NovelToon NovelToon



[Porsche POV]

Pak! Pak!

The sound of hitting caught my attention while smoking at the bar's back alley I am working with. I put the large garbage bag into the bin as my eyes found a group of 5 or six men pouncing on someone who was lying on the ground helplessly. Their hard fists and feet hitting relentlessly.

I tighten my grip on my backpack as I turned away, sipping on my cigarette exhaling the smoke as if I didn't see anything. I'm used to seeing this kind of scene, in this dark back alley, where only the staff and deliveries can walkthrough.

"You're a tough one shit!"

Comes the sound from one of the bastards. I didn't care as I focused on locking the back door. My part-time job as a waiter just ended and I'm planning to go straight home.

At times like this, customers and bystanders began to thin out. Some are waiting for taxis, Some randomly picking out a girl to take home.

And some are just having a brawl just like the one behind me.

I'm not a bad person, but I don't want to interfere in anyone's business. I don't want to be dragged into someone else's mess.

You can curse at me all you want for not helping, but I won't give a damn. For all I know, that man who is being stomped upon may have done something bad, that's why he is being beaten.

"Let me go!"

I turned to look at the poor guy who was slumped into the dirt, stood up, and tried to fight his way. I throw my cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it as I stretched lazily, preparing to leave quietly and go home. I am starting to descend when someone holds onto my shirt.


Came the hoarse voice, my attention was caught up by the university logo at the back of his uniform. As I turned to look at the face of the one who's holding me, his nose and mouth were bleeding. I was stunned when I take a good look at his broken face. Even though it was ruined with gushes and blood, he looks so divinely gorgeous, his skin was delicate and smooth. From the dim lights of the alley, he looks younger than I thought.

"Hey! Come here!"

One of the morons walked up towards us and pulled the boy's collar. I looked at the guy who was asking for help and I can see his desperation. Something tugged at my chest so I pulled him back.

"Take it easy, brother."

I said in a smooth voice. Looked at his mustache-covered face and I can tell he is a lot older than me. Why are they bullying children? From the looks of the boy I held by the arm, we are the same age, and judging his clothing brands, he must be a rich kid. Then suddenly I thought of something brilliant. I grabbed him away from the man's hold and get him behind me. I looked at the group of bastards in front of me and see that all of them are looking dangerously.

"If you don't want to get hurt, don't meddle with our business and return that boy to me." I hesitated a little before I answered.

"What if I don't?"

"I told you to let him go!" He screamed.

I was silent for a moment, thinking this is none of my business, and my brother was waiting for me at home. My subconscious mind began to hesitate as the shattered face of the boy behind me flashed through my mind. I am indeed selfish most of the time. I don't go helping damsels in distress, just to prevent confrontations like this. I won't get anything by helping anyway.

"If you help me.. I'll pay you a large sum of money."

The boy whispered in my ear. Did he really think he can get his way through money? How brazen he could be to lure me with money.

"How much?" I asked him.

Yes. You were right, money can buy me especially at times like this when I needed it the most.

"Is Fifty thousand enough?"

With that, I put my backpack down, gripped my knuckles, and make a cracking sound...

Stretched my strained neck and back muscles a little. That was enough for my brother's tuition fee, of course, I'll help.

"Deal. If you back down on your word, I'll kill you."

I say before seeing one of the gangsters pick up a stick and tried to hit me in the head, but my reflexes are better than the rest of them combined. I kicked the man in the jaw and managed to move him out of the way. One down.

Another one charged forward but my feet were faster to connect a flying kick at his gut. The others follow suit but no one succeeded in getting their hands on the boy.

Being a Martial arts champion since high school, I knocked down a lot of people. And I used all of my knowledge and skills to protect that one person behind me.

Now, I became the target and they take turns in throwing punches at me, some connected with my jaw, and I smiled at the tangy taste of blood on my lips. That won't be enough to bring me down, mother fuckers!.

I managed to counterattack, punches after punches and kicks after kicks rained. When finally, all of the gangsters were grunting fallen on the ground, I snatched my backpack and grabbed the bloody boy who is sitting near the trash bin holding his stomach. I dragged him by the hand and run towards my motorcycle. I looked back and saw the gangsters chasing after us.

