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My Wing

Chapter 01: "Where Am I?"

Description of the Character:

Name: The girl has black hair that reaches below her shoulders and dark brown eyes of medium size. She is about 1.50m tall, skinny due to the lack of food in her family, and is 10 years old. Her hands are injured and calloused from hard work, and she wears a leather outfit made from bear fur, including boots.

The girl is determined and brave.

Chapter 01: "Where Am I?"

In a wooden house with animal skins, on a steep, rocky, and icy mountain, a family was gathered around a wooden table having a watery bird soup. There was a father, a mother, and two children. The father was brave but already scarred, the mother responsible and loving but with many fractures in her body due to the lack of proper food, making her bones fragile, and the two beloved children.

The son was obedient and serious, helping at home and assisting his father in hunting, while his sister was his opposite, playful and disobedient yet kind and brave, a perfect blend of both parents.

Then, on a fateful and unfortunate day, Kiay, the young child, was with her family, walking through one of the unknown valleys, searching for food, fruits, and edible animals, as all the animals near their home had already been hunted, and those that remained had fled the mountains of Airen, once prosperous but now deserted, resembling a mountainous icy desert.

They did not know what they might find on the other side of the steep mountains, but all the other nearby inhabitants had already left, knowing that everything was coming to an end. Only empty and deserted houses remained, so her father wanted to ensure that his family had something to eat. It had been two weeks since a drought had dried up all the water from the mountain, and the situation of living in that place was worsening every day.

This was a bad omen, according to the elders of the small nomadic village. They were moving away with it and her family.

Like every child, she was not concerned with her surroundings and always got scolded by her mother and father. But this time, the situation worsened.

The young child moved away as they were passing through a steep gorge that was in terrible condition, and even though everyone was fearful, the young girl had courage in her innocent heart. She walked close to the edges, which caused fear in her family.

The earth began to tremble and the ground to crack, everything started to give way. The girl had a pure and innocent smile on her face. It was the last time her mother saw her, because after a short while, the girl had disappeared into a hole she fell into, making her family think she had died, falling from that high and steep place where not even monsters survived her fall. Her parents had an expression of mourning and pain, calling out for their little girl, but receiving no response, just a long silence.

The young girl was falling into a deep hole, which shone with white rays around it. Suffering upon waking up in complete helplessness, she looked around and did not see her parents, her brother, or any person around her.

"Father, mother, brother! Where are you! I'm scared!" - she shouted as she walked after waking up in a dark place where light did not reach, with scratches on her arms and much pain in her small body. She was scared and distressed, not realizing that she had attracted hungry creatures with her cries and tears. With fear, she began to run and seek shelter.

She ran and began to see lights, which she thought was the way out of that dark place. The girl ran with all her might towards that light, which seemed to be the way out of the darkness. But what she found made her fear for her life once again. She saw a bird sleeping in its nest, large with blue feathers that shone in the darkness. It was asleep, and its blue glow illuminated every corner nearby.

She was afraid in her small heart, but she approached the shining blue bird. The bird suddenly opened its eyes and stared at her, as if curious about the human girl in front of it, as if it had never seen anything similar before. The bird stared at the girl, and suddenly she heard noises behind her, remembering why she was looking for the way out of that dark and fearful place. The girl looked back slowly and saw the real reason for her fears.

She saw two dogs, one of them a wolf with red eyes, growling as they watched her. The little girl hid under the wing of the blue bird, which let her hide. The animals began to growl at the bird, which started shouting for the dogs to leave its nest. It spread its wings and let out a loud cry that scared them away for a short while, but they were very hungry and did not give up. The bird got annoyed and attacked the intruders, while the girl stood still, watching the scene of the bird protecting her, even though she didn't know why. She was surprised, because it seemed like a mother protecting her children.

It reminded her of her mother in some way, the way she would do anything to protect her little one. As she watched the large bird fight to protect her, she felt calm and happy, her heart finally calming down.

The bird, seeing the little girl in its nest, killed one of the dogs, and the other tried to attack the little bird. It used one of its claws to pierce one of the dog's eyes, and then it finally fled while crying out in pain.

The winged bird approached the little one and placed its warm wings over the child, who calmed down. Her eyes seemed to get heavier until she fell asleep (fainted from blood loss) in the house that shone above her, a house made of stones or a simple and large cave but welcoming with the child.

End of the chapter

Chapter 02: "The Great Bird"

A young girl who was about to die of fear before sleeping, opened her eyes to find herself in a pleasant, warm, and comfortable place. She had finally awakened and saw the bluish bird staring at her with blue eyes that shimmered, matching its overall blue glow.

Its entire body pulsated in rhythm with its calm breaths, its bluish glow pulsing like a calm heart, and its breaths sounding like those of someone tired and exhausted, resting.

