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Chasing Rain


...Chasing Rain...

...Drama / Romance...

...This story contains themes of: assault, attempted rape, cheating, child abuse, depression, drug use overdose, eating disorders, extreme violence gore, miscarriage, offscreen rape, self-harm, sexual assault abuse, stalker, suicide, torture...

...Rain Carter unintentionally brought her little heaven to hell. Damien Black intentionally brought his hell upon the little heaven. But as we know hell and heaven can't stick together for long and when the underworld is involved, well happiness is a mirage and the only thing that is destined to come is death. ~*~ Damien had scars on his body but his past was forgotten and Rain had scars in her heart with a past to relive. ~*~ Meet Rain Carter, a caring single mother to her beautiful mute daughter Amber. She already has a fiancé whom she plans to marry maybe not out of love but for her daughter. But all her plans came crashing down when her daughter is in the operation chamber and the father's bone marrow is required. Meet Damien Black also known as a beast of a man, a ruthless billionaire tycoon and the king of underworld. He has no plans of settling down. But when the same woman who he had slapped four years ago comes back to his office, on her knees, begging to give her daughter his bone marrow. All his plans come crashing down. Now Damien is more than shocked when his DNA matches with Amber's. Now wanting his woman and daughter back. We need to see how far the beast can go. ~*~ When you think the story has ended that is the place it will all start again....

...Rain Carter unintentionally brought her little heaven to hell. Damien Black intentionally brought his hell upon the little heaven. But as we know hell and heaven can't stick together for long and when the underworld is involved, well happiness is a mirage and the only thing that is destined to come is death. ~*~ Damien had scars on his body but his past was forgotten and Rain had scars in her heart with a past to relive. ~*~ Meet Rain Carter, a caring single mother to her beautiful mute daughter Amber. She already has a fiancé whom she plans to marry maybe not out of love but for her daughter. But all her plans came crashing down when her daughter is in the operation chamber and the father's bone marrow is required. Meet Damien Black also known as a beast of a man, a ruthless billionaire tycoon and the king of underworld. He has no plans of settling down. But when the same woman who he had slapped four years ago comes back to his office, on her knees, begging to give her daughter his bone marrow. All his plans come crashing down. Now Damien is more than shocked when his DNA matches with Amber's. Now wanting his woman and daughter back. We need to see how far the beast can go. ~*~ When you think the story has ended that is the place it will all start again....


Third Person POV

Four years ago


The pregnancy test stated positive. Not once, not twice but thrice it stated positive.

"What's the result dear?", the anxious old woman standing outside the bathroom door asked.

Rain was too shocked to listen to her nana's words. She was pregnant. At the age of eighteen she was pregnant. Not with her boyfriend only if she had one but because of a foolish nightstand.

"Rain! For God sake open the door.", her best friend Sam shouted from outside.

Rain took a deep breath and turned around to twist the silver color nob. But her hands were shaking, how will she face her grandparents and her best friend.

"Rain, dear."

This time it was her nanu who held the shoulder of his worried wife.

"You can do it Rain.", Rain urged to herself in the broken voice.

She twisted the knob and came out of the bathroom. Seeing her tearful eyes, the whole room went silent. The only noises which could be heard was that of the ticking of the cloak and Rain's soft sobs.

"I am pregnant.", Rain cried out.

"Oh dear.", the old woman held the shaking girl in her frail arms.

"Its okay dear.", the old man with white moustache said in a comforting way.

Rain slowly shook her head. She knew it was not right. She knew it was not a part of her perfect plan.

"It's not.", she yelled at the top of her lungs.

She fell on the ground with a thud and soon she cradled her face in her tiny hands. She didn't know what to do now. Yes that night was full of raw yet gentle passion but both the persons were drunk and complete strangers.

"Doll look at me.", her best friend, Sam gently removed her hand from her face as he took a closer look at her.

Her hair were entangled at strange angles. Her cheeks and nose were red from crying. Her blue eyes were red from crying and held guilt decorated with thick beads of transparent pearl like tears.