"Where are we going?" He asked me still holding his abdomen.

"Don't know."

I answered taking his hands to hold into my waist as he was reluctantly looking behind at the running morons towards us. I make sure he was holding tight, I can't afford to let him fall before he can even pay for my services.

I started the engine and run quickly at full throttle. I looked back and saw a few still chasing us but get lost when I turned into the main road. I accelerated without looking back, they might get into a car and come after us if I didn't get far enough.

"Thank you."

The hoarse voice spoke behind my ear, and I feel a shiver down my spine. I can feel his head, heavy on my shoulder. He must have been badly hurt.

"Don't thank me yet."

I say looking back through the side mirror. I let out a sigh when I make sure that we are far enough and no one is chasing us.

"They won't follow us anymore. Thank you again."

Said the tall figure behind me, his head and body fully leaning on me. I'm afraid he might faint so I took hold of his hands with my left, to make sure his grip is tight, afraid he would fall.

"Hold me tight or I'll be dead."

His voice suddenly became smooth and deep. Gone was the hoarse tone. I feel his fingers tighten his hold at the hem of my T-shirt.

"Thank you." He said again.

"Fifty thousand." I said, looking at his face through the side mirror. He nodded in pain and adjusted his sitting position.

"Let's go to my house, then I can give you the money."

I thought for a while. What if this guy is a drug dealer? Or a mafia member? I'll be dead before I even get hold of the money.

"You don't have to look like that, I'm not deceiving to kill you."

As if he heard my thoughts, the guy commented looked straight at the side view mirror and smiled at me.

"Who knows?"

"Do I look like a criminal to you?"

"Eh... What if you were related to goons or the bastards like earlier?"

"Hehe." He laughed through pained expression.

I'll be damned. So I told him I'll be stopping at the nearby gas station and he can take a taxi home.

I make sure that the gas station has an ATM so that he can withdraw and pay me back.

"My phone is lost including my wallet."

"Hey! You liar, how could you trick me? I should just probably beat you to death right here." I said turning my face into him who happens to still be sitting on my back seat.

" can take this, this is worth more than fifty thousand." He said taking off his watch.

"How will I know it's not fake?"

"Then return it to me" I inspected the watch, even though it was soiled, I can see it was beautifully crafted and sold even for a hundred thousand.

"Okay, you can get down now, but if you tricked me, I'll come looking for you and beat you to a pulp."

"Wait a minute, can I borrow your phone? Let me call my dad."

Okay, now you can call me completely paranoid, but what if he runs with my phone? But judging from his hunched figure and ragged breathing, I wonder if he could even get away from me.

"Such a nuisance." I murmured before I hand my phone to him.

He pressed some numbers and there came an answer on the other end of the line. He really did call his father. I heard it, he asks for someone to pick him up at our location.

I gently watch him as he makes the call, there's a strong urge inside me to take him to the nearest hospital. I can't leave him breathing like a dying cow like this. The gushing blood from his head seems nonstop.

What if I told him that I'd take him to the hospital but I'll add another thirty thousand, will he agree?

"Thank you again even if you're a money-greedy one." I pretend not to care for what he said. A person must do what he needs to do to survive.

"We are in the same school, what's your name?"

"How do you know?"

"Your shirt." I realized I was wearing my school uniform atop my working clothes, which are now bloody red.

"What's your name?" He breaths so hard making him hard to speak, I want to tell him to stop speaking and reserve his strength until his escort came.

"Why? You're waiting for them to beat me?" I raised my eyebrows.

"No, can you just tell me your name?" He kept asking.

"Why? So that you could write it on the wall and glorify me?"

"If you don't want to, I'll get the watch back, you can come with me to my house and pick up the cash."

"Jom, my name is Jom."

He gazed at me for quite a while before turning back and walk a little wobbly away from me. I wonder who is he and what is he doing with those gangsters, I just shrug my shoulders. It's not my business anymore. I put on my helmet and start to drive home.


[Porsche POV]

"Who is talking about me? I've been sneezing since last night! Damn!"

Jom sneezed out again as he put the coffee cup on the marble table in front of the faculty of Sports Science. I kept looking up at him and repeatedly saying sorry in my mind.

