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The End Justifies The Means

Chapter 1. Hunger Alley

—Shit, shit, shit! My luck is truly terrible.

Lisel murmured with a heavy sigh as her footsteps echoed through the shadowy cobblestone streets. All around them unfolded a labyrinth of passion and desire.

The Hunger Alley, famous for its darkness, sank into the lowest, most marginal part of Castelar. It was a refuge for male and female prostitutes who offered their services for a few coins.

Some clients chose to take their companions to a nearby hostel, although most were unwilling to pay for a room. Consequently, the streets were filled with couples, trios, and groups engaging in sexual activities under the cover of night.

With a firm hand, Lisel clutched the bag of coins that rested in the inner pocket of her cloak, meant to pay for a man and a room in that hostel. Anonymous couples intertwined in lustful embraces, often bumping into her accidentally.

Lisel, though surprised and embarrassed, could not tear her eyes away from the spectacle, so different from anything she had known before. With each step she took, Lisel ventured deeper into a world that felt foreign, dangerous, and yet, necessary.

The silhouettes entwined in their passions seemed to forget everything else, a sight that made her question the very nature of desire and passion.

"Could something like this make you forget even where you're standing?" she wondered, barely dodging the bodies invading her personal space.

In her attempt to advance, Lisel felt the oppression of her cloak, a barrier of thick fabric that protected her from direct contact with the naked flesh of others. But even that protection seemed insufficient when a thick, hot, and sticky liquid splashed onto her hand, unleashing a mixture of alarm, shame, and confusion within her. She looked up to find the responsible party, but no one seemed to notice her presence.

"How did I get to this point?" she reflected, feeling humiliated and lost.

Lisel's mind returned to the days when her life turned upside down. Her father, Marquis Octavio Luton, had been in a coma for a year, leaving the family under the command of his wife, Margaret Luton.

That woman, who had infiltrated Lisel Luton's life after her mother's death, brought torment in the form of a young man named Carlier, proclaimed the Marquis' son and heir to Luton.

The story of her father and his acceptance of Carlier as a son and heir mingled in her mind with Margaret's abuses. Lisel remembered the humiliations, the deprivations, the beatings. And now, the culmination of it all: her forced engagement.

She recalled how Margaret had announced it, not as an option, but as a mandate, an order wrapped in false benevolence.

—It’s disgusting, outrageous—Lisel told herself, recalling Margaret's master plan.

A forced marriage to the crown prince of the Kingdom of Castella, a ploy under the guise of "honor" that concealed certain death. But Lisel Luton was not willing to surrender.

"I will do anything to avoid this fate" she promised, feeling a glimmer of courage rise within her.

Even if it meant giving up her innocence to a stranger in the Hunger Alley, the lowest area of the entire capital of Castella, Castelar. The idea filled her with dismay, but her resolve was firm.

She walked in disguise, with a dark hood covering her identity. Her head itched under the lush dark wig. She was looking for a man, any man, preferably handsome and kind, who could save her from her doom by being with her that night.

It was then that a hooded figure, watching her from a distance, decided to approach.

—Your face is too red. What are you doing in this place?—asked the man with a deep voice that snapped Lisel out of her reverie.

She approached, trying to discern his face under his hood.

"He must want to keep his anonymity" she thought, not realizing she sought the same.

In the darkness, she could only make out his bright gray eyes and a noble air that surrounded him.

—Maybe I’m just hot—she tried to respond coquettishly, though her trembling voice betrayed her nerves.

"If this man walks away, my plan falls apart" she thought, forcing herself to be bolder.

—Can you help me with that?

The man looked at her incredulously but smiled and, to her surprise, lifted her in his arms, carrying her away from the chaos of the alley.

—Where are you taking me?—Lisel shouted, startled by the unexpected closeness.

—Do you really want to do it in that dirty street full of people?—he replied with a tone mixing arrogance and a touch of superiority.

In an instant, they found themselves inside a nearby inn, away from the commotion of Hunger Alley.

