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Reincarnated Into Shadow


Well, looks like I'm pretty content with my life, being a hikikimori, but hell, yeah, still got fucking dreams and ambitions in life no matter how that may seem.

Thing is, even being like this, I wanna do stuff, experience different crap in life.

Problem is, I don't know how the heck to start.

I'm Naoya Munō, 27 years old, and a freaking retard.

Yeah, useless, failure, piece of shit, trashy crap!

Does anybody care about me?

Ha! Moron! Of course, nothing!

But I wasn't like this before; in fact, I was really an achiever back then in my elementary years.

But what the hell happened?

I don't know, all I know is that it's all my parents' fault, and, yeah, I blame my parents for why my life turned out like this.

Because all I know, it all started when my parents decided to keep on changing places and moving around.


Well, obviously to run away from their fucking debts. Yeah, we were buried in debt, so we had to keep changing places and moving around to avoid the people they owed money!

Because of that, I don't have permanent friends.

Is it sad? Hmm.. Not really.

What else could I do? Of course, as time went by, my interest slowly faded from studying.

Who the hell would like to study in different schools?

Every time you transfer, you don't know anyone.

Since you're a neophyte, sometimes, no matter how hard you deny it, you can't avoid being freaking bullied, right?

Up until one point where I decided to just stop and wallow inside the house.

Well, back then, my parents borrowed a shitload of money again.

From where? Oh, from new people!

So we had this small business; thank God it's still keeping us alive.

And since then, I've gradually lost interest in life.

I'm still surviving even if all I do is jerk off every fucking day.

In fact,

My parents actually want to kick me out, but damn, I am such a shameless person.

And hell, where would I go if I run away?

I don't want to beg in the streets, fucking no.

And by the way!

This is the 10th anniversary, since my last bath and tooth-brushing my teeth.


What the fuck do you care?! This is my life, and being in this condition doesn't bother me!

My life had become something that is centered around watching TV series.

Yeah, got addicted since I'd watched The Walking Dead.

I mean, God knows why the hell I am so fascinated with walking corpses.

It's so satisfying, especially the scene where Negan crushed Glenn's head.


And of course, whenever I get tired of watching TV series full of zombies, I watch anime.

I'm a fan of Rimuru! It must be so fucking awesome to be a slime with overpowered skills!"


But he has a pretty big problem: he probably doesn't have a dick, so he can't fuck his giant-titted secretary.


Oh, and speaking of giant tits, how could I ever forget to open Pornhub?

That is probably my favorite pornsite since I'm into Russian and American shit.




In fact, one of my dreams is to be able to fuck at least one of them someday.

Especially CANDY LOVE!


Even if you can't see her face, just her tits alone will make you cum!

Those tits are fucking perfect!

My dick can cry twice even if I only watch one of her videos.


And because of that hobby, I'm always fucking sleep-deprived!

So here I am, dealing with insomnia.

It's already 5am, but I still can't fucking sleep.

What the fuck is this life?

It feels so fucking boring and monotonous!

Wait, why the fuck am I talking to myself again?

I'm starting to freak out,

I better go to sleep.


In a turn of events no one could've predicted, Naoya died while sleeping.

Next thing he knows, he gets reincarnated into some unknown realm as a Mimic.

Yup, he's now a creature who could change its looks to replicate objects or other creatures. This shape-shifting gig makes him versatile as hell and totally unpredictable.

CHAPTER 1 : The Awakening.

Naoya opened his eyes, expecting the familiar comfort of his bed. Instead, he was met with an oppressive darkness.

"Goddamn it, why the hell is it pitch black? What time is it?" he muttered, his voice echoing in the void. Disorientation washed over him.

Hold up, something ain't right here. Where's my bed? And why am I on the floor?

His hands roved over his body, a wave of panic hitting him. What happened to my body?

"What is going on? Am I stuck in a nightmare?"

"N-noo!!! Help!!!" His voice ricocheted off unseen walls, amplifying his fear.


"He-he-hello? Is... is anybody there?" he stammered, dread tightening around his heart.


Thud. Thud. Thud.

