied. "I will prepare your admitting papers in heaven."

"There's nothing like that. I'm not ready to die yet," he said firmly.

"I'll leave you alone. I hope you stay out of any trouble while I'm gone."

"You always leave suddenly. You just said goodbye. And how can I be harmed if no one sees me?"

"Long story," said Peter. "Be on the lookout for crows. And don't stray too far from your body."


"That's it. Just follow the advice. You're only here at the hospital. Go around first if you want, or you're going to show dirty fingers to the people you hate again


"Did you see that?"

"Maya just told me."

"Does the bird talk?"

"I told the rest of you about Maya. She's the only bird that can talk like a human and still hold a conversation," said Peter.

"Your pet bird is strange. Can I pet one like him? Do you have a dog?"

"Maya is not a pet. She is my friend. And you can't have a pet. Only when you wake up."

"Alright, go now. You might get caught in what you're doing and it's my fault if you get sick of your job."

"You're joking," he said with a smile. It has left the ICU and gone forever.

Lance was busy trying to wake up his unconscious body. He yells at him to get up, open his eyes. He screamed anything in an attempt to shake his body and make his eyes open, but he failed.

"Power of the mind!" he said firmly to himself. He concentrated and stared intently at his unconscious body.

You opened your eyes. You opened your eyes. OPEN YOUR EYES! He repeated the mantra in his mind. Now! feel even more sorry for myself, I'm going crazy. Disappointed, he stopped what he was doing when a few moments passed and still nothing happened.

He left the ICU and walked towards the nurses' station where the endorsement of the outgoing shift to the incoming shift had just been completed. He joined the nurses' rounds with the patients.

The nurses are already in the fifth room. Inside there was an old woman lying on the

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bed and reading a book.

"How are you, Ma'am?" one of the nurses asked the patient. "Are you ready to go home?"

"Yes, yes," the woman replied. "I'm excited. I can finally rest in my own room. I'm getting impatient because it's taking time for my husband to pay the bills."

After examining the patient, the nurses moved to the other room and Lance looked around. A young woman who had just had surgery to remove her appendix was the patient in that room. He listens to what the nurse says. He feels, by what he is doing, he has done his duty.

Rounds were completed throughout the ward. He saw about forty patients. He looks like a child brought to work by someone. He just sat in the empty chair at the nurses' station and watched the nurses work.

I'm like a human CCTV, he joked to himself.

He got up again and walked around the different parts of the hospital-listening to people's conversations, watching surgery in the OR, hanging out in the delivery room, and passing by the cafeteria where he felt hungry for the first time. because of the delicious smell.

I wish I could at least taste the food, he requested.

Lance continued to tour the building

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until he got to one of the busiest parts of the hospital, the medical ward. People are very busy, the stress level is high in that part of the hospital. People can't compete with the amount of work that needs to be done. He peeked through every door he passed and saw more and more patients with serum and tubes in their bodies.

He reached the end of the hallway. Inside the room in that part, he saw a woman lying unconscious. Next to the woman is a man sitting and watching her. The man is in his fifties. He broke through the door of the room and went inside.

It was dark inside the room because the light was off, only the light from the window and the turned on television brought life inside. The man was alone watching over the patient. A replay of a basketball game was shown on TV. He knew that game because his grandfather watched it when it first aired and it was the reason why his grandmother couldn't watch her favorite TV series so the two didn't talk for a week.

He approached the lying woman and stared at her face. For some inexplicable reason, his chest heaved when he saw her gentle face. She's pretty...

He heard the chain clink on his chest that he now couldn't see. His chest felt like it was going to break

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with the strength of his heartbeat. He touched his chest and felt it thump as if something wanted to escape from it.

He was about to touch the girl's face when suddenly he noticed something at the end of the room- a crow watching him. What the... why is there a crow here? He remembered what Peter had said that he had to be patient if there were crows around. He also remembered that crows eat wild souls.

He slowly left the room while not looking down at the crow in the corner for fear that it might suddenly grab him.

He sprinted back to the Surgery ICU. He didn't want to become the crow's dinner and completely lose hope of returning to his body. His chest was still pounding - now it was because of the fear he felt.

He fell down when he suddenly bumped into something.

He was hit so hard that he was lying on the hospital floor.

"What is that? Be careful!" The voice of the woman he bumped into was angry.

"Sorry..." he apologized. But he immediately stopped when he realized that the woman he bumped into was talking to him. "Y-you see me?"