"I am eighteen, Sam. I have disappointed you all. What if I don't get a job? What if my body can't handle the baby? Would anyone want me? What will mom and dad think of me? They must be disappointed with me. I should be ashamed. How could I have been so foolish. Really a night stand. Why did I get drunk? Why did I .......

"Rain, sshh. Just calm down. Take a deep breath.", Sam said looking in her watery eyes.

"Its alright."

He hugged her tightly as she sobbed in his chest. Slowly and slowly it felt too much for her to keep her eyes open as the dark sang a lullaby to her making her go in a deep slumber.

Sam held the girl in a bridal style and laid her in her bed.

"Let's all go down.", the old man said softly to make sure he didn't wake the sleeping girl.

The other members of the trio nodded their head as they made their way down to the drawing room. Everyone had millions of thoughts in their minds. After all they all were selflessly worried about Rain.

"I shouldn't have left her alone in the club."

It was the first thing to be heard in the drawing room. Sam was mentally cursing himself for leaving his doll all alone in the club.

"It is too late to think that Samuel Octavis.", the old woman said in a tone that made Sam wince.

"Noma, we can always go for abortion.", the old man suggested.

“That can't be our decision. It is up to Rain.", the old woman stated.

No one knew how long this fight went between the trio but soon after a while the screeching of the wooden steps could be heard. The screeching made everyone go silent as all of then turned their eyes towards the five feet two inch figure that was descending down the stairs.

Rain came in view as she matched her eyes with everyone present in the room.

"I will keep the baby.", she said softly as a glee lit in her eyes. She pondered upon it for a while and maybe she was not prepared but still she will keep the baby. After all it's her baby.

"I will have a great grand child.", Noami said with utter delight. Forgotten was the thought of the foolish night stand. Both the men in the room could not agree anymore as their happiness laid in the happiness of the women in the room.

"But we need to inform the father.", Walton said thoughtfully.

"Yes Rain, we can't keep such a thing. Who is the father?", Noami asked her while gently putting a hand on her left shoulder.

Now Rain's mouth became completely dry thinking about telling the name to her family. Yes, she remembered it. She can't forget such a handsome face and his name ever in her life. He looked like an Adonis walking on Earth. But his personality was the complete opposite. He was known as the beast because of his ruthless and cruel behavior which was almost inhumane.

"Damien Black.", she whispered as tears blurred her vision.

Noami put a hand on her mouth to stop herself from gasping. Everyone was silent. No one knew what to say. Everyone in the town thought of him as a beast. Rumors or not.

"You should talk to him tomorrow.", Sam advices to which Rain nod her head.

Time took an eternity to fly but now Rain was standing in front of a beautiful building having 90 floors. She felt out of place in her sundress but still she had to do it.

"You can do it.", she pushed herself as she moved inside the building alone. Yes alone, she refused to bring anyone with her. She wanted to do this alone, all by herself.

"Excuse me.", she asked politely to the receptionist as her palms became clammy with sweat. She tried her best to not palpitate. She was a complete introvert and talking to people always made her nervous.

"How can I help you?", the receptionist asked in monotone as she has memorized this line.

"Can I meet Mr. Damien Black?", Rain asked nervously under the receptionist's judgmental eyes.

"Do you have an appointment?", she asked curtly.

Rain shook her head.

"Then I can get you an appointment for next month.", she said.

Next month. That's too much time. She needs to meet him now.

"Please, it is urgent. I just need five minutes. It's really urgent."

Rain begged her and to which the receptionist sighed and reached to her landline phone that was kept beside her.

"Good morning, sir."

"Umm, a girl wants to meet you. She says it is urgent."

The receptionist held her palm on the speaking end of the cordless landline as she asked Rain her name.

"Its Rain, sir.", the receptionist replied through the phone.

She looked towards Rain as she asked her to look towards the camera that was placed above the receptionist's head. Rain gave into her request or more like order to look up at the camera and soon the receptionist told her that she can go and meet him.

Rain nodded her head and made her way to the 15th floor. The ride in the lift was filled with nervousness and anxiety. So many questions were revolving in her head.

Soon see was standing in front of a door with the golden name plate saying the CEO of Black Enterprise. She knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

"Come in.", said a deep husky voice that made a pleasurable chill ran down Rain's spine. She remembered this voice.