Yesterday, I lied about my name and gave the boy his name instead. Well, I can't trust a stranger that easily, and given the situation who would dare tell their first name? I took the watch and sold it. I have exchanged it for a couple of hundred thousand already.

So if he ever came looking for me, I could deny the name who isn't me in the first place. I remember him saying, "If anything happens to the watch, consider yourself dead."

"Why are you looking at me fuck head?"

The bastard asked me as he came to sit beside me and Jom. His name is Tem. They are my only friends, my two best friends. Even though I am good- looking, with a smooth face and all, I'm not quite friendly, especially with strangers. I rarely express my feelings and other people may perceive me as being cold. Maybe the Japanese tattoo of cherry blossoms on my left arm contributed mainly as they did not dare to mess with me. Only these two idiots stay with me until now.

We are currently in our 2nd year in one of the top universities in the country, but if it weren't for the scholarship of being an athlete, boy! I wouldn't have the wisdom to study here. I study for free. As a taekwondo champion and a representative of our school, it makes life easier to apply for a scholarship.

"If we finish our report early, Porsche, can we visit the club?" The boy Jom who has been playing on his phone said.

"Before you think of drinking, help me first."

Tem is implying that he has been sitting here alone and doing the report for a long time already. I, on the other hand, didn't engage in what he is doing, I don't have any plans on helping at all.

"Well if it's done, we'll go okay?"

Jom doesn't give up the idea of visiting the club where I work. They often go there just to hang out, because they were as close to the owner as I am.

"Ohoi, okay we'll go." I said.

Jom stopped playing on his phone and the two of them worked faster to complete the report with Jom asking every three minutes if we're done yet. As for me, I do whatever I can without any effort whatsoever.

So the three of us, now sitting in front of the bartender at THE ROOT CLUB, my boss's shop. I am very familiar with my boss, Jae Jade, a transgender woman who has a traditional Chinese new year dress in different shades, that she wears all the time. I changed my outfit into a working uniform, ready to jam with them anytime I am free.

"Nong Porsche, someone asked for you to prepare a drink,"

The chattering middle-aged woman makes me smile, accepts the thin paper with the request written on it, and prepares the drink. This is what I really want, to become a bartender. But I have a long way to go from here.

I often get a lot of tips, especially from female customers. And there are a lot who just sit there and look at me all through the night.

Some days, I hook up and take them secretly to the hotel, but that would be only if I really liked the girl. For example, this woman I am currently serving cocktails with, came with her three friends. And not to boast but, she kept looking at me like I'm a piece of sausage.

"My name is Vivi, if you have free time, you may call me."

As expected, she wrote a small note of her number on a piece of paper and gave it to me. I just responded with a small smile and put the paper in my pocket.

"I wonder how many would you get laid with tonight," Jom said as I walked over and sit my ass on the chair beside him..

"What? It's not even dark yet but there's already someone who wants to pounce on you?"

Jae Jade said and linked her arms around mine. If it were other transgender or gay, I would've felt goosebumps or disgusted. But Jae is different. She is kind and has always been there for me and my brother. When I get financial shortage for Porche's, (my brother) tuition fee, she is the first one to offer help. I have been working here for years, even though I just turned 20 a couple of months ago, Jae allowed me to work part-time. Before, I was just a house boy. I help in keeping the club clean and tidy. After school, I help in mopping the floor before opening the club. And Before I go home I will scrub the floor, clean all the tables and chairs, and make sure everything is organized. Until I was promoted to become a waiter because Jae said, the customers were addicted to me and my killer looks.

"Yes Jae, you must prepare, all the eyes in the club now are on your boy." Said the bastard Tem.

Jae makes a face and pouts her lips as she leaned on my shoulder. I couldn't help but laugh in embarrassment and gulp down a glass of alcohol.

The night is still young and customers are beginning to fill the club. But I'm not yet busy. I remember my father, he opened many businesses but turned bankrupt, he died together with my mother in a car accident, the businesses were seized by the bank and left us in a lot of debt. The only remaining treasure to me and my brother is the townhouse we are currently residing at.

And there is Athy, my father's brother.

Instead of supporting us, he became addicted to gambling and also dragged us into further ruins.

"You really are going to be Jae's husband eh? I never seen you with a girlfriend." Said Jom.

