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Those Sweet Times

chapter 1

Those Sweet Times

Chapter 1 Part 1

Name: Xiang Nuan

Gender: Female

Major/Year: School of Economics and Management, Undergraduate,

Year 20XX

Student Number: XXXXXXXX

Reason for Applying: I have a great interest and passion in esports

and wished to join the Esports Club from the moment I entered college.

I hope to improve myself along with the members of the Esports Club.

Please allow me to have such an opportunity, thank you!

Games you have played: Miracle Nikki


Shen Zemu glanced at the application form in front of him, marking it with

a bright red X and throwing it aside. There was a thick stack of applications

which all had been crossed out.

Waiwai sat next to him, flipping through magazines while glimpsing at Shen

Zemu from time to time. When he saw Xiang Nuan’s application, Waiwai

stretched his hand to pick it up. He lightly flicked the paper with his finger

and grinned, “We have to take this person.”

Shen Zemu, with his head lowered, distractedly answered, “En?”

“Young man, I have no choice but to tell you a secret now.”

Shen Zemu glared at him.

“That is-- --any good looking person is destined to get whatever she wants.

Even though the only game she has played before is a teenage girl dress up

game, she will still enjoy the treatment as a goddess for our Esports Club.”

Shen Zemu disapprovingly shook his head, his handsome eyebrows furrowed

slightly. “I disagree.”

“Heh, heh, heh, my friend Shen Zemu, do you need me to remind you that I’m

the president of the Esports Club? How about it, do you regret the fact that you

refused to be the president because it’s too troublesome?”

Shen Zemu put down his pen and got up. “Whatever.” He walked out of the

room as he spoke.

Waiwai giggled as he watched his tall and straight back. “Don’t forget our club

meeting on Thursday!”


When Xiang Nuan received the acceptance notice from the Esports Club on

her cell phone, she was beaming.

Finally, she had moved one step closer to Shen Zemu.

She had met him on new student orientation day. She was lost and went into

the boy’s dorm by mistake. Shen Zemu patiently led her to her own dorm and

even got her keys for her.

It was quite warm that day, she walked behind him, watching him drag her red

suitcase in one hand while the other hand casually hung down at his side. She

looked up and saw his black short hair and sweaty neck.

Her heart throbbed the entire way, though she wasn’t sure whether it was from

embarrassment or something else.

Later she found out that Shen Zemu was a junior and member of the Esports Club.

That was how Xiang Nuan turned into this silly girl who was giggling madly

while holding her cell phone.

On Thursday, Xiang Nuan specifically put on a white skirt, popular among men

right now. Her soft long hair flowed over her shoulder. After she arrived at the

meeting room, she found out that there were more girls in the Esports Club

than she had anticipated, about one third of the total members. And each one

was prettier than the other.

So many pretty girls, were they all here because of Shen Zemu?......Wow,

so much pressure.

The purpose of the meeting for the day was to introduce new members.

The newcomers gave self introductions one by one. When it was Xiang

Nuan’s turn, she was a little nervous and stumbled a bit. She got even more

nervous and subconsciously looked at Shen Zemu.

It just so happened that Shen Zemu was looking straight at her too. He

was leaning against the chair, laid back without much expression. Caught

off guard when they locked eyes, Xiang Nuan’s brain went totally blank.

Time seemed to have stopped, Xiang Nuan seemed to hear laughter.

President Waiwai, seeing her red face, cheered her on, “Alright, Xiang Nuan!”

Xiang Nuan was somewhat moved by the gesture.

But she was somewhat depressed. Because…...Shen Zemu didn’t seem

to recognize her……

Actually, it should be normal that he didn’t remember her since they had

only met once that day.

Toward the end of the meeting, Waiwai let everyone join the WeChat

group of the club. Xiang Nuan looked for Shen Zemu in the group and

sent out a friend request.

Unexpectedly, the friend request was quickly accepted.

Before she had time to feel excited, she heard the two girls next to her

exclaim in a lowered voice.

“He added me! He added me!”

“Me too, me too. Xuezhang[1] is so nice!”

Xiang Nuan then realized that Shen Zemu was simply accepting all the

requests without even noticing who it was.

[1]: 学长, pinyin: xue zhang, means male upperclassman the same

as “senpai” in Japanese

chapter 1 part 2

Those Sweet Times

After the meeting was over, Xiang Nuan stayed behind to help clean

up. When she finally came out of the building, she heard Waiwai asking

Shen Zemu, “What are you going to do later?”

“Go study.”

“It’s already too late for studying. You up for a round?”

Shen Zemu ignored him and left on his bike.

Xiang Nuan was very curious and asked Waiwai, “President, what

do you mean by ‘up for a round’?”

“We get together to play games.”

“Oh, what game do you all play?”

“Kings of Glory. Do you want to play? I can teach you.” Waiwai

gave her a big grin.

Kings of Glory.

Xiang Nuan was glad that she had learned one more important

piece of information about Shen Zemu. She downloaded the game

as soon as she was back in her dorm room.

Welcome to Kings of Glory!

With these words, she automatically entered the tutorial for the new

players. Xiang Nuan followed the instructions to play for a while, though

still didn’t quite understand it, she felt that it was easier to play than

she had thought?

Soon, however, she found out that it wasn’t easy at all. After the

tutorial was over, she started to play with other real players and died

over and over again. And she didn’t even know how she died all

those times……

“What the hell!”

