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Through the Space and Time With You

Chapter 1: Wake up

"If you're trying to harm me because I tried to harm

you, in retaliation I tried to harm you because you're trying to harm me, but why

would I want to harm you?" Trying to make things reasonable on what is


About a month ago Lark the Son of Count Wilbert woke up

from his deep slumber after an accident during his travel to the borders of

Arcturus. They were ambushed by a group of Demonized Monsters called a Night Howler, a Wolf Monster that's been turned to a Nightmare that no one can figure

out how and where these Demonized Monsters came from, just that one day a

sudden burst of cold and dark smog that covered the entire Kingdom of Floras

turned some of the gentle monsters into a Nightmares.

During a sunny morning, the people on the Mansion of

Count Wilbert where busy running around the place, some people have been coming

in and out of the room where a young boy is lying on the bed, as a string of

light slowly crawl through his cheeks shining on his pale white skin, his eyes

slowly twitch as he wakes up from his deep slumber.

"Doctor! He's awake! Quick for call for the Master

and the Madam!" one of the maids exclaimed in excitement.

"Doctor here,” said the other maid.

He opened his eyes slowly as the doctor examined him, stare through the celling he slowly regained his memories of two lifetimes. The first memory was that he's happy all the time together with

his beloved person smiling and laughing full of tenderness and happiness. The second

memory are those heartbreaking and suffering during the disappearance of his beloved

person, the betrayal of his friend. The surging emotions of these two

lifetimes as well as this confusing cycle that he could not understand slowly

make him teared up. Lark tried to sit slowly on the bed as the door suddenly

busted open with huge force startling the people inside the room.

"LARK!" a scream coming from the door echoed inside the room.

A young man rushed through the doors and run straight to

the bed embracing the person on the bed tightly as though his

life depended on it, feeling his warm breath, the warmth of his body and

hearing him calling his name on his hoarse voice "Cyrus".

Lark was stunned when he was embraced by Cyrus,

remembering the painful and sad memories, thinking that he would not be able to

see this man ever again he tightly embraces this man tightly and not letting

go. He heard a coughing sound behind the man and saw an older looking man and a

gentle looking woman beside him calling "Mother, Father" as they slowly approach the bed. The

gentle mother hugged him slowly tearing up.

"I thought we lost you" the madam said letting go and gently hold his hands.

"Mother, I…(coughing)" Lark chocked

"We’ll talk more later, for now just do what the doctor

said" the count said while handing him a glass of water and slowly patting

his back.

Every person on the room listened to the doctors’ instructions and warnings, the maids took

notes on how to prepare the foods and medicines, the people in

the room started leaving calmly one by one, the only people

left are the Count, the Countess, Cyrus on Lark's bedside and the doctor. After thanking the Doctor,

the Count and the Countess escorted him back leaving Lark and Cyrus in the


Silence came to the room as the two of them were left

behind Cyrus slowly got up from the bed so he could rest, as he realized he was

leaving Lark hurriedly grabbed his arm as he remembered a person that day

saying "Wait!"

Cyrus stopped from getting up the bed and said "Rest first and

slowly gain your vitality, your still so pale" while caressing his cheeks.

"What about Orpheus?"

"He's fine, he visited two days ago and he was worried about you too."

"Oh, I’m glad to hear that he wasn't hurt." Lark slowly laid back on his bed.

"Rest first, we’ll talk more about it at a later time."

Reluctant to let go of his hands Lark keep staring at him

and said "can you please stay? I don't want to be alone."

Feeling softhearted Cyrus nodded and coaxed him to sleep,

holding him on his arms making him feel secured. Lark finally starts to feel

drowsy while listening to his heart beating confirming

that this man is still by his side and slowly starts to sleep. The days go by quickly and a Month had

passed, a loud whistle was heard on the southern garden of the mansion

and a biggest Condor slowly descends from the sky as it shows its magnificent feather on its

wings landing at the top of a chair on the garden.

"Pewee" Lark called the bird.

"I missed you; it’s been a long time."

The bird lets him poke and stroke its

feathers while it chirping softly as if replying to his inquires. The boy

and a bird talked and played for a while as if they’re in their own world, hours passed

the scream of a young boy’s voice sounded from afar calling his name.