Gently but firmly, the man placed her on the bed. Without a word, he began to kiss her, plunging her into a whirlwind of unknown sensations.

Lisel felt overwhelmed, her face burning with shame and her body tensing under the intensity of his caresses. The man, with his strong hands, removed Lisel’s cloak, revealing her shoulders and a gray dress, modest but chosen carefully to pass as a commoner without seeming vulgar.

As he caressed her hair, he suddenly stopped with a look of surprise.

—I knew something felt strange.

With a quick gesture, he removed her wig, revealing Lisel’s light brown hair, meticulously gathered.

The man’s hands moved skillfully, undoing the braid that held her hair. With each strand he released, her wavy, rebellious, golden hair fell softly around her face and over her chest in a shiny cascade. Though the man did not smile, his eyes showed clear satisfaction, as if unveiling Lisel’s true appearance had unraveled a mystery.

Their gazes met intensely. The man’s gray eyes clashed with her green ones. Lisel, feeling embarrassed, lowered her gaze.

—Relax—he whispered, noticing her tension.

—I... I... I’m trying—Lisel stammered, her words broken by nervousness.

—Try harder—he insisted, his voice low but imposing.

As the man’s hand slid boldly up Lisel’s leg, lifting her skirt with a slowness that exacerbated the tension, he whispered with a voice laden with promise.

—I’m going to make you feel good.

Lisel, with a surprised moan, responded in a trembling whisper.

—I... I’m not sure if...

Then the man’s fingers, firm and skilled, explored her inner thigh, sending waves of unknown pleasure through her body. He, with a passionate hunger, kissed her neck intensely and provocatively, drawing gasps that filled the room.

—Wait!—Lisel shouted.

—I’m being very patient—he murmured, his hot breath against the skin of her neck.

Lisel, overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, could barely formulate words.

—This is... new for me.

The expression on the attractive man’s face became complex at Lisel’s words. However, it quickly changed to one of satisfaction at her innocence, increasing the intensity of his caresses, immersing her even more in the whirlwind of new sensations.

—Let yourself go with me, I promise you won’t regret it—he murmured with a voice tinged with captivating confidence that resonated in the intimacy of the room.

The night turned into a dance of discovery and passion, with Lisel surrendering to the sensations that overwhelmed her. Among whispers and touches, Lisel’s initial tension transformed into passionate curiosity.

—Do you like it?—he asked, his words brushing her ear as he continued exploring her breasts.

Lisel, overcoming her initial nervousness, allowed herself to respond with all the honesty she could muster.

—I think so.

—You think so? You’re very demanding. I’ll have to try my best.

Then, with a fluid movement and without losing contact, the man slid his hand along Lisel’s body. His fingers traced her skin, from her chest to her inner thigh, drawing a burning path that erased any trace of shyness. Skillfully, he stripped Lisel of the last garment covering her, paving the way for a more intimate encounter.

Pain mingled with pleasure under the deft caresses of that mysterious man. For the first time in a long while, Lisel’s worries about the Luton house, her family, and her risks in Castelar seemed to fade, relegated to the background. Only he concerned her at that moment. He and his sharp gray eyes that looked at her as if they would devour her.

After kisses and caresses, Lisel relaxed her body and, unconsciously, placed her hand on his arm. The smallness of her hand contrasted with the muscle she touched, evidencing his strength. He, noticing the contact, said with a playful tone:

—Do you want more?

As he removed his shirt, he revealed a strong, muscular torso that stood out against his pale skin. Lisel, for a moment, forgot how to breathe at the sight of him.

Chapter 2. Flee

Dawn had not yet broken, and the light of the full moon filtered through the heavy curtains of the dilapidated inn.

The silver glow bathed the room where Lisel, with a bewildered expression, tried discreetly to slip out of the bed where she had spent the night. Beside her lay the man with the defiant gaze and arrogant air with whom she had shared intimate hours.

When she opened her eyes, the first thing Lisel felt was a sharp pain, a stabbing memory of what had happened a few hours earlier. Images of those moments flooded her mind, and she allowed herself to close her eyes again for a second, overwhelmed with shame.

