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The Story of Us [BounPrem]

Chapter 01

Before the long holiday every year, Srinakharinwirot University holds a five-day business start-up activity for college students. You can apply for a booth individually or as a team, you can sell anything, and all the money you earn in the end will be invested in public welfare, but there will be a ranking according to the level of income.

In addition to training students' communicative skills, it is also an opportunity to recruit students from colleges and clubs. Because the university is open this week, many students from nearby schools will come to play, and some students who are interested in applying to Srinakharinwirot University will take the opportunity to visit. Tay and the other two boys in the same class set up a stall selling kebabs, and also specially asked Prem who's his childhood friend over to help.

Prem is a second-year student of Kasetsart University, which has already had an early holiday. Prem was also bored at home, so Tay asked him to help, and agreed without saying a word. Prem was originally a food lover, and the technique of kebabs has also mastered the essence of non-stop eating. This is the main reason why Tay called Prem to help.


Prem couldn't help gulping when he saw the small meat skewers he grilled himself in front of him. Finally, it was the soul of Prem's kebabs, rubbed with a thin layer of honey. Tay promised that if the business is good, Prem can eat 10 skewers when the stall closes, it was excited to think about it.

Indeed, the craftsmanship of Prem is very good, you can smell the fragrance from a distance, and many people are attracted to come and queue up to buy.  Tay greets the customers at the front, while Prem and Tay's other two friends speed up the roasting at the back.

"Star brand milk here, come and buy it." Yacht shouted loudly.

Next to the skewer stall is a milk shop, which is said to be a big brand of milk, delicious and nutritious with big discounts. But at the end of the day, they didn't sell much, and a few people could only look at the continuous queue at the booth next door and sigh.

The four of them were exhausted by the end of the day, but they were very satisfied with the harvest.  Especially Tay, the milk sellers next to them belong to the swimming club, and Tay and the others belong to the guitar club, so they usually compete secretly in private.

It is said that boys who can play musical instruments are particularly attracted to girls, but in the past two years, there have been many handsome guys in swimming clubs, and girls have all gone to swimming clubs. In the words of girls, they are "handsome and have abs, how can we let them go'.

But today, the guitar club beat the swimming club, which is a shame. In addition to the good looks of the four, the biggest contributor is Prem's exclusive kebabs.

"Prem, thanks to you, we sold a lot today. I just went to the student union to ask, we are the highest earners in the audience today!" Tay patted his good brother on the shoulder.

"Of course, my kebabs are unmatched. Oh, what about the ten skewers I kept, you said they were for me?" Prem rummaged around.

"Er\~sorry, I gave those ten to the girl I liked. She called me in advance and asked me to keep them. I can't refuse them, right?"

"You! Damn Tay!"

"We are good brothers. You don't want me to be single all the time. It not easy for my goddess to take the initiative to call me. It's okay for you to sacrifice."

"Women are more important than brothers, right?" Prem's fists were raised silently.

"Don't, don't... Don't be like this, there is a delicious hot pot at the entrance of our school, I'll take you to eat now, okay?"

"That's more like it."

"Prem, remember to come on time to help tomorrow, we still have to rely on you." Tay put his hands together and pleaded his good brother, and the other two good friends nodded frequently.

The next day, Tay's kebabs stall was full of people. In addition to those who came back yesterday who thought it was delicious, it also attracted many new customers. After all, this is the Internet age, a few people posted to IG or the campus website, and everyone rushed over to line up.

The milk stall next door, there were a few customers yesterday, and today's situation is even more worse. Seeing this situation, Yacht and other students from the swimming club were lazy and lost their interest in selling.

It doesn't matter if they don't make money, but it's about the honor of the swimming club. Yacht quickly called Captain Ohm for help.

In the afternoon, captain Ohm and vice-captain Boun came together, and Yacht immediately felt that he had to feel the long queue in front of the booth. 

"Yacht, how do you want us to help you?" Ohm looked around, didn't know what to do.

"This is easy. Captain and vice captain are the facade of our swimming team. You two can change your swimsuit and stand in front of the booth with our uniform, and a large number of juniors will come to line up immediately."

"Are you asking us to sacrifice our looks?" Ohm frowned at the sound.

