NovelToon NovelToon

Chasing Life Even If I Have To Sold My Soul To A Devil

Chapter 1

☬ Chapter 1 ☬
The empire Xuehehui was about to fall.
Because of the Yanyan empire's greediness towards lands, they decided to start a war to Xuahehui empire. Destroying before possessing it.
It was a great plan... Starting a war without the other party preparing for it
Yanyan* is really a great name for their empire...
The meaning of that word... Is the opposite of it
A/N: Yanyan means 'swallow (bird).' They are linked with positive traits such as loyalty, cheerfulness, and patience.
The people of the empire was massacred... Leaving no one.
After they destroyed the empire completely, they left their empire's flag there.
A some type of bird's wings with a sword in the middle...
Although a bird's wings symbolize freedom and spirituality... But that empire made it dirty...
Turning it into gore or horror...
Although, the most considered as enemy here are the demons, Yanyan empire was almost just the same as them.
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
Check each houses. If you found a living being, kill it.
The cultivators who are on Wang Kai's side right now clasped their hands before bowing their heads as a sign of respect.
They were about to leave before Wang Kai said.
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
But if you found the beauty that was given mercy earlier... Drag it to this location.
The cultivators turned their bodies to Wang Kai before they clasped their hands and bowed their head.
"En, Bixia.*"
A/N: Your majesty
They said at the same time.
They started walking again to check each houses.
Few minutes later, they found a house that is white as a snow. It was an unchecked house from the start.
It was surrounded with a white barrier, protecting the house from any intimidating spiritual aura.
The cultivators quickly noticed that. They started erasing their killing intent, also erasing the intimidating spiritual aura from their body.
The cultivators approached the white barrier. The barrier let them through as they don't have that scary aura.
After they got inside the barrier, they started hearing the sound of a flute.
It seems like not only the barrier could protect the house to any scary aura, but it can also trap the sound coming from inside to not be heard from the outside
This cultivator is something
The sound of the flute was nice... There's no wrong tunes in it
They entered the living room of the house. There, they saw a person... The person was wearing a thin, white robe, the person have a white hair... Maybe, his inner robe is also white, even his flute was white
The person's lips was a little open, blowing the hole of the flute
It was the person who was playing the flute
The playing stopped
The person turned their head
The person have Phoenix eyes, its gaze was cold, but no intent on anything
Seeing that the person doesn't have any intent on attacking
They clasped their hands.
Would you mind us, asking your name, Xiao-meimei*?
A/N: A way to address a young girl (our MC is a man though, they just thought he was a girl judging from his appearance)
Bai Bao
Bai Bao
Bai... Bao
The voice was faint
You could almost not hear him
𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘺 𝘣𝘪𝘹𝘪𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥
Your surname and name is suiting for you
The other smiled to Bai Bao*
A/N: Bai - "white" Bao - "treasure" or "gem
Please come with us if you don't want us to force you, Xiao-meimei
Bai Bao
Bai Bao
The two cultivators was taken a back
They glanced at each other before leading Bai Bao
Bixia, this must be the beauty you were looking for
Wang Kai stared at the full-white person in front of him
With a nod of approval to something inside his head, he then spoke after few seconds
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
What's your name?
Bai Bao clasped his hands as he bowed his head
Bai Bao
Bai Bao
It is Bai Bao, bixia
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
White gem, huh?
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
Quite suiting...
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
You do looked like a white gem
Wang Kai grabbed his chin
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
And what are you holding?
Wang Kai glanced at Bai Bao's right hand
The cultivator who led Bai Bao came up
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
The thing that she is holding is her flute
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
A musician?
No, bixia. Xiao-meimei is a cultivator
I saw her using the flute to protect her home
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
It's useless on protecting anything when its destiny is to get destroyed, Tiantian*
A/N: "Sweetie"
Bai Bao clenched the flute he was holding
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
Judging from your appearance... I'll let you live
Bai Bao
Bai Bao
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
In one condition
𝘈𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨! 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
You'll become my son's concubine
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
This is the first time I picked a concubine for my son~ consider yourself as lucky
Wang Kai noticed how thin Bai Bao's robe is
As a gentleman, he took off the white furr that is clinging to his neck, rounding it on Bai Bao's neck
Bai Bao was kind of confused and irritated at the same time
Wang Kai, staring at his face let out a chuckle
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
You have a high spiritual. That's the only reason why I will give you to my son
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
Most of his concubines are so weak
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
The only thing they could do will be... Seducing
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
Or warming beds
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
Even if they have such a skill, my son would never sleep with them. He only took them as his concubines because of their beauty
𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴?
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
But he also disgusted them because their insides are so dirty
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
If you know what I mean, Tiantian
Wang Kai gave Bai Bao a smile before turning away
Wang Kai
Wang Kai
Send her to the Heimenmen* or Jinwangzuojiao* palace, you choose
(I just generated these names but these are the meaning) A/N: Dark + gate + palace - gold + throne + cult
(Of course it's not something that is meaningless... I choose them because they are something)
"Yes, bixia."
They dragged Bai Bao inside a carriage (it's not force though)
BYE ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ

