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My Quiet Roommate

Chapter 1

After the death of his parents when he was 10 mason had been placed into his uncle's home but only for a few years. As soon as he was 16 he had been kicked out of the house, everyone blamed him for his parent's death. They thought that it was his fault that they were killed. To everyone else his mom and dad were soft and loving people but when they were alone they had been abusive to Mason, he'd never been believed since they were important people in their line of work. His father was a sheriff and his mom a doctor. Mason grew up this way until someone broke in at night wearing all black and gloves along with a mask. The guy had stabbed them both in front of Mason before looking him straight in the eyes, the man's eyes silver and beautiful. That's all he could remember before the man left the house silently.

Because of the weird nature and the fact they couldn't find anyone who would do such a thing and wouldn't take the input of a child, everyone thought it was him who did it. He was moved in with family but after being kicked out after 6 years of being ignored or snapped at all the time, mason moves away to the city. He took the money left behind by his family and left to study in a better place, one away from the ridicule and abuse.

After he turned 20 he decided to return to the house since it was his now. He was struggling with all the financial stress of the city anyway and was alone with only a few friends that he knew wouldn't care if he left anyway. What else was there to do anyway?


I look out the plane window. The clouds looked pretty against the sky as we soared above the small city, on our way in the direction I was headed. The plane wouldn't bring me directly to the town, I knew that, but I was planning on hitchhiking.

It took a few hours but when we landed in a city closest to Bluefeild I just took my one suitcase of luggage and headed out to the road that led into Bluefeild after a few miles out. I end up asking around at a gas station if anyone was heading out to that direction and after waiting 46 minutes a man said he was bringing a load of food there and could take me as long as I paid him $15 which wasn't a problem, so I did.

On the ride there my thoughts drift to my last and the anxiety of having to be back stirred something in me. Ever since watching the guy kill my parents just the thought of going into the house alone makes me anxious. When the guy broke in I was only 10, but it has always made me feel weird at the thought of the fact that the guy had looked right at me, his silver eyes showing nothing past the mask as he just stared at me for a bit before just turning around with the knife and escaping through the window he had come through. Why would he even brake in to kill them? Everyone in the town loves them. Through all my tears I lived there afterwards I never met those silver eyes again. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they died, but it's not something a 10-year-old wants to see.

We get there finally after around and hour and I pay him and thank him before walking down the street. My memory surprisingly still had some similarities with the street names and I found my way through until I stand still at the front of my new house/old house I inherited. It was the same house I remember, gray themed as it had been all those years ago. The paint was peeling slightly,,, and it looks a lot more run down than before but looked better than exposed

Now came the part I dreaded. Id have to walk in there. Into the kitchen I had watched it all unfold. Past the window that had been broken and boarded up in my absence.

Chapter 2

After taking a few deep breaths I finally step into the house, the layout the same as all those years ago. I could feel myself get slightly shaky at all the memories I have of this place. All the abuse... I walk past the living room and kitchen and head to the stairs which leads upstairs to two rooms and bathroom, then to the attic I used to reside in. I never got to go in their room as a child and forgot what it looked like. I have already decided a while ago I would have a roommate. The guest room was always decorated great for guest while I was always stuck in that attic. I always resented that. Now I would get their room. A lot of the stuff was dusty and tacky. I quickly removed a lot of sheets and decorations, especially the ashtrays and bottles and cans that made me feel uneasy just looking at.

After a while I cleaned it enough to hopefully allow me at least some sleep. The bed was huge since all through my life I've never once gotten a good quality bed. After I found the spare blankets in the hallway closet I fixed up the bed. The bed still smells bad of all the substances and fumes it contained all the years. After I thought that I should take a break and unpack later, I decided to work on the guest bedroom.

When I walk it is was in decent condition, but I mainly saw that it was dusty, so I get to working on that, opening the window to take breaks and sometimes breathing in the fresh air that didn't smell like it was centuries old. By about 9 pm I decided it was time to eat. I wasn't really known to eat very much since I never have an appetite and that was especially so for today with all the stress of my own overthinking. I reluctantly make my way downstairs words the kitchen. It was dimly lit since only the hall lights were on, and it was dark out.

I look around the kitchen, exactly as it was before. Everything made out of a nice shade of wood. It looked amazingly kept, this room had less dust and a few spider webs that I took care of them and wipe down the counters with a damp hand towel and check the fridge and throw out a few condiments and some other moldy foods. I threw them out near the trash can out front which was already full of the trash and things I cleared out of the room. I only left a few things in the room and that's the side table in the room my parents had and a lamp on there along with a few other things like furniture and the TV and my luggage.

When make my way back to the kitchen and drink a glass of water. (yes I washed it very thoroughly.) I lean my head back and take a deep breath before making ramen and sitting at the table to eat it in silence. It was weird since even when I was studying I had a roommate in my apartment. I decided that the room was clean enough and go on a site and list it for $187 a week. It was a decent place but wasn't exactly new it was mostly to not be alone in the house all the time. It would take a while to make a friend here anyway, so having a roommate would hopefully make me feel more comfortable being back, I just hope they aren't a bad person.