"Are you selling milk or sex?" Boun rolled his eyes.

"I can't do it. The coach will come to me later." Ohm refused without waiting for Yacht to explain.  "Boun, you have nothing to do, you can help Yacht."

"That's right, Boun, you see that you're still single, you can take this opportunity to get to know a few more school girls, it's great." Yacht struck while the iron was hot, and quickly put a high hat on Boun.

"It's okay to help, But you said this kind of sex selling behavior is avoided." Boun knows that he can't run away.

"Then you help me stand at the door to solicit business, and then if the customer buys more than two glasses of milk, they can take a photo with you for free. Is that okay?"

"Use me as a human sign to attract customers?"

"You don't even know how good the business of the guitar club next door is in the past two days, and they are almost riding on our head. For the sake of the swimming club, please Boun!"

Boun sighed helplessly, fortunately only 4 days passed.

"Students, this is the star milk exclusively sold by the swimming club. As long as you buy two or more glasses, you can take a photo with our star captain P'boun." Yacht shouted with all his strength.

Sure enough, more than half of the girls in the queue rushed to the milk stand.

"I want two glasses!

"I want two glasses too!"

"I want four glasses! Can I take a picture twice!"

"No problem, no problem. Everyone line up in an orderly manner." Yacht was satisfied with arrangement to collect the money, pack the milk and take a group photo.

"Boun, please smile, don't make a bad face, the juniors are scared away by you!" Yacht was too busy, and turned around and told Boun a few words.

Tay's side saw that a lot of customers were robbed, and instantly ignited his fighting spirit. In addition to raising his voice to attract customers, he also changed the sales method.

"Girls, you can buy kebabs also can take a photo together!" Although Tay tried his best to sell, but Boun's charm was too great, and he still couldn't win back the customers.

Prem was grilling the kebabs in the back, not forgetting to stand on tiptoe to see what was going on.

"Tay, come in." Prem beckoned to call Tay.

"What's the matter? Why are people running next door?"

"The swimming club next door is really despicable. They can't sell their things and even use a sly trick to ask their vice-captain to recruit customers there. The juniors have all been seduced."

"That amazing. I'll go take a look." Prem put down his work, took off his apron and ran around to the next door to see what happened.

He could see nothing but only the black head. Also squeezed into the queue by people in line. Follow the team one by one.

"Bro, how many glasses of milk do you want? Two glasses can take a photo together." Yacht didn't know Prem either, just thought he was also a junior in line to buy milk.

"Uh\~ two glasses."

"Please pay 100 baht. Get the milk and take a photo over there."

Prem paid the money, got the milk, and was pushed in front of Boun in a daze.

Prem looked at the boy who was half a head taller than him. He had blond hair and a ponytail. He was very thin, but he saw that he must exercise all the year round, so he was tall and had some muscles. The facial features are delicate and angular, and the smile is particularly sunny.

"Take out your phone." Boun reached out and asked Prem for a phone. Prem handed over his phone, and Boun turned on the camera's selfie mode, which is different from the restraints with the girls just now, he naturally put his arms around Prem's shoulders.

"Come on, have a smile. It's done."

Boun returned the phone to Prem, and received the next junior to take a picture.

Prem looked back and saw that Boun was taking a photo with a girl. Maybe because it was a girl, Boun kept a social distance, but he also completed the photo task with a smile.

Prem slowly walked back to his stall with two glasses of milk in his hand, not knowing what to think, he was absent-minded for a long time.

To Be Continued....

Chapter 02

"Prem, how's it going?" Tay pulled Prem into the stall, and this happened to what Prem had in his hands. "You also go to the queue to buy milk!"

"Ah... How can you know your enemy without queuing up?" prem made a random excuse.

"So what happened? They didn't recognize you, did they?"

"No. So many people, who pay attention to me. And I'm not from your university, no one knows me."

"You're right. Well, are those girls lining up to buy milk for Boun?"

"Well, it seems, after all, he is really handsome."

"What! You say he's handsome! I'm a hundred times more handsome than him!"


"No, I'll bring the guitar tomorrow, and I'll use my beautiful guitar sound to attract the girls."