"Hehe, I can barely survive on my own, why would I look for someone to take care of?" I laughed at their silly banter.

"You can find someone to take care of you, silly." Said Tem, tipping his head to the side towards the table in the corner where a group of handsome men sat.

"I saw him staring at you for a long time now." "Do you want to be kicked in the face?" I tried to kick him under the table.

"Whatever, he might have a crush on you. Everyone stop looking, we're getting obvious." Jae said and everyone pretends to look elsewhere.

"Yeah really, you looked cool, dressed neatly, plus you have that cool tattoo." Tem continue to tease me, causing me to throw ice at him.

"If Porsche were gay, and they ended up together, they would give birth to a dog that looks like Jae Jade. Hahaha" Jom laughs so hard causing Jae to hit him on the head.

"Ugh, this table is full of shits." She uttered then left to other tables to assist customers.

"Look, he is not looking at Jae, he clearly is into you Porsche!" Jom exclaims.

I glanced at the table uncomfortably, these were the times that I hated. When gay men enter the shop and gaze at me like I'm a freshly cut ham. Some even bother to write numbers and messages, some even speak to tease me, and I can't do anything. I just smile at them. I don't mind, but I know my taste, I'm not like that.

"Look at the brand names they are wearing, if you say yes to him, you can have a better life." Said Tem.

"If you don't stop, I'll drag you over at the back of the shop and beat you to a pulp." I said in a smooth but dangerous voice.

"Ohoi, just kidding! Look, that lady you served called you over, go!".

I walked over to Vivi who called me as if to order something more. So I only offer a smile, bent over, and talk to her.

"Where is the bathroom?" She said in between our faces that is almost touching. Her fingers gently caressing my hand on the table.

"Walk straight there then turn left." I pointed her in the direction of the bathroom. Though I know what she wants, I tried to pretend innocent.

"Can you take me there? I'm afraid I get lost."

That's it, I nodded and walked ahead, and as expected, the lady could not stand it anymore, pulling me into the darker corner of the shop next to the storage room. She managed to lean in to kiss me torridly, pushing my body into the wall. Her lips were full of lust, crushing and squeezing me at the same time.

Here in the dark corner of the shop, a lot like this happens, so I am not surprised at all. I, myself, often use this corner for some 'extra activity' during the night, when I get hungry.

My thick hands travel south and squeeze her big breast then go down to open my zipper and unbuckle my belt. Excitement filling my lungs..

But before I could even put my pants down, I heard a loud crashing sound. Bang! Bang!

"Porsche! Come quick! Something bad is happening!"

A younger waiter came running at me with terror on his face.

"What's happening?" I said while buckling my belt back. Vivi fixed her dress looking confused.

"Let's go." I run after my younger co-worker, only to find half of the shop messed up and broken. Tables and chairs had fallen, the customers ran outside the shop. Shards of glasses and bottles were scattered on the floor.

There were more than ten black-clothed men inside refusing to stop. Jae is trying to negotiate but they don't seem to mind.

I ran to Jae who had her two friends and another employee crying out. I looked at the man in front of me and instantly recognized him.

As soon as he sees me, he immediately runs towards me to land an attack, luckily, my feet are faster than his hands bouncing into his chest that makes him fall into his feet.

How could I not recognize the ones I fought with the other night?

I didn't wait for anyone to come at me, I launched myself forward, giving punches after punches kicks after kicks. I see my two friends joining the fight as well.

Jae managed to get a chair and joined in as well, transforming the fair lady into a ragged thug in anger.

"We came for revenge! You fucker." Said the man I am punching in the face.

"Well, you are a softie." I said, smirking, then gave him another blow.

The man staggered a bit but it didn't stop him from picking up a beer bottle and smashing it against the table. A demonic smile on his face.

He moved forward to stab me with it, but what can he do to me who is ten times faster? I deflected so skillfully until he became furious.

Yesterday, I forgot to think that they must know I work here. Who wouldn't? I threw the trash and locked the back door. How stupid of me tsk. I helped a bastard, and look what I have gotten into. I am not afraid of the thugs, but I am afraid for Jae and the others. Especially the damages I am going to pay because the cause of this commotion is clearly me.

"You are really good." He said brushing his jawline. He never gives up even after being kicked a couple of times.