A grating sound of metal against concrete, accompanied by heavy, graceless footsteps, crept closer, sending shivers down his spine.

"What is that? Shit!! What kinda messed-up dream am I having?" Panic surged through him, his mind racing to make sense of the sounds.

Then, out of nowhere, a guttural growl mixed with high-pitched squeaks pierced the darkness.

(Grrr. Squeak. Grr.)

"Wh-what!? Ahhhhhh!!" He bolted, feet pounding against the cold, hard ground. Desperation fueled his escape from the unseen terror.

Finally stopping, he panted heavily. "What the hell was that creature? Where the hell am I?" He slapped himself, praying to wake up from this nightmare. Anxiety gnawed at him as he scanned the darkness.

"Is this real? No! I can't believe it. It's just a dream, right?"

In his confusion, a virtual screen flickered to life before him.

"Title: Unique Monster," "Name: None," "Species: Mimic," the screen displayed, complete with pulsating health and mana bars.

Below that scrolled a list of skills with strange names and unfamiliar symbols. His heart raced at the thought that these attributes were his own, though why they appeared remained a mystery.

"Huh? What is this? Title? Name? Species? So I'm a freaking Mimic?" His hands trembled as he scrolled through the screen.

"So. These are my skills?"

- Power Mimicry: Ability to copy or mimic powers, abilities, and skills of others one comes into contact with.

- Skill Mimicry: Instantly learning and reproducing the physical and mental skills of others.

- Adaptive Physiology: The body changes to assimilate the other creature or object being imitated. This includes physical characteristics.

- Augmented Learning: Fast uptake of knowledge and skills learned from others by observation enables quick adjustment to any new predicament.

- Versatility: May shift between multiple powers/skills as situations demand.

- Dimensional Pocket: Infinity storage of objects or creatures in their stomach pocket dimension.

- Basic Martial Arts: The simplest combat skills are mastered, both unarmed and armed.

- Super Strength and Speed: These reflect attributes way above the norms for any creature, enhancing strength and increasing agility in activities.

- Weapon Mastery: Expertise in handling any kind of weapon in hand, melee to ranged, depending on how combat goes.

- Tactical Acumen: Battle strategy, exploiting the weaknesses of opponents, and maximizing one's own strengths.

- Endurance and Durability: Enhanced endurance to bear and recover from physical or magical damage and durability.

He scrolled through the skills, a mix of anxiety and amazement filling him. The possibilities these abilities presented were incredible.

As he read, a morsel of courage began to build within him, giving him the strength to face the unexplainable situation.

With care, he tread through the dark, unfamiliar zone. Summoning a bit of courage, but still feeling the wild worry of getting hurt, he continued walking until he saw a figure lying, motionless.

He crawled up and whispered, "Please tell me this ain't a freaking zombie, right?"

Just as he was about to give it a prod...


His eyeballs shot out of his head, and in his panic, he sucker-punched its face and stumbled back in shock.

"Damn it, you scared the crap outta me!"

Feeling wary, since the body still hadn't budged an inch, he cautiously drew closer to see if the man actually lived. And he inspected it.

Title: Adventurer

Name: Leon Ashleaf

Species: Human


- Basic Swordsmanship: Kicking butt with a sword for self-defense.

- Campfire Cooking: Whipping up some fine food over a campfire.

- Wilderness Survival: Knowing how to survive in forests and mountains.

- Navigational Skills: Reading simple maps and getting around easy terrain.

- Animal Handling: Calm and handle non-aggressive animals.

- First Aid: Heal small injuries.

- Stealth Movement: Move unseen in circumstances where it's not that risky.

- Basic Climbing: Climb small boulders and cliffs without falling off.

- Archery: Fire the bow and arrow with the grace of a professional hunter.

- Linguistics: Know common languages to communicate with locals.

When he saw the overall status of the unconscious body, a wild idea crept into his mind.

"What if I test some of my skills?"

He used his ADAPTIVE PHYSIOLOGY to copy its physical attributes. Then he used POWER MIMICRY to snatch its powers, skills, and abilities.

Just like that, he had already copied the overall status of the unconscious body, though everyone could identify the difference in hair color and shade of eyes.

