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My Daughter Is the Villain Unknown Daughter

To Die is To Live

" It is my wedding tomorrow,, and I am marrying the love of my life, my best friend and my soulmate! I am excited as I am staring myself in front of the mirror. I am wearing my white elegant wedding gown and my expensive sandals that I managed to buy with my savings. Tomorrow will be the day and I will be a Mrs.... I am excited to know what is waiting for us! I am waiting for this moment to come!... For now,, I will end my diary as single, for tomorrow I will be writing another diary as a married person ... Goodbye for now. Signing off." ---Mayumi / Mimi. July2018

The Day News: The car of the bride has been hit by a big truck where all of them died in an instant.

Mayumi can see her unalive body in front of her. Her parents that are crying and her husband to be. Nobody can see her and her tears flowing in her cheeks. She is filled with rage and questions. " I did all my best to live a decent life... To be a good person as I can be... And I have only one request and that is to marry the love of my life and have a family... Why am I dead?! Is it that it is not enough?! The heaven is so cruel! " She is shouting at the top of her lungs but no one can hear her. Her agony cannot be heard by anyone aside from heaven. At the same time a lightning and thunder can be heard from the clouds, then a rain came after as if agonizing with her. Mayumi closed her eyes.

As she opened her eyes she saw a beautiful woman in front of her. The woman help Mayumi as she tried to stand up. Both of them are now standing in a grassland that are surrounded by mountains. In fact, it is one of the beautiful scenery that Mayumi have seen in her life. " Is this heaven? " Mayumi ask with a rage in her voice. " No. This is the gap between heaven and hell, as well as the earth. " The beautiful woman said while walking slowly in the grass. Mayumi noticed that her feet are not touching the grass. " Why am I here?! I need to talk to God! " Mayumi cannot control her anger. " I am assigned to talk to you. I am your guide. And I am the one communicating between you two. " The beautiful woman said. " I need to know why!? Why would God take my life?! This is I am waiting for ! The love of my life! " Mayumi yelled with teary eyes.

The beautiful woman took a deep breath before turning her back unto Mayumi's direction and stared to the sunrise between the mountain. " It is really going to be a beautiful life between you and him ? You knew all along what kind of person he is. You are there when he and your childhood friend are enjoying their time in that small bed. Planning their future together with their unborn child. You cried and pleaded that everything is just a dream. But because you are selfish and wanted your happily ever after, you ignored all of it and the worst part is--" The beautiful woman is angelic that everything sounds so beautifully painful. "Enough!!!! It is not my fault that she met that accident! I just happened to be there! I did not do anything that can hurt her! " Mayumi is trying to explain.

" Doing nothing that time is also a choice. You happened to be there for a reason but you chose not do anything. She is bleeding to death after she was hit by a motorcycle but you chose to not do anything. " The woman said with a pitiful expression. " I - I was afraid. I am terrified of blood! But did I not call an ambulance? " Mayumi is now crying because of guiltiness. " You called an ambulance after she ran out of breathed. Humans have given a chance to do their freewill and heaven are always open to those who are regretful of their guilt. " The woman said. " Compared to angels and demons that are already decided by their fate, humans are lucky enough not knowing their power and using this freewill to do stupid things. I envy you. " The woman said.

" Who are you ? How do you know all these things? " Mayumi asked with a suspicious look on her face. " As I told you. I am always with you, in every human that are created. God always assigned an angel to protect them at all cost until their very last breath. To strengthen their faith, and to regain humanity in the most black heart of theirs. I am always with you. " She said. The woman turn her face to Mayumi. " As God has already decided to give you a chance, I hope that you will always be honest to your heart. I know deep inside your heart is a kind one. And this time I will not be with you because it is a sacrifice I have to make as you will be alive again. Live your life and I hope you will find the life you really wanted to be ...." The woman's body is fading including her face. " What?--- Wait---" Mayumi is shaking her face as if something important to her will be gone and a part of her heart is so sad that is overbearing.

The beautiful scenery started to fade and then Mayumi can see nothing, a black surrounding. She closed her eyes again.

" Mayumi,help mee!!" when she opened her eyes she found a lady is in front of her. Mayumi can feel her sore body and her face as she tried to stand up. The woman who have a big belly is looking at her with a painful expression. Mayumi with a worried expression go to her. She can see a blood flowing to her leg calf from her thigh.

