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Warmest Greetings to my dearest readers...

Before embarking on the journey of heartbeat highschool with you, I would like to introduce myself to you...

My name is Currie and this is the first time I am publishing my work on an online platform of my choice with the help of my dearest Carino and friend Muffin... literally the girl is fire and I would like to inform you that she is not only the biggest inspiration behind my work but also the one who enables me to post stuff from her account...

I belong from an asian family, so i struggle with restrictions.

She has not only given me the permission to use her account to post my content via her account but has also motivated me continue my content when I was at the verge of quitting it...

So well, firstly tons gratitude to her

And secondly gratitude to all you wonderful readers for giving my story a chance. Proud to be a part of your reading collection...

While I am new to writing (this legit my first online content) but I promise I will try my best to not only write good but also try to remain consistent with my work...

I promise to provide you with the best experience I can offer to you as a writer!

With that being said...

Go ahead and enjoy beginning with the very first chapter!!!✨

chapter -1-Yokosuma high

Welcome to the prestigious highschool of Yokosuma academy where downtime is currently low and competition among peers is all times high.

This is truly one of those seldom institutions where bumping on highly focused and overachieving individuals is as common as sunrise every morning.

Intriguingly ; this day the air of Yokosuma carries a distinct sensation to it...

For today marks the very first arrival of our lead girl *Sakura* an average teenager with innocent spark in her eyes and relentless optimism in her heart.

          Sakura (first female lead)

She walks in the corridors with a smile on her lips and confidence on her face straight into her assigned classroom.

This is her first day in this brand new building. She was looking forward to this day since February when she recieved the letter of acceptance into Yokosuma high right past 2 days the interview. Naturally, she is excited. Could have potentially been nervous too but nahhh; Sakura is the girl in the games who might be clueless on the rules but will play with stern confidence anyways...

Overall, our girl is bright and fun; wants to help people and aspires to be a social worker someday...

As long as she feels confident and takes care of her impulsive tendencies; nothing can virtually stop her from living her best life!

Except; the ones that surround her!

As she enters the class, she is greeted by her class teacher Mr. Asmas (an old fellow with a lifelong teaching experience).


He is famous for his excellent wisdom gained throughout his 50 years of teaching young individuals

But this isn't the first time Sakura has met Mr.Asmas...

Interestingly, Mr. Asmas had been one of the interviewers of Sakura during her quest for admission at this education hub. She had to give a written exam and pass an interview only after which she got accepted. And during the interview he did ask her some peculiar questions regarding herself...which she tried to answer as honestly as she could...

He introduces her to the entire class,

'this is Sakura, a transfer student from Saint. Father catholic school,

From now on she will be joining us and i would appreciate it if you make her feel as welcomed as you can as fellow students of this classroom...

For now... let's see...Hmm...sit there in the empty bench beside haruki.

this will be your assorted bench for this semester !

And feel free to share any concern or queries you might be having regarding any matter'

Sakura smiled and nodded.

From the distance that she could see, haruki seemed to be a grave looking guy with glasses and black shirt sitting in the last bench in a lonesome corner of the class.

Haruki (first male lead)

His short black hair rather set quiet perfectly while he almost appeared to be a forgotten shadow in the middle of a class filled with all bright students...

His expression still remained grave and as soon as Mr. Asmas announced regarding assorting her the bench next to him for the whole semester; Sakura could see the colour draining from Haruki's face.

Yet, She obediently marched towards the bench beside him as instructed by Mr.Asmas...

All the while wondering what was the cause of Haruki's strange reaction in all this...

chapter -2 - Initiation

Sakura finally sits of the bench beside Haruki...

She instantly goes ahead with her cheerful persona and introduces herself in her best attempt to befriend him -

Hi mr... happy to meet you!

As you can see i am completely brand new to this place and you don't seem to be having much companionship around here;

I mean, don't get me wrong! ...

I don't spy on you or anything to know who you might be hanging out with or not,

but...I don't know how to exactly pin point it but you seem like someone who prefers hanging out with themselves more ...

Which btw is completely fine , I mean there's nothing wrong with prioritising your own company over that of others but since we are sitting together in the same Bench for the whole year, why don't we just befriend each other, would'nt that really help us getting comfortable in each other's company, what do you say...sounds like a great idea right?

Haruki (still looking very grave and almost annoyed) after listening to every word of the girl minorly adjusts his glasses after which he finally replies with...

Well, as you just stated, I don't particularly enjoy company. Specially from someone like you!

and I would prefer it being that way. I would appreciate it very much if you don't bother me with any of your chaotic activities , any handpicked suggestions or random conversation starters like this's bothering and frankly annoys the heck out of me. I would prefer it if we not talk at any moment during the day and about being friends... well, you should provide that offer to someone who has an interest... because I surely don't have any...

Go give your overly outgoing aura to someone who needs it!

Hearing this Sakura stops smiling aggressively like before. She simply nodds and says...

'Well, as you wish! So, be it'

She feels hurt by his brutal tone and his words. More than that she feels angry for the way he talked down to her in this way.

She begins thinking to herself,

"what jerk of a human being is he huh?

Does he not have manners or something, he seemed utterly lonely, I was just trying to help him, I didn't even do anything to cause him any disturbance yet...Gosh, how much quantity of Ego can a human body store at once?... unbelievable... seriously!!!

Jerk...stupid... And the dumbest human I ever came across!!!"

She curses Haruki a tons inside her head while sitting silent with a grave expression resembling that of Haruki...but after 10 to 15 mins of mindless cursing, she looks around and realises that she is surrounded by a busy bustling atmosphere of all bright and unique individuals...

And then she remembered the quote she heard from one of her childhood friend 'there's always plenty of fish in the sea'...

She laughs a little on herself thinking how she didn't realise this only because she was sitting next to Haruki and the negative expirience with him. just like how in life we don't notice all the good that surrounds us because we are too busy noticing that one bad detail that took place.

With this in mind she again gets back to being her bright and cheery self, excited of what all the future looks for her in this brand new classroom filled with all sorts of students...

In the recess, she finds a group of students eagerly sharing their water Colour paintings with each others...

Looking at them Sakura remembers she has her art book with her today...she had packed it in for an opportunity as such...

She quickly took it out and joined there group where she showcased her art ...

Everyone was amazed and she got numerous praises for her was a huge group so everyone could hear those good compliments ...

Including Haruki: the only one didn't seem too happy about it.

His jealousy and annoyance was on peak and totally visible on his face. As if he his expression screamed 'how dare she?' it was merely the fact that no one noticed this since most people were accustomed to not noticing him either could say he was basically invisible in this classroom, maybe because of his demeanor or maybe he didn't wish for anyone to ever notice him ever...or maybe he secretly did...who knows?

Nevertheless, after recess the periods went calmly and Sakura never got to know about Haruki being jealous of her.

She was simply too busy getting happy about the fact that got so many compliments and she got to meet so many new people and got to witness there artistic streak!

As after 12:30 the final bell rang and it was the end of today's classes...

Everyone headed back to there homes.

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