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The Enemies Omega


Colt was the son of a dead rival mob boss daring to step foot in Black Cross territory... yes, he was used to watching heads turn, but that didn't mean his heart didn't pound in his chest. His hands didn't shake every time someone pointed their glare his way. He kept his head down, grimacing as he walked, a slight limp in each step. When he made it to the west wing where the soldiers were stationed, he didn't look up, too afraid to see what past friend or foe would greet him. It seemed today it was the latter. There was a whistle, then a chorus of bellows clashed Colt's stomach as raucous jokes and catcalls followed suit. But that didn’t mean he enjoyed the attention.

"Boss! Your Boytoy is here!" Someone shouted, making Colt shrink in on himself a little more. It was a strange little habit he had developed recently, a reprehensible routine that had him making himself look smaller at any given opportunity ever since–

"Colt, sweetheart, what are you doing here?" That voice, that honeyed tone that had Colt's throat tightening and his palms sweating... his husband, the devil who walked the city streets in blood. The man who ran the biggest crime syndicate in Mayland. His father’s former best friend and business partner. Who betrayed him for money; of course, the marriage was filled, meaning Colt could never go home again. The man who had taken everything from him and yet still demanded more.

Kying Crow Black…

Colt looked up in answer, his cheeks flushing an uncomfortable pink as he forced on a strained smile.

"I missed you. I wanted to see you. You told me to come,” he replied, trying not to choke on the false words. Kyng’s face split into a smile as he glanced at the other surrounding men smugly before stepping forward. His arms winding around Colt's narrow waist pulled him close. Colt swallowed a gasp, trying not to flinch at the contact.

"I missed you too." Kyng grinned, a knowing smile that had Colt smothering a reflective cringe. That damn pet name-- it made him want to shrivel up and disappear every time he heard it. That was probably why Kyng enjoyed saying it so much. Colt curled into himself a little more as he heard a telling jeer from the crowd, and Kyng pulled him closer in answer, the sudden brush of his hardening cock making Colt suck in a quiet gasp. Kyng finally pulled back, yanking Colt to his side.

"Alright, guys, settle down. I'm just going to take Colt here for some lunch. I'll be back in an hour, so don't burn the place down without me." Someone whistled while a few others chuckled, but they didn't give them any more trouble.

His father had made a mistake, costing himself an ally and creating his greatest enemy instead. His greed made him fall, leaving Colt vulnerable.

Kyng’s men were mainly used to seeing them both together, and the shock of seeing the city's most fearsome Mob Boss, Kyng Black, married to the enemy's son, had slowly worn off over time. Colt was sure Gabriel could get away with almost anything if he wanted to… They all accepted it, even as they laughed and snickered to themselves... they accepted it now. Well, nearly all of them--

"Hola, puta!" Rico’s voice registered before Colt saw him; his scowling face came into view seconds before his shoulder connected with Colt and toppled him over, his more petite frame quickly knocked down by the shove and landing him hard on his ass. He cried out as he hit the floor, eyes watering instantly as a shock of pain vibrated up his spine. Colt held back a whimper and shut his eyes, trying to block out the heated exchange above him.

"--you don't touch him? Do it again, and I'll have your head." Kyng snapped; even though on the outside, looking inside, they looked happy and loving, Kyng secretly tortured Colt in the worst ways. Colt sucked in another groan as he tried to focus on what they were saying, only catching half of it.

"It's not my fault the puta's made of glass; I hardly touched him," Rico complained, grumbling under his breath as Kyng gave him an earful. Colt couldn't recognize what they were saying; his body was too sensitive to process. Rico might have been Kyng's right-hand man, but he hated Colt and did everything to make his life a living hell. He was the one who had given Kyng the first heads up that his father was going to cross him in the first place, handing him over on a silver platter. Kyng despised him, despised any form of disloyalty-- even if it was to his benefit. After a few more heated words, Kyng finally helped Colt, pulling him protectively to his side again as he walked him out. Colt let him guide him along, trying not to focus on the hand slowly traveling south. When Colt finally looked up, he realized they were entering the bathroom.

"Kyng--" The rest of his complaint was drowned out by his gasp as Kyng’s hand came down hard against his ass, causing Colt to stumble forward over the bathroom sink.

"What do you call me when we're alone, Colt?" Colt's face went pale, and he shuddered at the tone of Kyng's voice.

"I'm sorry, please, I-- Daddy." Another slap fell sharply on Colt's ass, but this one didn't have the heat of the other, it was more playful than punishment, and Colt almost relaxed at the feel of it. Oh, god, he was so fucked up.