"Thank you for the compliment." I said, smirking.

Tried to kick him in the leg but someone from behind managed to lock my arms in and now I am cornered, but I'm still confident that I can't be beaten. I can find a way to escape from this.

The moron smiled deviously, slowly moving forward with the broken bottle in his hand,

When suddenly...

"Stop!" The voice came from the store entrance. Everyone turns to look at the familiar voice.

"Fucker Kinn!"

One of the men cursed.

All eyes diverted into the young man dressed in all black. His hair glistening in the lights of the club and his glowing face with traces of scratches from yesterday's fight. His eyes darted towards me, looked at me, and grinned. He kinda looked better now than yesterday. A few people also in black, behind him.

"You shit!"

Someone shouts and I begin to throw punches and kicks again. I don't know which side I am on now because I don't know the newcomer either, let's just say that I am taking revenge for the shop.

"Mr. Kinn, be careful."

I turned to the voice of the man who was Kinn's subordinate, only to find him staggered and hit the wall then dropped on the floor with a bloody face. There were more than five people standing, all of them holding a knife and ready to launch at us. I must be on Kinn's side because the watch he gave me is worth more than a hundred thousand, so I owe him a little bit more.

I jump and kick the nearest person in the ankle dropping the knife he is holding. Then I grab the head of the one who punched Kinn in the face and smashes it on the table, never holding back as it really angered me seeing the one I just saved yesterday having a bloody face again. How dare you! I release my foot and kick the moron once again until he falls on the floor.

"Thank you.." His hoarse voice came again as if caressing my trembling muscles. Why does he have that effect on me?.

"No sweat." I responded with a smirk.

Then come to throw punches again. Never getting tired if that means shielding this beautiful man behind me, I can go on like this all night.

"Hey, did you burn their houses?" I asked him.

"They were the ones who were haunting me." He said.

But more black-clothed men came and Jae with the others ran towards the back of the shop. No matter how good at martial arts you are, if it is more than a dozen men, the odds are clear.

If I don't get out of here, I'll probably be a ghost tomorrow morning.

"Go!" I said to Kinn.

"Where to? We're surrounded." He said, not even a hint of fear in his voice.

My mind works quickly. I thought of an escape route. If I leave now, this ramble will end because I am their target, not Jae nor the shop.

So I grab Kinn's wrist and run towards the back door.

"Where are we going?" He asks, following me behind.

I didn't answer him, as I dragged him to jump behind my back on the motorcycle. It was lucky I parked behind the shop today. And just like yesterday, I started the engine and drove fast. It was like watching a movie in rewind.

Deja vu!

To the point where I drove past the gas station where we stopped yesterday.

How much will he owe me this time?


[Porsche POV]

"Don't tell me you're going to drop me off again on the same pump as yesterday?" Said the hoarse voice near my ear.

Today he looks way better than yesterday, although there are signs of old bruises with new ones, he is still looking gorgeous.

"Why did you come back?" I spoke in a rather smooth tone, looked at the side mirrors before accelerating faster. I see a man in black coming after us.

Today, I am more prepared, I drive into alleys without so much difficulty, skillfully maneuvering my agile motorcycle off-road.

"Slow down!" said the hoarse voice again, gripping my waist tightly and hiding his face behind my back so that he is protected from the cursing wind hitting his face.

"Hold on tight." I whispered before twisting the engine again, leaving those following us.

"Ohoi, I'm alive." Kinn said cheerfully looking around.

I cut the engine off after I make sure that no one has come after us. Of course, they can't keep up with me, I'm the best at driving. The path I took is rather complicated, tricking them until they follow then accelerating and turning until they get so far away and can catch up no more.

I let out a sigh of relief as the motorcycle landed in front of our house.

"Where the hell..."

"My house." I don't want to put my life in trouble but in the middle of running away, the path I have taken was the one I am familiar with. And before I realized it, we are here.

"Let's go in and wash your face." He blew out a mouthful of air in relief as if he had just gone from a hell tour.

"Wait. " I catch up to him and walk past the door. I get a pack of cigarettes from my pants and a lighter then lights up.

He didn't say anything but raised an eyebrow at me.

"Fifty thousand." I uttered the words with the cigarette in my mouth, then I look at him.