"You think I'm blind?" it was a flat answer. "W-wait, you see me too?" it asked that neither


Both of them didn't move and just itched inside for a while. Happy because finally someone can see him. But who is the mysterious woman that he accidentally fell in love with?

That's how surprised he was when he recognized her gentle face. "I-you!" he exclaimed. "You girl in the medical ward!"

"Huh?" said the woman who obviously suddenly became reluctant. "B-Maybe you're wrong. B-Maybe that just looks like me."

"I can't be wrong. You're that girl!"

"Said no, you scoundrel!" The woman ran away quickly as if she was scared.

He chased after her but the woman ran so fast that she disappeared from his sight. He continued to search for it throughout the building.

It means that we are in the same situation as that beautiful girl. That was Lance's conclusion. He's also comatose, he's a wild soul.

He tried to find the girl who was the only one who could see him, but she seemed to disappear like a bubble.

Why did he run? Why was he afraid? He does not know the answer to his own question. He just wanted to go back to his unconscious body. There he spent time in.

wondering why the mysterious woman suddenly ran.

NEXT to the vendo machine near the lobby where the people were just standing there was a woman with a beautiful face-Nicole. He carried something heavy on his chest—and it wasn't because of the chain that he couldn't see anymore.

I've been like this for almost a month. No one can see me, no one can talk to me. A ghost. And when someone finally saw me, what did I do? I ran and got scared... Shouldn't that guy be the one who scared me because I'm a wild soul?

He wanted to scream in disgust at himself. He was trying to get his mind off of what happened just a few minutes ago. He wanted to go back to where he saw the man he bumped into. This is the only one

he hopes to be able to talk to his father. "You're just here." A man suddenly sat down next to her. "What are you doing here complaining?"

"Peter!" he said with great joy when he saw Peter with the bird Maya.

"Nicole!" the man shouted, mimicking her reaction.

"Peter!" he exclaimed again, then left. "You're kidding me."

"You're funny," he said. "What is

happened and you look like that?"

"Someone saw me earlier," he replied. "For the first time, someone saw me!"

"I've never known a living being to see a soul. This is new."

"And he touched me," he added. "I mean, we collided."

"Ahhh..." Peter laughed.

"What's funny?" again he was disgusted with the man.

"What you saw was not a human but also a soul. Only a soul can touch the

his soul mate."

"Huh? That means… that guy is…"

"He could be a ghost or a wild soul like you," she cut him off. "Why did you leave your room? Didn't I tell you that you shouldn't be away from your body anymore? You've been unconscious for over a month."

"I know, but I'm hiding from the crow. May

a crow entered my room," he said

Nicole. "I went out first to avoid the crow." "That's a few this week, ah," said Peter. "We have to make a move."

"What should we do to stop the crows?"

"Negative emotions call the crows. Your daddy's sadness that he feels calls the crows."

"We have to send my daddy away?"

"It's possible. We can also ease his heart so that your daddy's feelings don't call for the attention of the crows anymore."

"How?" Nicole asked wryly.

"During his sleep, you enter the world of his mind. There you have the opportunity to meet, talk, and hug. There you will have living flesh," explained Peter. "Talk to him, tell him not to worry."

"Can I do that?" He was very happy with what he heard. He can finally talk to his father. In more than a month that he was in the comatose stage, that would be the first conversation between his father and son.

"Yes, but that won't be easy," said Peter. "It pays off."


"Each time you do that the rusts that eat away at the chain that connects you to the only thing that will cross you into the world of the living will increase." It stuck its index finger to Nicole's chest and the chain connecting her soul and body appeared.

The chain on his chest is almost full of rust, some parts are already frayed.

"Are you ready to do this? Would you still do it even if your time was sped up?"

He smiled at Peter as if he had heard nothing. "Of course. I'm positive

that I'll find my way back. I'll definitely wake up soon. "You think so positively, that's what I like about you." It smiled. "Even if you're obviously skeptical."

"I know there are people who have worse problems than me. And who am I to complain?"

"Have you made up your mind yet?"

"Yes. I'll do it, not only for those crows to beat me up but also for my daddy."

"If you're so prepared, this is what you should do..."

He listened carefully to the steps he had to follow to accomplish his mission. Maya left to chase away the crow that was lurking in her room.

"You can't stay inside your father's dream for too long, understand?" Peter reminded.