After listing the place I decided that it was time to go to bed, I've done enough stressing today. After finishing my ramen and walking over to put the dishes in the sink I make my way up the wooden stairs holding the rail as I go. I always felt more comfortable going upstairs like that.

When I get up there the scent of musk and old smoke was suffocating, but I made sure all windows and doors were locked as soon as I had gotten in the house and made sure to lock the one in the guest bedroom. I didn't exactly have the best chances either way if someone was set on hurting me, that attack all those years ago made that quite clear. At any time I could be attacked, and chances are if you're their target, you won't be surviving.

I plop down onto the bed and turn on the TV, deciding to watch criminal minds. (like I'm not scared enough or traumatized.) The show was quite interesting though. I focused on the voice of Reid, it normally helped calm me for some reason.

I closed my eyes and got under the two blankets. Tomorrow if have to work on the smell, especially since someone could be moving in on any date. I curled up and after awhile I finally got to fall asleep.

Chapter 3

It took a few days, but I eventually got the living conditions not so bad and most of the musky air out of the house. It kinda bummed me out the fact that even after 3 days, no one has answered to the site I set up for renting out the room. What did I expect though? It's a small town and normally people just pass through, or they work on trade or at the market, what good would renting one room be? Especially when you have to pay a months worth at a time. Every night I wake up in a cold sweat and have no idea of what I dreamt about.

Today I decided to go out and get groceries, I wasn't living off anything but ramen and some snacks I brought like granola bars and chips. It wasn't exactly the most healthy couple of days...but what am I to do? Those few days were solely spent on cleaning, airing out, and getting rid of anything that I dIdn't want, witch was pretty much everything except for most of the furniture. I decided to sell all the stuff in good condition. I toss the stuff worth selling in the garage.

 The garage wasn't something I often went in, so I didn't focus on cleaning that much, already drained from the travel and lack of motivation in my life right now. It's not like I had much to hold onto anymore, I had friends back in the city, but they weren't to kind to me, I suspected they were only my friends to joke about it to their friends and once I left, no one reacted, confirming that they didn't actually care or think of me as someone worth an ounce of worry.

Regardless I needed to talk up the house, the fridge was as bare as the pantry, well, after I cleared out all the expired items and just stuff I didn't trust to not kill me. There is surprisingly not very many bugs, as far as I can tell there wasn't too much damage to the house, at least I hoped not. There were a lot of spiders and some ants so far, and I think I've heard a couple of squeaks from above but if I'm going to be honest, I've been putting off entering the attic. I know it's important to check every room for things that could be dangerous since it's been so long, but I just can't bring myself to do it...that room has a lot of memories linked to it and in my opinion I should wait until I'm more calm and stable before opening that can of worms.

I didn't have a car yet, not trusting the old one in the garage I had to get rid of, the sight screaming that it was a danger just to turn it on. I decided it was a lot safer just to Walk there, the street wasn't that far away anyway, only like a street away, and I needed the fresh air and exercise anyway.

When I get there the parking lot was surprisingly small with only a few cars in it, it surprised me because I've lived in the city for a while now and their parking lots to the mall and store were huge. This parking lot could maybe hold like 20 cars, and the store had barely anyone else here. It was a Wednesday though, so it makes sense I guess...

I walk inside, the door a manually open door, which definitely wasn't really common in the City, though the store here had a gas station attached to it. (Not much of a use to me obviously). The store was a normal size, not huge but not to small. They obviously specialize in the fresh foods like vegetables and fruits since there were a lot of people with gardens and a few farms scattered around that were big areas dedicated to it. Cattle and other farm animals were less common here, only a few farms had it, but that meant they prioritize the animals and normally have smaller farms.

When I enter the store I had been reminded of it as I saw that the store on the left was almost fully dedicated to crops and next to it in the back was the smaller section of meat. The other foods were close by, the stores made it easier. From the left to right it goes from produce, to pantry and spice items, to cloths, then a few decorations. Drinks were in was near the frozen isles to the left. Although the store had a weird set up, it was by far more simple to find things just by me looking at it from here.

I grab a cart and trudge along to the left, deciding to start with food and make my way to more home stuff to replace the old things later. After I get all the stuff I needed from the food I go to the cleaning supplies then to home items. I get some scent spray of strawberries and something else too, so I can hopefully fix the scent, and a back-up candle that smelled of a forest-ish.

I eventually leave with a full cart and light wallet. I had to carry all the bags home and by the time I get there my legs are killing me. I get inside and take a while to sort and make sure everything is where it should be.

After I'm done with that I managed up the stairs and plop into bed before looking to the side and realizing I had left the computer open and on. Right before I close it I noticed that there was a response and sit up so quickly my neck hurts. "O-Ouch.....but there's finally a response!" I click the button to open it, the excitement stirring in my chest and I can't help but smile with excitement.

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