"Huh?.." He let out a short laugh, then looked back with disbelief.

"Yesterday, my watch-"

Before he was even finished, I gulped down and interrupted his words.

"Yesterday was yesterday.."

I am secretly afraid that he would take the watch back. So I pretend to be harsh, in that way, he would have a second thought to ask it back now.

Because even if I wanted to, the watch wasn't in my hands anymore. The proceeds from the sale are taken to pay for Cher's tuition fee, paid the repair of the air-con in the bedroom, and also have to pay all the debt, there was almost nothing left.

"Yesterday, you asked for 50 thousand, and today another 50 thousand, a total of hundred thousand. But I know that you have an idea how much that watch costs, if you're not stupid enough, you could've sold it for at least 400 thousand. So if you think about it, I have even paid you in advance." He said with a smirk on his lips, tilting his head as if teasing me.

It was the first time that I came to study his face thoroughly, the sharp eyes with a dreadful glow, looking at me directly saying that he is not an ordinary person.

His face with a green mark on the left side near the eye didn't hide the fact that he was a mixed-race with a European accent. He looked like some noble that came from a very wealthy family.

"Okay, now that I saved you, you may go back to where you came from."

"Huh...I didn't expect much but, tsk, I never thought you're such a thief. Considering your good looks, who am I kidding anyway?" He said laughing, his arms folded in his chest in such a conceited way. His eyes, lips, and cheeks stretched out fully in a big smile making my feet twitch. I want to kick him in the gut.

"Will you just shut up and just go?"

"What the fuck is that noise?"

The sound of the door opening followed by my brother wearing pajamas. He was stunned a little when he saw that I was not alone. He waii'ed shyly.

"Uh. Hi." Che' said a little embarrassed.

The bastard looked at my brother and nodded slightly.

"Go back inside." I said to Che'.

"What the fuck are you doing outside? You'll gonna wake up the neighbors. Come and talk inside."

Che' who has been always timid just talked back at me now.

"Well, would you mind?"

The tall figure said taking a step towards the invitation, but I grabbed his back collar fast.

"I will go inside, and you, get lost!"

I said icily at him, which made the face that looks like an idol frown in disbelief and shed my arm holding it in place.

"How dare you do this to me.." He said in a rather dangerous tone. But I wasn't afraid at all.

I turn towards the door ready to go inside. "Hey wait! No one dared to do this to me." He said tightening his grasp on my wrists.

I jerk off from his grip and pushed him hard on the chest. "Why? Who are you? I can pull more than your neckline!" Staring into his eyes with the same intensity as his.

"If you don't leave now, I'll beat you to death!."

"Hey hey!" Che who came out of the house again, hold me in the shoulder.

"Go inside!" I said to my brother pushing him then following after, slamming the door into Kinn's face.

Huh! I'm not afraid of him. That bastard, who the hell does he think he is? So what if he is wealthy? So what if I owe him a watch?.. him.

I called Jae Yok thinking she might be in the hospital, but she isn't.

She told me everything that happens after we left, the gangsters disintegrated shortly after we ran out of the store and the police got involved as well. She complained to me until my ears hurt. That's what I must do tomorrow, clean the club, salvage anything I can and pray that the damage won't cost too much.

"Where did the two of you run off to?" Jae asked me the next morning.

I didn't answer her just to avoid misunderstanding. I brought a boy to my house, that's something.

"I'm sorry Jae." I bowed my head to show how much I apologize for the damage to the club. Jae let out a sigh.

I know I'm at fault but this is not my doing. It is Kinn's fault, I am just dragged into his mess. If I knew this would happen, I would've not meddled myself with his business.

"Alright, let's go pack up things, the new furniture will be arriving soon." Jae said tapping my shoulders.

"H-how much?" I asked in a soft voice even though I am not prepared to hear a large sum.

"What is?"

"The cost of the damaged furniture."

"Huh, why? Do you have the money to pay for it?" Jae asked fanning her face.

"I have kept a little.." I said because even though I'm not the instigator of the fight, I felt responsible enough.

"Heh, you're lucky, Mr. Kinn came here and paid for all the damages, or else you'll be working all your life and still be drowned in debt."


