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A Dangerous Affair


After 17 year of happy marriage she had an one night stand with her husband’s boss..... She thought it as a one time affair but he had other plans in his mind.. How she forced to continue this affair and whats it outcome will be?? lets see how things ends up..

Chapter 1

I met Jake Adams about two years ago. Monty, my husband and I were attending a company function that evening and Jake was introduced to me as a company supervisor by my husband. My first impressions were that Jake was very attractive and suave. He had an air of confidence about him that was hard to miss. As the evening wore on, I became a little bored by all the business talk and retreated to a quiet corner and sipped at my third glass of wine, content to watch the other guests chatting happily in small groups.

Several times, I noticed Jake watching me. Instead of mingling with the other guests, he was standing just on the fringes and it seemed that each time I looked at him, he would be looking at me, smiling, as if he knew something about me that others did not know.

I could see Monty, his back to me, swinging his hands about as he talked to his friends. I knew that my Husband was in his element and I was just about forgotten to him. Just his wife of several years and easily forgotten at a time like this. I sensed someone moving up beside me and turned to see Jake, smiling broadly, as he stood beside me.

"Goodness, Ms. Lorri, You are much too beautiful to be standing here alone. Surely, you are not bored with all this business talk going on?"

"Well, Just a bit," I replied, smiling back at him. "But I do need to support my husband at meetings like this."

"Oh, Yes! Very important to have wives that support their husbands!" He grinned, looking out toward the group that included Monty. "Monty is an asset to the company and we are glad to have him with us."

"I'm sure that Monty is glad to be a part of this company as well." I said, smiling up at him. "Monty told me that you were a supervisor, but just exactly what do you supervise?"

"Well, Ms Lorri, I am the Personnel Director. I guess you could say that I tell people where to go." I couldn't help smiling at his obvious attempt at humor.

"And what do you do, Ms Lorri?" He asked, "I know from the company records that you are married to Monty and have two daughters. Is that right?"

"Yes, we have been married 17 years." I replied.

"Hmm, and May I ask how old they are?" He asked.

"Sara is 17 and Melissa is 15, now. I responded.

Jake hesitated momentarily as if recalling a vital fact. I was sure, as a personnel supervisor he had already read Monty's file and was aware that the date of our marriage was just slightly more than Sara's date of birth. I never gave it much thought as pregnant brides were not at all uncommon.

"What do you do besides supporting your Husband at boring company events like this?" That mischievous smile flashed across his face again.

"Well, I guess I will have to say I'm a stay at home wife and Mother. Not a very glamorous title I'm sure, but someone has to do It." trying to match his humor.

"Very good!" Jake replied, "Monty and your daughters must be very proud of you!"

Jake and I made small talk for several more minutes and I felt a flush creep over me as I noticed him letting his gaze fall on my breasts. Monty had always praised my breast size as being just right, not too large and not to small. Monty had always encouraged me to "Show them off more" and it appeared that Jake was getting a good look at my cleavage. Perhaps leaving the top two buttons undone and my ¾ cup lace bra was showing them off too much.

Jake offered to get me a fresh drink but I politely refused the drink but remarked that a breath of fresh air was what I needed more than a fresh drink. After three glasses of wine in a warm room I was feeling a little giddy and moved toward the exit sign nearby. I wobbled a little and Jake put a stabilizing

Around my waist and guided me to the door.

Holding the door open for me, I walked past him, feeling the cool evening air on my cheeks and feeling better already. Jake resumed his position at my side and slipped an arm about my waist and guided me to a small alcove. As we stood there, silently, I was very much aware of Jake's presence so close to me.

"You are even more beautiful in the moonlight." He breathed, and his arm tightened around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I knew I should push him away, but I was feeling the wine and his closeness. I turned toward him and put my arms between us, pushing on his chest slightly. "No, Please!" I murmured. "I can't…." His lips crushed down on mine as his arms tightened around me, holding me against him. I struggle briefly, then yielded to the erotic feelings that he was stirring up in me. I just kind of went limp in his arms and opened my lips to his searching tongue.

chapter 2

For long moments we kissed passionately, my arms going around his waist, pulling him to me. I felt his hands pulling at my blouse, and then the coolness of his hands against my warm flesh as his fingers fumbled at the clasp of my bra. The sudden release seemed to excite me more and I arched my breasts out to his searching hands. Jake squeezed and molded my breasts, his fingers pinching and pulling at the erect nipples, all the while his tongue danced against mine.

Breathlessly, we broke from the deep kisses and Jake took a step back, his fingers working on the buttons of my blouse. Seconds later, the blouse and bra was dropped to the floor and Jake gazed down at my full breasts and erect nipples. "Beautiful!!" he whispered and bent his head down to lavish kisses on each of them in turn. As he sucked vigorously on my sensitive nipples, I felt his hand running up the inside of my thighs, reaching the warm wetness of my panties. With all resistance gone, I allowed him to guide my hand to the swollen bulge in his pants.

"Take it out!" he hissed, "You know you want it!" His fingers rubbed steadily against my swollen pussy lips as my own fingers searched and found the zipper to his pants. It made a hissing noise that seemed so loud in the quiet space we occupied. Slowly, my fingers wrapped around the swollen cock, feeling it throbbing as I pulled it into the open. Jake groaned huskily and stepped back, allowing me to get my first look at his raging cock.

Even in the dim light, I could see that it was somewhat larger than Monty's prick. Jakes hands now came up to rest on my shoulders and I felt him pushing me downward. Still holding his cock, I bent over at the waist, the rigid flesh pointing up at me. Slowly, I stuck out my tongue and licked at the bulbous head, tasting the thin, pre-cum juice that was oozing from the tip.

As my lips closed over the swollen head, Jake leaned forward over me, his hand coming under to grasp and squeeze my hanging tits. Slowly, he worked his hips back and forth, driving his cock into my mouth. I could feel him throb against my tongue as he struggled to resist the urge to cum.

All at once, Jake pulled out of my mouth, His cock throbbing violently just beneath my nose. Quickly, he spun me around, bending me over the metal rail of the alcove. He pulled my skirt up around my waist and my panties down around my ankles. He stepped close and his huge cock bumped against my ass-hole. I pulled away slightly and raised my ass upwards and backed up. Jake quickly gasped his cock and slammed it deep into my pussy.

I groaned loudly as I felt it surge into my slick sheath, sliding deeper than anything had ever been before. I felt my cunt lips stretching around the swollen shaft and his balls bouncing against my clit. Jake bent over me and grasped my tit with one hand and manipulated my clit with the other as he drove his cock rapidly in and out of my cunt. I was so close to cumming. The pure lust of the moment caused my insides to tingle and I felt the orgasmic spasm ripple through my belly as my cunt spasms around his throbbing cock. I pushed back against his bucking hips, knowing that his cum was filling my womb.

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