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Hidden Desire...(Taekook)


Eight-year-old Taehyung clings to his mother's leg, tears streaming down his face as she tries to pry him off.
small taehyung
small taehyung
(desperate) Please, Mom! Don't leave us! Who will take care of us?
His mother's expression is cold, her eyes devoid of warmth.
tae's mother
(detached) Your uncle will come for you. He'll take care of you and your sister.
Taehyung's grip tightens, his small body shaking with fear.
small taehyung
small taehyung
(pleading) But why are you leaving? What did we do wrong?
His mother's voice rises, her patience wearing thin.
tae's mother
(angrily) I didn't leave because of you or your sister!
tae's mother
I left because I deserve better than this miserable life!
With a final tug, she breaks free from Taehyung's grasp and turns to leave.
Taehyung collapses to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably as his mother walks out the door.
His five-year-old sister, Jennie, wails in the corner, frightened by the scene unfolding before her.
Taehyung forces himself to stand, wiping his tears with a shaking hand.
small taehyung
small taehyung
(resolute) I'll take care of you, Jennie. I won't let anyone hurt you.
Jennie runs to Taehyung, embracing him tightly.
small Jennie
small Jennie
(terrified) Hyung, don't leave me! Please!
Taehyung holds her close, trying to comfort her.
small taehyung
small taehyung
(soothingly) I won't leave you, Jennie. I promise.
small taehyung
small taehyung
We'll face everything together.
As the reality of their situation sets in, Taehyung's determination grows.
He will do whatever it takes to protect Jennie and rise above their desperate circumstances.
Taehyung tries to calm Jennie down, but she continues to sob uncontrollably.
He looks around the empty room, feeling a sense of desperation creeping in.
small taehyung
small taehyung
(determined) We need to get out of here, Jennie. We can't stay here alone.


small taehyung
small taehyung
(determined) We need to get out of here, Jennie. We can't stay here alone.
Jennie nods, still sniffling. Taehyung takes her hand,
And they walk out of the apartment, leaving behind the only home they've ever known.
As they step into the unknown, Taehyung's resolve strengthens.
He will do whatever it takes to provide for Jennie, to keep her safe and happy.
They walk for hours, hand in hand, until they reach the outskirts of the city. Exhausted and hungry,
They collapse on a bench, watching as the sun sets behind the towering skyscrapers.
Jennie curls up against Taehyung, her eyes drooping shut. Taehyung wraps his arms around her,
Holding her close as he tries to process their situation.
small taehyung
small taehyung
(whispering) What are we going to do, Jennie? Where can we go?
Jennie stirs, looking up at Taehyung with tears in her eyes.
small Jennie
small Jennie
(weakly) I'm scared, hyung..
Taehyung's heart breaks at her words. He forces a smile, trying to reassure her.
small taehyung
small taehyung
(bravely) Don't worry, Jennie. I'll take care of you.
small taehyung
small taehyung
We'll get through this together.
As night falls, they huddle together on the bench, unsure of what the future holds, but determined to face it together.
As they sit in silence, Taehyung's mind races with thoughts of their future.
He knows they can't stay on the streets forever, but he has no idea where to go or what to do.
Just as he's starting to lose hope, a kind-faced woman approaches them.
She looks like she's in her mid-30s, with a warm smile and gentle eyes.
(concerned) Hey there, kids. What are you doing out here all alone?
Taehyung immediately goes on guard, unsure of what to make of this stranger.
But Jennie, sensing his tension, looks up at him and then back at the woman, and smiles weakly.
small Jennie
small Jennie
(softly) We...we don't have anywhere to go.
The woman's expression softens, and she nods.
(gently) Okay, well, you can come with me.
I have a place you can stay for the night.
Taehyung hesitates, unsure if they can trust this woman. But Jennie's eyes are fixed on her,
Filled with hope, and he knows they can't stay on the streets forever.
small taehyung
small taehyung
(cautiously) Okay...thank you.
The woman smiles and holds out her hand, helping them up from the bench.
As they follow her, Taehyung can't shake the feeling that their lives are about to change forever.


The woman leads them to a small, cozy apartment on the outskirts of the city.
She introduces herself as Soo-jin, a social worker who runs a makeshift shelter for homeless children.
(warmly) Welcome to our humble home. You're safe here.
Taehyung looks around, taking in the warm atmosphere.
Jennie, sensing his tension ease, smiles and hugs Soo-jin's leg.
small Jennie
small Jennie
(excitedly) Thank you, Soo-jin unnie!
Soo-jin laughs and ruffles Jennie's hair.
(smiling) You're welcome, sweetie.
Now, let's get you both some food and rest.
As they eat and settle in, Taehyung begins to open up to Soo-jin.
He tells her about their mother's abandonment, their struggles on the streets, and his fears for their future.
Soo-jin listens attentively, her expression filled with compassion
(gently) You're not alone, Taehyung. We'll face this together.
For the first time in weeks, Taehyung feels a glimmer of hope.
Maybe, just maybe, they'll find a way out of this darkness.
As the days pass, Taehyung and Jennie settle into a comfortable routine at the shelter.
Soo-jin becomes a mentor and a source of comfort for them, helping them to heal and rebuild their lives.
One day, Soo-jin sits down with Taehyung and begins to discuss his future.
(serious) Taehyung, you're a bright and capable young man.
Have you thought about what you want to do with your life?
Taehyung shrugs, unsure.
small taehyung
small taehyung
(hesitant) I don't know...I just want to take care of Jennie.
Soo-jin smiles.
(encouragingly) That's admirable, but you need to think about your own future too.
What are your passions? What makes you happy?
Taehyung looks down, his mind racing. He's never really thought about it before.
small taehyung
small taehyung
(quietly) I like music...I used to sing with my mom.
Soo-jin's eyes light up.
(excitedly) That's wonderful! We can help you pursue that dream.
For the first time in his life, Taehyung feels a sense of purpose and belonging.
Maybe, just maybe, he can build a better life for himself and Jennie.

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