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Waking Up Married

Waking up Married.... Literally

I groaned, squinting my eyes, since when do I have white ceilings and do they have to shine so bright? I blinked wondering since when the old mattress his step mom gave him became so comfortable.

"Ugh! Damn it!" I groaned my hand immediately going to the space between my eyes. Fucking hell! It throbbed. I sat up leaning back on the headboard and looking around, that's when it occurs to me that I'm not in my room, I'm not even in my house because there is absolutely the old pantry my aunt gave me as a room has a flat screen TV in it.

The door suddenly creaked open, and I directed my attention to it almost jumping out of the bed, the only thing that stopped me is the way my whole body protests. A middle aged lady walked in.

"Oh goodie, your awake." The lady exclaimed walking into the room with a tray.

"Morning, how do you feel?"

"Like shit," Because I really did feel like shit, then I remembered I don't even know who this woman is or where I am. "Sorry but who are you and where am I?"

She chuckled softly. "In your husbands house off course."

I cocked my head to the side confused.

"Excuse me what?!"

She chuckled again.

"Off course, not married."

She didn't seem convinced. I mean sure I'm an omega but I'm a man and the last time I checked I'm not married.

Her eyes went down to my right hand and I followed her eyes to what she is looking at.

My eyes went wide because there on my left hand, the fourth finger was a wedding ring.

I looked at her then at the ring then back at her then at the ring. "What?!"

Because that seemed to be the only thing I could think of.

"Oh don't worry dear, it's always unbelievable at first, but you'll get used to it eventually." She beamed at me.

"And you're a finest omega married to a dominat Alpha you should feel lucky."

Lucky...... Well that's one way to put it!

"Well sir told me to give you this when you wake up." She dropped the tray in front of me. On it was a bowl with a soup like content in it. "Finish up, it'll help with your headache."

She turned to leave walking towards the door while I stared at the bowl of soup like the answers to the thousand questions in my head would just be in it.

"Oh!" The lady paused, and I raised my head to look at her. "Sir left a message by the bedside table, if you need anything just call."

She then turned and immediately left the room.

"A message?" I turned to look at the bedside table, my attention immediately on the blue colored piece of paper under the lamp, I stretched out and grabbed it, unfolding it. Hopefully this will provide some answers.

It read:

You must feel like shit after drinking so much last night, I told Catherine to give you something for that, don't think too much about where you are and how you got there, we'll talk when I get back.

Those words had a cold tingle to it, it made me shiver and I really wasn't in the mood to take whatever it is that's in that bowl but the pounding hungover told me otherwise.

I sighed dropping the paper back on the bedside table and turning my attention to the bowl of the content.

Three years of his life

Austair stared down at the files that were dropped on his desk by his secretary.

"What are these Rio?" He asked the Beta standing in front of him.

"These are the plans for the project in Boston." He replied.

The raven-haired man nodded.

"The new restaurant."

Rio nodded.

"Yes sir, we need to discuss some things before I send it over to our branch in Seoul."

"Hmm," the alpha hummed leaning back on his chair. "What exactly needs to be discussed?"

Rio stood straight clearing his throat.

"Well sir-" The beta was interrupted by the sound of someone walking in. They both diverted their attention to the dark haired- fair-skinned alpha male. He stopped in front of them.

"We need to talk Austair."

Rio looked between the two Alpha males immediately noticing the tension, he always had a way of telling when the two were about to be at each other's throat, after all the three have been friends for a really long time.

He sighed then looked at Austair. "We'll continue later." He turned and walked away before Austair could even dismiss him.

Once he was out of sight, Austair turned to the other male.

"Okay, what is it Jians?"

He rolled his eyes and folded his hands. "Don't act like you don't know Austair, it's annoying."

Austair chuckled. "Will you stop being all prissy and just sit down let's talk?"

"No." He deadpannes.

" Fine stand!" He threw his hands in the air then sat up. "But I'm really not in the mood to get scolded by you"

"Then maybe you shouldn't have done it."

"Why are you so adamant about this?"

"Because it's wrong."

