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Deja Vu Destiny

Episode 1: The Unexpected Vision

The bustling university campus was filled with students hurrying to their classes, chatting with friends, and enjoying the sunny day. Among them was Mary, a diligent and somewhat reserved student. She walked briskly, her backpack slung over one shoulder and her mind preoccupied with the upcoming midterm exams. The day seemed ordinary, but a sense of unease lingered at the back of her mind.

As Mary approached the campus library, she felt a sudden dizziness. Her vision blurred, and the world around her seemed to fade. She stopped in her tracks, clutching her head as a vivid image flashed before her eyes. It was her brother, Max, trapped in a car wreck, bloodied and unconscious. The scene was so real that she could hear the screeching of tires and the shattering of glass.

"Mary? Are you okay?" a voice broke through the vision. It was her friend, Rose, looking concerned.

Mary blinked, and the vision dissipated, leaving her feeling disoriented. "I'm fine, just a bit dizzy," she replied, trying to shake off the lingering sense of dread

"Are you sure? You look pale," Rose insisted.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just need some air," Mary assured her friend. She quickly excused herself and walked away, her mind racing. What was that? she wondered. It felt like déjà vu, but much more intense.

Unable to concentrate on her studies, Mary decided to head home. The image of her brother in that horrific accident haunted her thoughts. She had to warn him. She pulled out her phone and called Max.

"Hey, sis! What's up?" Max's cheerful voice came through the line.

" Max, are you driving right now?" Mary asked urgently.

"Yeah, just heading back from a friend's place. Why?" he replied.

"Listen to me carefully. I don't know how to explain this, but I had this vision—like a déjà vu. I saw you in a car accident. Please be careful," Mary pleaded.

There was a brief silence on the other end before Max spoke again, his tone more serious. "Alright, I'll be extra cautious. Thanks for the heads-up, Mary."

Feeling slightly relieved but still anxious, Mary headed home. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something terrible was about to happen. Her heart pounded as she waited for any news from her brother.

Later that evening, Mary's phone rang. It was Max. She answered immediately, her voice trembling.

" Max? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Mary. You won't believe what happened. I was driving, and this truck came out of nowhere. If I hadn't been extra cautious, I would've been in a serious accident. Your warning saved me," Max said, his voice filled with gratitude and amazement.

Mary's heart raced with a mix of relief and disbelief. "I'm just glad you're safe," she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

After the call, Mary sat down, her mind racing. How had she seen that accident before it happened? Was it just a coincidence, or did she possess some kind of ability? The thought both intrigued and frightened her. She decided to research more about déjà vu and precognition, hoping to find answers.

Days passed, and Mary couldn't shake off the feeling that her vision was more than just a coincidence. She began experiencing more frequent and intense déjà vu moments, each one seemingly more real than the last. She saw snippets of future events—some mundane, others alarming. She kept a journal, documenting each vision in detail.

One evening, while browsing through her journal, Mary stumbled upon an online forum dedicated to paranormal experiences. She hesitated but eventually decided to join and share her experiences. She posted a detailed account of her visions, hoping to find someone who could relate or offer an explanation.

To her surprise, she received a private message the next day. The sender was someone named Alex, who claimed to have similar experiences and offered to meet her. Skeptical but curious, Mary agreed to meet him at a nearby café.

At the café, Mary nervously sipped her coffee, scanning the room for Alex. A tall, dark-haired man approached her table and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Alex. You must be Mary."

"Yes, that's me. Please, have a seat," Mary replied, gesturing to the chair opposite her.

Alex sat down and wasted no time. "I've read your posts. You're not alone in this. There are others like us who experience these visions. I can help you understand and control them.

"Mary was taken aback by his directness. "How do you know so much about this? And why do you want to help me?"

Alex leaned in, his expression serious. "I've been dealing with these visions for years. I know how overwhelming it can be. There's a lot you need to know, and it's better if I show you. Trust me, Mary, you're not alone in this."

Despite her reservations, Mary felt a strange sense of trust towards Alex. She agreed to let him guide her, hoping to find answers to the mystery of her powers. Little did she know, this was just the beginning of a journey that would change her life forever.

As they left the café, Mary couldn't help but feel a mixture of fear and excitement. Her life had taken an unexpected turn, and she was about to delve into a world she never knew existed. But with Alex by her side, she felt a glimmer of hope. Together, they would uncover the truth about her visions and the dangers that lay ahead.