Chapter 2

◓◒ Chapter 2 ◒◓
The cultivators choose to go to the Jinwangzuojiao since this was the palace Bai Bao's future partner is living
Here, Xiao-meimei. Let me help you get down
The cultivator extend his hand to Bai Bao
Bai Bao stared at it for a second before accepting it
They stood in front of a golden gate
It's not good for a lady to stand outside a cold place
A voice was heard from the side
Same to you
Another voice was heard
The cultivators didn't seem panicked
It's just our shixiong* and shijie*, xiao-meimei
A/N: A way to address a boy who is older or entered the same sect before you - the same as "shixiong" but a girl
Shijie and shixiong, this is Bai Bao. Bai Bao, their names are Shen Ting and Liu Fang
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Pleasure to meet you, Xiao-meimei
Liu Fang just clasped his hands, not saying anything
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Why are you guys here, though? Why is this young girl here?
Bixia wanted to give taizi dianxia* a gift from the empire he just destroyed
A/N: "your/his highness, the crown prince"
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Shen Ting quickly replied
She already knows what will happen to this young girl if dianxia saw her and found out that she is from the other empire
But Shijie...
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
Why do you guys insist?
Bixia was the one who said that she will be one of dianxia's concubine
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Never heard bixia choosing a concubine for dianxia
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
What can you do, Xiao-meimei?
Bai Bao stayed silent
Liu Fang patiently waited for a response
She's a cultivator, shixiong
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
I don't see any sword on her
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
A cultivator must have their swords on them wherever they go
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
Are you truly a cultivator?
Bai Bao opened his mouth slightly
Bai Bao
Bai Bao
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
Where's your sword?
Bai Bao stayed silent
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
I guess she doesn't have any
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
She must be born from a poor family
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Then, what do you use for fighting?
Bai Bao
Bai Bao
Bai Bao clenched his flute, hiding it to his backside
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
You're truly white as a treasure
Shen Ting jumped from the blossom tree branch, her robe fluttering as she moved
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Too bad, dianxia wouldn't like you
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
Let us accompany you inside since these two cultivators insist on continuing to come
Liu Fang glared at the two cultivator
Liu Fang also jumped from the blossom tree branch with no sound was heard
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
Blame them if something is going to happen, Xiao-meimei
Shen Ting was the one who lead them inside
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Bao-er*, do you mind me asking question to you?
A/N: "Er" is a way to address someone who is younger. The word "er" was put after your name
Bai Bao shook his head
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
What is the name of your flute*?
A/N: Every fighting tools that you use has to have a name.
Bai Bao
Bai Bao
Shen Ting hummed as a response
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
This is quite personal, you can answer it or not
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Why did your family named you "Bai Bao"?
Bai Bao
Bai Bao
Born in winter, hair white as a snow... Eyes like gem
Shen Ting hummed once again
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
It is accurate
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Are you clean?
Bai Bao was dumbfounded
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Dianxia loves cleanliness
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
He would cut the body part of a human once he found it dirty if they land themselves in this place
Bai Bao realized why Shen Ting quickly said the word "leave"
He is from a different empire... Of course that would also mean that he is dirty, everything
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
Now you found out the truth
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Even so... Even if you found out the truth, you can't run
Shen Ting chuckled
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
You have nowhere to go. Your home was destroyed
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
You're lucky that bixia spared you
The two cultivators who was following them was shock
They never visited this place, so they don't really know
They're quite stupid when they didn't realize what their shijie meant earlier
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
This two cultivators must be feeling despair right now
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
Their black robes are full of blood
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Time for cleaning then *smile*
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
You already know this since from the beginning, yet you didn't clean them?
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Wanted to scare Bao-er
The sound of a sword getting out from its sheath was from Bai Bao's behind
Bai Bao could imagine the scene just by the sound of the blade coming in contact with a flesh
Sh-Shijie... Please spare me
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Dianxia doesn't like dirty things inside his palace *smile*
Shen Ting's voice was sweet with a hint of coldness
Bai Bao's body was trembling slightly
If he wasn't controlling his body properly, his body would've knelt on the ground
Bai Bao killed a lot of cultivators, but he has a good reason
But, killing a cultivator just because he is dirty? Scary!
Shen Ting put her sword back from its sheath
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Luckily, there's no blood splattered on my robe
Liu Fang snapped his finger
Servants started coming out from who knows where with cleaning tools
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
Clean it properly
The servants clasped their hands
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Should we continue, Bao-er? *smile*
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
Let's deliver her to dianxia
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
BYE ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ

Chapter 3

ꕥ Chapter 3 ꕥ
They were about to enter a door, but Liu Fang suddenly spoke, making Shen Ting's hands stopped from opening the door
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
Dianxia's name is Wang Qian, if you don't know
Bai Bao
Bai Bao
Shen Ting opened the door, revealing a man sitting on a golden throne, the sides of the room has 5 girls each side. The girls were all pretty and seductive, they're also spotless
Shen Ting and Liu Fang clasped their hands before bowing
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
We greet taizi dianxia
The man sitting on the throne put the jade cup on a table
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
It seems like we have an uninvited guest
Wang Qian's tone was cold and intimidating
Bai Bao's body twitched
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
Speak. Who is she?
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
Bixia wanted to give you a gift...
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
Bixia said that she will be your concubine
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
My father? That's rare
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
What is the reason why my father suddenly delivered a concubine when he doesn't really do this?
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
The dirty cultivators said that she is a cultivator
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
But we still don't know her skills
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
Where... Did she come from?
This is it...
Liu Fang
Liu Fang
She is from Bai family. If I'm remembering, Bai family have a great ancestors
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
Liu Fang, you know that's not the answer
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
Shen Ting, speak
Shen Ting
Shen Ting
She is from the Xuehehui empire, dianxia
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
The atmosphere went cold
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
A dirty thing dared to come here?
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
I don't intend to refuse my father's gift, but don't think you will be served nicely here
Wang Qian stood from his seat
He started approaching Bai Bao
He looks like he is trying to stare into his soul
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
Your name?
Bai Bao
Bai Bao
B-Bai... Bao
Bai Bao's voice was trembling. He felt like his throat was tightening, preventing him from speaking normally
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
You sure is a white gem... Unfortunately, you're from a different empire, you become dirty
Wang Qian kept looking into his eyes
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
The only clean part on you is your eyes
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
And you don't seem like the type to respond with long answers... You don't talk much
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
Your tongue might be clean... No dirty words coming from it
Wang Qian raised his hand slightly before putting it back down
A servant started coming out with a tray full of clean knife and a silver spoon
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
A dirty body doesn't need those clean parts
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
If you still love your life... Gouge your eyes and cut your tongue
The room was silent
The girls was staring at Bai Bao like they're seeking entertainment
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
You can still live even if you don't have eyes and tongue
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
But if you don't do that, I'll kill you right here, right now
The servant approached Bai Bao, standing on Bai Bao's side, still holding the tray
Wang Qian turned back to his throne
Sitting on it. He put his chin at the back of his hand, assisting it
𝘐𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵... 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶
𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨
Bai Bao slowly extended his hand on the silver spoon
Liu Fang and Shen Ting watched from the side with amusement in their eyes
With a trembling hand, he pointed the spoon on his eye
Blood streamed down his cheeks
He started digging the spoon deeper
Bai Bao
Bai Bao
Few seconds later, the eyeball popped out. The servant caught the eyeball from falling
Bai Bao tapped his two meridian points to stop the bleeding from flowing
𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘺𝘦... 𝘕𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘦...
Bai Bao is now completely blind
Let me help you cut your tongue
Bai Bao heard the voice from his left side
It's the servant
Bai Bao stick his tongue out
In a blink of an eye
No pain at all...
If it's a normal person, they can still feel pain if you did it with skills, but Bai Bao has a high pain tolerance
Wang Qian
Wang Qian
Give her a white towel. Call a doctor, not the imperial doctor. A normal doctor is enough to stop the bleeding to such a small injury
𝘚𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘺? 𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩
Bai Bao's eyes was now gone... The injury was covered with white blind fold
He cannot talk from now on...
The doctor just gave him a sympathy look
BYE ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ

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