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Contract Lover [BounPrem]

Chapter 01

Kate looked at the man across from her, his shirt was only buttoned three, she could vaguely see the thin body on the outside and the chest muscles hidden inside. His hair was a little messy, his back was leaning slightly against the back of the chair, his face was calm, and he looked tired.

But these can hardly hide the handsome man. With such delicate features, anyone would take a second glance, even Kate, even though she had been his secretary for two years.

Two years ago, this man, Boun, officially took over the family business and became the new CEO of the company. Kate is the one who is left after layers of screening.

Facing a handsome and rich boss every day, it is impossible not to be moved. The unique temperament of a man always exudes charm all the time, and there is no snobbery or bad quality of rich children at all.

Boun is not like the general boss who will shout at his subordinates or be high above. Generally, Boun seen by outsiders is cold and doesn't talk much. But in private, he is very friendly and easy to get along with secretaries, assistants, drivers, and those who have more opportunities to contact.

Naturally, there is no shortage of suitors for such bosses, both male and female. Kate used to be one of them.

Kate is also considered to be the best among girls, with good looks, body and educational background. But for Boun, the boss, in his eyes, Kate's advantage is that he has strong execution and adaptability, and is a good subordinate. This is why Kate can be a secretary by Boun's side for two years, but she is only a secretary.

Day and night, there is always the urge to take risks and get him down.

Of course, it's hard for Kate to keep herself from losing her mind if she hadn't known the man -- her boss, Boun, didn't like girls.

As for how Kate knew that Boun didn't like girls, it was because she happened to accompany Boun to meet clients once, and when they came back, they took Boun's sister Bonnie home by the way. The little girl just went to college, she is quirky, and doesn't know what she's watching at on her mobile phone.

After a while in the car, she asked Boun directly without hesitation: "Phi, are you a 1 or a 0."

Boun asked her back: "What is a 1 and what is a 0?"

"It's top and bottom. You're top or bottom."

"Top." Boun replied lightly, and told Bonnie not to look at some messy things.

Kate, who was sitting in the passenger, was in a mess. She glanced at the driver, Jeff, and there was no fluctuation, it was estimated that he didn't understand. But she understood, and secretly glanced at Boun in the rearview mirror, Boun didn't take it seriously and continued to look at the document in his hand.

It's been a few months since this incident, and Kate still doesn't want to believe that the person she likes is gay. But now, it is no longer possible to not believe it. Because she just helped to bring Boun's "lover" to the hospital, and this "lover" was a boy.

Boun had a work arrangement this morning. Kate and the driver came to pick him up at the door of the villa as usual. After waiting for a long time, the phone did not answer, and the knock on the door did not open. This was not Boun's usual style, and Kate, worried that something was wrong, opened the door with the code Boun had given her earlier.

Of course, the villa was empty. Kate was about to call Boun's mother, but Boun called just in time and gave the name of the hotel. Afterwards, she helped a strange boy into the car and came to Vincent, Boun's personal doctor.

The boy was taken to the emergency room, and Vincent arranged for other doctors to draw Boun's blood and examine his body. Now, Kate accompanies Boun in the VIP lounge waiting for the results.

Vincent walked in with the medical records.

"He was injured inside and shed a little blood. There's nothing serious right now, and he's got a little fever. I'll go in and take a look at him now, but I'll tell you about some problems first." Vincent and Boun are good friends and talk straight, but now have reservations because of Kate's presence.

Kate naturally understood and got up to go out. Boun signaled her not to, then turned to Vincent and said, "It's okay, I can trust Kate. After you finish, I have something to arrange for her."

Vincent nodded: "As soon as you come, I will arrange for you to have a blood test and a urine test, mainly for safety reasons, to check whether you have been drugged, and... whether the other party has any infectious diseases."

Boun didn't speak, just nodded.

"But I just checked him out, and he has a lot of semen in his body. That means you're not using a condom, so there's a high risk to you. He also had blood drawn, but the results will be out tomorrow afternoon at the earliest."

"What's the meaning?"

"He, a stranger, had sex with you under the condition that you were drugged, and most likely came prepared. This is a conspiracy, you have to guard against more than one aspect, and it is difficult to guarantee whether he is a carrier, you know what I mean."

"HIV," Boun said calmly.

"Yes. PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) drug is effective within 72 hours, but it must be used as soon as possible. Although I don't know if he is, but I suggest you use the PEP drug first."

