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The Bucket List


Main Characters:

Character 1: Arthur

...Arthur is a tall, slender man with a muscular build. He has short blond hair and piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through you. His face is angular and chiseled, with a strong jaw line and a crooked smile. His shoulders are broad, and his arms are corded with muscle from years of working with his hands. He is always dressed casually, though the clothes are well fitting and show off his physique. Despite his intimidating appearance, he is known for being quiet and reserved, preferring to observe rather than actively participate in anything....

Character 2: Bailey

...Bailey is a petite girl with long jet black hair that cascades down her back in flowing waves. Her skin is creamy and flawless, with a subtle hint of a tan. Her eyes are large and dark, like pools of ink, framed by thick lashes. Her mouth is small and full, her lips curved into a perfect cupid's bow. She is dressed in a way that is both comfortable and cute, her clothes hugging her soft curves in all the right places....

Character 3: Hannah

...Hannah is a pretty girl with a delicate, petite frame. Her honey blonde hair falls just below her shoulders, framing a sweet face with soft features. Her eyes are a deep shade of green, sparkling with a hint of mischief, and her pink lips are curled into a charming smile. She is slim and lithe in stature, with long, slender limbs that hint at her graceful movements. She moves with a natural elegance, even in the simplest actions....

Character 4: Tony

...Tony is a ruggedly handsome young man with tousled brown hair and a strong, oval jaw. His emerald green eyes are intense and watchful, betraying a sharp intellect and a keen observational mind. He is tall and muscular, his powerful frame wrapped in well-worn jeans and a tight t-shirt. He walks with a confident stride, his shoulders squared and his chin held high. There's a slight swagger to his step, and an air of quiet authority about him....

Character 5: Quinn

...Quinn is a young man who exudes an aura of mystery and danger. He has dark, unruly hair that falls across his forehead in a messy fringe. His eyes are a piercing blue, their gaze intense and discerning. He's lean and muscular, his body taut and toned from years of physical training. His clothes are dark and functional, emphasizing his muscular physique. There is a brooding, almost feral air about him, as if he could explode at any moment....

...Disclaimer and Author message!...

...Have fun reading this story and be sure to comment or request any other information or stories you’d like for me to write about!...

...Thank you so much for all the support you’ve all given me and i’m so excited to be writing for all of you guys again!...

...Episode 1 will be out soon so be sure to leave a comment or recommendations to this story and subscribe for more!!...

Chapter 1: The Midnight Heist

The summer night was hot and humid, the air thick with anticipation. A group of friends had decided to embark on a daring nighttime adventure, to sneak into a Walmart and spend the night in the store after it closed. Armed with excitement and nervousness, the friends gathered together, their plans meticulously laid out.

The Walmart was located on the outskirts of town, its massive building casting an imposing shadow across the quiet street. The group of friends, consisting of six teenagers, crept towards the closed entrance, careful to avoid any security cameras or motion detectors that might alert the police to their presence.

The first step of the plan was to break into the Walmart without triggering any alarms or attention. One of the friends, a tech-savvy teenager named Arthur, had managed to disable the security system, giving them a narrow window to slip inside undetected.

With a quick glance around to ensure the coast was clear, the friends hurried inside, their footsteps echoing softly against the tiled floor. As they explored the vast store, excitement slowly turned to fascination, then to boredom as time went by. One by one, the group started falling asleep, the silence in the big store lulling them into a false sense of security.

As the friends were exploring the store, one of them, a girl named Hannah, turned to the group and said, "Isn't this kind of exciting? We're like thieves in the night, stealing time from the world."

Another friend, a boy named Quinn, responded with a smirk, "Nah, I think we're more like teenagers who have nothing better to do."

Arthur chimed in, "Well, whatever we are, we might as well make the most of it while we can."

The others agreed, and they continued to explore the store, rummaging through the aisles, trying on clothes they wouldn't buy, and laughing at their own shenanigans. It was almost like they had the whole world to themselves, a strange bubble in time where they could just be kids and let loose.

As the night wore on, the friends realized how late it was. They huddled together in a circle in the middle of the store, the enormity of what they were doing slowly sinking in. The silence in the store, which had been reassuring earlier, now felt eerie and oppressive.

Quinn suddenly looked up and said, "You guys hear that...?"

The friends fell silent, listening intently for any strange noises.

"Hear what?" asked a girl named Bailey, her voice barely above a whisper.

Arthur replied, "Shhh... Listen."

