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The Unwilling Mafia Princess

Episode 1

Fl pov
I have always thought that my family is normal and my father is like any other normal business man is a billionaire till my schooling the minute I thought to join the armed forces everything changed...
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
(18 years old) *Today I am going to tell my parents that I would be joining the national forces and serve my country*
In Alex and Aurora's room
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
Alex we have to tell our daughter about the truth at least now, she doesn't know that you are not just a businessman but a. former mafia king
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
*coming towards their bedroom*
FL dad: Alexander cyprus
FL dad: Alexander cyprus
You are right Aurora, but you know about our Ash she would be heartbroken to know that we have hid this much big truth from her *worried*
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
Yes, but that doesn't mean we can hide this from her forever today we have to confess this, she is your daughter she would understand us *determined*
FL dad: Alexander cyprus
FL dad: Alexander cyprus
You are right we should *smiles a bit*
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
*heard them talking and a tear escapes her eyes*
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
How could you mom and dad, I loved you so much how can you both hide about your profession to me for these many years. The bodyguards following me for protecting me from your business enemies were actually for protecting me from you mafia enemies
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
Wow you people have built a facade around me *tears flowing*
FL dad: Alexander cyprus
FL dad: Alexander cyprus
No Ash baby it's nothing like that, we didn't want you to come into this world from your childhood *concerned*
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
Yes you father and I were worried for you, we didn't want to you to have an abnormal childhood because of this job *concerned*
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
Please stop, I don't want to hear anything anymore *crying* please give me some time alone
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
*Ran towards her room*

Episode 2

Ashlyn's POV:
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
*locks the door and starts crying* hic..... hic... hic… How could they not tell me about their profession when they know how much i want to join the national cadet corps
FL dad: Alexander cyprus
FL dad: Alexander cyprus
What shall we do now Aurora, did you say how heartbroken she was I couldn't handle her tears it's breaking me baby *voice cracking*
FL dad: Alexander cyprus
FL dad: Alexander cyprus
No I can't leave her alone I have to explain to her everything properly *about to go*
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
*stops him* wait Alex she is your daughter, she is brave and strong, she'll surely understand about our concern towards her, give her sometime to think and sort her thoughts.
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
She will surely come back again and confronts us like they way she always does *back hugs him and smiles a bit*
FL dad: Alexander cyprus
FL dad: Alexander cyprus
You are right we have to give her time to think *hugs her back* You are the peace I seek for baby without you, I would lose myself
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
I know *smiles and leaves him*
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
We have to inform Steve about this only he can handle her
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
What are you planning to inform me mom *confused*
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
I know only I can handle things that even your hubby can't *grins and hugs her*
FL dad: Alexander cyprus
FL dad: Alexander cyprus
You damn brat get away from my wife *glares* and the property is still under my name *grins widely*
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
FL mom: Aurora cyprus
Stop it both of you, Steve me and you father have told Ash about our family being a mafia, she went and locked her door me and your father cannot go now she needs some time but I also don't want her to be completely alone, Steve I want you to give her a moral support *worried*
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
Don't worry mom I'll take care *said seriously*

Episode 3

In Ashlyn's room
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
*Knocks the door* Ash baby it's me Steve, won't you open the door for me, I have been missing you for the past 1 week
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
You know you are my lucky charm the deal for which I went has been won by our company, didn't you miss this week *outside the door*
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
You know that you can share everything with me right, your big bro is always here to help you out
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
*tears welling* bro.. ther I hic... want to spend some time alone please don't ask me anything now
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
It's ok Ash I'll be waiting for you to right here okay *slides and sits down in front of her door*
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
No brother you don't have to do that for me
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
*doesn't listen to her* and you know Ash the business trip this time was so good, the place is good to hang out with family I'll take you there someday…
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
*starts telling everything about the business trip to lighten her mood*
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
*feels better after some time* Thank you brother I feel good with you speaking, and even I missed you too much for the past 1 week, and you don't have to be stuck with me here, get some rest you just came a while ago
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
Ash I came here after getting enough rest or else how am I supposed to handle my stubborn little devil like sister *chuckles*
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
And please dear princess kindly open this door for your servant like brother his legs are paining *dramatic*
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
Don't be so over dramatic no one is going to give you an oscar *opens the door and rolls her eyes*
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
*hugs her immediately*
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
*smiles and hugs back*
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
*hits him lightly* stop suffocating me
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
Ouch my heart is paining *dramatically hold his chest*
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
Now speak did mom and dad send you here
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
Nope *said immediately*
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
Hmm... mom and dad told me today about our family being a mafia, you know about this before right?
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
*nods as yes*
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
FL: Ashlyn cyprus
And you didn't feel that I have the right to know about it before? *scoffs*
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
Before judging about our father being a mafia you should know that he never hurt an innocent soul *confident
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
FL bro: Steve Cyprus
come with me *drags her*

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