Boun shook his head, he had the answer in heart.

"Go and have a look. If you can, I'd like to have a few words with him alone."

Seeing that Boun was so determined, Vincent couldn't persuade him any further. When he came to the ward, he looked at the medical record book in his hand again. The boy is called Prem, 25 years old.

Prem calmly glanced at the doctor, and now looks much better than the comatose with a high fever that he had just delivered.

"Do you know where you are now?"


"Anything uncomfortable?"

Prem shook his head, gritted his teeth and said another word: "Pain."

Vincent understood what Prem was referring to, and when he checked, he saw that Prem's entire back hole was red and swollen, but fortunately there was no serious laceration. If he hadn't known in advance that Boun was being drugged, he would have wanted to call Boun a beast.

"Not cleaned after doing it, so you have a fever. When the fever subsides, the body recovers better, and if there are no other problems, you can be discharged from the hospital."

"But I remember, I took a shower." Yes, although Prem was scarred by the torture last night, he remembered that he had to wash himself before lying down on the bed.

"Taking a bath and cleaning up are two different things." Vincent saw Prem's dazed expression, and doubts arose in his heart. "Don't you know that semen left in your body can make you sick?"

Prem shook his head.

Prem's face was pale, but when Vincent mentioned the word semen, Prem's face seemed to flush with embarrassment.

"First time?" Vincent was suspicious.

Prem thinking that this was also related to his condition, answered truthfully.


To Be Continued....

Chapter 02

Vincent came to that VIP lounge again.

"That boy should be the first time, he shouldn't be someone specializing in that kind of thing, it's just a mistake. You may have to send someone to check."

Boun nodded.

When Boun woke up in the morning and found a strange boy in his arms, he was really startled. He vaguely remembered that he was at the Sky bar last night, and then came here for some unknown reason. He tried to wake the stranger beside him, only to find that he was hot and he was in a semi-conscious state.

Boun immediately found his mobile phone and called Kate to the hotel. After that, he called Vincent, talked about the situation, and asked Vincent to prepare staff, and they would arrive immediately.

Later, on the way to the hospital, Boun slowly recalled that he should have had a glass of wine last night that he should not drink, and his body's hot reaction came quickly. When he escaped from the parking lot, he encountered this boy and even touched this boy. Boun has no memory of what happened after that, but from seeing the scars on this strange boy, he has an answer in his heart.

Boun got up and said to Kate, "Ask Andy to check what happened last night and also check the boy."

"His name is Prem," Vincent added.

Andy is Boun's assistant, and his job is similar to Kate's. But Andy is responsible for the general direction of work, and Kate is the details.

Boun came to the ward, knocked politely on the door, went in and closed the door again. He did this not only because of his own self-restraint, but also because he had probably analyzed it, and his intuition also told him that this boy named Prem was not a bad person, and the drug use had nothing to do with him. That's why he refuses to use PEP drugs, he believes that Prem is just an innocent person.

Boun looked at the person in the hospital bed, didn't know if it's because of the pale face, looking clean and immature.

Prem seemed to be prepared for Boun's arrival, his expression unwavering.

"Can you tell me what happened last night?" Boun sat on the stool beside the hospital bed. Although Prem was lying, the two were very close.

"I saw you in the parking lot."

Boun nodded, motioning for Prem to continue.

"You're vomiting. I guess you might be so drunk that you can't stand still.. Then I went to help you, and you kissed me like crazy, and pulled my clothes."

"I was drugged."

"Um. I guessed it later. Then I bring you to the hotel." Prem didn't continue to talk about what happened later, and Boun also knew that he couldn't ask.

After a moment of silence, Boun asked Prem: "Do you know me?"


"Why did you take me to the hotel? You know the consequences of going to the hotel?"

"I know."

"Then why?"

Prem was silent. He can't say that because I like you, I gave myself voluntarily.

"Because of money."

When these three words were said, Prem was quite determined. He really likes Boun. When did it start? Two years ago.

Two years ago, Boun officially took over the company, and Prem has been working in the company for a year. He heard from his colleagues that the new CEO is a talented person, and only heard about it.

Because their company is on the 25th and 26th floors of the building, while Prem's department is on the 25th floor, and the CEO's office is on the 26th floor. The CEO has a separate elevator, and every time he takes a private elevator directly from the underground parking lot to go upstairs. Prem is just an ordinary employee with supervisors, department managers and deputy managers on top of him. Naturally, there will be no meetings or other work opportunities to contact the CEO, so Prem has no chance to meet the CEO at all.