Episode 2: The Mysterious Alex

Mary sat at her desk, her mind swirling with thoughts about the visions she had been experiencing. Her journal lay open in front of her, filled with notes and sketches of the future events she had seen. Despite her best efforts to make sense of them, she felt more confused than ever.

Her phone buzzed, pulling her out of her reverie. She picked it up and saw a message from Alex: "Meet me at the park at 10 AM. I have something important to tell you."

She stared at the message for a moment, her heart pounding. This could be the break she needed. Maybe Alex had the answers she was desperately seeking.


At precisely 10 AM, Mary arrived at the park. She spotted Alex sitting on a bench under a large oak tree, his expression calm but focused. He stood up as she approached.

"Good to see you again, Mary," he greeted her with a small smile.

"Hi, Alex. What did you want to talk about?" she asked, curiosity and hope mingling in her voice.

"Let’s take a walk," he suggested.

As they strolled through the park, Alex began to explain. "I wanted to tell you more about our abilities. We possess precognition—the power to see future events."

Mary's eyes widened. "Precognition? So, my visions are real?"

Alex nodded. "Yes, they are. And with the right training, you can control them."

Mary felt a mixture of relief and excitement. "How did you discover you had this ability?" she asked.

"It started when I was a teenager," Alex began, his eyes distant as he recalled the past. "At first, I thought I was losing my mind. Then, I met someone who helped me understand and control my visions."


They reached a quiet area of the park, where they sat down on a bench. Alex looked at Mary intently. "I can teach you how to control your visions, but it will take time and practice. Are you ready for that?"

Mary nodded eagerly. "Yes, I want to learn. I need to understand what's happening to me."

"Alright," Alex said. "Let's start with some basic exercises. Close your eyes and think about a recent vision. Try to recall every detail."

Mary closed her eyes and focused on the vision of the argument at the café. She pictured the scene in her mind, concentrating on the people involved and their actions.

"Good," Alex 's voice guided her. "Now, look for additional details you might have missed the first time."

Mary's vision became clearer. She noticed the wallet on the floor, the expressions on the faces of the people arguing, and the tension in the air. She opened her eyes, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

"I saw more this time. It was about a wallet," she said.

"You're getting better," Alex said with a nod. "With practice, you'll gain more control."


They continued their walk, Alex's demeanor growing more serious. "There's something else you need to know. We're not the only ones with these abilities."

"What do you mean?" Mary asked, a note of concern in her voice.

"There's an organization out there that seeks people like us," Alex explained. "They want to use our powers for their own purposes."

Mary felt a chill run down her spine. "Who are they?"

"They claim to work for the greater good, but their methods are questionable," Alex said, his expression grim. "They believe controlling people with precognition will help them shape the future to their liking."

"That sounds dangerous," Mary said, her worry growing.

"It is," Alex agreed. "And they've already noticed you. You need to be prepared."

"What should I do?" Mary asked, her determination building.

"We keep training, and we stay one step ahead of them," Alex said firmly. "Trust no one but each other."

"Got it," Mary said with a resolute nod.


The next day, Mary met Alex at their usual spot in the park for more training. This time, she felt more confident, more in control.

"I can do this," she thought to herself. "I need to get stronger."

They practiced focusing on visions again, and Mary's progress was noticeable. She was able to recall more details and even predict small events with increasing accuracy.

"You're improving fast," Alex said, a hint of pride in his voice. "But remember, we have to stay vigilant."

"I won't let them control me," Mary said with determination.


Later that day, they sat down for a break. Mary looked thoughtful. "Alex, do you think we can really stay ahead of them?"

"I believe so," Alex said confidently. "As long as we trust each other and stay alert."

They got up to leave, and Mary felt a new sense of resolve. She knew the road ahead would be challenging, but with Alex's help, she felt ready to face whatever came her way.

"This is just the beginning," she thought. "Together, we can protect our future."

"Let's meet again tomorrow," Alex said as they parted ways. "There's still much to learn."

"I'll be there," Mary promised.

As she walked home, Mary felt a surge of determination. She wouldn't let fear control her. She would master her powers and uncover the truth, no matter what it took.

