NovelToon NovelToon

The Weekly Echo



Head: 🙋A hearty welcome to all our dear readers to our new novel 🙋 "THE WEEKLY ECHO"... here, is something special for all of you…

Head: So, how was it??? 😶😶

Audience: Wonderful!!! 🤗🤗No words to describe…

Head: Aaaahhhhh!!!! I knew it... 😆😆

Leader: Describe it's content quickly👿👿…

Head: Yes leader…*ahem* So once again we bring a new novel for all and this time it is going to be something quite unique and special… LET’S GET TO KNOW IT RIGHT AWAY… As you all have already come to know from the poem, it is The MTN Newspaper📰 it is a department of the one and only MTN Community. This newspaper is called THE WEEKLY ECHO, it will Echo your voices and opinions to all. You all can say that it is similar to a news club, but it’s not completely like it, because it don’t only talk about gossips and other things but it will also listen to your opinions and ideas... So without wasting your precious time let’s go through its content and sections...


- Promotion and interviews of good and upcoming writers

- Discover Area


-Any type of help regarding MANGATOON can be asked here.



- Suggestions/Opinions of readers for writers.

- Suggestions for MTN


- Riddles, Crosswords, Sudoku, Fun Facts.

People who will give the fastest and right answers will be awarded.


- Essays and Articles Contest


- Tell about your country

- Fandom Page

- Fun Day

Head:So, that’s all for the introduction. As the novel will progress we will introduce new content to you all according to your choice. There will be many upcoming opportunities for you all. So just dive in and look out for new updates… We will try our best to entertain you all. Hope that you will have a great time and enjoy all the upcoming events and contests.


😃 We hope to get your cooperation, 😆

😄Our dear readers and companions. 😁



Leader: Gosh!! Where is the head?? Still not here...

Head: Coming coming.... Yes leader.

Leader: What are you waiting for?? Quickly explain the rules... Always slacking off..

Audience: The head is so dumb... Doesn't even come on time... We all have been waiting for so long.. 😕😕

Head: Ye... Yes leader I'm starting😅😅... So *ahem* Hey guys, here we bring you some rules which you all have to follow... having fun during games is good, but it will be more fun if it is played under a nice decorum and environment :)

Audience: Oooh!! So what are the rules...


1) No Hate: Please don't spread hatefull comments if there is any suggestion you are always welcomed, or else we will have to take strict actions against you.

2) No Promotion of Books:You mustn't comment or promote your books here. We are trying to organise an activity, please don't try to take advantage of us.

3) Follow Us: If you want to participate please follow the head of this department to make things easy. The head of this department is Love.

4) First come first service: The people who will give correct and fastest answers of the mini games will take the prizes.

5) Be Patient: Please be patient, we also need some time to manage everything. So,while we do so, please do not lose hope and always believe in us.

6) Support Each Other: Let's support each other till the end and make our mini games more interesting.

7) Must Follow the Community and Subscribe the Book: Keep up to date with what is happening in the community. Sometimes you may loose the opportunity to participate due to late coming. So, keep in touch.

8) Any Doubts/Questions: Please feel free to ask any querry in comments or you can ask the leader, admins, editor and:-



@Kayvn [MTN] (A.I.O.R)

@Tanisha MTN [MTNP,MTNR] @♥︎ᴀsʜʟᴇʏ♥︎[MTN,irty (ace)]

9) You must have Some Free Time: For participating in mini games and surprises waiting for you.

10) Have Fun: We hope you all have some fun during games and contests. Enjoying is the best or else it would be boring.

Head: We all hope that there will be no one who will violates these...otherwise you all know the consequences 😈😈

Audience: yes yes.... We will abide these rules 🙀🙀..

Leader: Don't scare them... *smacks on the head*

Head: okay leader.. 🤕🤕 So that's all for this update my beloved audience.. 😍😍

~Thank You

Yours Sincerely,




Head: so here we come once again…

Audience: what is the topic this time????

Head: this time we are going to introduce all the members of this department…

Audience: oooohhhh!!!!! Who are they???

Head: So let’s introduce all of them one by one… First is Ashley… my assistant…

Ashley: Hey guys I am nickname is ashu😅 I don't know if I am talented in any particular field…but I am sure I can do any work assigned to me efficiently, I got a good sense of humor and I am good in games too .😉I am the assistant of Love and please feel free to ask if you have any kind of quarries. I am good at debating, essay writing and poem composition too🤭.I am 15 and I guess my nature is friendly enough to have fun with you guys in this contest and to solve your problems…

Head: Let’s give a round of applause for Ashley👏👏👏…So the next is Sudha… she is also my assistant…

Audience: 👏👏👏👏

Moon: Hello! I am Sudha, but it is my nickname and I would rather like to keep my original name a secret! I am about to be 16 in 19th August this year and I am from India. I don't know how to describe myself... but I can do little bit of poetry and beautiful calligraphy and painting too... I have joined MTN Community because I like it greatly and it has always been my dream... Also my hobbies are singing, poetry, chatting, writing in mangatoon, conducting contests here...etc.

Head: Welcome Moon, 👏👏👏👏 next is kay or Kayvn my beautiful Manage...

Audience: 👏👏👏👏

Kayvn: Hello guys, My name is Kayvn, just an ordinary 15-years-old student. You can say that, I am introvert. I have been learning different types of co-curricular activities from an early age. I have been singing for 7 years now, I have completed two certificate courses on art. I have been practicing debate for half a year now, but still I am really bad at it. That’s all for my intro, hope you will enjoy your time here, with us.

Audience: 👏👏👏👏

Head: 👏👏👏 the last member of my department is Tanisha lets welcome her…

Tanisha: Hey people this is Tanisha….the manager…

I am 15

I love confusing people by my writing 😅 and I can do my job perfectly as told!

Acting is also my hobby besides writing.

I'll try my best to keep you guys entertained✌️


Head: 👏👏👏👏👏So that’s all for the introduction of all the members of my department…

Audience: Wait wait!!! Where is your introduction???

Head: mine??? Why???🤔🤔

Audience: you are the Head so you are also a part of your department…. Give us your introduction too…

Head: okay…umm…🤔🤔

Hellllooooo.... My Mt name is LOVE 😍 I'm 16 year old sweet innocent girl… 😘😘 I like talking to new people very much... I'm good at drawing and have won dozens of certificates in it... This they are almost useless 😑😑 I'll not boast more... I'm the head of the newly launched Echo Department... If you have any problems do come to me... I'll surely solve them 😁😁…that's all for now... Peace out…

Head: that’s it for my introduction…no claps for me???💔💔

Audience: yes yes👏👏👏👏

Head: Thankssss…. So that’s all for the introduction of all members…stay tuned for more information…😉😉😉

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