The friends quieted down again, straining their ears to catch even the faintest sound. At first, all they could hear was the steady hum of the air conditioning system and the occasional shuffling of their own movements. But then, a soft thump echoed through the store, coming from somewhere in the back.

Everyone tensed up, their eyes wide with fear.

"What was that?" whispered Hannah, her voice shaking.

"I don't know," replied Arthur, his hands clenching into fists. "But I think we should check it out."

The group exchanged nervous glances, none of them relishing the thought of investigating a strange noise in the middle of the night, surrounded by shadows and silence. But the alternative was to sit here and do nothing, letting fear slowly swallow them whole. With a nod of agreement, they decided to check out the source of the noise.

Arthur took the lead, his footsteps careful and measured. The group followed closely behind, their hearts pounding in their chests. The store seemed to close in around them, the soft glow of emergency lights casting eerie shadows across the aisles. They moved slowly towards the back of the store, the thump echoing again, this time louder and much clearer.

They rounded the corner, and what they saw sent chills down their spines. The storeroom was dark and silent, but something was moving in the corner, casting strange shadows on the walls. The friends froze, their eyes glued to the strange shape shifting in the darkness.

As the friends stood rooted to the spot, scared and bewildered, Arthur spoke up.

"What is that?" he demanded, his voice quivering slightly.

No one answered, no one dared to even move. The shape in the room continued to shift and move, seemingly oblivious to their presence. Despite the risk, one of the friends, a boy named Tony, slowly started to step forward to get a better look.

"Tony, wait," warned Quinn, his hand shooting out to grab him. "We don't know what that thing is."

But Tony pushed him aside, his curiosity overruling his fear. "I have to see what it is," he said, his eyes fixed on the dark shape.

The others watched helplessly as Tony took slow, cautious steps into the storeroom. Everyone held their breath as he approached the creature, waiting for something to happen.

As Tony reached the corner, the shape went still, no longer moving. He squinted, trying to make out what he was seeing. From the way it was shaped, it almost looked like...a person?

But that was impossible. The store had closed hours ago, and the doors were locked. There was no way anyone could be in here. Unless...unless they had snuck in just like the friends did?

Arthur called out hesitantly. "Tony, be careful."

But Tony didn't respond; he was too transfixed by the sight in front of him. His body shook slightly as he stretched out a trembling arm towards the shadowy figure. Closer, closer...

Suddenly, the lights in the store flicked on with an eerie hum. The friends winced, the sudden brightness blinding them for a moment. But even as their eyes adjusted, the shape in the corner began to move again.

The friends watched in horror as the figure slowly came to life. It slowly turned to face them, revealing a human face, pale and gaunt, with sunken eyes and hollow cheeks. Its body was wrapped in a ragged cloak, and its hands clutched a long, twisted staff. Despite its humanoid form, there was something distinctly unnatural about the creature.

The lights flickered on, bathing the room in cold, bright light. Blinking in the sudden brightness, the friends looked around the storeroom, expecting to see the strange creature. But there was nothing there. The creature had vanished, leaving only the faintest traces of its presence. A few strands of tangled hair on the ground, and a sickly-sweet smell hanging in the air.

The friends looked at each other, realization slowly dawning on them. They had been trapped in the store with some kind of supernatural entity all along. Fear rippled through the group, but it was soon replaced by confusion. Where did it go? How was this even possible? These questions swirled around in their minds, as they tried to make sense of what just happened.

Arthur was the first to speak, his voice trembling with fear. "What was that thing?"

The others were speechless, still grappling with the shock of what they had just seen.

"I don't know," Quinn finally said, his normally confident demeanor shaken. "But it was real. We all saw it."

Everyone was quiet for a moment, the only sound the distant hum of the store's heating system.

"Do you think it's still here?" asked Hannah, her eyes darting nervously around the storeroom.

Arthur shrugged, "I don't know. But we should get out of here."

The others agreed, and they quickly started making their way out of the storeroom, their footsteps hurried and a little unsteady. They felt exposed and vulnerable, as if the creature could appear out of nowhere at any moment.

As they exited the storeroom, Bailey spoke up in a small voice, "I don't think we were supposed to see that thing."

Hannah nodded, her eyes wide with fear. "We shouldn't have been here in the first Place."

The rest of the friends were shaken, their earlier excitement replaced by a chilling sense of dread. They didn't know what they had stumbled upon, but they knew it was something dark and sinister.

As they walked deeper into the store, they noticed something strange. The aisles were all empty, even the ones they had been exploring earlier. All the items they'd rummaged through were strewn across the floor, as if something had been rifling through them.