She could not believe how far she had gone.

Her actions had been measures of pure desperation.

Since learning of her engagement to the Crown Prince of the Kingdom, she had considered every possible way to escape her fate.

Lisel, far from being capricious, had never expected a marriage based on love, especially given the nature of her "family."

However, she never imagined that her wedding could also be her funeral.

The Crown Prince, Teodor Lanverd, a man of notorious cruelty and dark tastes, intended to marry her. But behind that facade lay a more sinister desire: to unleash his cruel inclinations by killing the women who dared to share his bed.

Many nobles in the capital considered the rumors about him to be false or misunderstood. Few knew the true nature of Teodor Lanverd. Lisel was one of the few people in Castelar who knew his horrors for certain.

Since she turned fifteen, it was said that the prince brought women to his chambers, subjecting them to such extreme sexual tortures that some died on the spot. But his greatest delight, it was whispered, was to murder his victims with his own hands at the climax of his pleasure, once they survived the preliminaries.

Fortunately for her plan, in the high society of Castelar, as well as in the rest of the Kingdom of Castella, a bride's virginity was of utmost importance.

The revelation that a bride had not maintained her purity could be enough to annul a marriage contract. And not even the powerful Luton family, with all its wealth, influence, and loyalty to the crown, could alter that fact.

Lisel knew she had to start planning her future, considering the possible repercussions. Perhaps her stepmother, Margaret, would resort to assassins and disguise her death as an accident to hide such a shame.

Her father, if he ever awoke from his comatose state, might very well send her to a convent to live as a nun for the rest of her days. And her half-brother, Carlier, would be delighted to keep her locked up for life in the dark basement, which was more like a hidden dungeon in the Luton Mansion.

But those were thoughts for later, she told herself.

At that moment, the crucial thing was to leave the inn before dawn. Carefully, Lisel freed herself from the muscular arm of the man resting on her waist.

"That was easy" she reflected internally.

But then, a voice startled her.

—Fleeing the crime scene?—he asked softly and dryly.

—I… I need to go. I have matters to attend to —Lisel stammered, still overwhelmed and embarrassed.

—What matters? —he inquired, with a hint of mockery.

Lisel, not knowing what to answer, felt even more nervous, trying to distance herself from the man she still shared the bed with.

—Have I left you so dazed that you can't specifically remember?

—It's not that. It's just... they're none of your business —Lisel said decisively, quickly getting up to find her clothes.

—The adventure of a night is already over.

He sat up in bed, watching her with an expression of interest and amusement on his face.

—The night isn't over yet. The dawn hasn't come —he replied maliciously, glancing at the image of the full moon filtering through the curtains.

Lisel, with her dress half-buttoned, gave him a firm, piercing look.

—What happened... won't happen again. We won't even see each other again.

Her voice showed determination despite the emotion flickering in her green eyes. The man got up, closing the distance between them. With innate confidence, he took her hand.

—You're being very harsh with me after how well I've treated you —he commented in a low, seductive voice.

His gray eyes shone under the moonlight streaming through the window, challenging her with a playful gleam.

The moonlight outlined the man's face, revealing his strong jawline and perfectly shaped lips. His sharp eyes, the same silver hue as the moon, observed her with a mix of challenge and amusement.

The black locks, previously meticulously combed back, now fell disheveled over his forehead. She couldn't help but be captivated by his truly attractive appearance.

Lisel placed a bag of coins in the man's hand and withdrew her own from his grasp.

—Very generous —he replied, gritting his teeth, snapping her abruptly out of her thoughts.

Lisel reprimanded herself internally for getting distracted. She needed to return to the Mansion before her absence became evident. With determination, she adjusted her attire and prepared to leave.

—I don't have time for this —Lisel insisted, finishing buttoning her dress and adjusting her cape and wig until she was completely covered.

Then, completely ignoring the gaze that followed her like a hunter watching his prey, she left the room of that place in silence.