But still met it. The CEO came to visit each department on the third day of his tenure, and Prem finally understood why everyone was fascinated.

Handsome, so handsome. Prem, a born gay, is more sensitive to handsome guys and has low resistance.

Like it? Of course, who doesn't like handsome guys.

Is it exciting? Not to that extent, but if you see a good looking guy, you will take a few more glances.

The second time he saw Boun was in a western restaurant. Boun and several people walked from the door to the box inside. The waiter was carrying a tray full of juice, and accidentally bumped into Boun, the juice spilled all over Boun's suit, and also splashed some on the people next to him. The people next to him began to scold, the waiter was so scared that she cried, and the manager rushed over to apologize.

The sudden commotion attracted everyone to look around, and Prem noticed the scene at the booth in the corner. Boun smiled and said that it was okay, the talents who accompanied him gave up.

The third time he saw Boun was at the Sky bar. On his good friend James's birthday, Prem was invited to attend.

Sky Bar is a relatively high-end bar in Bangkok. The first floor is no different from the usual bars, and the second floor is full of boxes. Each box on the second floor has a soundproof glass facing the dance floor on the first floor. If you want to feel the atmosphere of the bar, you can open the curtains. When you close the curtains, it is a box where you can talk. Of course, not everyone can go to the second floor, you have to have money and powerful.

Prem doesn't like bars very much, and his financial situation doesn't allow him to come to such an expensive place. After giving James a gift and staying for a while, he decided to leave. He walked through the back door to the parking lot, where he bumped with Boun who was about to enter the door. Boun apologized politely and picked up Prem's lost car key before going up to the second floor.

Most of the people are like this. They have a good impression of a person from the beginning, and if they meet two or three times, their hearts will slowly throb. Every time see the friendly side of each other, even if it is a small matter, will silently add points in heart.

It was just unexpected, and he slowly became obsessed with it, and this person fell into his heart, and he couldn't take it away.

After that, Prem will go to the sky bar every time. He just wants to have a chance to see Boun again. Also, he had the chance to pick up the drugged boun in the parking lot last night.

"How much do you want?"

Boun's voice pulled Prem back to reality. Although it was a condescending sentence, Prem didn't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment in Boun's face and tone.

"Up to you." Prem smiled reluctantly.

"Okay. I'll arrange it."

To Be Continued....

Chapter 03

Kate got into the car with Boun, and the driver had to take Boun home to change his clothes and go to the company for a meeting in the afternoon. Boun's absence for a morning is equivalent to accumulating a lot of work.

Boun asked Kate to get the checkbook and wrote down two million baht without hesitation.

"Give this to Prem."

"That boy?" Kate took the check and was a little surprised to see the number on it.


Kate knew that he shouldn't interfere in any of the boss's decisions, but he couldn't help but say, "Boss, do you want to wait for Andy's investigation results to see if you want to give him the money?"

"No need." Boun looked tired and his tone was cold. After a while, boun continued, "You don't have to follow me this afternoon. Go and see if he needs anything. Let him sign a confidentiality contract."

The service of private hospitals is good, and each patient is equipped with a nurse. It's impossible for Boun not to know. But Kate knew that she could just listen to the order and keep her mouth shut. In the afternoon, she went to the hospital to deliver the check and a confidentiality contract. Prem glanced at it and flashed a hint of shock, slightly looked at the contract, and returned it to Kate intact.

Kate was surprised that Prem didn't feel happy about receiving the check. After all, two million baht is not a small sum of money. Isn't he satisfied?

"Please tell the boss, I have something to discuss with him." Prem's tone was calm and polite.

Kate is somewhat prejudice against Prem's behavior. But it was not her turn to say, she was only responsible for doing the things the boss told her.

Before she left, she asked Prem if he needed anything else, and Prem politely asked Kate to buy him a set of clothes. He smiled and pointed to the hospital clothes on his body, saying that can't leave hospital wearing the hospital clothes.

Because when he came to the hospital, he only had the hotel bathrobe, he was still unconscious when carried in by Boun.

Kate nodded and agreed.


Here, Ken, the owner of the Sky Bar, knew about this, and without saying a word, he quickly transferred the surveillance video, and Andy quickly found out the person who put the drug.