"Holy crap, it actually worked!" He could barely contain his excitement, jumping up and down as he admired his newfound powers.

Before walking away from the lifeless body, he undressed it completely. "Mind if I borrow your clothes and that old sword for a bit? May being stripped bare ease your journey to the afterlife. Thanks!"

Then he continued his slow walk through the dark and eerie place. It was so dark and quiet, he could barely see anything. But then...



(Thud. Thud. Thud.)

As he progressed, he heard that familiar sound again and stopped to listen, trying to find out where it was coming from. But before he could figure it out, footsteps of some unknown creature were creeping up on him faster than a hungry vampire at a blood bank.

(Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.)

(Grr. Squeak.)

With the Scrapling's appearance, the nervousness and fear he had felt earlier came rushing back. But with his newfound courage and excitement, he faced the monster head-on.

The Scrapling slithered towards him, ready to attack. Just as it was about to throw itself upon him and tear him limb from limb, he barely managed to sidestep away from its deadly grip.

His heart was thumping with adrenaline as his grip on the sword tightened in preparation for the fight.

"This thing ain't catching me off guard again," he thought, bracing himself for the showdown.

He dodged in time, and the Scrapling's huge jaws snapped shut less than an inch from his face. "Whoa, easy there, big fella!" he yelped, trying to keep the quiver out of his voice. "Would rather not be your dinner if you don't mind."

Darting to the side, he circled the Scrapling, searching for any weakness in its scaly armor. "Alright, think, think. I got the sword, but this thing's tougher than a tank. How in the world am I gonna bring it down?"

It turned toward him, its eyes aglow with evil intelligence. "Oh great, it's got a brain. Just what I needed." Gripping his sword tighter, he braced himself for another attack.

The Scrapling suddenly let out a deafening roar, echoing across the air like a thunderstorm. Instinctively, he covered his ears, wincing at the ear-splitting noise.

"Damn, someone needs a breath mint," he muttered, as the stench of its rancid breath had his eyes watering.

The roaring ceased, and he seized his chance, lunging forward with his sword high.

The blade sliced through, as if through paper, into tough hide, spilling black ichor everywhere. The creature acted as if it had not felt anything. Then, from nowhere, it backhanded him across the air with massive claws extended.

"Ouch!" he groaned, the impact knocking the wind out of him as he crashed to the ground. He scrambled up, trying to recover, but his sword slipped from his grip.

"Oh, for crying out loud!" he said in frustration, watching the weapon skitter just out of reach. "This is not going well."

The Scrapling was coming at him, its great bulk a scaled, nightmare monolith. He shook his head, racing for another solution as it drew closer and closer.

"Wait, I got an idea!" he yelled. Reaching down, he grabbed another handful of rocks and sent them sailing right into its face.

The Scrapling reared backward with a shriek at the pain and surprise as the rocks peppered its sensitive eyes.

"Hell yeah! Didn't see that one coming, did you?" he gloated, using this opportunity to grab his sword. "Alright, let's finish this!"

With a charge, he struck out in a flurry of slashes and thrusts at the creature's underbelly, where it was vulnerable.

The Scrapling thrashed and writhed, its tail wildly lashing out in a desperate attempt to knock him clear off.

"That's right, squirm!" he bellowed, veins popping in his face. "Give me an opening!"

At that moment, the Scrapling's tail came down with a bone-shattering blow that sent him tumbling across the ground again, his sword spinning out of his grasp.

"Ugh, this is getting old," he groaned, trying to push himself up. Every movement hurt now, blood trickling down his side.

It loomed over him, jaws wide apart, ready to deal the coup de grâce. He stared up at the creature, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Well, this is it," he muttered. "If I don't come up with something pretty quick, then I'm Scrapling chow."

Desperately scanning the area for any weapon or way out, his eyes settled on a small, jagged rock that lay nearby. Suddenly, he had an idea.

"Alright, you overgrown lizard," he growled, clenching the rock tightly, "let's see how you like a taste of this!"

Summoning the last of his strength, he heaved the rock straight into the Scrapling's face, aiming squarely for its sensitive eyes.

The creature let out a startled roar, its head jerking back in pain.