"Because if you take too long, your chain will break down faster. Remember that you can't really enter his mind. You will only have an influence on his dreams."

"I will remember." He couldn't wait any longer. Finally he and his father can talk.

FROM the stand Lance watches a woman sitting next to his no

that I'll find my way back. I'll definitely wake up soon. "You think so positively, that's what I like about you." It smiled. "Even if you're obviously skeptical."

"I know there are people who have worse problems than me. And who am I to complain?"

"Have you made up your mind yet?"

"Yes. I'll do it, not only for those crows to beat me up but also for my daddy."

"If you're so prepared, this is what you should do..."

He listened carefully to the steps he had to follow to accomplish his mission. Maya left to chase away the crow that was lurking in her room.

"You can't stay inside your father's dream for too long, understand?" Peter reminded.


"Because if you take too long, your chain will break down faster. Remember that you can't really enter his mind. You will only have an influence on his dreams."

"I will remember." He couldn't wait any longer. Finally he and his father can talk.

FROM the stand Lance watches a woman sitting next to his no

I feel. Just like before... I begged her and Papa not to separate.

"Don't get involved, Lance. This is for adults," he remembers his mother saying when she begged him not to separate her and his father. "Go up to your room with Dean first."

It was the same when he begged her not to marry Uncle Stephen. He seems to have no importance in his parents' lives. Ever since the two decided to separate, his thoughts have no value in them.

Does Papa being their parent mean saying hello every month and giving alimony?

Lance bit his lip to keep from crying, but the tears finally came when he heard his mother humming a familiar song. lyon was what his parents used to sing to both of them and Dean when they were putting them to sleep when they were kids. It had been a long time since he had last heard that song, when their family was fine.

Lance hugged himself. He feels that his chest is gradually falling apart due to the pain and sadness he feels. All he wanted to do was hug his mother.

I feel. Just like before... I begged her and Papa not to separate.

"Don't get involved, Lance. This is for adults," he remembers his mother saying when she begged him not to separate her and his father. "Go up to your room with Dean first."

It was the same when he begged her not to marry Uncle Stephen. He seems to have no importance in his parents' lives. Ever since the two decided to separate, his thoughts have no value in them.

Does Papa being their parent mean saying hello every month and giving alimony?

Lance bit his lip to keep from crying, but the tears finally came when he heard his mother humming a familiar song. lyon was what his parents used to sing to both of them and Dean when they were putting them to sleep when they were kids. It had been a long time since he had last heard that song, when their family was fine.

Lance hugged himself. He feels that his chest is gradually falling apart due to the pain and sadness he feels. All he wanted to do was hug his mother.

CHAPTER 3 I Swear I'll Wake Up

Nicole STANDED in the dark corner of the room as she watched her father sleep. He is a wild soul who longs for the chance to be reunited with the only parent he has.

This is Antonio Alvarez, an old young doctor who adopted him at a time when all he was looking for was a parent.

He owes a great deal to his famous father, which is why he worked hard in his studies and became a good son to repay the kindness and love he gives.

But since Nicole got sick and had multiple organ failure, her father never smiled again. His energy never returned, unable to work properly because the only thing on his mind was his condition and waiting for his reawakening.

"Find something strong

connection between the two of you. Nicole remembers Peter's words about how she can enter her father's dream. "Something he values ​​that has a connection to you, or something you appreciate that comes from him. Hold it while he sleeps."

Nicole held Antonio's watch and seemed to see in her mind what was in her father's dream.

In his dream he was in the hospital. Until he fell asleep, he didn't worry about anything but his condition. He was lying on the bed next to his father watching TV. Nicole immediately got up. Her eyes widened when she saw him wake up and get up.

"Nicole!" it shouted joyfully. "Nicole, son" He immediately hugged her, never thinking that she would wake up again.

"Daddy, I missed you," he whispered to her. "How are you, Daddy?"

"I've been very worried about you. Just a minute and I'll call the nurses and doctor."

He grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving. "There's no need. Just stay here, Daddy."

"But Nicole, you need to be checked by a doctor!"

"Not anymore. I'm fine, Daddy. I don't need a doctor. And one more thing, you're a doctor, aren't you? I don't need another doctor becaus.

you're here." He sat next to his father who obviously couldn't explain the joy he felt. His eyes were wet with tears.

"I was so worried about you. I thought you would never wake up."

Nicole laughed and her father smiled. "I'm not awake yet."

