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My Luna Is an Alpha

Intro 1

In the kingdom of Elnora, nestled between mist-covered mountains and lush green valleys, the royal family is revered for their wisdom, grace, and commitment to their people.
King Edward is a steadfast ruler known for his unwavering dedication to justice and diplomacy, respected for his calm demeanor and strategic thinking, often consulting with his advisors before making crucial decisions for the realm.
Luna Henry is loved by the people of Elnora for his compassion and charitable works, actively involved in various philanthropic endeavor. His elegance and poise make him a role model for many in the kingdom.
Crown Prince Eamon, is a charismatic and intelligent young man, groomed from a young age to take on the responsibilities of rulership. He is admired for his leadership qualities and genuine concern for the welfare of his people.
Beside him, he has his loyal mate Royal Omega Alden who is revered for his diplomacy, strategic acumen, and dedication to the welfare of the people.
Omega Prince Shane is known for his grace and kindness. He is desperate to meet his mate.
The youngest of the royals, Prince Chris is a spirited and adventurous soul, known for his sharp wit and unwavering sense of duty.
The Kingdom of Elnora is renowned for respecting their omegas.
An omega marrying in this kingdom is considered lucky.
But the omegas of this kingdom face their worst nightmare if they get married in any other kingdom.
They are stripped of their freedom and choices.

Intro 2

The Kingdom Silver crest placed omegas and betas in subordinate roles compared to alphas and enigmas
They have limited legal rights.
They are expected to fulfill traditional roles as wives, mothers, and caretakers of the household. Their social status and respect often depends on their ability to bear children, especially alphas/enigmas.
In general, the place of wives is at the feet of their husbands.
David Dawson (ML
David Dawson (ML's dad) (A)
A ruthless emperor, known for his conservative thoughts, but loves his wife.
Alex Dawson (ML
Alex Dawson (ML's mom) (O)
Despite being the Luna of the kingdom, he has no right to point out his opinion on matters. However, he is respected for giving birth to an enigma. He regrets not being able to raise his sons properly and to teach them to respect their wives. Loves his son in laws.Loves his husband a lot but doesn't like some of his decisions.
The three princes of the kingdom follow their father's path. Do not respect omegas except their mom.
Daniel Dawson (ML
Daniel Dawson (ML's brother)(A)
The first prince. Very cruel, especially to his omega, James.
James Dawson (ML
James Dawson (ML's brother in law)(O)
He had always been told that he has to respect, love and support his alpha no matter what he does. So he follows it even after suffering by his husband's hands, for years.
Joseph Dawson (ML
Joseph Dawson (ML's brother)(A)
The second prince. Cold and indifferent to everyone except his brothers. He does not have a mate yet. Not excited about his mate much.
Ethan Dawson (ML) (E)
Ethan Dawson (ML) (E)
The youngest prince. The crown prince because he is an enigma. Cruel, takes after his father, but much worse than him

Chapter 1

In the halls of the palace of Elnora, the youngest prince was walking gracefully towards his brother Shane's chamber.
The servants were following behind the 16-year-old excited prince with a lot of gifts.
They reached in front of Shane's chamber and told a servant to inform the prince of his presence.
Servant 1
Servant 1
The prince is already waiting for you.☺
Chris enters
Chris White (MC) (A)
Chris White (MC) (A)
You knew I would come. I wanted to surprise you. 😗
Shane White (MC
Shane White (MC's brother)(O)
You always come early in the morning baby even before sun comes 🤭
Chris White (MC) (A)
Chris White (MC) (A)
I wanted to be the first one to wish you. 😗
Chris White (MC) (A)
Chris White (MC) (A)
Happy birthday brother🤗
Shane White (MC
Shane White (MC's brother)(O)
Thank you and you are the first one to wish me ☺
Chris White (MC) (A)
Chris White (MC) (A)
After some time in the dining hall
Everyone: Happy birthday baby.
Henry White (MC
Henry White (MC's mom) (O)
What do you want to eat today
Alden White(MC
Alden White(MC's brother in law) (O)
We'll make it for you
Shane White (MC
Shane White (MC's brother)(O)
Anything *tensed+sad*
Chris White (MC) (A)
Chris White (MC) (A)
I know just what to make for you
Chris White (MC) (A)
Chris White (MC) (A)
wait here
Everyone else: we'll help
Alden White(MC
Alden White(MC's brother in law) (O)
*Look at Eamon and Edward*
Alden White(MC
Alden White(MC's brother in law) (O)
Dad you want to reconstruct this palace?
Edward White (MC
Edward White (MC's dad) (A)
We are not so bad at cooking son🥲
Henry White (MC
Henry White (MC's mom) (O)
Yes you two are worse
Eamon White (MC
Eamon White (MC's brother)(A)
They start arguing and making fun of each other, while Chris goes inside the kitchen, makes choco lava cake and comes out to find them still arguing.
Chris White (MC) (A)
Chris White (MC) (A)
Everyone else: 🤤
Henry White (MC
Henry White (MC's mom) (O)
At least my baby Chris knows how to cook
Alden White(MC
Alden White(MC's brother in law) (O)
His omega will be so lucky😍
Eamon White (MC
Eamon White (MC's brother)(A)
*the one jealous of his brother
Edward White (MC
Edward White (MC's dad) (A)
*the one jealous of his son
Chris White (MC) (A)
Chris White (MC) (A)
Hehehe *nervous laugh*. Let's eat
Shane White (MC
Shane White (MC's brother)(O)
*The one who started eating as soon as he saw the cake. 😋
Eamon and Edward: I'm angry😤
Henry White (MC
Henry White (MC's mom) (O)
So you'll not eat?
Alden White(MC
Alden White(MC's brother in law) (O)
That's good more cake for us🤤
Eamon White (MC
Eamon White (MC's brother)(A)
Edward White (MC
Edward White (MC's dad) (A)
(I'm king?) 🥲

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