A handsome face with an arrogant smile flashed in my mind.

"Yes, well Mr. Kin said that those were originally his enemies and you were just there to help him so he helped you to pay now. And you know what? When the police came, the thugs ran away." Jae said laughing.

"I think this Mr. Kinn is someone big. This morning, the neighbors were all so quiet, the ruckus last night didn't spread out. And when I look at the CCTV, I felt goosebumps all over my body."

"Why?" I asked wondering.

"Well, he is handsome! So handsome it is creepy. Who the hell did you bump into this time? That the word HUSBAND was pasted on his forehead." I literally choked on Jae's words.

Shook my head and helped the others clean all the bloodstains around the shop.

Last night, no one was hurt badly. Some had bruises, a slit on the torso, some green eyes, but nothing much. As for me, I don't even have the slightest scratch. The others teased me that they were holding the wall for me. I couldn't help but feel grateful at the moment, so I said I'll treat them to dinner as an apology.

I walked into the smoking area outside the fire exit of the shop. It is now 9 pm and everything is in place.

Today, the shop is closed but all employees help in cleaning and arranging everything until they all go home together. Now I am the only one left to close and lock the shop.

I rested into a turned-over plastic bucket beside the door, hitting and releasing thick smoke into the air.

Suddenly, I heard someone approaching. I could almost see who it is from the sound of the footsteps.


The newcomer stopped a few feet from me, dressed in all black.

"What do you want this time?" I asked in annoyance, throwing the cigarette butt in the dirt and stomping on it. My hands are on my waist.

Kinn slowly walked towards me, sweeping his gaze around, as if being cautious in case someone else is there. I noticed he is dressed as if ready for a battle.

"What is it? You want to die?" I said getting hyped, what if someone comes and destroy the shop again? Jae would definitely kill me. He stopped in front of me without saying anything.

"I have a proposal for you." He said softly, but my heart throbbed so loud as if afraid of something that's going to happen.

"What?" I said coldly not letting the inner feelings show.

"Come with me."

"Where are we going?"

"We have a long talk to do" He said as he looked straight at me, his hands inside his pocket.

"I don't want to." I said, intending to go back inside the store, my heart is still racing. Then he grabbed my arm and held it tight.

"But I have something to tell you."

"But I don't! Let me go!" With a quick turn, I released my arm from his grip and pushed him away from me. I got hold of a broken table that has been out to be thrown, and I throw it directly at him. But someone deflected the attack and came charging at me. I throw a punch at the subordinates that came forward.

Until Kinn could not stand the sight of his men falling one by one, so he came between me and someone I intend to land a punch with, but my fist came floating in midair as I was going to hit Kinn on the face. I was heaving so hard that I got distracted and someone gets a hold of my arms and feet, twisted my wrists, and stuck me on the wall. I don't understand why just yesterday, he seems so weak but right now, he's like a changed man. He's stronger than I thought!

"Let me go!" I said angrily.

He holds me at the back of my head, clasping his fingers into my hair, then gets his face closer as if he is going to kiss me.

Oh god!

"No, I am here to negotiate with you."


His chestnut lips whispered softly so near I could feel his breath fanning my face.

"I don't wanna talk!" I said trying to distance my face because I'm having goosebumps all over my body.

"Heh, I thought you'd be better than this... You're giving me a hard time huh?"

"Yes!" With that, I jumped at him, snapping on his neck with all my might and burying my fangs into his throat. The bastard was shocked and in pain, he pushed me away from him so that I could release myself from his hold.

I ran towards the shop, fumbled in the lock, and got to the storage room fast to get my belongings...

Shit! He came to retrieve the watch!.

After escaping the death, I hurriedly twist the motorcycle and rode home at light speed.

My mind is full of thoughts about the watch. If Kinn had come and said he wanted to talk to me, what else can he be after?

Of course, it's the watch! Heh, who wouldn't, if that watch is worth more than 600? no, 700 thousand.

At 6 am, I woke up early to go to the market and buy some ingredients for breakfast. I didn't have to wake Che' up because I couldn't sleep at all. That jerk Kinn.

"Ohoi, you must have a rich lover eh?" Cher said alternately looking at the foods on the table.

"I bought more to pack some lunch. Hurry up we'll be late for school."