"Over the sink, Colt, legs spread and ass up." It was a command, and Colt followed it quickly, a shiver running up his spine as he complied with a whimper. Kyng's fingers grazed down Colt's back softly before they finally reached the top of his pants, sinking in underneath the material before he dropped his hands to Colt's front. Kyng was an expert at getting him out of his clothes, and before Colt knew it, he was half-naked and trembling, bent over a bathroom sink. Those maddening fingers were on his ass again, trailing across each cheek before finally dipping down the center of his crack and grazing the plug buried snug inside his hole.

"It must have hurt when you fell, sweetheart," Kyng murmured, his voice almost sympathetic as he brushed over the plug again, making Colt suck in a sharp breath at the contact.

"You've been so good for me, haven't you? Keep this in all day... Did you like it? Did the feel of it shoved deep inside you remind you of me?" Colt's scream was muffled by Kyng's ready hand as the plug was suddenly yanked out of him, leaving his hole clenching pathetically, still burning at the feel of being stretched so abruptly by the action.   He felt empty.   He almost blushed at the memory of this morning, of Kyng fucking him mercilessly into the mattress before spilling his seed and plugging him up, reminding Colt of what would happen to him if he decided to take it out himself. Colt had spent all day in the little cafe where he worked, trying not to sit down for longer than he had to-- not that standing was much better. Every day, it was something different. Just last week, Kyng had pierced his nipples. He had gotten more than a few strange looks that day when he had spent most of it trying to swallow back moans. It took Colt a week before the brush of his shirt over his nipples didn't elicit a humiliating throbbing between his legs.

"You've started to notice it, haven't you?" Kyng was in his ear, his words husky and warm, his wandering fingers grazing up his spine in a way that had Colt biting back a moan.

"How different they're all treating you now, hm?" Colt closed his eyes, forcing himself to keep his voice steady.

"They still look at me... still l-laugh at me." He cringed at his own words, not holding himself back fast enough from moaning at the feel of Kyng's covered erection rubbing up against his still-tender ass.

"Yes, but that too will eventually pass." His tone should have sounded mocking, but he just sounded confident. Colt's throat tightening and his palms sweating... his husband, the devil who walked the city streets in blood. The man who ran the biggest crime syndicate in Mayland. His father’s former best friend and business partner. Who betrayed him for money; of course, the marriage was filled, meaning Colt could never go home again. The man who had taken everything from him and yet still demanded more.

Kying Crow Black…

 He moved in with him the next day... and found himself stuffed full of his cock that very night.

"Yes, Daddy, you're right," Colt whispered, squeezing his eyes shut when he felt Kyng’s fingers slide over his hip and belly, hoping the baby would grow one day. Colt prays that day never comes. Kyng’s hand roamed lower and grasped onto his cock. Colt gasped and bucked forward at the sudden touch, releasing a hiss between his teeth when the hand tightened its grip.

"You're already hard for me," Kyng grunted appreciatively, rubbing his still-clothed cock hard against his ass and making Colt wince.

"Yes, Daddy." Colt breathed in reply, trying to hold himself still as Kyng jacked him off for a few beats before finally letting him go. Colt's body sagged once he was released, unintentionally pushing his ass into the grinding cock at his backside. Kyng groaned, clutching Colt to him before he peppered kisses along his neck, the bristles of his beard scratching across Colt's sensitive skin. He hated this. He hated every minute of it. He hated--

"F-Fuck!" Colt cried out as Kyng's hand came back with a vengeance, jerking him hurriedly as he ground against him, grazing his teeth over his left shoulder as he did.

"You should see the way they look at you, Colt, what they say," Kyng growled under his breath, the heat of his words making Colt shiver, making the unwelcome pleasure course through his blood somehow sharpen in reply.

"I'm the only one who will ever really know you. I'm the only one who will ever love you." Colt didn't realize he was crying until his vision went blurry, and he came with a broken sob, body shuddering his release as he came apart in more ways than one. He heard Kyng scowl behind him, hand still working his oversensitive cock.

"K, Daddy, please--" Colt begged, the pleasure of his last orgasm quickly fading as Kyng kept going, ignoring Colt's cries.

"I didn't give you permission to come, Boy?" King growled, his voice heavy in his ear, making Colt wince away from it. Kyng didn't like that, his hand tightening around Colt's cock painfully as he rubbed him raw, forcing a sudden unwelcome orgasm that had Colt sobbing into the sink, his body quivering at the pleasure-pain raging through him, coursing through his veins.

He felt boneless, sagged over the sink with his leaking cock dribbling the rest of his release on the floor... but none of that compared to the deep and searing feeling of shame that was so familiar to him now... because he let Kyng do this to him, over and over... and because he enjoyed it.