The boy jumped at him and hugged him saying "I'm so

glad that you are fine, I thought... I..." as he choked on his tears.

"Orpheus," Lark said slowly letting go with a dark expression the two of them stand on the garden surrounded

with flowers as a gentle breeze passing through.

CHAPTER 2: Orpheus Nox

The young boy Orpheus Nox the son of Barron Nox of the South, a gentle and

sunny boy was stunned when he saw the expression on his face. He knew Lark

Wilbert on a novel he was reading before on a different World.

He’s a freshman on college and was out looking for a part

time job when he entered a book store to apply for a job he stumbled across a book called

"Captivating You: Let you Change your Life" it’s a book about a young

girl who rewrote her life story upon stumbling an ancient book containing a story of her

life on her way to the prestigious Magic School of Arcane. She’s a freshman of the

school and is listed at the lowest rank of her class. Corra wanted a life full of

vanity and fortune. She fell in love with a young Lord, a son of a Viscount family, his

family doesn't really like her family background as she came from a Merchant

Family. As the story progress she finally knew how to use the book in her advantage to rewrite her

story, a little alteration over some passages changes her life, some with a good out come and some are a misery

for others, but she doesn't really care over such a trivial thing that didn't

affect her life. So, she continuously uses the book and eventually find the bad after effects on what she had

done that made a huge impact on other people and eventually tried to revert

the things back to how they originally are and finally find her real happy ending.

"What the! This is full of nonsense! How is it possible that in the reality of space time continuum one

could revert back time and altering reality! What bulls***! When the

damage is done it has already been done!" he grumbled as he throws the

book aside and continue to browse the store. After his interview the store

owner said to him "it's a pity that your class schedule doesn't match our shifts

available, otherwise I would to hire you immediately

because I like your personality and temperament, if I have a job vacancy I'll

call you first." After shaking hands with the store owner, he continued on finding a part time job, while he was on his

phone on a crosswalk the green light on the crossing light up and as he crosses

the road, he didn't notice the oncoming vehicle against traffic and a scorching light directly

shines bright to his eyes. Once he woke up again staring through the ceiling, he noticed something are wrong he was not in his own time or even his own

World, in his utter shock he heard the name he just recognizes as he

just searched the meaning of this name "the darkness of the night". Sometime later he accepted the

fact that he has transmigrated to this world and slowly

accept that he is in the same novel he just read "Captivating You: Let you Change your Life".

He slowly settled in and started gathering information as he doesn't want to end up as the same as Orpheus in the novel who died in the hands of Lark Wilbert another side character of the novel who was

drowning in his despair and madness when his lover disappeared on the Forest of

Subra while trying to suppress the oncoming hoard of Demonized Monsters that's been flooding the

border city in Arcturus in three years’ time, gratefully he still have time to do some

research about the events that's bound to happen and intently searching for the

"Ancient Book of Life" which Corra use in altering her life.

Months passed and he accidentally meet Lark Wilbert the second son of Count Wilbert at a garden party that is held by the Viscountess Umbriel on their garden mansion. After their first meeting they started to get together

and bonded with each other Lark even found out that Orpheus has a

talent for magic and started teaching him the basic, like on how to feel and gather magic that's floating around everywhere and storing them inside you core and releasing them to the world, like how the balance of

nature is easily affected between good and bad, like how once action

can cause a chain reaction affecting the tiniest creatures to the largest mountain of the world. Orpheus

contemplated that maybe his appearance to this world might tip its balance as

Lark explained to him, but is still determined to

protect what is important to him and those things that he cherish like his friends and

family that he recently acquired.

A month passed and Lark finally graduated from Arcane University and on his way

to Arcturus to gain enough experience on a battle against Demonized Monsters and is fortunately accompanied by Orpheus. Orpheus did expect that his transmigration might affected the world balance but he did

not expect that this almost led to a tragic accident or death of Lark Wilbert.