Xiang Nuan threw her cell phone away out of frustration. But when

she thought about the fact that this was the game that Shen Zemu

loved, she couldn’t help herself but pick her phone back up.

She clicked open another match, unwilling to give up.

This time, she found that Shen Zemu was online.

Gee, the god was online and there was a small ‘invite’ button under

the name of the god. It was totally asking her to click on the button!

Excited, Xiang Nuan carefully clicked on the ‘invite’ button.

Then she anxiously waited for a response.

Shen Zemu accepted.

Ahh, she was so lucky!

Once she was in the game, she tried to kiss up to Shen Zemu.

It’s Nuannuan: How are you, xuezhang~

Zemu: ……

Zemu: You are not Waiwai?

It’s Nuannuan: Uh, I’m Xiang Nuan……

Zemu: I clicked the wrong person.

Xiang Nuan: Uh, then what do I do now? Can I back out?

Certainly not……

Shen Zemu was speechless. Waiwai was helping someone level

up and insisted that Shen Zemu join his team to play. After Shen

Zemu agreed, he saw an invite and clicked on it without checking

whose invite it was from.

Alright, he had made a mistake. But the game had already started,

so be it.

Until this point, Shen Zemu was calmly accepting the fact that he

had made a mistake.

Then, he witnessed all the crazy, unfathomable ways that his

teammates got themselves killed.

Shen Zemu was getting irritated. He put up with it for a while until

he couldn’t stand it anymore and began to taunt them.

Zemu: Are you in grade school?

Chuyan: Hi, gege and jiejie. I’m in my second year this year.

Zemu: ……

Afterwards, Shen Zemu found himself able to tolerate it better.

They were still kids, it wouldn’t be nice to scold small kids. He would

just blame himself for his bad luck.

He even stopped sneering at the other teammates as well.

The match was chaotic and inevitably, they lost. Even someone as

good as Shen Zemu couldn’t lead a bunch of lousy teammates.

After the game ended, he received a WeChat message.

It’s Nuannuan: Xuezhang, you’re awesome!

Her WeChat name was the same as her username in game, it saved

the trouble for him to identify who this was.

After awhile, she sent another message when she didn’t receive

a reply.

It’s Nuannuan: Sorry, xuezhang, I’m too bad at it……

Though he knew she wanted to get some word of comfort from him,

Shen Zemu was too irritated by her constant stream of messages and

responded matter of factly: That grade school kid is better than you.

chapter 1 part 3

Those Sweet Times

Chapter 1 part 3

That grade school kid is better than you.

Those words hit Xiang Nuan like a thousand needles. She dejectedly

replied, “Oh.”

The conversation ended there. She went to the game and saw the end

result of the previous match. That grade school kid, “Chuyan”, did have a little bit more points than her……

She clicked open the image of the grade school kid, planning to check on

his information. But with a tremor in her hand, she clicked the friend

request button.

The other side quickly agreed.

Xiang Nuan felt a bit distressed that she was worse than a little kid. She

looked at the time, it was almost 11 o’clock. So she sarcastically sent a

message to the kid.

It’s Nuannuan: Grade school kid, why haven’t you gone to bed yet? Do

your parents know?

Chuyan: I’m not a grade school kid.

It’s Nuannuan: But you said yourself that you’re in your second year.

Chuyan: Oh, second year in college.

It’s Nuannuan: ……

It’s Nuannuan: You’re shameless! Pretending to be a grade school kid!

Is it because you think people will be more forgiving if you pretend to be

a little kid? Wow, how can you be so shameless……

Chuyan: You’re so noisy.

It’s Nuannuan: It’s all because you’re shameless.

Chuyan: Play together?

It’s Nuannuan: Why should I play with you?

Chuyan: I need someone who’s worse than me to take the attention

away from me.

It’s Nuannuan: Go away!

Chuyan really did send an invitation to form a team. Xiang Nuan was

going to refuse, but she hesitated. Shen Zumu said she was worse than

Chuyan, wasn’t now the chance to turn her image around?

Xiang Nuan, therefore, agreed. She wanted to see who was the worst!

Just in case, after Xiang Nuan logged on the game, she typed on the

team’s channel-- --

It’s Nuannuan: Hello, gege and jiejie, I’m in my first year this year!

Chuyan: ……

Her greeting quickly got responses from her teammate.

Wandou tv Hu Ge: Damn! A grade school kid? !

Wandou tv Hu Ge: Little kid, AFK, please don’t play. I beg you. I’m

streaming 100 consecutive wins.

Wandou tv Hu Ge: This uncle is begging you.

Chuyan: This first grader types so fast.

Wandou tv Hu Ge: Eh?

Wandou tv Hu Ge: It’s not right. It’s impossible to be this fast. A first

grader is too young.

Wandou tv Hu Ge: Shit! You almost tricked me! Pretending to be a

grade school kid!

It’s Nuannuan: hehe

Wandou tv Hu Ge: Yup! You’re really pretending to be a grade

school kid!

It’s Nuannuan: Sorry……

Wandou tv Hu Ge: God, this is the first time I’ve ever seen this kind

of dirty trick. Shameless!

It’s Nuannuan: QAQ

Chuyan: Shameless.

thank you reading this would be the end of chapter 1

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