"I think it's better not to. It's so noisy, who can hear your guitar." Actually, Prem wanted to say that girls like good looks, and Boun is indeed much handsome than Tay.

"Which side are you on! Why do you keep suppressing me. Are you... in love with him too?!'"

"How is that possible! I'm a straight! You'd better think of a way to get the customers back." Although Prem plausible, he didn't know why he felt a little guilty.

"Got it, we have promotions! Buy three get two free, buy five get five free, buy more get more free!"

"Okay..." Prem walked back to the back to help with the barbecue.

In the next few days, the competition between the guitar club and the swimming club was in full swing. Although Boun's popularity is high, Prem's exclusive kebabs are also memorable, and many people come to buy them every day.

Originally, PremBoun's impression was pretty good, but he couldn't stand Tay's brainwashing in his ears, and he worked so hard but he still couldn't beat Boun, a guy who sold his looks. Prem felt that agreeing to Tay to help was the biggest mistake this holiday season, and Boun was the number one enemy who made him work so hard!

Finally made it to the last day, and the activity ended early in the afternoon. Prem finally breathed a sigh of relief and could eat a big meal before taking a good rest.

"Prem, you've worked so hard these days. Let's go for a drink." Tay took Prem and two other friends to a cafe in the campus.

After sitting down, Prem flipped the menu.

"Brother, is this a consolation for my hard work? I want to eat delicious food, not coffee."

"I know. But it's not time to eat yet. You order a dessert first."

The four of them were sitting in the cafe chatting. Suddenly, Tay caught sight of a man coming in at the door. Quickly pick up the menu and block himself and the Prem next to him.

"What are you doing?" Prem was bewildered by Tay.

"Look, that Boun." Tay winked at Prem.

Boun was sitting on their left, three tables away, and it looked like Boun was waiting for someone.

"He's here, what are you hiding?"

"Although the swimming team only won a little against us in this event, it would be a shame if he came here to talk."

At this time, another girl came in the door, looked around and walked to Boun with a smile.

"Ah! Prem, that girl is Mina, whom I am chasing now." Tay said excitedly in a low voice with Prem. "How did they get together?"

"Is Boun chasing Mina too, you see they look very close."

"No way. This Boun is going to win me over anything. Now even Mina is going to take away! Prem, help me find a way!"

"You wait and listen to what they have to say." Prem motioned Tay to calm down.

Now It is holiday time, in addition the cafe is on campus, so there are not many customers, so it is relatively quiet. If you listen carefully, you can hear the chat between Boun and Mina.

"P'boun. Are you tired these days?" Mina's voice was so soft that it really melted heart.

"Er... it's okay. Mina, what did you ask me out today?"

"Can't I ask you out if have nothing to do?"

"No. I think that you seem to be in a hurry to find me, thinking you have something to do."

"P'boun, the event is over, are you free tomorrow?"

"I seem to accompany Ohm tomorrow..." Boun looked a little embarrassed.

"P'boun! Stop making excuses. Let's go on a date tomorrow."


"I like you, Phi knows that too."


"Prem, Mina likes Boun. I have no hope." Tay leaned on Prem's shoulder and pretended to cry.  "Prem, what should I do?"

"Get up! Useless." Saying that, Prem stood up and walked to Boun's side.

"This junior, P'boun won't like you! Because..." Prem put his arms around the stunned Boun.  "Because, P'boun is my boyfriend!"

"What! I don't believe it." Mina blushed with anger.

Prem leaned over and kissed Boun's face.  "Believe it now!"

"You!" Mina's eyes instantly turned red, she turned and ran out of the cafe.

Prem motioned to Tay, Tay quickly chased her.  Mina is sad now, if Tay performs well, he may win Mina's heart.

It was only at this time that Boun recognized that Prem was the boy who took the photo that day.  When he wanted to ask a question, Prem had already slipped away.

Prem's voice was not loud, but it was loud enough for everyone in the cafe to hear it clearly. Some people had already recorded this scene and then posted it on to the campus network. After all, Boun is also popular, the video was forwarded crazily on the Internet.

"It turns out that Boun has never had a girlfriend because he likes boys."

"Good-looking boy belong to boy. Sad..."