Rain twisted the knob and entered the room. The room looked spacious and beautiful but she had no time to admire it.

"You have five minutes to say whatever you want to say.", the man sitting on the front desk said arrogantly as he kept himself engrossed in some type of paperwork.

"I am pregnant.", Rain blurted out.

These words caught Damien off guards as he stood up from his chair elegantly and made his way to Rain.

"What's your name?", Damien asked the timid girl.

"Rain. Rain Carter.", she replied though she was quite shocked that he didn't remember her name.

"So you believe you are pregnant with my child.", Damien asked with an emotionless face to which Rain nodded her head.

Damien sighed as he ran his hand through his thick black hair.

He assessed the girl from top to bottom. She was trembling in fear. Though he enjoyed fear but somehow her fear tugged something in his heart.

But why?

"You know the reason I let you meet me was because you looked different from the sluts that have come here before. But now I know you are no different. Also for your kind information I always remember the girls I have slept with and I don't remember you.", Damien said arrogantly.

"I am not lying to you.", Rain said with her new found confidence.

"Listen woman I have no time for your crap so just leave me alone and take care of the upcoming bastard on your own.", Damien said dismissing her.

Now Rain was beyond angry. Everything was fine to her but no one calls her baby bastard.

"How dare you! First of all I am not lying and then you call the baby a bastard.", Rain raised her voice.

Damien's body was now filled with anger. One thing he could not tolerate was disrespect and Rain was disrespecting him. Damien closed the gap between them and pressed Rain's arm painfully.

"Repeat, what you said?", Damien challenged Rain while squeezing her arms painfully.

"I said how dare you sick man. You are a bastard", Rain said in a raised voice while pronouncing each word clearly though she was terrified from inside.

“Sir forgive me please. I want make this mistake ever again. Please don't hurt me anymore. Mama help me. Please mama I can't. I can't take this pain any longer. Please let me go out of the basement."

The twelve year old terrified boy cried out. The whipping was too much. His whole back was bleeding but sir wasn't ready to stop.

He didn't care Damien was his son.

“You bastard!", sir roared.

“You deserve to be punished.", Damien's mother completed.


The word echoed in Damien's mind as he couldn't control his next action.

Soon a loud noise was heard in the room.

Damien has slapped Rain.

Rain has fallen down on the ground with tears in her eyes and one hand clutching her stomach.

"This is what I do to people who disrespect me.", Damien said though he knew he didn't slap her because she disrespected him but because she used that word.

But as soon as he saw Rain holding her stomach. Something flipped in him. He wanted to bent down and help her but he couldn't.

“Emotions are the biggest weakness of a man you are no man but beast."

“Leave and never show me your face again.”, Damien ordered.

After this Rain quickly gathered herself and rushed out of the room, promising herself that this was the last time she had ever seen his face.

She put a hand on her stomach.

“Don't worry baby. We will do it together."

...Not knowing what destiny has planned for them....

Play Way

There is no relation purer than that with your mother and there is no relationship sinner than that with your


Rain POV

Sometimes words are not important to express yourself and this is how I describe my relationship with my daughter.

She was born mute and yes no operation can change this fact. At the beginning it was difficult to handle her. She could not cry like normal babies. She has tears in her eyes but there was no sound to her sobs.

When she was still in my womb and I was told that I was expecting a daughter, I was in an euphoria. I always wanted a daughter. It was quite selfish of me but what can I say I wanted to relive my childhood and through her explore the treasured childhood again.

But two months before my delivery, I stumbled down the stairs. I was rushed to the hospitals. The doctors believed I would have a stillbirth but no, my baby was strong and she survived. But when the doctors tapped her back to make her cry, she had tears in her eyes but no voice left her tiny mouth. Later it was discovered that her voice box was not completely developed.

A piece of me broke that day thinking that she would never call me mommy but what can we say? The god was generous enough to provide me with a daughter ever after that fatal fall so I never complained and happily accepted her.

I felt someone tugging at the hem of my sundress, I looked down to see my baby holding the biggest smile on her face with a ball in her tiny hands.