For a moment, she had thought the man might refuse to let her go, and she had contemplated the idea of fleeing through the window. Since childhood, she had demonstrated a knack for climbing, and considering they were only on the inn's first floor, the idea didn't seem far-fetched. However, to her relief, that measure was not necessary.

A mix of emotions overwhelmed her. She felt relieved to have fulfilled her purpose, while also fearing Margaret's next move in this. But above all, she still felt dizzy remembering those gray eyes that seemed to pierce through her.

Every step Lisel took in the cold early morning was a desperate attempt to distance herself not only from the place but also from the memories and sensations the recent night had left deeply etched in her mind.

The echo of his footsteps on the cobblestone streets of Hunger Alley mingled with the racing rhythm of his heart: a symphony of urgency and anxiety.

As she moved forward, a tangle of emotions invaded her: relief for having accomplished her purpose intertwined with a growing fear of Margaret's possible reaction. But, standing out among all those emotions was the inexplicable vertigo that assailed her when remembering those piercing gray eyes, capable of seeing beyond what she wanted to show.

With quick but cautious steps, Lisel moved away from the inn, plunging into the uncertainty and darkness of the night, carrying with her the weight of a night that had changed everything.

Lisel approached the Luton Mansion, shrouded in shadows, moving with the skill and stealth of someone who knew every corner of the place. Her familiarity with the residence, acquired through years of living and exploring every hallway and garden, allowed her to slip through the surroundings and enter undetected.

The darkness was her ally. She moved among the shadows, easily evading the guards and any curious eyes. She knew the servants' schedules and the secret passages of the place, thanks to her involvement in the management of the mansion.

This deep understanding of the household's workings, combined with her sharpness and a bit of luck, allowed her to leave and enter without being discovered.

Upon reaching her room, with the first rays of the sun peeking over the horizon, Lisel allowed herself a fleeting smile, remembering the audacity of her nocturnal adventure.

However, the smile quickly gave way to more serious thoughts: the Crown Prince, Margaret, and what her next step would be to avoid the fate that had been imposed on her.

Chapter 3. Market

Margaret Luton was having breakfast in the spacious main dining room, a space adorned with luxurious tapestries and antique furniture that highlighted the family's wealth. With an imperious gesture, she called Lisel to join her. Despite having had no sleep due to her nighttime escapade, Lisel felt strangely energetic.

—Sit down, let's have breakfast together —Margaret proposed with a casualness that failed to disguise her inherent authority.

Since her childhood, Lisel had dreaded these breakfasts.

Her father, then lucid, used to think they were moments to strengthen the bond between mother and daughter. But in reality, they were torturous for Lisel.

Any mistake, real or invented, was severely punished, and the constant criticisms of her appearance left her without appetite.

This morning was no different, but Lisel consoled herself by thinking about her recent audacity. An ace up her sleeve that the Marquise would never suspect.

—Tomorrow is the annual Royal Ball —Margaret commented, savoring her bread with blackberry and pear jam.

Lisel opted not to eat, aware of the consequences if she did. The Marquise, noticing her silence, stood up and placed her hands on Lisel's shoulders.

—I hope you meet the expectations. It has been difficult to achieve such a grand opportunity.

Lisel clenched her fists, containing her frustration.

—Yes —she replied barely audibly, and then felt Marquise's nails digging into her shoulders. She knew why.

— ...mother —Lisel whispered, and the grip loosened.

Lisel spent the rest of the day attending to the mansion's administrative matters, without the help of the maids. Then, Deysi burst into the room.

—Miss! Oh, God, I was so worried —exclaimed Deysi, closing the door behind her.

—I'm sorry I didn't come sooner.

Lisel smiled.

—Calm down, Deysi —she responded, grateful for her friend's concern.

Deysi had been the only one to support her nighttime escape plan, though she had been reluctant at first.

—You have no idea, miss, I couldn't sleep —confessed Deysi, visibly exhausted.

—The head maid assigned me countless tasks at dawn.

Deysi, two years older than Lisel, had become her principal maid and only friend within the mansion. She had started working for the Lutons at the age of eleven, shortly after losing her parents to a terrible flu epidemic that had devastated the territory.