"Well he knew what he was getting himself into."

"No he didn't Austair, he was drunk."

"It's just three years, three years and then I'm done with him."

"Are you even hearing yourself?" Jians glared at him. "It's still three years of his life, he's a human being."

"But he's an omega, and they are all the same, they're like objects on a shelf just waiting to be bought and used."

"You're a terrible person Austair Prince," Jians scoffed. "A real terrible person."

Austair rolled his eyes. "Tell me something I don't already know."

"We're all humans, nobody deserves to be treated that way, like how would you feel if I treated Vera like that."

Austair's expression changed at the mention of his sisters name, but he soon smiled.

"You won't do that."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because I wouldn't let you marry her if you would."

Jians stayed silent for a while before finally sighing in resignation.

"Just promise me Austair, you won't hurt him, you will take care of him, you'll treat him like he's your partner."

Austair sighed. "I promise." He made the promise, now he's going to have to keep it.

Jians stared at his face for a while then he seemed to be satisfied with what he saw because he turned around and left the office.

Drunk and lucky at the same time.

I sighed pacing up and down the room anxiously, I paused and looked at the clock hanging above the TV.

It's almost midnight and my stupid husband isn't back yet.... God! I can't believe I just thought that, I can't believe I have a husband, somehow this just feels like an exaggerated dream, no scratch that, an exaggerated nightmare, I'm just twenty-one, I'm not ready for marriage, it's just too much. I sighed and flopped down on the bed.

I could have gone to sleep, the old lady had made me take a shower-which I did need- and then brought me a pair of cotton pajamas to change into, really soft ones too, but I just couldn't sleep. It felt hard to that when everything is so confusing and unfamiliar.

I immediately stood up turning to the door hearing it creak open, my eyes immediately landed on the chestnut brown haired- fair-skinned alpha male and gosh how was I so drunk and lucky at the same fucking time he's so- snap out of it Theon. I sighed and turned my gaze to the floor taking a deep breath.

And then he chuckled mockingly. "I thought you were going to keep staring."

And God that voice like Jesus. I took another deep breath, I'm not about to get distracted from what I actually want to say.

I finally looked up at him. He had taken off his suit jacket and tie.

"Why am I here?"

"Because you're my wife." He answered immediately, firmly.

"I'm a man."

"So what?" He shrugged.

"I don't want this!"

"You don't have a choice."

I glared at him. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you signed a contract omega, A contract for three years of marriage with me."

"I was drunk! I didn't know what I was doing, you took advantage of me!"

He chuckled again. Damn that beautiful sound.

"And you think anyone would believe you? It's your word against mine and your word is nothing when it comes to mine." He looked so calm saying those words while I am literally freaking out.

"You can't do this, I don't want this!"

He sighed rubbing his templates, looking annoyed.

"Listen up omega, I didn't mark you, you don't belong to me, it's just marriage, and it's not forever, it's just three years, and then I'll pay you, and you can go on with the rest of your life."

Fucking asshole. "You're a fucking bastard, a fucking bastard." I yelled.

He yawned looking at me with an uninterested look.

I gasped my anger alleviating. "Excuse me, am I boring you?"

He shrugged. "Kinda but no I'm just tired."

He genuinely did look tired, exhausted even. I shook my head, I shouldn't care, the asshole does not deserve my sympathy.

"I'm not done with you."

He sighed. "Can we do this tomorrow? I just want to go to sleep."

Before I could even reply, he began to strip. I wanted to look away but then again I didn't want to, so I didn't.

He dumped his discarded clothes in the laundry basket besides the bathroom and hopped the bed while I just stood there frozen staring at him. He sighed and shut his eyes.

"Stop staring and go to sleep." He opened his eyes when I didn't move. "Now."

I immediately scurried to the bed and laid down, backing him.

I didn't want to listen, but I had to. He's an alpha and Omegas are bound to obey them, to be submissive to them, I hate that, but that's how things are.

I just closed my eyes trying my best to try and just fall asleep, maybe when I wake up tomorrow, it'll just be a dream.

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