"What are you talking about? You're sitting with your eyes wide open, how come you're not awake?"

"Let's just say it's all in your head," he said. "But it happens, and the important thing is that I can talk to you and you can talk to me."

"I don't understand, son. But it's okay! The important thing is that you're awake! It's a miracle."

"Sorry, Daddy. Because of me, you're doing this."

"What do you mean?" it's a wrinkly question.

"Don't stop your life because mine stopped for a moment," he said softly. "I'm fine, Daddy. But you... you're too sad about what happened."

"You can't take that away from me."

"I know. But it doesn't help me. I'm suffering because of the sadness you feel." It's hard for me to run from the crows that come near my body because of the way you feel. "I can't stay long. I have to go."

"What are you talking about, son?"

"Listen, Daddy." He stared at it. His eyes were full of wonder. He was obviously confused as to why he would say goodbye when he had just come back from a very long sleep. "For now we have to get used to being apart. Don't worry about me because I'm fine."

"I-I don't understand."

"Maiintindihan mo rin paggising mo. Right now, we don't have the luxury of time. I came here just to say don't worry about me, Dad. I'll be fine."

It was obvious in his eyes that he did not understand what he was saying. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "How can I not worry about you? I am your child. You are everything I have in this world so how can I not worry about you?" "We only have each other, but I want you

to believe me when I say I'm okay, Dad. At ayokong

seeing you like that because of me. I can do

this, I'll make it through this."

"Then let me be there and help you through."

"Right now there is nothing you can do but continue your life outside of this hospital. How will I have the strength to wake up if you, my source of it, are already discouraged?"

"You are my strength, son. I draw strength from you."

"And I fight my pain," he said. "I will wake up, Daddy. That's a promise. So don't worry because it will happen soon.


Nicole gasped when her father's dream was interrupted. He was distracted when a nurse knocked and entered the room.

The nurse was with the doctor who was examining Nicole's condition. Nicole did not understand what the two were talking about, but she knew that the doctor meant that her condition was not improving.

He lied to his father when he said he would be okay. Who would be okay with being alone, with no one to talk to and no company? he lamented. He only said those things to his father to lighten his mood, and for the good of both of them.

Actually I'm losing hope, he admitted to himself. I don't know if I'll ever come back, if I'll ever wake up. I'm getting discouraged. What should I do?

The chain on his chest rustled more. His connection with his body is weakening. And when the chain was completely broken and broken... He shook his head. I don't want to think I'm not ready to die, I still have a lot to do. I still have a lot to achieve. I don't want to die...

TERRIBLE nomon, was the first thing that came to Lance's mind when he smelled the steaming coffee from the nurse who bought it from the vending machine near the

where he is. I'm not in my body anymore, I still feel hungry.

"You look anxious," Peter said as he suddenly appeared at her side.

"Tell me, Peter, why do I still feel hungry even though I'm a soul?"

It smiled. "Since you are no longer surprised by my sudden appearance, I will answer your question. One of the differences between you and other souls is that your body is still alive and you still have a connection to it. You are hungry but you are full because you are fed to your NGT."

"That's why I felt pain when I woke up," he said when he remembered the first events when he woke up outside his body. "My whole body hurts, especially in my head. That's because I was bruised and had surgery on my head."

"But the pain disappears because of the medicine," said

said Peter. "As long as you're feeling things you still have hope of coming back, Lance."

"It's good," he said happily.

"But they will gradually disappear, an indication that your connection with your body is weakening," he added. "The moment you can't feel it anymore, it means you've completely disconnected from your body."

His smile turned bitter at Peter. Only then did he realize the possibility that he would never wake up again. "W-is there a way to stop it

"Just like people, you cannot stop the effect of time and time passing on them. The baby that is born will also grow old and die. The moment a person is born he is destined to die, how and when depends on how he will run his life."

"Do you mean I'm hopeless because I'm going to die?"

"I mean you can't help but die."

"When did you die, Peter?" he suddenly asked here.

"It's been a long time."

"Why aren't you talking about yourself?"

"The story of my life is not important," it said. "Finding a way to get back into your body is what you should focus on."

"How long until I completely pass out?"

"It depends on you. It depends on how you want to live. You, if you want to make everything easier, let's end your suffering and you can be part of life. My job will be easier if we do that."

"Don't underestimate my will to live, Peter. I'll wake up, that's a promise," he said with determination.

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