"Honey you again got lost in your thoughts. Aren't you doing it to often these days?"

My dear nana asked me. I know she was teasing me. After my second last break up nana was behind me to marry my fiance so that my daughter could get a father figure. But I am not ready to take that step. But I also know she just wants the best for me. After all she is like wait not like, she is my mother.

She was looking at me with a raised eyebrow waiting for my sarcastic remark but before I could give her what she wanted, I heard someone clapping.

I looked down at Amber who was impatiently looking in my direction and pointing the ball towards me. I know what she meant. She was reminding her forgetful mother that they were suppose to go to the park.

I picked her petite body in my arms as I cooed her,

"We will leave just in a moment."

I put her down and her face fell. Like always she expected me to carry her in my arms but I couldn't do that because the pregnancy made me real weak and carrying her meant me fainting due to exhaustion. She is not chubby. Infact due to being born premature, she is still underweight but still I couldn't fulfill this want of hers.

At these moments I wished she had a dad. Someone who was capable of holding her. Amber looked a lot like her father. She got his grey eyes along with my platinum blonde hair. Also her face structure was a lot like him. But he could never be a part of our family.

Pushing that thought aside, I looked towards nana. Her eyes held empathy. She knew full well what I was thinking so she mouthed a take care and relax. I simply nodded my head.

“We are leaving.”, I announced.

"Take care my cupcakes.", nana said as she waved her hand and Amber enthusiastically returned her wave. I chuckled at her adorable act. I gave her my pinky finger and she wrapped her tiny right palm around it.

Soon we were walking into the park. I had a bag on my back which had all the necessities Amber could require whereas Amber was carrying her favorite ball with the design of some trees. Strange, girls of her age like cartoon but she is more interested in the nature, something we can see and feel.

But now it was time for me to focus on my mission. Mission 'Getting Amber To Make Friends'.

My last boyfriend Darius was good to me but behind my back he use to mentally abuse my two year old by telling her how I would leave her or how I didn't love her. My Amber is a smart child and at the tender age of two and a half she could understands everything. Due to this reason she started living in my shadow and stayed away from every stranger.

But I want my daughter to be strong and fight this cruel world unlike my timid self. Otherwise she would have a tough time adjusting to this world just like me who is still trying.

I looked down at Amber who was now holding the hem of my sundress. Then I looked in front of me to see kids her age playing.

"Amber go and make friends.", I told her but she just shook her head.

I sighed and bend down to her level. I need to make her understand the importance of friends. Otherwise like me she would be stuck with only one friend.

She pushed the ball in my direction and then pointed towards the park. She wanted me to play with her.

As I shook my head her face fell as she let go of the ball and held my right hand.

"Honey, momma can't always stay with you.", I said truthfully. How much it hurt to say these words but they were true. Someday she would be on her own.

She again shook her head with tears in her eyes listening to my words. My daughter is extremely sensitive just like me.

She then combed through her thick, silky platinum blonde locks which indicated me and then locked both her palms together. I knew what she meant. She just wanted to say that we both will stay together. Then she tightly hugged me. Oh my poor baby! It hurts to see her cry. I patted her back softly till the time she didn't calm down and then wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes.

With this I gave up. Maybe today is just not that day. Well the so called mission can wait because right now I need to play with my baby.

So this is how we spent our Sunday and I utterly enjoyed it because it was the only day I got to spent with my daughter. Because being an editor in the local publishing house kind of took a lot of energy.

The next day came quite fast and after getting ready for the day ahead, I woke up Amber. The trick was quite simple you just need to tickle her. After she was awake I carried her to the bathroom and made her do her morning routine. After that I dressed my baby and we both made our way down to have our breakfast.

"Morning my princesses.", nanu said as he sat on the breakfast table reading a newspaper.

"Morning nanu.", I greeted the fatherly figured man. Also the second sweetest man after my dad. Amber let go of my hand and went to hug nanu’s legs.

"Who is this?", nanu cooed as he picked up Amber and placed her on his lap.

"Where is my morning chocolate?", nanu asked to which Amber placed a kiss on his right cheek.