He took advantage of this to scramble to his feet once more, this time grasping his sword securely. "That's right, monster! Come and get me!"

The momentarily blinded Scrapling thrashed and snapped, the gigantic jaws only inches from his face. He dodged and weaved, his sword flashing as he looked for an opening in the creature's defenses.

"Come on, come on," he muttered through clenched teeth as his muscles burned with exertion. "There's gotta be a weak spot somewhere."

Then something shiny caught on the Scrapling's scales, and lightning went through his mind. "There it is!" he exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. "Time to turn up the heat!"

He gripped his sword tight and moved into place, angling his blade just right in the sunlight. A flash of searing light beamed directly into the Scrapling's eyes.

The creature let out an earsplitting screech while its body started thrashing and convulsing. He watched, heart pounding, as the Scrapling's movements grew weaker and weaker until it finally collapsed onto the floor, motionless.

"Hah! Take that, you oversized lizard!" he said exultantly, wiping the sweat off his brow. "Looks like you couldn't handle the heat."

But as he approached the fallen Scrapling, a sense of unease began crawling up his spine. Something didn't feel right. The creature's eyes remained open, its body twitching slightly.

"Uh oh," he muttered, grip tightening on his sword. "I think I may have celebrated a little too soon."

The Scrapling jerked its head up then, jaws wide to crush him in a last-ditch effort. He barely had time to react, raising his sword to block it.

The force of the blow sent him stumbling back, his arms numb. "Seriously? How much punishment can this thing take?" he growled, his lungs burning as he fought to catch his breath.

In the Scrapling's threatening stare, he knew he couldn't back down. Far from over it was, for the stakes had never seemed higher.

Clamping down against the coming round, he suddenly realized that only one of them could walk away on top.

The Scrapling let out an ear-shattering roar as it whirled its tail at the speed of light. He barely dodged out of the way, his heart pounding within his chest. "Alright, you oversized lizard, let's dance!"

He held the sword firmly in his grip as he charged forward and cut through the air with a deadly arc.

The Scrapling reared back, jaws snapping shut in anger, but he refused to back down.

Just as the monster's fangs were about to plunge into his flesh, movement in the shadows caught his eye, and then blackness engulfed his world.

CHAPTER 2 : Into The Dungeon's Abyss!

The creature's fangs were about to pierce my skin when a sudden movement in the shadows caught my eye.

The next thing I knew, I was flying into darkness from a powerful kick to the face.


"Hey MORON! Give back my clothes and sword!" a furious voice demanded.

Standing before me was a naked Leon Ashleaf—the very adventurer whose equipment I had mistakenly taken earlier.

"You?" I gasped, my eyes wide with surprise.

Before we could exchange words, the beastly Scrapling charged toward Leon. I hastily crawled to recover the fallen sword.

With the hilt gripped tightly between my fingers, I reared back and let it fly toward him.

"Heads up, dumbass!" I yelled.

Leon caught the sword easily before turning to the Scrapling, moving in with a dance of death.

I watched in awe as his sword flickered and flashed, cutting down the creature in incredible timing and skill.


As the Scrapling fell, Leon whirled, his sword pressed to my throat.


"You had the nerve to strip me and pretend to be me?" he growled, his eyes blazing.

"Wait, wait! Let me explain!" I pleaded, raising my hands in surrender.

"Take off those clothes now!" he angrily commanded.

Without hesitation, I reverted back to my natural Mimic form.

"I thought you were dead, that's why I took the opportunity," I hastily explained.

"You're an idiot, aren't you? Didn't you realize I was just starving?" Leon retorted, flaring his nostrils.

"I, uh, thought you were a zombie."

"A zombie? I've been trapped in this accursed dungeon without food for five days!" he clarified.

"I see. I'm really sorry about that," I stammered, unsure of how this confrontation would go.

Leon, still wary of me, dressed himself and then turned to me. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen a Mimic like you before. Why don't you come with me on my travels?"

"Are you serious?" I replied, still feeling anxious.

"Yes, what do you say?" he offered.

I hesitated. "Well, the thing is, I really don't have any idea about this, I'm actually not from this world at all," I revealed.

