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My Billionare Husband Is Too Cold...

First meeting with the Fiancé

"He is a cold person."

"Don't worry, Mom. I love cold aloof guys."

"But not normally cold type. Dangerously Cold."

The words of her soon-to-be mother-in-law, during their previous conversation echoed in Sophia's head while she was sitting in front of Lorenzo, her fiance.

Mom wasn't wrong. He is really cold. It's been an hour since they met and sitting here like statues but he didn't even bother to look up at her let alone greet her.

I guess, I should be the first one to start. Sophia thought as she fake coughed so that she could gain Lorenzo's attention but to her surprise, he was not even a little bit distracted and continued to stare at his laptop while his fingers roamed around the keyboard.

~Uhm uhm~ she again fake coughed but this time a little louder. Lorenzo finally looked at her and passed her a glass of water and then continued his work with laptop as his gaze shifted back to it. Sophia was nervous so she quickly gulped the water in one go and mentally got ready to speak.

"Hello" she greeted and Lorenzo nodded his head only.

"Hi?" She again greeted but this time Lorenzo again nodded his head.

"Ehi!" she said, her voice clearly expressing annoyance. This time, Lorenzo looked at her with a raised brow and respond with a hmm.

" mom, I mean, Mrs. Romano told you, our marriage is a week later and...we will be living together" Sophia somehow said with her shaky, nervous voice."For me getting comfortable around you and adapt to your lifestyle"

" don't you think we should make ourselves..comfortable around each other?" She said, fidgeting with her fingers and Lorenzo nodded his head with another hmm.

"So.. today is a house welcoming party too because we are gonna start living together"

"So, it will be better if you complete your work quickly and join there with me.." Sophia said carefully with a low voice as Lorenzo nodded his head. An awkward silence fell for sometime as two people sat on two sides of the table. One's eyes had been on his laptop since he came and one's was on the other who was immersed in his work. Sophia moved uncomfortably, clearly feeling awkward as hell.

" as you're my fiance, what should I call you? Well, let me guess...tesoro?" Sophia immediately regretted that word as she clicked her tongue in cringe. Even Lorenzo was shocked and started coughing. Sophia passed him the water with a concerned face.

"Oh god, are you okay?" She asked as Lorenzo nodded his head.

"Let me guess something else." After continuing to think hard, Sophia decided.

"Um.. I'll call you Mr.Romano then! It will be perfect!" Hearing that, Lorenzo raised his eyebrows again. Feeling his gaze in hers, Sophia scratched her head.

"Ehehe..nevermind, that's too professional. I think Amore Mio will be good" Hearing that, Lorenzo again choked and started coughing. He drank the water that was previously passed onto him by Sophia.

"Seems like you didn't like that either. But wait. I'll call you just Loren. Let's keep it simple and casual" Sophia said showing two fingers and pointing cutely.

I swear, I am gonna choke again if she continues like this. Lorenzo thought to himself and passed the menu towards her so that she would stop talking and get busy with choosing something.

"Caffè is fine." Saying this, she took a sip of her caffè and looked at the man, who was sitting in front of her, again working on his laptop. He had exceptionally really sharp features that were screaming his straightforward, workaholic personality. Double eyelids with eyes of grape shape, a jawline sharper than her butter knife, his hair combed in an upwards manner. He was wearing a grey suit which was an icing on top of the cake. His tie was loosened which just added more to him. All in all, with no doubt, he is a man every girl would die for.

Lorenzo Romano, the well known bachelor of the country was the chairman of the Romano empire. He was awarded as the youngest most successful Chief executive officer twice. He is one of the largest shareholders in Italy. He achieved so much in such a young age in a very short span of time.

Lorenzo started working when he was only 21. As it was his own company, there wasn't really a problem. In 2 years, he really achieved a lot for both his company and his career. Without enjoying his youth, he spent his all time in studying and working. At the age of 23, for the first time, he won the best Chief Executive Officer's award and has been winning it for three consecutive years. He was the youngest to take this award. This year he will turn 26 and will definitely be one of the most youngest CEO who has reached the top of success. He is the one and only, sole reason behind what Romano Empire is now and he definitely, without any doubt has played a big role in making Romano Empire, one of the largest empires in the world.

Lorenzo called for someone while his gaze was still fixated on the laptop. With that, two men in black suits came and bowed. One took Sophia's bag, jacket and the third one checked the security before making Sophia get up. Sophia was taken aback by the actions of those men but she braced herself quickly. The more quick she gets used to these actions, the better for her. After all, she is not marrying just any random man. Lorenzo also got up and another guard came and took his laptop and other things. Finally both of them got out of the restaurant.

After they came out, Lorenzo's secretary stopped Sophia and spoke,

"Ma'am, you can go home now. Your things have been already transferred. Sir still has some meetings so he'll be returning to the office." Sophia nodded before saying bye to Lorenzo. However the next action he did, made Sophia's breath hitch. He held her hand and kissed her forehead and then looked at the driver.