Mayumi / Mimi to Yumi

" Are you okay? "Rio asked Mayumi with concerned face. She managed to fight her urge to vomit and Mayumi wiped the cold sweats on her forehead. Her heart has slowly calm down from the sight of blood from the video that they are watching. The class just ended while watching the video with a woman giving birth, and Mayumi's hemophobia is acting up. "I don't really understand why you need to get this career when you have hemophobia. " Rio, her childhood friend said. " Viel wanted to be a doctor. And I want to be beside him, it means I need a career at least that is connected with his. I hope that as a midwife nurse I can be a help of him. And as a midwife, it is the easy way to overcome my hemophobia. " Mayumi smiled with sweetness. Rio moved his head from side to side and wanted to tell something, but he just kept silent. " Anyway have you seen Lia? " Rio remembered his girlfriend. The three of them are childhood friends and Lia is Rio's childhood sweetheart. " I will contact you when I see her. But for now , I need to go to Viel. He is sick today so I need to take care of him. Rio nodded and get out of the class to look for Lia, he even dialed her number, but it seems that her cellphone is off.

Viel's parents are both working overseas so as usual Mayumi used the key that Viel have given her before if she wanted to go to his house. Actually it is the first time that Mayumi will go inside their house because she is the traditional type of girl. She knew the moment she will step inside his bedroom , anything can happen, and she doesn't want to ruin Viel's future if ever she'll get pregnant. The house is big and have four bedrooms. The masters bedroom for his parents , the guest room for visitors , the stockroom and his room that is in the second room. The house is dark so she uses her cellphone to go up the second floor while walking up the stairs. She is planning to surprise Viel with the food in her hands because he is not feeling well.

On the second floor she managed to locate Viel's room because it is the only room that is open,, and the light is open. She is walking quietly with the big smile on her face,, but her smile is fading as she heard a giggling sound, and laughter from inside the room. She can see the shadow of a two person from inside, and she can hear their conversation. The voice of the woman is familiar and as she peeked , her suspicions are cleared because she saw clearly Lia only wearing a towel. Mayumi controlled herself and hid on the wall beside the door. She is literally closing her mouth with her hands covering it. Her tears are flowing nonstop. " Do you think Mimi will understand us? " Mayumi can hear Lia's voice. " As you said she is kind .... I am sure she will. Especially that you are pregnant, maybe she will be happy for both of us. It will hurt her at some point, bit I know she will overcome. It's just that , maybe we are not for each other. " Viel said with a guilty voice. Lia takess a deep breath" Mimi can be easily dealt with but with Rio, I don't know how to tell him all about us." Lia said. " Everything will be alright. Don't be stressed , it is not good for the baby. " Viel said and he kissed her lips. Mayumi cannot take the noises that they create after so she took a heavy step going out of the place. The two person did not bother to check if someone is outside because they are busy doing their own thing.

That same afternoon ,Mayumi did not notice that she is walking alone going home. Her head is not working properly and all the scene that she saw in that room is replaying in her memory. The road is a private road and is a one way road that is why there is no vehicle going that area. It is raining,, and the students are now gone home except for Mayumi. Lia run towards her as if she just found her. " I am looking for you all over the place. It is raining , let us go back in the school first. " Lia holdss the hand of Mayumi.

Mayumi stared at Lia's face with no emotions. She withdraw her hand from Lia's palm and continue to walk as if nothing happened. Lia is in the middle of the road and a motorcyle that runs fast is coming from behind. After a few minutes , the scene where Lia is in the middle of the road with a blood all over her legs and white uniform appeared in front of Mayumi. Upon seeing the real blood in front of her, she cannot breath properly , her heart is racing fast and her hemophobia is acting up again. She saw the bloody body of Lia is in the middle of the road.

Mayumi wanted to go near her, but her body won't move, her hands are trembling. " It's okay.... Breathe Mimi... It's okay... And I am sorry..." Lia managed to talk in a way that Mayumi can hear her before she closed her eyes. With shaky hands , Mayumi tried her best to get her phone inside her pocket and dialed the ambulance with a teary face.

At the funeral, Rio can be seen with Lia's parents in the front. Mayumi put her face down while sitting in the front. Beside her is Viel. " Mayumi, do you know ? She's pregnant with our child. " Rio smiled with a proud and pitiful face. Mayumi cannot look him in the face. Then she felt that Viel swallowed his saliva with a teary face and was supposed to say something. Mayumi put her palm on his palm, and they look at each other. Viel keep quiet and put his face down.