"Who is this boy? It's a good match for Boun."

"Ask for the personal information of Boun's boyfriend."

All of a sudden, Boun and his boyfriend have become popular on the Internet. The worst is Boun, he has only seen Prem once and doesn't even know his name. Moreover, he is a straight man, but because of a person he doesn't know, he is considered to be bent by the public. The point is, Boun doesn't remember what he has had a problem with him, so why does he play tricks on him like this.

Boun was angry, so he started a network of connections and started a school-wide search for this so-called boyfriend.  Of course, there is no such person.

Although Tay is very grateful to Prem for his dedication to chasing the junior, he is also afraid that Boun will trouble him after he finds Prem. He is also afraid that if Prem is always considered gay in the future, it will be troublesome.


"Don't worry about me. Anyway, I have no chance to go to your campus in the future. He can't find me. Besides, people in your campus will only think he is gay from now on. As for me, no one knows me. It doesn't matter." Prem seems calm.

"Oh, don't worry, I will never fail your sacrifice. I will definitely catch up with Mina."

"Okay, catch up with her and treat me a big meal." In the world, it seems that only the food is the most attractive to Prem, and everything else is irrelevant.

To Be Continued......

Chapter 03

The holiday passed quickly. On the first day of college, Prem's swimming team gave an early notice, went to the swimming pool for training immediately after class, and announced something important.

Prem's swimming coach is the famous devil of Kasetsart University, who has strict training and practice time is not over yet no one can leave. Penalty for 20 push-ups for being one minute late.

How dare Prem be late, so he hurried to the swimming pool after class. Quickly changed clothes and went to the meeting point.

"Hey, Prem. Didn't see you during the holiday, you seem to have gained a lot of weight." Kit is a good friend of Prem on the swimming team, but he teases him about his weight all day long.

"I ate and slept at home during the holidays. It's hard to think about not getting fat. The coach will definitely scold me when he sees it." Prem lowers his head and touches his belly.

"You are lucky today, the coach will definitely not scold you."


"The coach was called away by the dean before you came. He instructed the captain to supervise our training."

"The coach said that something important had been announced. Do you know what it was?"

"I heard that the coach has recruited a very strong swimmer from another school, and plans to rely on this person to participate in the university student swimming competition in Bangkok this year, maybe he can get the top three rankings."

"Who is so powerful?"

"The captain will bring him here, we'll find out later."

Before he could finish speaking, Prem saw two people walking towards the entrance, the captain in front and the one in the back, he can't see clearly, he only saw a blond hair.

"Damn, it can't be him!" Prem felt a bad premonition.

"Who? Do you know him?" Kit looked at Prem with a shocked expression.

"Let me introduce to you, this is a new member-Boun. Boun used to be the vice-captain of the swimming team of Srinakharinwirot University, and he is now transferred to the third year of our faculty of Economics. Let's introduce ourselves to each other." The captain pointed to Kit. "It starts with you."

"Hello, P'boun, I'm Kit, a sophomore from faculty of engineering." Both Kit and Boun folded their hands and nodded to each other.

Next to Prem, Prem now just wants to escape, but knows that he can't escape. He kept praying in his heart 'Don't recognize me'.

"Hello, P'boun...I'm...Prem...Faculty of Economics...sophomore." Prem said, secretly observing Boun's expression. However, Boun did not have any unusual expression. It seemed that he did not recognize Prem at all, and his attitude was the same as that of Kit. Prem breathes a sigh of relief.

After everyone was introduced, the captain began to arrange daily training for everyone. Everything was the same as before, and Prem didn't think too much, his mind was all about what to eat after training.

Finally, the training ended. After taking a bath, Prem had not worn any clothes. He just wrapped a bath towel around his lower body and lay down on the bench in the changing room. There was no training during a holiday. The first day of recovery training was so strict. Prem was a little overwhelmed.

Prem closed his eyes and rested. Suddenly, he felt something close, blocking the light from the ceiling. As soon as Prem opened his eyes, Boun's face was just a little away from him and he was about to kiss him. Prem was shocked, and dodged to the side and fell on the floor.

" are you doing! You scared me to death." Prem didn't get up, sitting on the ground and rubbing the frightened little heart.