The bird opened its eyes and observed with curiosity the small human creature before it. Its eyes did not reflect any aggressiveness, only calmness, as if the bird could speak with its eyes, conveying nothing more than "it's okay, little one."

There was also a bit of "be well, I will protect you, you don't need to be afraid." The winged creature admired the little being in front of it. The girl tried to walk but couldn't; she had many wounds and pains in her body, but she no longer felt any pain or injury, just a strong weakness throughout her body. Her body was healed but still recovering from the wounds that had almost cost her life.

She remembered that when the bird touched her and glowed, she felt sleepy and fell asleep. She approached it and said, "What's your name, big one? My name is Kiay from the Dwiam tribe!" The girl approached again and said, "What's your name? Mine is Kiay! Hi?" The bird didn't understand, but it watched the girl speak and became even more curious about the small being in front of it, trying to communicate with her.

"You don't have a name?" The girl hugged the bird around its neck with great happiness.

The winged creature let out a small cry, imitating the girl, who didn't understand. Then the creature nodded, opened its wing, and began to flap its immense wings, preparing to fly away.

Kiay: "HEY, WAIT, DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" the girl shouted, trying to reach the bird, but she couldn't; it was large and faster than the small Kiay.

Then the bird shouted again and flew away through a large hole ahead. Once again, the girl stopped and sat down, crying, thinking that she had been abandoned by her new ally or that she had done something it didn't like, causing it to leave her.

"Don't leave me! I'll need you to return home, to my mother, to my family..." She approached and looked through the large natural terrace near the nest. She saw a vast forest with purple and black leaves that extended far beyond what she could see. She tried to calm down and then returned to the nest.

Where she felt safe, even though she was afraid that some large, wild animal might appear. She decided to stop shouting and crying so as not to attract any more dangerous animals again.

Then she noticed beneath the feathers that there was an egg there; this egg had been broken. She understood that the bird was sad when it found her because it had lost its chick, possibly to one of those dogs. It made sense why she attacked it with so much anger, thought the girl.

Once again, the little child slept. Hours later, she heard a loud noise and heard the blue bird arriving, bringing a large fruit that looked like a giant apple in its right claw and a piece of meat that looked like a giant chicken drumstick in its left claw.

It placed them in front of its young guest, as if it wanted the girl to eat something, just like a mother would do for her children.

The girl approached slowly to the mother bird and hugged one of its wings. "Thank you for not abandoning me and for bringing food..." The bird just approached and gently touched its beak to the girl's head.

As if to say "It's okay, I'm back... Little one." The bird had a small wound on its right wing that was bleeding slightly.

The girl approached and saw the wound, which seemed painful. She then picked some feathers with weeds and made a large bandage, placing it over the wound and tying it. She rinsed it with water and tried to clean the wound. She picked some moss, crushed it with a stone, and applied it along with some spit-covered leaves to the wounds, just like she had seen her mother do.

Despite being a young child, the girl had a lot of courage and determination in her brave little heart. Her companion saw this value, which seemed unique and admirable; she knew that even though she didn't understand, she was being cared for by the little one. So after eating the meat, the girl fell asleep.

At dawn, the girl always approached the hole that looked more like a window than anything else.

The view was majestic: a forest with purple and black leaves, a river, rocks, and a steep mountain in its midst with many others around it, and a large blue tree with many large fruits resembling apples or giant pears, as well as an endless number of other giant trees and large animals, from snakes, wolves, bears, to frogs, that lived there.

She kept looking at that incredible view all day until the eternal sunset in her short appearance. The bird always approached the fragile girl, who couldn't stop admiring that beautiful view, wishing her mother, father, and even her unbearable brother could see this beautiful landscape.

The winged creature always sought to understand what she was thinking. When she then looked in the same direction as her and felt a lightness comforting her, placing its wing over the small girl, whom it now protected.

In her curiosity, the child always looked at the cave, trying to understand everything, but it didn't matter; she had no one to teach her the names of things, so she decided to name everything she saw.

"I know, your name will be Winged! Because you are a beautiful bird of light." She spoke and pointed to the Great Bird with a new name: "Winged."

Who just looked at little Kiay without understanding what she was saying but understood what she meant. Her new name meant many other things to her.


Chapter 03: "The World."

Young Kiay, far from knowing where she was, with doubts, fears, and apprehensions in her small childish heart, somehow knew that everything would be okay one way or another. She knew she had to keep her hopes up for her own sake and for being alive and saved by her ally and friend... Alada. (Author's notes: Kids, keep hope alive!)

She was surprised to wake up and find her wounds and pains from the day before had vanished. She had no cuts or bloodstains on her clothes, just some faint almost invisible marks. It didn't seem like she had been gravely injured at all.