Today's breakfast seems better than the others, with bread, jam, milk, orange juice, which was usually just cooked rice and stupid eggs, or ordinary boiled pork with rice.

"Please give me allowance too." Che' asked with puppy eyes.

I reached for my pocket and brought out a thousand bills for him.


His eyes widened in shock and looked at me bewildered.

"This is your allowance for the whole month. Don't get too cocky."

I told him thinking it is better to spread the money now before Kinn and his men came and take it.

"You're really rich nowadays huh, where did you get it from?"

"My savings."

My brother couldn't believe it, still gawking at me like a Buffon.

"Go to school now and study! Save it."

Looking at him in his blue high school uniform, I sigh in relief, at least with the money I have right now, it should be enough to cover for the whole semester.

Everyone must wonder why I send my brother to an expensive school even though we are broke as aff, it's because I don't want him to feel like we are lacking.

He has been studying in that school since kindergarten which is also my alma mater. I don't want to transfer him until he graduates, I don't want him to feel inferior to me. Even though at times he told me it is okay to move into a cheaper school, I don't want to. I want him to feel safe like before when our parents are still alive.

No matter how difficult it is, no matter how hard, I will take care of my brother.

I locked the door and jumped into my motorcycle when I thought of something. Kinn knows my house! What if he haunts me here?.

"Aunt Aoi!" I shouted to the kind neighbor.

"If someone came to ask about me, please tell them I already moved far away."

"Who is going to come and see you?" Aunt Aoi looks at me wondering.

"Just tell them I moved out of the country."

Aunt Aoi nodded and I came back to collect everything outside the house, whether it is shoes or slippers, umbrellas, colorful helmets, I stuffed a few more tires inside the house making it look deserted. Luckily, I don't have enough money to buy furniture, so there isn't really anything inside.

"Shit Porsche, you must be careful!" Jom said when I go to the cafeteria after my class has ended.


"You must look left and right always, what if those thugs came back at you?"

"Oh, you look paranoid. Don't worry, I won't help you out this time. Last time at Jae's shop, two people almost died." Tem looked at me sharply. Both of them ran as fast as they could the moment the tables are turned.

"Who wouldn't run? Shit! They were all over the place. One of them even grabbed me and I almost choke in fear." Jom swears loudly.

"Hey Jom! Someone's looking for you." Aom said, Joms cousin.

"What? Who could it be?"

"I don't know just go to the front gate, he is waiting there."

"What does he look like?"

"Ohoi, he's kinda good-looking, and my classmate said he is famous too. He is wearing a uniform with the logo of the board administration. You better not make him wait longer." I remember that I told the asshole, Kinn, that my name is Jom!

Oh my god, is he here for me now?

"Oh, you're going? Go ahead, I'll be right here..hehe." I said nervously. I am not afraid to get beaten, I am more nervous about the fact that he is here to get back the watch.

"Hey, what's wrong with you Porshe?" Tem asked me noticing the tiny sweat on my forehead.

"Ah, nothing, both of you go now, go!" I said rather louder so that they just go and leave me alone, as I pray for their safety. Kinn won't hurt my friends right?.

"Shit that Phi Aom, he played a prank on us!" Jom exclaimed upon return to the table.

"What? why?" I asked rather curiously.

"We stand there outside the gate for a couple of minutes but no one came to approach me! I'm sure Aom pulled a prank on us, I'll kill him!" Tem said in anger.

The two of them light a stick of cigarette and drive to the nearest mall while I anxiously go home.

Upon arrival, I immediately asked Auntie Aoi.

"Aunt, is there someone who looked after me?"

"Ohoi! Yes! But Who were they? They look like mafia goons! Are you okay Porsche? He asked for a person named Jom, and so I said there's no Jom in here and told him your house has been abandoned for quite some time now. So they took off immediately."

"When did they come, Aunt?"

"At noon."

Ah. It's good they came when I'm not home.

"Aunt, can I park my motorcycle at your place?" "Oh, okay, come...Porsche, you take care okay?" "Yes Auntie, thank you very much." I think about it nervously.

What if Kinn changed his mind and give me 50 thousand instead and take back the watch? Tsk, that's a pity, 700 thousand versus 50 thousand? Would I be that stupid?

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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