Mimi to Yumi

Mayumi did not finish her degree until she was second year and started to work as an office worker because of her hemophobia. Viel became a doctor, and they managed to save for their wedding. But she died on her wedding day because of an accident.

Mayumi open her eyes in a strange place , it seems like a cave and a lady who have a big belly is about to give birth. She saw the blood coming from her thighs to the calf. Her hemophobia is acting up again and the scene of Lia with her bloody body is in front of her. " Yumi... Please help me... I want to save my baby's life..." The woman said with a cold sweat and pale face. Mayumi swallowed her saliva as she tried her best to go beside the lady who is in labor.

Mayumi is shaking while she gets all her courage and go in front of the woman, while shaking and with blurry eyes she positioned the legs of the woman in a way that she will give birth. The woman's face is questioning her. " Trust me. Your baby will go out of this world. " Mayumi said with confidence and sweats.

The woman laid her back and spread her legs as instructed by Mayumi. After a few minutes of pushing, a crying baby can be heard from the cave. " A healthy baby girl. " Mayumi cut her umbilical cord with a sharp flat stone and remove the layer of her clothes to wrap the baby in her arms.

The woman reach the baby with a pale face and purple lips. " My baby..." The woman tears came down in her cheeks. " How can such a wonderful person came out of me? I don't deserve you...." She said. Then the woman smile to Mayumi. " Thank you, Yumi. I don't know what to do without you. " She said in a weak way.

Mayumi is currently panicking because even if the uterus came out , unusual bleeding did not stop. She knew something is not right. " I cannot stop the bleeding ! What is happening?!" Mayumi is terrified. The woman holds her hands to calm her down. " Seeing my child is already a gift, I cannot ask for more. The shaman already told me that this pregnancy might kill me, this child might kill me. But I cannot kill my own child. If I die today, I have no regrets. " The woman said while smiling with her might. " Why? Why do you want to die when some people wanted to live? " Mayumi ask in anger when she remembered her fate and her childhood friend who died in front of her. " Do you have any remorse in your life? To heaven because your life is too short?!" Mayumi said in a yelling way.

The woman just smiled" I have lived enough to see my child and to hold her. I should thank the heaven and God. I can die without even seeing her, but I am lucky enough to embrace her, Yumi. " She said with a smile. Mayumi's face is full of tears now knowing what the woman fate is. " Yumi , I am sorry to give you my responsibilities as a mom. And in my next life , I will surely repay you. " The woman said before she tightly closed her eyes embracing her destiny.

Mayumi get the baby from the woman's arms" If this is my punishment from letting my childhood friend died and her child in front of me, then I will gladly accept it. " She said at the back of her mind.

While Mayumi is staring at the baby's face , she felt that her surroundings is shaking. Some rocks are falling from above, and she knew that it is dangerous to stay there. With her strength , she stands up and run towards the only hole that she suspected is the entrance of the cave.

Marion can feel the warm liquid that is flowing from his eyes. " General! " Yul, his trusted aid came by his side because of his strong intuition that his master is not safe. " You eye are bleeding! What happened?!" Yul takes a piece of cloth to wipe his master's face, but the bleeding of both eyes cannot be stopped. Marion calmly took a deep breath and raise his right palm as a sign for Yul to calm down.

" An important person of mine died. This is a sign. " Marion calmly said with a straight tone. " Master, is it--" Yul was cut off because Marion doesn't want to hear about it. " Until I see it with my own eyes , until I find her body, I will not assume that anything happened. " Marion said. Yul understand his master's words.

Mayumi walk away from the place until she reached a house. She gathered her strength to knock. An old lady open the door and upon seeing the baby in her hands with Mayumi having a pale reflection, she understands that she needed help. Without a word she let them in and get a cloth to put on Mayumi's shoulder. The woman was trying to get the baby from her hands but she kept it tight not to let the old woman touch the crying baby. " The child needs to be fed. Have you not have breast milk to feed her? " The old woman ask calmly. Mayumi gently nodded her head and bite her lower lip.

" I am also a mother and I understand how it is not easy to feed my child from me. I cannot produce milk from my breast so i needed just feed a soup to my children. " The old woman said. " My name is Fev ." The old woman said before standing and going to the kitchen.

Mayumi can hear the caserole noise from the kitchen, and some chopping noise from it. " Lucky I have a cowmilk leftover from yesterday. I will just make it hot. And for you, you need soup as nutrients. It is not easy to give birth. " Fev shouted from the kitchen.

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