Episode 3: Hidden Dangers

Mary woke up early, her mind still reeling from the revelations of the past few days. She had always known she was different, but discovering the full extent of her abilities and the existence of others like her had been overwhelming. Yet, it also brought a sense of purpose and determination. She was ready to train harder and learn more from Alex.

She quickly got dressed and headed to the park. As she approached their meeting spot, she saw Alex already there, practicing his own focusing techniques. He opened his eyes and smiled as she walked up.

"Good morning, Mary. Ready for another day of training?" he asked.

"Definitely," Mary replied, matching his smile. "I want to get better at this."


They started with the usual exercises, focusing on recalling and analyzing their visions. Mary found that with each session, she was able to see more details and make more accurate predictions.

"You're making great progress," Alex said after an hour of practice. "Today, we're going to try something different."

Mary looked at him curiously. "What do you have in mind?"

"We're going to test your ability to influence events," Alex explained. "It's one thing to see the future, but it's another to change it."

Mary nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. "How do we do that?"

"Let's take a walk," Alex suggested.


They walked through the busy streets near the park, Alex explaining the exercise as they went. "I want you to focus on small changes you can make. For example, if you see someone about to drop something, try to prevent it. Or if you sense a minor accident about to happen, intervene and see if you can change the outcome."

Mary took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright, I'll give it a try."

As they walked, Mary began to concentrate on the people around her. She saw a woman struggling with a grocery bag that looked like it was about to tear. Focusing on her vision, Mary quickly moved to the woman's side and offered help.

"Here, let me help you with that," Mary said, taking the bag just as it started to tear. The woman looked surprised but grateful.

"Thank you so much," the woman said, smiling. "I didn't realize it was that fragile."

"No problem," Mary replied, feeling a sense of accomplishment. She glanced at Alex, who nodded approvingly.


They continued walking, and Mary kept her senses alert. She saw a child running towards the street, a vision of a potential accident flashing in her mind. Without hesitation, she called out to the child.

"Hey, watch out!" Mary shouted, and the child stopped just in time, a car speeding past where he would have been.

The child's mother rushed over, thanking Mary profusely. "Thank you! I don't know what I would have done if he had run into the street."

Mary smiled, feeling the adrenaline from the successful intervention. "Just glad I could help."

Alex watched her closely, nodding with approval. "You're doing great. The more you practice, the more intuitive it will become."


After several more successful interventions, they took a break at a nearby café. Alex ordered drinks while Mary reflected on the morning's events.

"It's amazing how much difference a small action can make," Mary said, sipping her drink.

"Exactly," Alex agreed. "But remember, with greater ability comes greater responsibility. We have to be careful how we use our powers."

Mary nodded, understanding the weight of his words. "I get it. We have to make sure we're doing the right thing."

"Precisely," Alex said. "And that's why we have to stay vigilant. The organization I mentioned before—they're always watching. They won't hesitate to use our abilities for their own gain."

A chill ran down Mary's spine. "Do you think they know about me?"

Alex looked serious. "It's possible. That's why we need to keep a low profile and continue your training. The better you understand your powers, the better you'll be able to protect yourself."


The rest of the day was spent on more advanced training exercises. Alex taught Mary how to focus her visions more precisely and how to extend her awareness to sense potential threats. It was exhausting but rewarding work.

By the time they wrapped up for the day, Mary felt a deeper understanding of her abilities and a stronger bond with Alex. She knew there was still much to learn, but with his guidance, she felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


As they walked back to the park entrance, Alex stopped and looked at Mary seriously. "There's one more thing I need to tell you. The organization has a name. They're called The Sentinels. They've been around for a long time, and their reach is extensive."

"The Sentinels?" Mary repeated, feeling a mix of fear and determination. "What do they want with us?"

"They believe that by controlling people with precognition, they can shape the future to their advantage," Alex explained. "They'll stop at nothing to achieve their goals."

Mary felt a surge of resolve. "Then we'll have to stop them."

Alex nodded. "We will. But we have to be smart about it. Keep training, stay alert, and trust no one but each other."


That night, Mary lay in bed, her mind racing with everything she had learned. The Sentinels were a dangerous enemy, but with Alex's help, she felt more prepared to face them. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to master her abilities and use them to protect herself and those she cared about.

As she drifted off to sleep, her thoughts turned to the future. She could see a long, challenging road ahead, but she was ready to walk it. With each day, she was getting stronger, and she knew that with Alex by her side, they could face anything together.

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