He felt Kyng’s hand quickly coat his come over his still-burning hole before plunging in two fingers. The prep was mediocre at best, but Colt didn't even have the energy to beg as he felt Kyng's thick cock sink into him, stretching him cruelly until he finally bottomed out. There wasn't much of a reprieve before Kyng was fucking him, heavy grunting thrusts that had Colt whining pathetically into the porcelain sink, taking everything the older man had as he was used like a fuck-doll. Colt didn't even have the time to panic when Kyng wound a muscular arm around his throat as leverage and fucked him deep. Lifting him off the ground, barely on his tippy toes and gasping for air, he took Colt's oxygen-starved brain a while to realize that the move was calculated and that his air was only cut off every third thrust. He timed his breaths, gasping in what he could before the arm tightened, counting every time Kyng's cock was shoved inside of him, forced into his tight hole until he was stretched beyond repair. That's what it felt like. It felt as if he would be gaping forever after Kyng was done, forced to memorize the shape of his cock. Kyng fucked him harder, his panting grunts hinting that he would soon be done-- and Colt almost died right there, realizing that he could tell now, realizing that Kyng had taken him so many times that Colt was all too familiar with his coming climax. Kyng grunted into him two more times before he finally shoved himself forward, impaling Colt on his length and groaning out his pleasure, burying his head in the curve of Colt's neck and breathing him in.

"You're mine, and no one will ever have you.”

Colt waved goodbye to his co-worker and walked outside the cafe, wincing. Kyng would be here soon to pick him up, and thankfully, he was never late. Colt cringed a little at that thought, ensuring to remind himself of why exactly he was thankful about that-- which was because Kyng had made sure to plug him back up after he had fucked him over that sink, then took him to lunch as if nothing was amiss The only sign that Kyng was well aware of Colt's situation, was the brief quirk of a smile that twitched at his lips every time Colt squirmed in his seat. Colt didn't have much of an appetite after all of that, but one warning look from Kyng and Colt was quickly nibbling at his sandwich and sipping at his coffee. If that wasn't bad enough, Kyng had a habit of feeding Colt bites of his food, a strange hunger in his eyes every time he pressed his fingers to Colt's lips and prompted him to swallow whatever he was given. Sometimes, in the privacy of their own home, Kyng wouldn't even serve him dinner-- instead, he would pile it all up on his plate and make Colt kneel beside him, smiling down at him as he hand-fed him every humiliating morsel. It was like the longer Colt stayed with him... the more of himself he had to lose.

"How was work, baby?" Kyng’s voice broke Colt from his thoughts, and he flushed at the name.

"It was fine... and you?" Colt asked, a strange and bitter shyness overtaking him. Kyng smiled warmly and kissed his forehead before tucking him into his side.

It made Colt's skin crawl.

"It's the Same old story, I'm afraid. There always seems to be some dirty rat looking to cross me, and then I have to be the one to smear their guts into the pavement." Colt shivered at that, and Kyng pulled him closer, somehow mistaking the action for him being cold. They walked on; Kyng paced idle as they peered into the other shops closing down for the day.

"What would you like for dinner, sweetheart?" Kyng asked, leaning down to press another kiss to his forehead. Colt forced himself not to flinch away.

"A-Anything." Kyng smiled almost adoringly down at him, his grip becoming tighter as if he could somehow read what Colt was thinking.

"Let's go home; I'll cook you something nice. " Kyng smiled devilishly, and Colt whimpered.

Every day of that week, Kyng made sure Colt was plugged with his seed, only for the reason that it was mating time. Kyng took advantage of the idea that Colt’s father needed money and that his son was an omega and a virgin, that it was perfect for him. Being that Kyng is nearly fourteen years older than Colt, his father was reluctant, and that changed when Kyng showed him the bank account and the amount of money owed to him.

“I’ll give you the budget pass if you agree to let me marry your omega son.”

“What are you crazy about, my only son…”

“An omega son, breeding age, and virile,” Colt’s father’s head snapped to Kyng with a glare.

“Are you saying you will rape my son to get a child because he will never allow you to touch him? If anything, he's straight.” Kyng smiled and licked his lips.

“Well, that will change. You have three days to decide. If you want to keep living a life of luxury, I suggest you give him over.” Kyng whistled while walking into the house.

One week later, Colt met Kyng for the first time. Kyng was blown away by the pure babyface man standing before him. Colt had just turned seventeen and was a natural submissive; that's what really drew Kyng to him. Rico and others took his bags and led him into the assigned room.  Colt was told to stay on the bed until Kyng came home; it was a test to see if Colt would disobey. He remained in bed until he got hungry and then went to eat. Kyng watched him through the whole day and smiled at the ideas rolling in his head. Kyng would be Colt's daddy, whether he liked it or not.

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