Looking around, she admired the nest of the great bird in front of her, and she admired it, a noble and kind bird, bluish, that with its breaths seemed to pulse with each breath, seeming like a light that gradually shone with its breaths, seeming like a heart.

The girl got up and hugged her, causing Alada to wake up and lick her hair. She laughed at that, and Alada headed towards the entrance that looked like a long window of sturdy stones in a cave.

The young girl finally managed to see the landscape in front of her in that place. There were trees with red petals, greenish stones in three mountains not too far from that place, and a thin and tall river in its outline, large with countless creatures she had never dreamed of seeing.

She admired seeing a large cat with red colors and white spots, a large dog that chased servants with five small horns on its head, and gigantic trees with blue, red, and yellow fruits. There was a new world in those places that she had never known.

A world she wanted to know, Kiay wanted her family to be there and live in those lands, the lands of her dreams that she barely knew, that for more beautiful and incredible it seemed like a place, it was not a paradise with beautiful landscapes and prosperous with a vision she had.

The Young girl wanted to believe she was dreaming or that she had died in that long fall.

It was like her mother always said, "There is a beautiful world that our ancestors talked about, it's called paradise, a resting place, a beautiful and prosperous place, daughter, this place is where you can only reach in death."

Yes, she believed she was dead, so she started planning what to do, wishing her family lived long and that everything went well for them. She really wanted her mother to live, her brother to grow up, and her father to protect them from everything and any danger.

Alada arrived with a large fruit, looking like a blue apple, the same as the previous day, with a humanoid animal that seemed intelligent in one of its claws, and in its beak a snake that she had just devoured, from the head greenish blood dripped from Alada's beak.

The creature was dying of fear of being the next meal, the creature looked like a humanoid fox, with fox tails, a face a little humanoid on its body, and hands resembling human hands with short claws. She was trembling, all hunched up.

Kiay approached the humanoid fox and said, "Hi, my name is Kiay, and she's called Alada, what's your name?" She was very curious about the creature.

The creature looked at the girl and, trembling, said, "I'm called Rimei, I'm from the Rampar Village... Are you going to kill me?" She couldn't stop trembling and crying.

Kiay approached her with a slight smile and looked into Rimei's eyes: "I won't do anything to you, and neither will my friend, she won't hurt you. It's good to have someone to talk to, and besides, if we were going to kill you, we would have done it already, look at the snake there in her beak, it would be you there, understand?"

"Yes, Miss Kiay, what do you want from me? I'll do anything, just don't hurt me, please," Rimei trembled with fear.

Kiay stroked Rimei's head: "Where did she find you, and what happened?"

Rimei: "She found me when I was being hunted by that serpent over there, which was cornering me, she was almost devouring me."

Kiay: "Did she save you?" being ironic.

Rimei: "Yes, exactly." She was looking down.

Kiay: "Then why did you think she would kill you after saving you?" with a bewildered look.

Rimei: "I was afraid... Very afraid."

Kiay: "So why didn't your people save you?" [It wouldn't make sense for her to be alone, especially looking like a child or teenager.]

Rimei: "Because I opposed the elder's idea of sacrificing my mother as a sacrifice to the Forest God, I couldn't accept that decision if they want to sacrifice someone, why don't they do it themselves?!" she was quite irritated.

(Author's notes: She has a very precise point.)

Kiay: "Forest God? What is he?"

Rimei: "HIM?!... it's a red bird that always rises from the ashes... it consumes the lives of all who come near it or defy it... it resembles your friend..."

Kiay: "with Alada?!" looking at Alada [A gigantic Alada that's scary.]

Rimei: "Yes, but it's much bigger..."

Kiay: "I'd also oppose anyone who wanted to kill my mother, look, since they must be thinking you died to the snake?"

Rimei: "They threw me near the snake, near her nest they knew where the nest was and threw me there, I managed to avoid entering the nest by holding on, I saw they didn't even look back, thankfully your friend... saved me, she arrived just in time." she started crying, and her stomach began to growl.

Kiay: "It's okay, your mom will be fine... And since you're starving, want to eat this fruit with me? It's too much for me to eat alone." she began pushing the giant apple toward Rimei.

Rimei just nodded and began to use her claws to slice and cut the large blue apple, but couldn't use her claws, they were too small, so she placed the apple on some rocks, then she took out her small knife and began cutting the fruit easily, and served herself with Kiay, and a little for Alada.

Both filled themselves with the fruit, Rimei curled up and slept like a cat. Kiay then began to stare at Alada, and looked into her eyes: "Are you a Goddess, Alada?"

Alada looked at her with a doubtful look, just approaching Kiay.

End of chapter 03.

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