"What do you mean?" Leon asked, confusion on his brow.

"I used to be human. I fell asleep and woke up here," I explained.

"You mean you got reincarnated?" Leon asked, a furrowed brow.

"I don't know, maybe? All I know is that I fell asleep and then woke up here."

Leon nodded thoughtfully. "People of other worlds appearing here isn't exactly new. There have been cases of people being summoned here with magic or through other unexplained means."

I listened intently. "So you're saying this has happened to others? People ending up in this world like me?"

"That's right," Leon confirmed. "And often, they possess unique abilities and extraordinary powers."

I opened my eyes wider at the implications.

"Do you think I'm one of them?"

Leon gestured at the sword I had used earlier. "The way you handled that blade, even as a Mimic, speaks for skills above the norm, and the fact you helped me after the misunderstanding speaks for some nobility of character."

His words gave me hope. "So you think I may possess some special powers or at least a purpose here? Not just brought into this world by dumb chance?"

"It is possible," Leon said. "The ways of the world and mysteries of the multiverse aren't always explained so easily."

He gave me a crooked smile. "But somehow, I feel your arrival here is no simple coincidence."

I took his words to heart and started to work out my ideas.

Many wild things were spinning in my head as the possibilities became endless.

"Alright then, if that's the deal, I guess sticking with you on this crazy adventure could be pretty damn eye-opening," I said, flashing him a tentative smile. "I'm in if you are."

Leon extended his hand. "Deal. Welcome aboard, my little buddy. Let's see what kind of crazy shit we get into."

I took a firm grip of his hand as my nervousness turned into excitement.

Whatever lay ahead, I was ready to face it head-on with this enigmatic new partner at my side.

Into the Depths

With Leon leading and me right behind, we made our way deeper into the dark, winding corridors of this dungeon.

"So, Leon, how does an S-ranked adventurer like you end up stuck in this hellhole without food for five days?" I asked, twinkling my eyes playfully.

Leon blushed crimson and sighed. "Well, it's actually kind of an embarrassing story. But since you're dying to know, I guess I have to spill."

He stopped, running a hand through his messy hair. "I was tracking down a rumored magical artifact—one with, uh, unique enchantments." Leon cleared his throat, looking away.

My interest was piqued. "Unique enchantments, huh? Spill the beans, man."

Leon shot me a look but couldn't hide his amusement. "It was a magical codpiece, all right? One that supposedly gave the wearer... enhanced protection in certain sensitive areas."


I couldn't contain myself from a fit of laughter as the sound bounced off the wet stone walls. "No way! The legendary Leon Ashleaf risking life and limb for a—"


My laughter was abruptly ended by a sudden shaking roar that echoed down the corridor. My head snapped up, and all traces of mirth vanished from my face.


Leon's face tightened, and his hand instinctively clasped the hilt of his sword.

"It seems we've acquired the interest of our next test," he whispered back, hard but even.

We could feel the heavy steps coming from afar, closer to where we were.

There were the tiniest hints of nerves in his eyes, but he seemed primed and ready for this one.

As for me, apprehension slowly wrapped around me, unsure about the challenge we were about to face.


"Shit's about to go down. You ready, my little buddy?" Leon asked, smiling.

Before I could even spit out a reply,


We got ambushed by a ginormous, three-headed freak.

Its body was jacked as hell, and I could feel its raw power just oozing out, giving me the creeps.

The beast reared back, its three heads opening wide before releasing a torrent of scorching flames. The heat was intense, singeing the air as we barely dove aside, feeling the blistering heat brush past us.


"It's a CHIMERA! Watch out, that scrap you dealt with earlier is a cakewalk compared to this," Leon warned, dancing around the Chimera's relentless attacks.


I copied that fiery breath, but it seemed to dodge the damn thing as if it were nothing.

"Not bad, kiddo," Leon chuckled, a tease in his eyes because I missed.

What I really wanted to do was to flex my POWER MIMICRY and ADAPTIVE PHYSIOLOGY by copying the beast for strength and abilities to show off to Leon, but getting close to that beast proved more difficult than expected.

The Chimera, sensing the dungeon below it, roared and tapped into its earth affinity.