"Be careful" he said as the driver nodded. Lorenzo took a last glance at Sophia and then went over to his car. Sophia also got into her car, her heart still thumbing loudly.

If a simple kiss on the forehead is making me this way, I can't even imagine what will happen when we'll have kids." She said, clutching her dress.

Later, in the evening,

An excited Sophia sat on the chair, as she looked at herself in her mirror and smiled, nervously. She had roamed around and explored the whole house already. This house was very big and not only big but luxurious with a strong touch of class.

The house warming party was going to be held at the main Romano residence. Majority of the guests were from the Romano family or related to them. Only a few would come from Sophia's family and the reason is still unknown. After Mr.Romano, Lorenzo's father died, his wife Mrs. Romano had everything under her control and now Lorenzo is in charge.

A few moments later, Sophia arrived at the Romano residence. She felt like she really was someone even though she already is. The way she was being dressed and dolled up since afternoon, being surrounded by securities and being in the limelight, all of this was completely new for Sophia.

Actually, Sophia is still a student who studies in Medical. Though her father is a well known businessmen too, she was still brought up in the medical dormitory with other students which made her maintain her disciplines, not being spoiled or any rich brat and a humble nature without any discrimination. Her father always wanted her to marry Lorenzo, the well known bachelor, the Chief Executive of Romano empire. The Romano family liked her in the first glance and wanted her as the daughter in law of their house and that's how Sophia ended up being Lorenzo's fiancé. He is an extremely cold and introvert person however she doesn't regret her decision to marry him at all. To her, men who don't talk too much are extremely attractive and cool.

But we'll see how she handles Lorenzo.

Chaos at the Party

"Welcome home, my lovely daughter in law" A woman who was dressed in black hugged Sophia with a smile. She had a strong and independent vibe around her. Elegance and grace could be seen in her from a glance afar.

"Thank you, Mother." Sophia smiled warmly.

"Well, I must say, you look exceptionally gorgeous tonight even though you always look like that." Sophia blushed at the honest compliment of Mrs.Romano as her eyes roamed around the crowd, searching for that one face. Mrs. Romano noticed her gaze and smiled as she spoke,

"Loren is on his way. He'll be arriving soon. Come sit with me." She said as she gestured Sophia to sit near her. Sophia sat down and looked at the bunch of women equally looking perfect and graceful of Mrs. Romano's age.

"These are all my sisters. These are my cousins and these are my childhood friends." Mrs.Romano introduced them one by one and Sophia greeted them all. She shifted her gaze from Mrs.Romano's sisters to back to Mrs. Romano and spoke,

"Now I know where you got your grace and sophistication from" Mrs. Romano immediately laughed along with everyone. Their laughter was interrupted by the arrival of another woman who was addressing herself as Lorenzo's aunt. She was Mrs. Romano's one and only sister in law. She sat down and also joined in on the conversation. Sophia got up started pouring everyone juices while speaking a little in the elderly's conversations. She was talking and serving at the same time when suddenly she bumped into someone.

"Watch what you're doing, you mannerless girl!" Mrs. Romano's sister in law got up looking at her shoes where Sophia had spilled a little juice on. Her loud voice had managed to get everyone's attention on her.

"Ugh so annoying. Who the hell allowed you in this party?!" She screamed in anger. Mrs. Romano was not at the table and hearing the commotion, she started walking over to her table.

"Why are you still standing there! C'mon clean my shoes fast!" Guests started whispering to each other and Sophia was starting to panic under so many people's gaze. She braced herself quickly and looked up at the man.

"I'm sorry for ruining your shoes. I'll let someone clean that up immediately." She said and gestured a waiter to come over.

"Let someone else clean that up when you're the one who messed it up?! Who let an arrogant brat like you in here! Do you know who I am? My son bought these shoes for me from Malaysia!"

"I apologise, Ma'am. Moreover, you also should know that I am the fiancé of Lorenzo Romano." Sophia said confidently. She had no reason to panic. It was just a trivial mistake. However, the haughty woman in front of her was causing a scene for no reason.

"So? I believe, rules are equal for everyone and none should be given a different privilege when they do mistakes. Now clean that up quick." Mrs. Romano had already returned and looked at the commotion and the spilled juice, she immediately understood the context. She was about to speak up but she was interrupted again and again.

Sophia looked back to see Lorenzo was already behind her. He was a little far from them while talking in a call. Maybe his aunt didn't notice him or he didn't but what was eating Sophia inside was that Lorenzo was hearing everything but he still wasn't defending her. She had apologised for her mistake and offered to let somebody even clean the mess up but this woman was now gaslighting her into thinking she is being haughty and arrogant when in real it's the opposite.