"Yummy that was sweet but I want another one?", nanu asked while pouting. Amber covered her mouth to stop the soundless giggle.

I left them to continue their selves as I made my way to the kitchen.

"May I help you your highness?", I asked my nana in a fake british accent who was busy taking out the chocolate chip cookies from the oven.

"Just help your mistress serve them breakfast. Will ya naught?", my nana replied in the same accent as mine. We both were failing miserably. We both laughed at our silliness as we served the breakfast.

I started feeding Amber and myself. My daughter is smart and can surely eat on her own but when it comes to such thing she likes her mama doing it for her.

"Honey you know that....", my nana started but I interrupted her as I completed her line which she always says to me and to which I have the same reply.

"You can work in our bakery and this way you can even keep an eye on Amber. But no thanks because I want to do something different and I know that you would be able to take care of Amber."

Nana sighed and nanu chuckled whereas Amber was busy munching her cookie.

Soon we all left the house. I showered Amber with kisses and then kissed the cheeks of both nana and nanu as I made my way to my beaten up but still working car as they drove along with Amber to the bakery. It was our own bakery.

Soon I was in my work place with piles of paper lying pending on my desk. I groaned. This is why I hate Mondays.

Soon I got busy in my work to such an extent that I didn't see my boss, Mac making his way to be. It was only after his breathe famed at my neck that I realized he was there.

There are two thing you need to know about Mac. Firstly he has bad breath and I don't know why doesn't he uses a mouth freshener and secondly he is a big pervert. Infact he has slept with all the women in the publishing house except for me.

How good looking he is that bad is his personality.

I mentally let go of a frustrated sigh. I put up one of my best fake smile as I turned in his direction.

"Do you want something sir?", I asked politely but with a hint of irritation.

"You.", he said while smirking. So egoistic.

Son of a duckling!

"I want you in my cabin right know.", he said as I nodded my head.

"Can I come after completing my work?", I asked his retreating figure to which he nodded.

I sighed.

I know his meetings with me. His meetings are nothing professional but just a way to charm me so that he gets me where he wants. In his bed.

I continued with my work as time passed with its own pace. Slow for some and super fast for others. I continued with editing the stories and lunch time came soon. I called nana to know about Amber and after that I again got lost in my work. I had to much work today that I didn’t have anytime for lunch.

Soon it was eight and I went inside the cabin of my boss. He was sitting on the plush couch as I reached him.

"What you wanted to talk about sir?", I asked him politely.

"Rain, how many times I have told you to call me Mac in private.", the chicken head stated to which I nodded my head. Chicken head, it suits him. Well mac and cheese is also fine but chicken head is better.

"Rain, tomorrow is a gala in the town and I want to take you as my date."

Date my foot. I won't ever dare go anywhere with such a man.

"Chick..I mean Mac I am sorry but I can't. You see my daughter doesn't sleep without me.", I said making a apologetic face.

Well yes she doesn't sleep without me but she manages to sleep with Nana and Nanu.

"Well you can bring your daughter too.", chicken head stated.

Well this can happen. Amber would love to go to a gala but again taking her with this chicken head was not the best idea.

"No Mac, Amber doesn't like such parties.", I lied. Whereas she loves going to places that have ample of food.

"Very well then but what about a date with me. Maybe somewhere else?", chicken head asked suggestively.

Will this chicken head ever learn. Well let me answer, never.

"Sorry Mac, I don't date.", I told him clearly.

I already have a fiance so I have no need to date. But because of some insecurity reasons of my own I have not shared this news with people outside my house. I am still getting used to having a fiance.

Before that chicken head could any of his cheesy pick up lines just like his name I continued.

"I need to leave Mac. My daughter must be waiting."

Chicken head nodded his head in understanding. Thank God he got some brain. I quickly left the room before he could change his decision.

I rushed out of the building. The air was chilly but before I could hop inside my car, my phone rang. I looked at the screen of my phone. It was from nanu. Must be worried about me. He still things I am a small child. But with what happened with me, he has all rights to be worried.

"Rain, we are taking Amber to the hospital. Come there soon."

Before I could ask them something the line went silent.

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