It smashed its paws on the ground and shot shockwaves with fissures racing at us.

Rocks and debris detonated into the air as it messed with the very battlefield itself.

Leon struggled to retain his balance in the quake, while the Chimera continued its rampage, creating hellish chaos in our surroundings.

The quakes were so fierce that even the nearby structures started crumbling, and the dungeon shook violently.

The Chimera locked its deadly eyes on Leon, with every intention of killing.

Rearing up again with another bone-rattling roar, it lifted its paws, ready to strike once more and with greater force.

Leon finally found his balance, looking at it straight in the eye, the battle inside him a mix of fear and determination.

"Stay back!" he shouted, at the ready, but just as his blow was about to fall, the ground gave way, and he was swallowed down into the dark below.

As the echoes of his fall died out, the Chimera's roar echoed in the dungeon, marking the beginning of a bigger nightmare.

"Leon!!!" I screamed, my voice breaking as I watched his figure disappear into the abyss below. Panic surged through me, but I forced myself to stay focused. I couldn't lose him.

Panicked but not about to let him go, I surged towards the hole and mimicked the Chimera's earth-shattering powers in one last desperate try to reach him.

The ground rocked and cracked beneath me as I released shockwaves to propel me forward.

Trash rained down about me, but I bobbed and weaved, focus unbroken.

"Leon!" I hollered, my voice echoing through the collapsing corridor. "Just hang on, I'm coming!"


Feeling my meddling, the Chimera turned its wrath on me.

It let forth a deafening roar, showering me with earth and stone to bury me alive.

I wasn't doing any of that. I mirrored the resilience and resilience of the beast itself to endure the violence.

Gritting my teeth, I charged to make contact with the Chimera, using my skills ADAPTIVE PHYSIOLOGY and POWER MIMICRY.

My body twisted and morphed to match the Chimera's raw, savage power.

I had to get to Leon, whatever it took. He was counting on me, and I wasn't going to let him down.

The closer I came to this gap, the more I could feel Leon, very faint, below.

Another thought did not cross my mind as I dove headfirst into darkness, my form shifting into a huge winged beast to slow my descent.

Air whistled past me; the wind howled, banshee-like, but I held locked-in, focused on that faint life-signal from the depths.

And there he was – battered and bruised, still throwing punches.

With a great sweep of wing, I gathered him close and held on while we launched upward.


The roars of the Chimera echoed behind us, but I did not give a damn. My only care was Leon.

As we came out of the darkness and into the light, I set Leon down onto firm ground as my form shifted back to its natural Mimic state.

He was bruised and bloody, but alive, and that was all that mattered.

"Leon, you okay?" I asked, worry dripping from my voice. "I'm so sorry, I should've been quicker, I—"

But Leon just lifted a hand, silencing me. "Nonsense, buddy," he croaked, with a tired smile. "You saved me, against all hope. I owe you my life."

I felt a mix of relief and couldn't help but smile back at him. "Well, that makes us even, after what happened earlier."

Leon chuckled, then winced in pain. "Indeed. But I reckon our adventure's just getting started."

Cue, the earth-shaking roar of the Chimera came again.


A brute reminder that danger was far from over. I tensed, ready this time to face it head-on with Leon by my side.

"Are you ready, my friend?" Leon said, his eyes shining with a determined glint. "Shall we finish what we have begun?"

I nodded, my resolve hardening. "Hell yeah. I'm with you till the end."

We wheeled around to face the Chimera, bonding as our bond had been tempered and ready to face whatever hell was thrown at us next.

Just as we were bracing ourselves to take on this monster of a foe, a chilling realization hit me.

The Chimera's roar did not originate from where we expected.

I turned slowly, and what I saw sent shivers down my spine.


The eyes glowed with pure malevolence, making the hair on my neck stand on end.

There, looming over us, were not one, but two Chimeras—their six heads and towering forms a dark omen over the crumbling dungeon.

"Leon." I whispered, almost inaudibly. "I don't think we're done here just yet."

The twin Chimeras let loose a deafening, shaking roar, reverberating like a herald of yet more perilous battle to come.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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