"What the—" Quinn began, but was cut off by a loud thump from the other side of the store. It echoed through the air, causing everyone to freeze in their tracks.

"What was that?" asked Tony, his voice barely a whisper.

"I don't know, but I don't want to find out," Arthur replied, his hand gripping the nearest item tightly.

Tony spoke up, his voice quivering with fear. "We need to get out of here."

Hannah agreed. "But how? The store's locked, and that thing is still out there somewhere."

"We could try breaking a window," Quinn suggested.

Arthur shook his head. "No, the alarm would go off. We'd attract its attention for sure."

Hannah turned to Tony with a glare, "This was your idea. What were you thinking?"

Tony looked sheepish. "I thought it would be a good time. We could explore the store, goof off...I didn't expect anything like this to happen."

"Well, now look what's happened," Quinn said angrily. "We're trapped in here with a monster, thanks to your brilliant plan."

Tony looked genuinely ashamed as he mumbled an apology. The others just looked at each other, their expressions a mix of anger, fear and frustration.

"Stop blaming each other," Arthur said, trying to keep the group together. "We have to focus on getting out of here. Fighting amongst ourselves won't help."

The others nodded, realizing he was right. They fell silent for a moment, each one lost in their own thoughts. What began as a daring adventure had turned into a nightmare, and now they were trapped in the middle of it.

"What are we going to do?" Hannah asked quietly.

Quinn was silent for a moment, then spoke up, "We could try to find a hiding place. Maybe it won't see us if we're quiet and hidden."

No one said anything at first, as they contemplated the idea. Hiding didn't seem like the grand plan they wanted, but at this point, anything was better than being sitting ducks out in the open.

"It's not a bad idea," Arthur said finally, "but where could we hide that that creature might not find us?"

They looked around, their eyes scanning the massive empty store, hoping to find a place to hide. But every corner, every aisle looked equally exposed, equally dangerous. There was nowhere truly safe.

Suddenly, Tony yelled out, his voice high-pitched with terror. "There's a body!"

Everyone whirled around, their hearts in their throats. At the end of the aisle was a crumpled figure, lying motionless on the floor. The friends slowly approached, their bodies tense with dread.

The body was face down on the floor, its limbs sprawled out at odd angles. The friends could tell it was a person, but in the dim emergency lights, they couldn’t see who it was.

"Is of us?" Quinn whispered, his hands shaking.

Everyone was silent, their breaths held in fear. Slowly, Arthur reached out and rolled the body over onto its back.

The friends gasped in horror as they saw who it was. Lying dead before them was their friend, Bailey. His once-cheerful face was grey and pale, his eyes fixed and staring. His body was covered in long, jagged wounds.

"Bailey," Quinn said, his voice breaking. "No, no, no, no, no"

They all stood there, stunned and devastated, their shock silencing them. Fear was replaced with grief.

"Who could..." Hannah whispered, unable to finish her sentence.

No one spoke for a long moment, as the horror sank in. Their friend, Bailey, was dead. The friend they'd joked and laughed with less than an hour before. How could this be happening?

They stood there, their hearts heavy with grief, as the reality of the situation dawned on them. They were trapped in a store, with no idea what was happening or who was behind all of this. And now one of them was dead.

The shock slowly gave way to anger. A boiling, burning rage, that threatened to overwhelm them. Who did this? Who killed Bailey? Who turned their fun, innocent escapade into a nightmare?

They looked around at each other, their faces etched with grief and anger. Their friend was dead, and it seemed they were stuck in the middle of a dangerous situation with no clear way out.

They stood there, their anger and grief mounting. Tony yelled out, his voice shaking with anger and tears.

"Who did this? Who killed Bailey?"

Arthur was also livid, his face hardened with fury. "I don’t know, but we need to get out of here. We can't stay here much longer."

"But how?" Quinn demanded, his voice rising. "We’re stuck in the middle of the store and that...that thing is still out there. Bailey’s dead. Dead. We need to do something!"

"Like what?" snapped Hannah, her anger getting the better of her. "We’re stuck in here. We have no idea where that thing is. We can’t fight it, we can’t hide from it."

They continued to bicker, their voices getting louder and more frustrated. Their grief over Bailey’s death had turned into anger, and they were taking it out on each other.

"If we hadn’t snuck into the store in the first place, none of this would have happened," Quinn said, his voice filled with accusation.

"And what about you?" Arthur shot back, his patience thin. "You were the one who came up with this stupid idea in the first place!"