The painful loss, similar to what Lisel had suffered years earlier, had quickly united them in a deep and sincere friendship.

Always kind and genuinely concerned for Lisel, Deysi had become much more than just a maid. She was a true friend and ally in a home where warmth and affection were nonexistent.

When the Marquise Margaret, in an act of control and disdain, ordered all the servants to stop attending to Lisel except one to maintain appearances, Deysi did not hesitate to volunteer.

Her unwavering loyalty and desire to stand by Lisel in difficult times demonstrated the strength and depth of their bond. In a world full of intrigues and loneliness, Deysi was a beacon of support and understanding for Lisel, something she treasured above all.

—Thank you for understanding me and helping me escape unnoticed, Deysi —she said warmly, her eyes reflecting gratitude.

—I know you've been worried about me. But everything has turned out well.

There was a tone of relief in her voice, mixed with a touch of excitement. The Royal Ball was just around the corner, an event that would mark a turning point in her plans.

—The Royal Ball is tomorrow —Lisel continued, her mind already tracing the details of what she had to do.

—We must go to the central market to pick up my order.

Castelar was the cradle of nobility, the residence of royalty, and the capital of the Kingdom of Castella. Castella was a peninsular country with centuries of history. Its vast territory stretched from the cold north, in the heights of snowy mountains, to the southern coasts.

The north, the only land passage to other territories, was protected by brave and loyal warriors, preventing barbarian invasions. Far from bellicose territories, Castelar's wealth as the capital of the Kingdom was not only due to its strategic position but also to its trade in fabrics and precious diamonds, highly prized in other lands.

Throughout its history, Castella had been ruled from Castelar by powerful and strategic kings. But the current monarch, Leopold Lanverd, had led the country into an economic crisis. And his son, the Crown Prince, Teodor Lanverd, threatened to be even worse.

His ascent to the throne could mean the total ruin of the entire country.

Lisel and Deysi strolled through the bustling center of Castelar's market, a mosaic of street vendors and elegant shops. As the voices of merchants and the sounds of the capital filled the air, Lisel felt overwhelmed by the effervescence of life around her.

—I'll be right back, miss —Deysi announced resolutely, receiving a heavy bag of gold coins from Lisel's hands.

—Be careful —Lisel urged with a slight note of concern in her voice.

It was impossible for her to pick up her order at the armory. If any curious onlookers saw her enter, inconvenient rumors would start.

Watching Deysi disappear into the crowd, Lisel wrapped herself in her thoughts, feeling a subtle unease. The plaza, a tapestry of colors and bustle, seemed to spin around her. As she waited, she reflected on the risks of her actions, aware of the possible repercussions.

Suddenly, a blow on her shoulder startled her, making her stagger.

—My apologies, beautiful lady —a young knight hurried to say.

His black uniform embroidered with gold threads reflected his position as a Golden Guard of Castelar. It was the highest rank among the knights responsible for maintaining order throughout the capital.

—No reason for concern —Lisel replied with distant courtesy.

The young man introduced himself as Kevin and tried to start a conversation, but Lisel's disinterest was evident.

Just then, a commotion erupted at a nearby stall. A merchant was shouting angrily as his exotic fruits spilled onto the ground. The Golden Guard knight excused himself and headed toward the tumult.

In the distance, an individual in a dark cloak, who had caused the commotion, watched Lisel while nibbling on a green apple. His gray eyes sparkled with penetrating curiosity.

Then, he walked away swiftly, disappearing into the crowd of shoppers.

Lisel, distinguishing the silhouette of the cloak in the distance, felt a shiver run down her spine. It was identical to the one worn by that mysterious man the previous night.

"How ridiculous," she mentally scolded herself, "it's just a cloak, there must be many like it," trying to dismiss the idea that it could be more than a coincidence.

However, something in the way that figure walked away, with a firm and determined stride, stirred in her an unsettling feeling, a nervousness she couldn't shake off.