But then, a man and a paper were thrown on the table near Lorenzo's aunt and seeing the man, her eyes widened in horror. It was her son who had multiple bruises of punches in his face and looked miserable.

"Pedro!!" She called out to him and knelt down to face him and her gaze went to the paper. It was their company's paper of him admitting to money embezzlement and fraud.

"Tell your son to sign and resign on his own or else we will sue him for money embezzlement and fraud charges" Lorenzo said, entering the crowd with a straight face and stood beside Sophia.

"Lorenzo..son...listen to me first" she tried to calm him down as his secretary signalled her son to sign the papers.

"Lorenzo.. I'm really know I can't control my anger...he is your brother.." she pleaded.

"You should've known the consequences of your actions before committing them" Lorenzo said coldly.

"I will, I swear I will control my anger from now on. Just leave him alone. He's your brother. Your own!"

I'm sorry aunt. But I thought, you said rules are equal for everyone." Lorenzo said, emphasizing the word equal. A small smile appeared in the corner of Sophia's lips upon hearing that. It seems like, Lorenzo hearing everything.

Seeing no further choice, in order to avoid punishment from the law and ruining their life, she made her son sign those papers. Lorenzo was already enough merciful to give them the chance to just resign and leave without suing her son and ruin his reputation even though it was already pretty much ruined for them.

Lorenzo then held Sophia's hand and signalled his mom to start the party again. Mrs. Romano smiled seeing the issue resolved without further problems and eventually everything returned back to normal. Lorenzo and Sophia were about to turn around and walk away when his aunt got up and yelled again.

"For a mere arrogant brat, you disrespected your own aunt and threw your own blood brother on the streets! She-" before she could continue further she was cut off by Lorenzo's death glare.

"She is my wife!"

"My life partner for the rest of my life!"

"My everything!"

"She is not a mere arrogant brat. She knows her rights and position unlike you who bit off more than you could chew."

Lorenzo said in a tone which was mixed with disgust and anger. Guards came in and quickly dragged the duo out of the party. The whole atmosphere had turned quiet. Lorenzo went inside while his hand still holding Sophia's.

With just those three lines from Lorenzo's mouth, everyone understood and became aware of what value Sophia kept to him.


After a long drive from the Romano main house to their mansion, Lorenzo and Sophia finally reached their house. Lorenzo stopped the car and turned right to look, only to see a sleeping Sophia on the seat. His lips slightly curled up into a smile.

"Fortunately, she wasn't much affected by today's incident." He said to himself as he got up. The caretaker opened the mansion and greeted them as Lorenzo entered with a sleeping Sophia in his arms. He entered in Sophia's room and placed her on the bed carefully.

Indeed they were both living together but in separate rooms. The sole purpose of this living together idea was only for the comfort of Sophia. So that she could get accustomed to the life, Lorenzo was leading and so that they could get to know more of each other. That excluded intimacy obviously as Lorenzo wouldn't even think of anything with her before marriage. And after marriage, he would think about it considering Sophia's side as well.

He was about to leave after covering Sophia with a blanket when she held his hand in a sleepy state, mumbling something. He got a little close so that he could hear her when she spoke,

"Thanks a lot, Loren."

That's the bare minimum. Lorenzo thought.

"I liked it when you said, I'm your wife loudly today. You were so cool." She giggled.

Isn't that the truth? Why would she find me claiming the truth, cool? Lorenzo couldn't help but only keep his thoughts in his head and left. Looking at his figure that was leaving, Sophia laughed.

"From tomorrow, I'll see how you don't melt at me. If you're cold, than I can obviously warm you up."

Introducing the future Mrs. Romano

Sophia squinted her eyes as sunlight kissed her face good morning. She rubbed her eyes and groaned in annoyance.

"My future husband should be kissing me good morning but instead I am getting up kissed by the sun." She said as she finally got up and sat on the bed. She glanced at her surroundings when her eyes landed on the figure, lying next to her. Her eyes squinted and then widened.

It was Lorenzo. They slept together last night! Although there was a boundary of pillows between them. She glanced at the bedside clock and saw it was 8 in the morning already. Realising Lorenzo is late for his office, she started shaking him.

"Lorenzo! Get up! Loren!!" But to no avail, he didn't even move.

"Loren! Hey, get up!" Her vigorous shaking worked and Lorenzo yawned and then looked at Sophia. Sophia smiled nervously and he again fell asleep. The smile dropped and soon turned into a frown and Sophia sat on the bed, with crossed arms looking at him. Just a few mins later, the alarm rang and Sophia flinched. Lorenzo straightly woke up. She looked at him dumbfounded as he walked over to the bathroom like a robot. Soon, he came out of the bathroom, fully and properly dressed in his formal look. Sophia's mouth widened including her eyes in surprise.