"Did you do something bad, like this can scare you." Boun looked at Prem and smiled maliciously.

"I..." Prem thought to himself, I seem to have done something bad. "No one can stand you like this. Why do you put your face so close?"

"Nothing. I asked you to go to eat together."

"Eat?" Think about it, Prem's mouth is watering, it's better not to eat with Boun.  "No, I'm not hungry."

"Growl..." Prem's stomach growled out of time.

"Okay, I'm hungry, but I have an appointment." Prem had to make another excuse.

"I'm new here, I'm not familiar with the campus, and I don't know where to eat. After all I'm also a senior in your major, do you have the heart to watch the senior starve and be helpless?" Boun pretended to be  aggrieved and pathetic.

"All right. Then I'll take you to eat." Prem got up and went to change his clothes, but he didn't know that Boun behind him secretly raised the corners of his mouth.

Prem took Boun to have a simple meal at the small shop in front of the campus. The two of them simply chatted casually about some innocuous topics. Boun knew nothing about Prem, and Prem deliberately avoided asking about Boun's previous University, and there were very few topics that the two could talk about.

"Where do you live? I'll drive over and take you back." Boun suddenly said this after thinking of something.

"Okay. I live in the apartment at the south gate of the campus. Usually it doesn't feel far, but now I'm exhausted and don't want to walk at all."

"Where do you live, Phi?"

"I'm not looking for the dorm. The coach said he would find it for me and give me the key at noon tomorrow."

Boun sent Prem downstairs to the apartment. Looking at the back of Prem going upstairs, he shook the key in his hand, revealing a wicked smile.

It's true that Boun's new dormitory was found with the help of the coach, but the key has been obtained this morning, and the location of the dormitory is also designated by Boun. Because when he meet the coach on holiday, he saw the member's photo on the desk wall in the coach's office.

Boun recognized Prem at a glance. The man he had dug three feet to find was actually on the swimming team. No wonder he couldn't find Prem in Srinakharinwirot University because he was not a student of Srinakharinwirot at all. No wonder Prem dared to be so presumptuous, teasing Boun in public.

It's good now that Boun is transferring to Kasetsart University and still on the swim team, see where Prem can hide.

Boun asked the coach for the member information book on the grounds of knowing the members first. He saw Prem's name and other personal information on it, and most importantly, he knew the student apartment where Prem lives now. Boun asked the coach to find out if there is any vacant dormitory for this apartment. Of course, the coach would not know the purpose of Boun.

After the training the next day, Boun took Prem to eat again. Prem thought it was nothing. Anyway, he just had a meal together. After eating, Boun drove Prem back to the dormitory. Just this time, Boun parked his car in the parking lot below the apartment.

"Phi, just pull over and let me get off."

"No. I've already brought things over at noon today."

"What? You mean, your new dormitory is here?"

"Well, yes. I'll move wherever the coach finds it for me, I don't care. But it's pretty good, we can go back to the dormitory after training and have meal together." Boun said it lightly, but the smug smile on his face couldn't be hidden.

"Ah..." Prem looked shocked. "What floor and number is your dormitory on?"

"511, 5th floor." Boun raised his eyebrows. "And you?"

"Heh...heh...5th floor, 512." Prem already felt that things were getting out of control.

"It's such a coincidence that we'll be neighbors from now on. It's so happy, isn't it?"

"Uh...yes, so...happy." Prem felt like life worse than death.

"Come on, go upstairs." Boun pretended to know nothing and pulled Prem into the elevator.

Prem arrived at the door of the dormitory, opened the door and quickly entered. Just as the door was about to close, Boun reached out and blocked the door.

"Won't you let me come in and have a look?"

"There is nothing in my dormitory, and there is nothing to look." In fact, Prem was so nervous because there was a photo of him and Tay on a previous trip on his desk. If Boun sees Tay, he will definitely remember who Prem is.

"Okay, then go to bed early, good night."

"Okay, good night." Prem said and quickly closed the door.

In fact, Boun's eyes had already passed through Prem and caught sight of the photo on the desk. A disdainful smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. It's okay, just play slowly.

To Be Continued....

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