—Miss Lisel, I'm back —Deysi announced with a smile, approaching her.

Her face radiated the relief of having completed her task.

—Let's go home.

—There's still one place I want to go —Lisel replied, pointing to a nearby bookstore with an ancient facade.

Upon entering, the librarian with clear eyes and graying hair greeted them with a welcoming smile, his face lighting up as he recognized Lisel.

—Miss Luton, it's been a long time. How have you been? —his voice was warm, mixing familiarity and respect.

After exchanging courtesies and light anecdotes, the man brightened up:

—I think I have the perfect book for you. Although, to be honest, there isn't another. I believe you've read everything else.

—Treatment and Stitching of Deep Wounds —Lisel read aloud when she saw the title. Her eyes shone with genuine interest.

—It's perfect —she affirmed with a sincere smile.

—I'm really concerned about your interest in these medical tasks since you were little —the librarian commented, a mix of admiration and concern in his tone.

—It's simple curiosity —she responded, maintaining her smile.

Although the librarian didn't seem entirely convinced, he returned the smile affectionately.

—Ah, and I also want some books on medicinal herbs —Lisel added, her curiosity further piqued.

—Herbalism? —the man adjusted his glasses, clearly surprised.

—I never thought you'd be interested in phytotherapy tasks.

The librarian, still puzzled, selected four voluminous books and briefly described them: one on remedies for colds and other cold symptoms, another exploring the use of plants to relieve muscle ailments, a third volume focusing on skin rejuvenation through herbs, and the last, which particularly caught Lisel's attention, dealt with poisons and antidotes.

—I'll take all four —Lisel declared decisively.

Upon returning to Luton Mansion, Lisel handed the books to Deysi with a precise instruction.

—Send these books to Lucas, and tell him to pay special attention to the one on poisons and antidotes.

Lucas, Deysi's younger brother, was a promising talent in studying the properties and medicinal applications of plants and their extracts.

He was studying at a renowned academy on therapeutic resources on the southern outskirts of Castelar, a place where the warm south met the sea. Since their parents' death, Deysi had worked tirelessly to finance Lucas's studies, who had shown an innate talent for herbalism.

Lisel shared with Deysi the significance of the choice of the fourth book, explaining the importance it had for her and the specific request she wanted to make to her brother this time. Although she did not know Lucas personally, she was confident in his ability.

The sleeping pills Lucas sent her, a product of his studies, were extraordinarily effective, relieving her own insomnia caused by the pressures of her life.

Deysi maintained regular and affectionate communication with her brother through letters she sent to the academy.

The maid always eagerly awaited responses from her beloved brother, filled with news and anecdotes about his studies as an herbalist. Her admiration and love for him were evident in every word she wrote and every story she shared with Lisel.

For Lisel, it was heartwarming to see how Deysi and Lucas, despite the distance, maintained such a close and loving relationship. This fraternal bond made her reflect on her own family, which, despite living under the same roof, lacked that warmth and closeness.

While they were in the privacy of Lisel's bedroom, Deysi handed her a silver box. Upon opening it, it revealed a fine, shiny blade, thin as paper, no larger than Lisel's index finger.

—Although it doesn't seem like it, this side is extremely sharp —Deysi explained, referring to the blade.

With just a slight touch, Lisel cut her finger. A single drop of blood fell to the floor, and Deysi hurried to find a cloth, alarmed.

—Miss, please be careful! —she exclaimed with concern.

—Deysi, it's perfect —Lisel smiled, admiring the blade and contemplating the possibilities it represented.

Night fell quickly, and Lisel found herself in her bedroom, with the thin metal blade in her hands. There was much at stake, and every detail had to be carefully considered. The blade, though small, represented a powerful tool in her struggle for freedom and justice.

As she pondered her plans, the gravity of the upcoming Royal Ball loomed large in her mind. It would be a pivotal moment, one where every move counted.

Lisel knew she had to be prepared for anything, and with Deysi's unwavering support, she felt a surge of determination. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but Lisel was ready to face whatever came her way, armed with both her wits and her blade.

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