"Shut up, both of you!" Hannah yelled, her eyes blazing. "Fighting amongst ourselves won’t solve anything!"

The room fell silent, everyone glaring at each other. They knew she was right, but their emotions were riding too high for reason to prevail.

"We need to calm down," Arthur said, his voice more controlled. "We won’t be able to think straight if we’re too angry."

The others nodded reluctantly, their adrenaline slowly subsiding. They knew Arthur was right, but the situation was too much. They were scared, they were angry, and they were trapped.

They stood awkwardly, each one lost in their own thoughts. No one quite knew what to do, or where to go from here.

The silence was broken by a soft thump, coming from the other side of the store. Everyone froze, their hearts racing.

"What was that?" Quinn asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.

No one responded, their eyes all fixed in the direction of the sound. They waited in tense silence, their breath held in anticipation.

The thump came again, louder this time. It was followed by a low, guttural growl that sent chills down their spines.

"We have to move," Arthur said, his voice low and urgent. "Now."

The friends were already moving, their fear overriding any disagreement or indecision. They darted down the aisle, their hearts pounding in their chests. 

The store was a maze of dark aisles and shelves, and the little bit of emergency lighting made it even harder to see. They ran blindly, their eyes darting in all directions for any hint of danger.

"Where are we going?" Tony asked, his voice trembling as they ran down another aisle.

"I don’t know," Arthur replied grimly. "Just keep running."

They turned a corner, and suddenly they could see it, up ahead. A large, menacing figure, silhouetted against the emergency lights.

"What the hell is that?" Quinn whispered, his eyes wide.

No one answered, everyone rooted to the spot in fear. The figure was huge, towering over them even from a distance. It seemed to move with an almost liquid grace, gliding down the aisle towards them.

"Run!" Arthur yelled, shoving the others out of their stupor.

They stumbled back into a run, their legs shaking with the effort. The figure was gaining on them fast, its footsteps echoing through the vast store.

They darted down aisle after aisle, turning corners blindly, trying to shake the creature following them. The emergency lights flickered, casting the store in an eerie, half light.

Everything began to blur into a confusing, terrifying mess. The store was a labyrinth, and the friends were lost in the heart of it. They stumbled over fallen displays, tripped over broken merchandise, and dodged falling debris. 

The creature was still chasing them, its footsteps thundering behind them. They could hear its labored breaths, its guttural growls. 

They burst out of an aisle, and found themselves in the middle of a large open space. They stopped, their breaths coming in heavy gasps. The store was eerily silent now, the only sound was the hum of the emergency generator.

They looked around, trying to get their bearings. They were in the middle of the store now, the towering aisles surrounding them on all sides.

Hannah was the first to speak. "Where did it go?"

No one answered, their eyes scanning the aisles, their breath held. They didn’t see the creature anywhere.

Quinn’s voice was shaky. "Did we lose it?"

"I don’t know," replied Tony, his eyes darting around the room.

They stood there for a moment, the silence of the store pressing down on them. But then, suddenly, a deafening roar shattered the quiet.

The friends screamed as the creature burst through a nearby aisle. It moved with incredible speed, its claws swiping out at them. They dodged and ducked, barely avoiding the attack.

"Run!" Arthur yelled again, and they bolted in the opposite direction. The creature roared and thundered after them, its claws scraping against the floor, its breath hot on their necks.

The friends ran, their legs burning with the effort. They darted down one aisle, then the next, zig-zagging through the store, trying to lose the creature. But the creature moved with supernatural speed, staying hot on their trail.

They ran until they were breathless and winded, their sides aching and their lungs burning. They finally came to a stop, their legs refusing to carry them any farther. They were back where they started, near the back of the store.

They stumbled to a stop, collapsing against the nearest shelving unit, their chests heaving, their clothes and faces covered in sweat. They stayed like that for a moment, trying to catch their breath and regroup. 

"We have to keep moving," Arthur gasped, pushing himself up. "We can't just sit here."

The others nodded, their eyes darting around the room, searching for the creature. It was nowhere to be seen.

The silence was unnerving, the only sound was their ragged breathing. But they knew the creature was still out there, searching for them.

"Where’d it go?" Hannah whispered, her voice barely above a breath.

The friends didn’t know where the creature had gone. But they knew they couldn’t stay here. They pushed themselves up and started walking forward, their footsteps soft and cautious.

They darted a look down every aisle, their eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of the creature. But no matter how hard they looked, no matter how much they strained their eyes, they could see nothing.

They walked around the dark store in a constant state of high alert. The only sound was their soft footsteps and their ragged breaths.

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