CHAPTER 3: Space and Time

Orpheus was stunned by his expression even the tears he had stopped and had gone

pale, then asked on a low voice while smiling forcibly "Lark, what’s


Pondering how to proceed with his inquires, Lark recalled in his memories was the betrayal of Orpheus and dying by his hands, when all he just wanted is to protect what's

left of his most important people from the unknown that he could

not explain, but in his mind, there are three different kinds of memory. The first memory he had is that he didn't became good friends with Orpheus, and he’s living happily with his beloved

and family. The second memory he had is that he lost his beloved, fall onto despair, became friends

with Orpheus became his speck of light and was betrayed at the end and lost

his life. The last one he has is his current memory which he first became friends with

Orpheus earlier than his second memory, but having the feeling of happiness on his fist memory, the only difference is that in his first nor his second

memory he didn't have this accident that occurred about month ago, so in his

conclusion the only variable for now is "Orpheus Nox".

"Who are you? You’re not the Orpheus Nox" Lark asked calmly.

Orpheus was stunned and replied

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm Orpheus Nox" Orpheus said.

"No, you’re not, your body might be but you’re not, Orpheus doesn't have magic"

"What, but you clearly discovered my talent for


"Yes, I did, but you are not Orpheus"

"I'm confused, you say I don’t have magic but I have, what you are

talking about"

"The Orpheus in my memory can't have magic, because he is a ‘Null’ means he can

never wield magic because he doesn't have a core so the magic can't be stored in his body, but you have a

core and can wield magic even if it’s small but your potential is endless, as

well as your vast knowledge and theories that haven't been tested and

researched yet, so let me ask you again Who are You"


"If I recall correctly, you've asked me about space time and natural

balance, thus this mean…"

"Yes, I..."

"Stop! "Lark grabbed him suddenly upon realizing his


Orpheus was stunned he didn’t think that someone could find his secret

that wants to bury in his grave.

"You can't say it, there are things you can’t say even

to me. I get it, it is all making sense now, my unbalanced memory my core being abnormal ever since I woke up,

and the accident."

Orpheus was shocked upon hearing this; he understands that he did not

only have a transmigration but Lark also has a rebirth. Because of the cause and effect, when he

transmigrated to this world, he ended up causing the sudden accident of Lark.

Upon realization that he almost lost his best friend because of the world balance suddenly made him teared up and remorseful.

"What? What’s wrong with you?"

Orpheus hold both of his hands and started apologizing over and over

again that made Lark

unbearable, slightly happy because he feels that Orpheus is sincere and true to

their friendship.

"Can you stop? Ever since you arrive all you've been gloomy all the


"It’s because I almost lost my Best Friend and thinking that

I have something to do with it makes it so unbearable"

“I know now that it is not your fault, and you did not ask for these to

happen and I did sense that you tried to desperately to save me despite lacking

combat experience” Lark said proudly.

“You’re the only friend that I have, even then and now, so I will definitely

give everything that I have just to save you"

"I... can see your sincerity, so why?" Lark suddenly asks the

question he buried deep in his heart.

Orpheus was confused by his sudden question of "why".

"Why plot against me if you treat me as your only friend?"

Lark slowly stated what he can in his memories.

Orpheus was shocked and is at a loss for words, then he realizes the

plot of the novel he read is the opposite of what Lark have in his memories,

then said

"But you plotted against me?"

The two stared at each other in confusion, then they started to lay down

the facts that they can both remember and shared their information to each

other, just enough in order not to break the balance of this world and to not

make another ripple that could cause another harm.

"If you're trying to harm me because I tried to harm

you, in retaliation I tried to harm you because you're trying to harm me, but

would I want to harm you?" Lark asked in confusion.

"Is it not because you like Lord Mayur

Umbriel?" Orpheus asked.

"Why would I like a peacock like him?" Lark remembered on his second memory

that Orpheus like the Young Lord Umbriel and asked "I remember you meet

Mr. Umbriel at their garden party some time ago and hit it off, don’t you like Mr. Umbriel back then Orphe? he asked


Upon hearing Lark's question Orpheus shuddered covered in goosebumps and

replied in disgust "why would I like such a scum person, don't even

mention how greasy that person is, if you want him, he's all yours but I advise you not

to like him though"

"Ugh... no thanks I don't want such a peacock scum like

him" Lark said. "Besides I already have someone I love and I don't

want anybody else but that person" he said and smiled slightly.

The two of them keep on talking about their past and interests when Lark glanced up and saw a man walking

toward them and slowly stood up and approached them smiling lovingly.

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