The Sky Bar is opened by Boun's good friend Ken, and there is a fixed box on the second floor that is reserved for Boun and a few good friends to hang out. They are all young people who work hard during the day and naturally want to find a place to relax, drink and chat. But everyone is rich and wealthy, so when they go to public places, it is inevitable that some people with a purpose will rush to them.

In the afternoon of the same day, Boun received the information that Andy found, one was the surveillance video of the bar last night, and the other was Prem's personal information.

Andy reported ins and outs one by one. It was a waiter in the bar who put the medicine in the glass of wine before Boun left. The medicine was very strong, Boun felt bad as soon as he came downstairs, so he tried to induce vomiting in the parking lot.

In addition to the waiter, there are also people who work with him. The man hid in front of the toilet waiting for an opportunity, and the one who was in charge of driving was waiting in the parking lot.

"The waiter has been detained in the Sky bar. He only said that he was taking the money to do things, and refused to say who paid the money. But after checking, he had nothing to do with that Prem. On the contrary, it was found that the person who asked him to do things was the Secretary of our competitor." Andy said the last sentence and waited for Boun's instructions.

Boun didn't know why he was a little happy, probably because, consistent with his guess, Prem was indeed innocent.

Boun opened the folder about Prem's personal information, including name, age, place of origin... His eyes stopped at the column of workplace - LIFE company. It turns out that Prem is an employee of his own company. No wonder he says he knows himself.

After roughly reading the material, Boun looked up and asked Andy, " he short of money?"

"He has no debts, but no savings. He has no bad hobbies. He rents the house and the car is an old used car. Currently, he has no mortgage or car loan. The salary should be enough for his living expenses."

Boun didn't speak, thinking about something.

"I went to the place where he lived, and it was a very old building. The landlord planned to sell the house, so he was about to move out. Boss, for ordinary people like us, the money is just enough, but it's actually a lack of money."

Boun beckoned Andy to leave work first, sitting at his desk thinking of what Prem said today. Over the years, there have been a lot of people who have approached Boun, who is not a high-sounding person saying that because of love, they just want to be by his side and don't want anything. But in fact which one is not for money.

Like Prem, straight up, for the money, is the first. If it's really for the money, it's a relief to Boun.

Even if Prem is an innocent person, as long as one word of this incident spreads, it will have a great impact on Boun. Plus, Boun knew he must have gotten out of control last night, causing a lot of damage to Prem, both physically and mentally. If money can make up for Prem and also can make Prem keep secret, then the money will be worth it.

The next afternoon, Boun came to the hospital and went straight to Vincent's office. Vincent was quite surprised by his arrival, and Boun's reason was to come to get the test results.

Vincent glanced at Boun, the man was sitting on the chair opposite him, seemingly relaxed, the chair was turning slightly, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"I have sent the test results to your e-mail, and you can send someone to pick them up if you need the original order. If you have any questions, you can also call and ask, there is absolutely no need for you to come to the hospital." Vincent said word for word, and his subtext was you came to the hospital for another reason.

Boun smiled and nodded, but said nothing.

Vincent handed the report on the table and Boun waved.

"I don't understand."

"As you guessed, it was drugged. Others, all indicators are normal, and there is no HIV virus."

"" Boun responded simply, as if expected.

"Why do you believe him so much? There is no doubt that he was with the drugger?"

"If he is really with the person who drugged me, there is only one purpose for him to do this, that is, to coerce me. Maybe coerce me, ask me to do something, or coerce me, ask me to give money. But both ways are neither possible nor necessary he need to hurt himself, nor pass out beside me."

Vincent nodded.

"On the way to the hospital, I recalled what happened the night before. I remember that I was going to leave, and I had a reaction when I came down the stairs. There was a toilet under the stairs. I was going to go to the toilet, but someone saw me coming down the stairs and I thought it was inappropriate. I went to the parking lot. In fact, according to the monitoring that Andy found, they did leave a person at the door of the toilet and waited for me to go."

"Then...why did he take you to the hotel, he knew what would happen in that case." Vincent was puzzled.

"He said he volunteered to help me, for the money."

"Money? Do you believe it?"

"I don't know. But even if he doesn't say it, I should compensate him. No matter whether the other party is male or female, it really hurts him a lot. To be more serious, I think it's similar to rape."

"I was terrified when I saw his wound, and I don't know how he endured it that night."

Boun nodded, then asked again, "Will it leave a traumatized on him?"

Vincent spread his hands, the answer was uncertain.  "So what is the purpose of your visit this time?"

"Give him money."

To Be Continued .....

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