" must be late for office." She said as Lorenzo looked at her. He pointed at something behind her. Sophia followed his hand and looked behind only to see a huge giant board above the bed, saying Lorenzo's Schedule.

"You have only one rule as my wife." He spoke, causing her eyes to move back to him.

"That is, to never disrupt my daily routine." Saying this, he left the room, leaving a messy Sophia on the bed, drawn to the schedule board.

How can a human maintain his life so much? He has schedule for literally every little thing from morning to night, everything time to time. Sophia thought.

"Seriously? That's why he didn't wake up when I called and just with the sound of alarm he woke up like a machine." She said to herself. She looked and the schedule and started reading it.

"He has time schedule for everything. Sleep, shower, breakfast, reading newspaper, leaving house, everything!"

"He just forgot to add the love making time.." she murmured with her lips pouted and rolling her eyes dramatically as she finally got up for washroom.

By the time, Sophia got ready and came downstairs for breakfast, Lorenzo had already finished eating. Sophia glanced at the clock and it was exactly 9:30. She was again surprised by his time management. Without saying anything, she sat down as the maid served her breakfast.

After she finished her breakfast, she walked to the living room and saw Lorenzo reading newspaper with his glasses on and one leg on top of another. It was his time to read newspaper though his office time at 10. Sophia didn't say anything and sat beside him.

"Where's the remote? I'm going to watch TV." She said to him. Lorenzo pointed at the corner shelf without moving his gaze from the newspaper. Sophia smiled and turned on the TV. She started watching a movie while Lorenzo was in his own world, engrossed in the newspaper. Sophia side eyed him and wondered,

Doesn't he do anything fun in his life?

"Umm, Loren, should we watch a movie together?" She said but was replied with flat voice,

"Lower the volume" Sophia felt dumb. She asked him to join with her but he just said to lower the volume instead? She continued to stare and watch the movie displayed on the wide screen. A scene appeared on the screen which made her feel more disappointed.

"Ugh. I don't know why in every marriage drama the employees of the male lead misbehave with the female lead. Don't they get it that she's the female lead?!" She felt the employees of the movie were very stupid and also felt sad to see the female lead breaking down because of them.

"Get ready, we're leaving." Lorenzo said as he got up and left before Sophia could even say anything. She glanced at the clock and saw it was time to leave for office and smiled.

"Is he going to take me to his office today? How nice! I will get ready very classy today then." She said, making her way to the room.

Sophia came out wearing an off white suit as her long pants showcased the shape of her long, slender legs well. She looked very professional and classy, just as she wanted. She was looking just like how the wife of the CEO of Romano empire should be.

Looking at her god like appearance, Lorenzo who was waiting for her outside, took off his glasses to take a better look at her. Sophia smiled confidently as she stood before him.

"I'm so excited to see your office." She winked at him and Lorenzo took off his gaze off her and signalled her to get inside.

Later in the office,

Sophia stood outside and saw a large bunch of buildings before her. It looks like, The Romano empire did not consist of one but several buildings in a compound. She looked at the entrance where Romano Empire was written with bold letters. Lorenzo held her back and pulled her closer as they walked into the office.

Once they stepped inside, Sophia was welcomed with employees in a row and what made her most shocked was they were greeting her in unison as,

"Mrs. Romano" she smiled as both of them walked together to Lorenzo's office. He stopped and turned around to look at the employees who still had their heads bowed,

"I hope, everyone knows my soon to be wife already." He said as everyone nodded their head quickly in a speed of light, indicating how much strict he was with his employees. He turned to his office and walked in with Sophia who was literally jumping in excitement inside. That's what she expected. A cool dashing cold husband. Men like him were just in a different league for her. However, the moment he got inside, he walked straight to his seat and turned on the laptop.

What? He didn't even welcome me let alone tell me to sit down. Whatever. It's not like, I am someone unfamiliar for him to be so courteous to. She thought and sat down by herself. But as expected, soon Sophia grew bored of sitting like a doll for hours so she started talking to Lorenzo, who was, as usual, looking at his laptop.

"Your office is quite nice and neat." She said while he nodded. She started playing with her fingers as she spoke,

"You know, Loren, Reality is much better than movies. They take years to do a hug in a movie but here, I can hug you whenever I want and moreover all of your employees know and respect me all when in movies they don't even know who is the wife-" she stopped as she glanced at Lorenzo who looked at her blankly and kept his finger to his lips, signalling her to keep quiet. Sophia did the same as he continued his work.

Soon, she again felt bored and now even the phone wasn't showing anything interesting to keep her engaged and she started yawning, indicating that she is sleepy, keeping her head back, she closed her eyes. Time wasn't passing fast at all as she kept moving. She was drowning in sleep as her head started to pain. Sophia finally put her leg down and decided not to sleep here when she has a better place to sleep.

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